Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4)

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Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4) Page 14

by Toye Lawson Brown

  “Help her!” barked Iona. “Help her please.”

  A piece of the railing broke off and sailed downward, toward the rushing waters of the swelled river. Ryan planted his foot in the dirt and rested his hand on the glass of the driver’s window to steady the rocking car. “Look at me, Iona you have to be still. If you keep jerking around, we’ll all go down the river. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, yes. Anything. Just get me out of this car,” she cried. “I don’t want to die in this car.”

  He reached for the door handle to steady his balance. It was damaged; the handle partially sheared off. Ryan reached over Iona and touched Megan’s arm that way lying across the armrest. She was warm but unconscious and bleeding from the nose and mouth. He proceeded to cut the seatbelt holding Iona trapped. Reassuring himself that everything was okay, which it obviously wasn’t. He had to keep his mind on freeing Iona and then get to Megan before their weight toppled the car, taking them all down the Cuyahoga River.

  He spoke into the radio. “Chief, we need to secure the car better. I don’t trust the weight and the wind is rocking it too hard.” As if listening to him, the soggy soil gave an ominous creak below his feet. The car sank and tilted forward. Ryan braced his hand on the dash as if that would keep the car from falling. “Can we get some rope through the door frames and secure it to the trees?”

  “We’re working on it although the car is severely damaged. Get the first victim out and evacuate the vehicle, Tisdale. A fire has erupted under the hood it won’t take long before it spreads,” Chief Murad ordered.

  He pushed his helmet back on his head. “Negative, Sir. I’m not leaving until I get my wife out of this car. My wife is pinned in the back seat. She’s badly hurt.”

  Jon turned to Nick. “Did you hear what he said? Did he say Megan is in the car?”

  Nick wiped the rain from his face nervously. “Yeah, he did! Fuck, we gotta do something now!”

  Jon turned to Murad. “Chief…”

  “I know, Lieutenant. Get the car secured at the rear axles so we can get all of them out alive.”

  Jon broke the glass and looked through the passenger side door and said, “Ryan, don’t move for a few minutes.” He pointed at the front, where the bumper was hanging treacherously over the water. “If we put any more weight on the car, we could send it right into the water. We’re going to see if there is a way to secure it from the back once we get the fire out.”

  Ryan nodded pulling on the bent steering wheel. “I can get the first victim free, but she is pinned against the steering wheel. Have someone come around to my side so I can pass her off to them. Once we get her out, it should ease the weight on the car. Then I can get Megan out safely.”

  “I’m on it!” Jon shouted back.

  Firefighters secured the rear of the car to the Engine 30 hoping that would keep it from sinking further into the muddy sandbank. As Steve backed the truck up, the bumper broke off and the rear axle bent.

  Nick shook his head looked at Jon. “It’s not going to hold, Jon. The car is too damaged to put any stress on it. The only thing we can do is manually pull the car to dry ground. Then he can extricate Megan’s mom. He’ll have to get out so we can do it.”

  “Damn. He’s under pressure in there to save two people. Get the guys on it. Otto has two men down below just in case the car falls.”

  “You know he is not going to leave, Jon. He will give his life to save Megan,” Nick said. He knew how firefighters were and would not leave a victim behind, especially a family member.

  “I have to try.” He walked over to the car and bent down. “Ryan, you’re going to have to get out until we can stabilize the car and bring it on flat land. It’s the safest way to get Megan out.”

  Ryan shook his head. “I’m not leaving Megan behind, Jon. If this car goes, I’m going with her.”

  Iona’s eyes widened. “Please. Don’t let Megan die, Ryan. If you have to leave me, do it. Get my daughter out first, please.”

  In a calming voice he replied. “I’m going to get everyone out. Can you move your legs?”

  “Yes, but the steering wheel is digging into my stomach. I can barely breathe.”

  Ryan tried to keep from looking at Megan. He looked up at Jon. “I need a saw. I can’t get the wheel to budge using my hands and bring a couple of blankets.”

  They heard Nick yell. “He’s good to go for now. The fire is out, but he has to work fast.”

  Jon gave Nick the thumbs up. “Okay, you heard what he said. Work fast. We don’t know how long the car will hold together,” Jon repeated to Ryan.

  Thunder rumbled and penetrated the cacophony of the noise as Ryan cut through the steering wheel. He pulled it apart releasing Iona. She cried out in pain. “My stomach—it’s on fire.”

  He yelled. “I need a backboard! The victim has possible internal injuries. Iona, breathe through your mouth to ease the pain, okay? These two firefighters behind me are going to take care of you while I work to free Megan.”

  As Iona was pulled from the car, she stopped to say to Ryan. “I will stop meddling; I’ll no longer be a know-it-all if you save my baby. I swear. Ryan, please save her.”

  “Don’t make any promises you can’t keep, Iona,” he said easing his weight over the front seat and to the back of the car.

  The front of the car had stopped teetering, and even though he heard the groan of the car straining to stay upright, he concentrated on getting Megan free. The blood running from her nose was not a good sign. She could have a head injury. He looked around. From what he could tell, she had been sitting in the front seat but the force of the accident broke the seat and threw her to the back. The mechanism holding the seatbelt was torn completely apart from the side panel of the car and wrapped around her neck.

  Megan moaned but did not open her eyes. The smoke was heavy in the car as he moved pieces of glass and metal to get in a better position to help her. “Megan can you hear me? I’m here, baby. I’m gonna get you out of here and to the hospital. I just need you to hold on.”

  He looked for a starting place. Her body was broken in several places from what he could visually see. Her arm was twisted in a position it shouldn’t be and she had blood everywhere. Moving her wrong could cause further injury and even paralysis since he didn’t know the extent of her injuries. “Crap!” He cursed as a sharp pain hit him in the side. Sliding his hand inside his turnout, blood covered his fingers. He’d impaled himself on a sharp piece of metal protruding from the torn front seat. He dropped his head and took a deep breath to fight through the pain.

  He heard the B-Chief yelling. “Ryan, what’s happening? What do you need?”

  “Chief, victim number two is unresponsive to my commands but breathing. I’m going to need another collar to secure her neck and some oxygen. She’s inhaled a lot of smoke and has a possible head injury, maybe even spinal. Chief, have paramedics ready once I get her free.”

  “We’re working on cutting through the car. We should have access in less than five minutes. Cover her face with your turnout.”

  The rain pouring in from the damaged sunroof of the car drenched them both as firefighters cut through the wreckage of the car removing it piece by piece. Ryan continued to work on freeing Megan even as the stabbing pain chewed at his side. He looked down. The blood was seeping through his turnout gear. He took it off and covered Megan’s face to protect her from the rain and the sparks flying off the torches.

  He looked down at her bruised face. Her long dark lashes were coated with dust. Scratches covered her face. Her scrubs were ripped and hanging off her shoulder. He could only imagine the fear she felt as Iona jumped the curb and barreled down the inclined heading for the water.

  He moved her hair from her face. “Hang on, Megan. Baby, if you can, please open your eyes. Let me know you hear me talking to you.” He got no response again. “Nothing is going to stop us from having that second honeymoon, you hear me—nothing.” He felt talking would keep his mind off his o
wn pain. However, that pain was insignificant to him, what mattered was getting his wife out alive.

  As Nick used the massive jaws to tear through the twisted metal bringing in more heavy rain, Ryan had managed to clear away the debris holding Megan trapped. Dissecting the wrecked car, firefighters were finally able to pull her out.

  “Be careful, with her,” Ryan pleaded as she was strapped to a backboard and loaded onto a gurney.

  Jon smiled. “We got this. Now get out before what’s left of the car goes over the edge.”

  Ryan winced as he pressed on his side to stop the bleeding. Just as his foot hit the wet dirt, the axle snapped sending the car over the edge. Nick and Jon quickly grabbed hold of his arms, dragging him to safety before the car plummeted into the rushing water of the river.

  Jon looked at his hands and asked? “Where is this blood coming from? Ryan, are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay,” he answered struggling to stand. “I gotta see about Megan.”

  Nick motion to Jon. “Jon, look at his shirt. He has blood all over him and I don’t think it’s blood from Megan. She wasn’t bleeding that heavily.”

  “Ryan, you’re bleeding. Where are you hurt?” Jon asked again.

  He lifted his t-shirt and blood covered the front his stomach and top of his pants. “Oh, yeah, I did hurt myself.” He looked at Jon and passed out.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ryan sat on the side of the examining table rubbing his side through the thick gauze. No word on Megan had come from anyone and he was stuck in an exam room waiting to be discharged himself. The gash he’d sustained required 12 stitches to close. He was lucky no major arteries or organs were damaged.

  Jon entered the room. “Hey, how’re you doing?”

  He shook his head. “Frustrated as hell. Why aren’t they telling me anything about Megan?”

  “Take it as good news, Ryan. Megan will pull through and recover. She’s healthy and has youth on her side.”

  “That may be true, Jon, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I want to see her for myself. I want to talk to Iona too. What the hell was she doing tonight? Was she trying to kill herself and take Megan with her?”

  “The police were questioning her earlier. Mr. Jones just arrived so I’m sure you’ll know what is going on soon. Oh, I got you another t-shirt. The paramedics had to cut yours off when you passed out. Man, you were working on pure adrenaline.”

  Ryan eased off the table and pulled the shirt over his head. “All I saw was my wife unconscious and bleeding. I had to help her. This is why we do this right?” His eyes glassed over. “Jon, if I lose her what’s the purpose of doing what I do anymore? What’s the purpose of me even living?”

  “Don’t talk that way, Ryan. Megan will recover. She will fight to come back to you.”

  He took a deep breath and winced from the pain. “I know. I have to get over the shock. I didn’t think I would ever respond to a call involving people I know. That shit hits home, Jon.”

  Jon nodded. “It does, but you kicked ass and did your job. You are a real firefighter when you can cut off the emotions and get the job done.”

  Gabrielle entered the room and hugged Ryan. “I’m sorry, Ryan.”

  Fear shot through him as he froze. “What?”

  “No, no, nothing like that,” Gabrielle clarified. “I meant I’m sorry this happened. I’m so worried about Megan that I can’t think straight.”

  Jon held his wife close to him. “Baby, it’s okay. Do you have any information about her surgery?”

  Ryan saw Gabrielle hesitate. “Just say it, Gabby. I’d rather be prepared than not know what’s going on at all.”

  “Okay, this is what I know so far. Megan is in critical condition, Ryan. She has a punctured lung, two broken ribs, her right arm is broken. Surgeons may have to remove her spleen and part of her liver. Doctors aren’t sure how severe her head injury is because she had not regained consciousness once she arrived at the hospital. Their first priority was stopping the internal bleeding first.”

  Ryan turned his back to his friends to look out the window. The rain pounded against the window as lightening skipped across the sky in waves of different patterns. The rain refused to let up. His jaw was shut so tight it caused his teeth to hurt.

  The kiss they shared hours ago could not be their last kiss. Their last words they said to each other could not be their last words. He refused to believe he would never see Megan’s smile or hear her voice. Hell, he’d give anything to hear her whine. When she whined, her voice had a tendency to hit a higher octave that banged in his ears. Nope, this was not the end.

  The reflection in the window showed Jon about to touch him. He rolled his shoulder forward and said, “Don’t. Just don’t.”

  Jon withdrew his hand. “Ryan, whatever you need, we’re here for you.”

  “I know,” he said tucking his trembling lip between his teeth. He would not cry unless his prayers went unanswered.

  Jon’s radio went off. Another vehicle accident required Station 30’s assistance. He turned down the radio. “Ryan, the unit has to go on this call but, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He kissed Gabrielle and whispered in her ear. “Please keep me posted. I want to know either way.”

  “I will. Jon…” Her eyes said it all.

  He nodded and pointed at Ryan. “Stay with him for as long as you can.”

  “I won’t leave his side,” she said kissing her husband goodbye.

  Three hours passed and still no word on Megan’s condition. Iona’s surgery had been completed and she was in recovery waiting for a room. Her spleen had ruptured and doctors removed it. Other than that, the person that caused the accident was expected to make a full recovery while Megan’s life hung in the balance.

  Ryan sat in the chapel with his forearms resting on his thighs and his head lowered. He had prayed over and over until he felt God would tire of him asking to spare Megan’s life.

  He felt the pew give under the weight of the person sitting next to him. He raised his head to see Mr. Jones. His face was gaunt and his eyes were red. Had he been crying? Was he there to give him the bad news? Ryan felt moisture fill his nose and sniffed. The tears were forming despite his fight to stop them. One teardrop fell on his hands, followed by more until his body was shaking. Mr. Jones put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. “Let it out, son. No matter how strong we claim we are, we all have to cry at some point in our lives.”

  Gabrielle entered the chapel and knelt beside him. “Ryan, Megan is out of surgery. The doctor wants to talk to you.”

  Unable to put a sentence together, all he could do was lean his back and say, “Thank you, God!”


  Ryan twisted in the chair. His eyes popped open when he turned the wrong way, aggravating the wound and sending a sharp pain up his spine. He tried to stand up to walk it off, but sleeping in the chair had made it worse. He was stiff all over.

  He was finally on his feet when an alarm went off, and a nurse entered the room. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”

  “Calm down, Mr. Tisdale. Megan’s IV needs to be changed. She’s doing well; stop worrying,” the nurse assured him.

  “How is she doing good? Look at her. Tubes and monitors are everywhere on her body.”

  “Everything on her is helping her, Mr. Tisdale.” She finished changing the IV bag and said, “The doctor will be in shortly. He’s going over her test results. Why don’t you get a cup of coffee and stretch your legs.”

  “I’m not leaving her.” Ryan touched her finger where her wedding ring used to be. The nurses had removed it before her surgery. He took the ring out of his pocket and held it up. The diamond in the engagement ring caught the sunlight filtering into the room. He wanted to get her a bigger ring but couldn’t afford one on his teaching salary. Megan never complained and showed the ring off like it had a 3-carat stone instead of a half carat.

  The door opened, and two doctors walked in. “Mr. Tisdale?”

  “Yes, I’m Megan’s husband.”

  Dr. Arnett shook Ryan’s hand. “Yes, I remember now. Last night was rather hectic.”

  “Yeah, so how is she doing? Any change in her condition?”

  “She is a very lucky young woman. She will recover, but the road will be long and sometimes difficult. She’ll need extensive therapy for her arm. And we still aren’t sure what she’ll remember. The contusion of her brain did not cause any significant cerebral damage but may have affected her long or short-term memory. We won’t be sure until she wakes up.”

  Ryan blinked. “Wait, you mean she might not even remember who I am when she wakes up?”

  “That’s what I’m saying. Post-traumatic amnesia is not uncommon in cases like this, which is why I asked Dr. Michaels to join me this morning. He’s a neurologist and will monitor Megan once she wakes up, and if she doesn’t remember you or any other family members. If she doesn’t remember the accident but can recall everything else, then we’re not too concerned about that.”

  Ryan was at a loss for words. If Megan didn’t remember him, it could change the dynamics of everything. He scrubbed his hand down his face. “Dr. Michaels, what will I have to do if she doesn’t remember me? I’m her husband, and I won’t abandon her. But, what if she is afraid of me or doesn’t want my help?”

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Tisdale. I really believe if she is suffering any memory loss, it’s only temporary. Her brain activity is normal and with therapy, she’ll start to remember events as days go by. The key is to be patient and not force her to remember; let things come back to her naturally.”

  Both doctors seemed confident that Megan would regain her memory quickly; only they weren’t aware of the drama surrounding Megan’s life. She might not want to remember and block that portion of her life out for good, which would include him.

  “Dr. Michaels, I have another question and hope you’ll be able to tell me it will have no bearing on Megan’s memory returning.”


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