BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)

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BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella) Page 3

by Casey, London

  No matter what, Keira knew she’d end up on the run.

  The door to the bar busted open and a few guys came rushing in.

  “Goddamn,” Hale said. “I can’t believe it. Another attack. Another fucking rat.”

  “Take it easy,” Ax said. “We’ll… hey, where the fuck is nice tits with some beer?”

  Keira swallowed her anger - and what was left of a beaten down pride - and walked to the bar. She got behind it and found Ax leaning over, his eyes wide, trying to stare down her shirt.

  When Keira put two beers on the bar, she asked, “Good action out there?”

  “Take that top off and they’ll be even more action in here,” Ax said.

  “Not a chance,” Keira said. “Who’s the rat?”

  “I don’t know,” Hale said. His face was still messed up from when Kami attacked him. “Some guy took Apollo’s ride and took off.”

  “He didn’t take off,” Ax said. “He chased down someone that tried to take some of us out.”

  “What?” Keira asked. “Who was it?”

  “Low life druggie,” Ax said. “But he was paid off to do it. The cartel is fucking with us bad.”

  “The rat from the cartel?” Keira asked.

  “I don’t know,” Hale said. “Apollo and Kami have him in the garage.”

  The garage.

  Keira had to go in there quite a few times and clean up. The guys were nice enough to get most of the chunky stuff out of the way. It was mostly just blood and making the place look normal. There was one time when Keira had been mopping up a mess and she found something stuck in one of the gaps of the drain.

  An eyeball. A human eyeball.

  She threw up into the drain and didn’t sleep for a few days after that.

  “Poor bastard,” Ax said with a grin. “They’re going to cut him into nothing. Especially with the mood Apollo is in.”

  “Man, this shit is bad,” Hale said. “Getting worse by the day.”

  Keira casually wiped the bar and kept her ears open. Not that there was anything for her to really hear and digest. It was just another bad situation for the club. Someone came to attack them. Big shocker. Then someone else… saved them? And that guy was the rat now? That part didn’t make much sense, but Keira figured Apollo and Kami knew better.

  After getting Hale and Ax another beer, then a shot, she slipped out the back, grabbing a garbage bag. She tossed the half full bag into the dumpster and looked at the garage.

  Normally, she’d hear screams.

  They were far enough away from other people that screams weren’t heard.

  The garage was silent.

  Keira took a couple steps and then paused. She didn’t need to see whatever was happening. It didn’t matter. This was Rusted Devil MC business. This was about Apollo and Kami figuring out what to do next. Then again, Keira was angry about how this all happened. Watching the club sit there, drunk, high, whatever, all foaming at the mouth to vote to work with the cartel. They saw dollar signs when they were bullets instead.


  The garage door opened and a body came flying out. He wasn’t dead. Far from it. The guy - the man - stumbled forward, hands behind his back. He looked right at Keira and she gasped, losing her breath. The man looked like he was cut from stone. A perfect physique, a white t-shirt that pulled tight to his body thanks to sweat and his muscles. His face was beautifully perfect, a little bit of stubble showing. His hair was black, short and messy, his eyes just as dark.

  Keira felt her mouth open as her body instantly heated up.

  This was the rat?

  If so, he was the hottest guy she’d ever seen in her life.

  Kami came out of the garage and walked up to the stranger. The man was bigger than Kami, height, muscles, everything.

  “You’re going to fucking prove yourself,” Kami said. “And if you try one thing, we’ll gut you.”

  The stranger just stared at Keira. He slowly nodded.

  Apollo came out of the garage, gun in hand. He lifted it and pointed it at the back of the stranger’s head.

  What did the sexy guy do then?

  One of the corner’s of his mouth curled a little. He was starting to smile.

  Keira felt her heart racing.

  Who in the hell was this guy?


  Jake didn’t flinch as Apollo brought the hammer down. He knew this game. Apollo wasn’t going to actually hurt him, at least not right now. What Apollo wanted to do was scare the hell out of Jake so he’d talk.

  The hammer swung by Jake’s head and Apollo let it go, letting it smash to the floor. Apollo then grabbed Jake’s neck.

  “Who? Why?”

  “I already told you,” Jake said. “I heard that you had membership open. And that you were looking for a fighter. So I hitched my way here.”

  “Those were some fast fucking skills out there,” Kami said.

  Jake looked at Kami. “I reacted to a man with a gun. What would you have done?”

  “Hey,” Apollo growled. “You took the ride with ease. You chased the guy down. You made him crash. That’s not by the hands of some pissed off guy. That’s beyond skill. You got any tats, brother?”

  “Plenty, brother,” Jake said back.

  “Smart mouth,” Apollo said.

  “I’m a fighter,” Jake said. “I hit that point and just snap, okay? My old man used to ride with a club before he took off. All my mother’s boyfriends would beat the shit out of me and ride motorcycles. So I learned to fight back and learned to ride.”

  “Why not go straight?” Kami asked.

  “Who said I didn’t?”

  “What happened?” Apollo asked.

  “Nothing,” Jake said. “So if your membership isn’t open, then let me fucking go.”

  “You don’t get what you walked into,” Apollo said.

  Oh, I do, Apollo. I fucking do. Now make the right decision and unhook my fucking wrists.

  “What did I walk into?” Jake asked.

  “You want to wear the cut?” Apollo asked.


  “You really want to fight?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Apollo walked behind Jake. He undid the chains and grabbed at Jake’s shoulder. Jake stood up, taller and thicker than the Rusted Devil President. They stared at each other. Jake knew better than to do anything stupid. He had to remain silent and take whatever happened.

  “Signing up with us is like buying your tombstone,” Apollo said. “It’s a death wish.”

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not afraid of death,” Jake said.

  “Then let’s find out,” Apollo said. He backed up. He pointed to Kami. “Get Ax. Let’s have ourselves a little fight.”

  Next thing Jake knew he was being chained up again and thrown from the garage. At least he survived it. He expected to be bloody, dying, or dead by now. He stumbled out of the garage and kept himself from falling. Taking a deep breath, Jake looked around and then lost his breath.

  There was a woman standing ten feet away. She looked surprised to see him and did not look like she belonged with a MC. Even still, she was just… goddamn. Jeans that hugged all the right spots, a black shirt that was tight because of her chest pressing against it. Her dirty blonde hair pulled back and up, loose strands dangling around, making it look sexy messy, instantly making Jake think about sex.

  They were in a stare down for a little bit as Kami started saying something. Then Apollo came out and put a gun to the back of Jake’s head.

  “No!” the woman yelled.

  All eyes went to her.

  “What are you doing out here?” Kami asked.

  “Needed air,” the woman said. “Don’t shoot him in front of me.”

  “He’s not getting shot,” Apollo said. “Unless he tries anything stupid.”

  Apollo jammed the gun to back of Jake’s neck and Jake spun around. He caught himself ready to throw his shoulder into Apollo.

  He’s the
President… he’s the fucking President…

  “Fucking calm down,” Apollo warned.

  Jake turned, his blood boiling. He felt bad for whoever this Ax guy was.

  Kami walked to the woman and touched her shoulders. Watching it made Jake even more pissed off. All of a sudden, he was a jealous guy now? What a fucking disaster the entire thing had become. The plan had been to get to the MC and get inside. Drink beer, get respect, find out information.

  “Just go back inside and relax,” Kami said to the woman. “Don’t fuck around out here, Keira.”


  The name stuck right in Jake’s head. She wasn’t just beautiful but she was unattainable. She was untouchable. Not to mention everything about Jake was going to be a bold lie to her.

  Kami turned and walked back to Jake. “Keep your fucking eyes away.”

  “Old lady?” Jake asked.

  Kami got right into Jake’s face. “My fucking stepsister.”

  Jake fought the urge to smile.

  So the woman… Keira…

  “Let’s walk,” Apollo said.

  He grabbed the chains on Jake’s wrists and guided him along the back of the lot. There was a side area where random cars were parked. Most of them were junked, missing pieces and beat up pretty bad. Apollo stopped Jake right before walking into the line of junked cars.

  When Jake was forced to turn, he saw a group of guys coming. It was the rest of the MC. Two of the guys he recognized from saving their ass from bullets shot at them. The group broke up and then one walked over who Jake figured to be Ax. Big, tough, carrying a beer bottle. Walking with a cocky swagger, thinking the patch made him tougher than anyone else in the world.

  “That’s Ax,” Apollo said. “Good luck.”

  Apollo pushed Jake forward. Ax dropped the beer bottle and then rushed forward, fist already cocked back. The first punched rocked Jake in the mouth, sending him back and down to one knee.

  Ax rushed again, laughing.

  Jake looked up at Ax.

  Jake’s hands were still chained behind his back. And Ax was ready to swing again.


  Keira got to the door and then stopped. Instead of going inside, she walked around the other side of the bar. That’s where the all the guys were lining up and cheering. Of course, this was after Apollo and Kami took away the hot guy with chains on his wrists.

  She felt stupid for being so intrigued by someone because they were good looking. He could have been part of the cartel. He could have been part of the reason why the MC was so depleted and ready to collapse.

  Yet Keira was still intrigued.

  She pushed through the guys and ended up against the side of the bar, able to see everything. She was just in time to see Ax punch the guy in the face, taking him to his knees. The guy still had his hands chained behind his back.

  How is that fair?

  “Come on,” Ax said. “Get up, asshole.”

  Keira saw Kami looking at her. His eyes went wide and he motioned for the bar.

  Keira shook her head.

  She wanted to know what the hell the point of all this was.

  “Don’t let him up,” Pitt yelled. “He’s fast and smart. Kill him!”

  Kill him?

  Ax threw another punch and it connected again. The guy fell to his back.

  “Get up, Jake,” Apollo ordered. “Show me how tough you are.”


  Keira had a name to go with the sexy, rough face.

  And that sexy, rough face was getting into big trouble.

  Ax went for Jake again. This time, Jake rolled. He jumped up to his knees in one swift move. He jumped again and was on his feet, his legs bent in a deep squat. His face was bleeding, dirt and rock clung to the open wound. He looked left to right, trying to assess what to do next.

  Keira couldn’t look away.

  Ax moved at Jake again and Jake jumped back. He slammed his back to Ax’s chest, sending Ax back. Jake then turned and went for Ax, driving his shoulder into Ax’s jaw. The entire group groaned as Ax’s neck twisted.

  Jake didn’t let up either.

  He went for Ax again, driving his other shoulder again up into Ax’s face. This time Jake left his feet and lined up a perfect shot to Ax’s nose. It exploded and Ax grabbed his face, yelling.

  Jake stood with his knees slightly bent, his eyes intense as he stared at Ax.

  This guy was a fighter. A real fighter. Not just some tough biker dude who thought he could fight. He was fucking scary to watch.

  Keira looked over to Kami and saw him talking to Apollo. Apollo whispered something and Kami entered the fight.

  “Jake,” Kami said. “Come here.”

  Jake went to Kami.

  “Turn the fuck around,” Kami said.

  “Why? So you can fucking shoot me?” Jake snapped.

  “No. So I can take these chains off. I want to see how many punches it’ll take to knock Ax out.”

  Kami unhooked the chains.

  Jake stretched his wrists and then went for Ax.

  Ax put his hands up but had no real skill in fighting. Jake swung hard, fast, and effective. Two punches to the ribs and gut had Ax’s hands down from his face, opening him up. Then Jake threw a one, two, three combo that lifted Ax off his feet.

  When Ax hit the ground, his hands were outstretched, shaking, grabbing at the dirt.

  Keira thought Ax was dying, but the shaking stopped.

  He was out cold.

  Jake had won the fight, easily.

  Jake then turned and faced Apollo and Kami.

  Every person was silent.

  Kami crossed his arms and waited for the command from Apollo.

  Apollo was quiet as he thought. He was quiet as he slowly approached Jake. He tucked his weapon away and stood there, facing Jake. Jake didn’t back down an inch. The sight of it drove Keira wild. Rarely did she ever get to see someone try and defy Apollo and have it work.

  “Where’d you hear about us?” Apollo asked.

  “Some guy in a bar running his mouth,” Jake said. “Said you were keeping things low key about it. I’ve been working odds and ends for a while and figured why not try something different. You need a fighter, right?”

  “I need someone who isn’t afraid of stepping into hell.”

  “There’s only one way to know. Send me there.”

  Keira felt her own hands shaking. Her palms were sweating. Between her thighs she was getting uncomfortable in the most comfortable way possible.

  So, this guy isn’t a rat. This guy isn’t from the cartel. He’s just… bad.

  Bad, but good.

  “We’ll give you a trial,” Apollo said. “You get a cut. You can drink at the bar. Find somewhere to sleep. Always be here first thing in the morning. And if you know anything or hear anything you report to me or to my VP, Kami. Understood?”

  “Yes,” Jake said.

  “Good,” Apollo said. “Now go clean your fucking face up and meet us at the bar. We’re going right into business.” Apollo then addressed the rest of the MC. “Everyone, this is Jake. He’s going into the snake pit for us!”

  Nobody cheered. Everyone knew what the snake pit was, except Jake.

  Keira realized if she wanted any kind of chance to be near this guy, she’d have to move fast. He was going to be dead before he knew it.

  She watched as Apollo and Kami led the way to the back of the bar.

  Her mind, her body, her heart, it was all racing. One thing she definitely knew - Jake was going to need help addressing his wounds.


  All Jake wanted to do was sigh. A sigh of relief and a sigh of something like hope. He hadn’t wanted to hurt anyone but Apollo had thrust him into the fight with Ax. Plus, if he hadn’t knocked out Ax, Ax would have done it to him. Then Apollo or Kami would have killed him.

  “Bathroom’s here,” Apollo said and knocked on a door. “Beer’s up front. Always on tap, always ice cold.”

  “Got w
hiskey?” Jake asked.

  Apollo laughed. “You might fit in here after all.”

  Kami paused as Apollo kept going. He stared at Jake.

  I want to fuck your stepsister, brother.

  Jake kept thinking it, wanting to see if Kami could pick up on it.

  “Where’d you learn to fight?” Kami asked.

  “Already told you,” Jake said. “My mother’s boyfriends used to beat up on me. So I had to learn.”

  “You don’t learn that kind of skill.”

  “I got good at fighting and trained for a while. Had some straight fights and then things took a turn.”

  “So now you want to be a biker?”

  “Better than being under the hood of a piece of shit car, right? Having some jack off yell at me that the prices are too high and that the economy is shit. Why’s that my fucking problem?”

  “A-fucking-men,” Kami said. He offered his fist. “A-fucking-men.”

  Jake hit fists with Kami.

  Jake finally got into the bathroom and went right for the sink. He grabbed the sides and hunched over, sighing. He felt his stomach flip like he was going to throw up, but he held it off. He needed to be like stone right now. From here on out. He’d go to the snake pit, win a fight, and then he’d get some serious information. If this MC was pushing into Frelen because of the cartel, it was going to get bloody. If the cartel was running the MC and bossing them around, it was going to get bloody.

  For some reason, Keira popped into Jake’s mind.

  How did she fit in with all this? Christ, if the cartel was taking down the MC, they’d take her and use her up. Use her as leverage. Maybe even sell her.

  It was sick to think about.

  Jake turned on the water and splashed his face. He had a gash next to his eye and the corner of mouth was cut a little. There was dirt in the gash at his eye. Rubbing water into the wound felt just fucking great.

  As Jake groaned, he heard a soft knock at the door.

  “What?” he yelled.

  “Jake? It’s… I’m Keira…”

  Jake grabbed the door and ripped it open.

  There she was, again.

  Same as before, just closer now.


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