Love Me Crazy

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Love Me Crazy Page 28

by Camden Leigh

  “Cassie,” he breathes. He rolls me quickly, tops me, and pushes my skirt up. “God, you’re so fucking wet.”

  “You tend to have that effect on me.”

  He smiles. “I think it’s just your thing.” His tongue meanders from my ear to my collarbone.

  I pull him against me to stop the shiver moving over my skin. His fingers graze me lightly, then rip my panties down. I help remove the obstruction and pull him over me.

  “Make love to me, Quinn.”

  “Any day. Every day.” His tip presses against me. His mouth devours my breast, teases my nipple as his teeth graze over my skin.

  I arch toward him, wanting him to claim all of me with his beautiful mouth. I claw at his side like he’s all that’s left between me and freedom. He’s so strong. So giving. Gentle. So mine.

  He pushes past all my barriers—physically joining me, mentally coveting me, and emotionally opening me. I hold my breath, close my eyes, and savor his entry into my heart. Into my soul. Into me deeply. I inhale briskly, enjoying how it feels to be so close to someone. To want that person to know every part of you, inside and out. And he does; he knows me so well. Our breaths align, our kisses smother, and God, the feeling. I push into my hands, lifting me toward him. He wraps his arms around my body, shifts to his knees and pulls me against him, holding me close as we find success. Together.

  Our bodies collide in passion and heat. One final stroke pushes me up, up, up into the trees. Past the mossy tendrils, past the clouds, right up to the stars. I call out his name, quiver around him, lock against him. Biting my lip, I wish for this to never end. Together, we ease back, still connected. Together we roll to our sides, still connected. Together we are at our best. A connection neither of us can deny.

  This man, I love. As much as I’ve hated in the past, I love him more.

  “Quinn,” I whisper as I paint his features with my fingertips. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” He kisses my nose. Kisses the heart-shaped freckle over my brow. “I love you like Sunday. The day after Ellie’s wedding. You in my arms. You staying. Forever,” he says.

  “That’s it?” I tease.

  “I love you like Saturday. Dancing the waltz.”

  I shiver and bury into him for warmth.

  “I love you like Friday. Spoons and vodka and staying in my bed.” He draws out all the memories of how we became us.

  I wrinkle my nose. “Sex in your bed would’ve been better.”

  He laughs. “I love you like Thursday, making love to you whether you’re indigo or not.” He kisses my lips, tucks his hands around my ass, and absorbs me. “And I love you like Wednesday when I revealed my tattoos and my secrets. And Tuesday, the day you threatened a turkey and landed in my life. And today, Monday. Any and every day you’re with me, I love you, Cassie.”

  I drift my gaze over his chest and tease the corner of my mouth with my teeth. I follow his barbed vine tattoo to the speared heart and trace the indigo wings he’d chosen to camouflage the arrows. He said he didn’t need a reminder anymore. He said his heart was whole again.

  “Like pecans and peaches and huge live oaks,” I say as I take his hand from my hip. “Like Spanish moss, magnolias, and cheese grits. Secret gardens, poetry, and indigo.” I cuddle up to him. “Like fireflies over the swamp and gentle sweet lovemaking. Both just. Like. Fire.”

  He strokes my back with his fingers and I close my eyes. Completely happy to stay in his arms like this until the sun comes up. Until the day after. The year after that.

  I press my lips against his dimple. “I love you, Quinn. I love you irrationally and completely and obsessively.”

  He lets out a lazy laugh. “I love you crazy, too.”


  This story came about because of my move to New England and the southern traditions, hospitality and lifestyle I took for granted growing up. Though I make it home several times a year, I miss certain aspects terribly. I thought, what if the tables were turned? Cassidy, that lucky-duck, gets to experience and appreciate what I miss most—warm nights, lightning bugs, swaying Spanish moss, the most delicious foods, farmland for miles, and the friendliest, kindest, most welcome people in the world, and some that aren’t, but every barbecue has a little sour sauce.

  That being said, Cassidy and Quinn’s story wouldn’t have been possible without the many people who welcomed them like family. Never have I ever wanted to thank so many wonderful people at one time. I am forever grateful!

  My family deservers 200% of my gratitude for the many times I said, “Just let me finish this page,” no matter how many times I repeated it. So, kids, let me finish this page so I can thank you for it! To my husband for taking on early morning kid duty and bringing me multiple cups of coffee, and grocery shopping, and making sure we eat, and keeping me sane—I love you crazy! To my parents, thank you for your support in every “passion” I’ve taken up; I think this one will stick. If it doesn’t, maybe I’ll finally put my college degree to use...

  To my agent, Jessica Sinsheimer, thank you, thank you, thank you for the check-ins when I’ve gone into silent-writer-mode, for your words of encouragement and advice, for humoring my need for Type-A charts and color-coded notes, and the many shared cyber-chais! Thanks to my publisher, Bloomsbury Spark, and their wonderful team, for loving this story as much as I do.

  To my editors... Meredith Rich, thank you for knowing what to cut when every word seems so dang important, and when to expand for the sake of Cassidy and Quinn’s relationship. To Hannah Milton, if I hide a needle in a haystack, I’ll bet on you being the first to find it! Thanks for your attention to detail and consistency. To Juli Barbato, thank you for keeping all my commas under control. And to the talented team behind the cover, including the artist, Jenny Zemanek, thanks for allowing me to be a team-player. Your dedication and patience deserves applause!

  To my critique partner, I’d like to say: thank you for the years of support, helping me avoid the hokey-pokey and for being ready and available when I send chapters your way. Most of all, thanks for enhancing my life with friendship, GIFs (Oh, Yes I Did!) and nonsense texts about conferences, mom-jeans, men-for-hire (or not), duct tape to keep you quiet and, of course, plotting.

  Thanks, also, to my Beta Babes. Y’all. Are. The. Best! No one is more deserving of infinity hugs and thanks! D.H. from Sea Island Indigo, thank you for being so receptive when I dropped a billion questions about indigo in your lap.

  And Charleston, dear, sweet, beautiful South Carolina... Dum spiro spero. Always!

  Bloomsbury Publishing, London, New Delhi, New York, Oxford, and Sydney

  Copyright © 2016 by Camden Leigh

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved.

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  This electronic edition published in 2016

  First published in October 2016

  by Bloomsbury Spark, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, Inc.

  For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Bloomsbury Spark, 1385 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 Bloomsbury books may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at [email protected]

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request

  eISBN: 9781681193229

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  Cover design by Jenny Zamenak




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