Down & Dirty

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Down & Dirty Page 2

by Madison, Reese

  He still has one hand buried in my hair at the back of my neck and the other on my butt. “Do whatever you women need to do and hurry up.”

  “You’re awfully bossy.” I stepped back only to have his fingers slowly trail around my neck and play in the cleavage before letting me go completely.

  “Hurry up Carly. I’m not a patient man.”

  I went about my routine and found him already asleep on his back on top of the covers. “If you snore I’m kicking you.”


  I slept pretty good considering there’s a stranger in my bed, at least until I felt something tickling my cheek and neck.

  “Hey! Cut that out!” I swatted but he just caught my hand and held it.

  “Get ready, we’re going to the club.”


  “I need Slider’s okay to make you my old lady. Shouldn’t take long.”

  “Excuse me?!” I rolled over only to be trapped by that big body and those beautiful green eyes.

  “I told you last night. You’re mine now.” He let go of my wrist and ran his hand down to rest on my hip. “You have the body I need, one that can handle me.”

  “I am not yours.” I argued as he ran that beard over my lips. I tried to swat it away but he was having none of that. “Cut it out!” I finally caught it and held. “You’re a pain.”

  “Any pain you get from me will be pleasurable.” He kissed my nose. “Let go, it’s not a leash.”

  I let go. “Get off me, you weigh a ton.” He’d moved his leg between mine.

  “Kiss me first.” He bargained.

  “No. You’re not supposed to be here in the first place.” I scolded him.

  “You might as well get used to it, besides you didn’t seem to mind last night.”

  “You stole that one.” I caught myself touching his beard and pulled away. “Will you please get off me?” I’m not convincing since he’s almost too cute looking at me like this. He really wants to kiss me.

  “I will, for a small price.”

  I sighed, “You know, if you weren’t so damn cute right now I’d kick you.”

  He lowered and kissed me with that thirst I remember from last night.

  Afterwards he let me up to get ready for the day like he promised. When I poured a bowl of cereal he went to take a shower without saying a word. While I ate I thought about him.

  He’s really hot, and I mean delicious hot. He’s tall, very wide, strong as an ox, and those eyes have probably seduced more women than I’ve met in my lifetime.

  When he walked out in just a towel I couldn’t take my eyes off him. “Nice tats.” And everything else. Holy shit he’s like one big pile of beautiful muscle.

  “You got any?” He asked taking the bowl and spoon to finish my cereal.

  I added some more cereal and milk to top it off for him. “Just one.”


  “Not telling.” I taunted him.

  “Something to look forward to finding.” He finished the cereal and went back to my room to get dressed.

  When he came back out I asked, “Don’t you have any more clothes?”

  “Not yet. You’ll take me to the Harley dealer after I claim you with the club.” He told me.

  “Oh really? You think so?” I laughed.

  He picked up my purse and held it out for me, “Don’t make me throw you over my shoulder.”

  “You do that, and I’ll kick you.”

  “Let’s go Carly, I don’t have much time. There’s a job this afternoon I need to be in on.”

  I snatched my purse. “No. You are not claiming anything, or anyone. Forget it.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes for a second before fishing my keys from my purse. Then he chased me to the kitchen where he trapped me and tossed me easily over his shoulder.

  “Kick me again and I’m going to smack your ass.”

  I smacked his. “Put me down!!”

  He did, after locking my door and carrying me to his bike where I landed on his seat. I tried to get off but he climbed on in front of me and grabbed my arms to wrap around him.

  “Sit still, and don’t fall off.” He fired up the bike and took off.

  I pinched his stomach and sides until giving up, it obviously didn’t phase him.

  He pulled in past a gate that opened as we approached, parked next to a large warehouse looking building with a garage attached, and pulled me off just after swinging his long leg over to stand up.

  “Let’s go feisty.” He put his arm around my shoulders.

  I turned and spun free. “No! You are NOT doing this!”

  Slider walked over, “Easy Red.”

  I looked at him, “What the hell?!”

  “Sorry babe, but if my brother wants you, he’s got you. I’ll allow it.”

  “Allow it?! It’s MY life!” I yelled.

  He closed in, “Not anymore. Yell at me again and your old man will be making sure you get a punishment befitting your crime. Since you’re new, I’ll fill you in. Rule number one, don’t yell at a President. Do everything Joe tells you, and know your place. Got it?”

  I’ve never seen this side of Slider. He was dead serious. I nodded feeling real fear from him, directed at me, for the first time. I don’t like it.

  “Good girl. Now be nice to my brother, he needs a good old lady to keep him straight.” He smacked Joe on the shoulder. “Come on, we have a meeting and Salina wants to talk to Carly.”

  Joe tried to put his arm back around my shoulders but I jumped away and stuck my tongue out at him. He shot me a dirty look but let it go because Salina showed up.

  “Come on girl, let’s go talk and leave these boys to their business.”

  “Gladly. What the hell just happened? I didn’t think the guys could just kidnap a girl like that.”

  “Slider owns this town baby, he can do whatever he wants. If he says it’s okay for Joe take you as his old lady, there’s nothing you can do about it.” She explained opening the door to her office, or what I assumed was her office since there’s a giant sign on the door that tells me it’s an office.

  “I could run away.” I said with little conviction.

  “You could, but you’d have to go east of the big river, and even then he can put a bounty on you. He’s Slider honey, if he wants to find you, he will.”

  “I know. I’m just pissed.”

  She handed me a bottle of Jack Daniels. “Here, have a swig, and don’t worry about it. Joe’s a good guy. Slider wouldn’t allow this if he thought you’d be hurt.” She assured me stealing a drink after I took one.

  “I’m not worried about being physically hurt. If I start liking this guy and he hurts my heart, I’m going to filet him.” I stole the bottle back for another drink.

  She lit a joint. “This is where we have to discuss the rules.”

  “I know the rules, that’s why I don’t date members.” I complained.

  “So you know about the ‘what happens on the road, stays on the road’? rule?”

  I rolled my eyes and sat in a chair. “My favorite one.” This is an old rule that a lot of the guys still use. It means if you mess around on your old lady it better not be at home, and it better not follow you home.

  “Yeah. It gets easier to turn a blind eye as time goes on, but don’t get me wrong, Slider’s been busted a time or two. Fortunately I know he loves me, and he let’s me beat up on his big ass when he gets caught.” She sat behind the desk.

  “I’m not sure that would be enough for me.”

  “It’s usually just a show of gratitude from one chapter to another for favors and shit. If they refuse it’s a sign of disrespect. I don’t pretend to understand it either, but I try to turn a blind eye.”

  “Well I won’t. If Joe wants me as his old lady he’s going to be mine and mine alone or I’ll make his life a living hell.”

  She laughed, “I like your spunk. You’ll be good for him.”

  After we talked for a few more minutes the door opened an
d Joe walked in, “Let’s go woman.”

  I stood up and looked at Salina, “Thanks.”

  “You bet. Now that you’re finally an old lady I’ll see you more often, so that’s good. Keep your chin up babe, it’s a good life once you get used to it.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” I joked and waved my fingers goodbye to her.

  Joe put that big arm around my shoulders, “Have a good talk?”

  “I like Salina, always have. You on the other hand, not so much.” I pinched his side under his cut.

  He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm, “As long as you’re mine.”

  I climbed on his bike, “Why me?”

  He cupped my face looking at me, “I told you, you have the kind of body I need to take me. I like your fire. I need a woman who doesn’t take any shit, a strong woman, one I respect. One I can count on for her loyalty and dedication to me, and the club. A fighter who won’t be taken in by lies and bullshit.”

  “You don’t know me well enough to expect all that.”

  “I know you better than you think.” He kissed my lips quickly and got on in front of me.

  He rode me to the bar where I asked him, “How could you possibly know anything about me?” I climbed off.

  “Slider’s written to me about you for a few years.” He’s still on his bike and reached out to pull me to him by the waist. “I’ll be back tonight to take you home. Behave yourself.”

  “You behave. I know you have a job, try not to get killed,” I poked him in the chest. “and behave. If I find out you’re fucking around on me I’ll kill you both.”

  He took his glasses off and looked at me, “Excuse me?”

  “I know this lifestyle you dragged me into. Worrying about you is one thing. Worrying about where your dick was before you bring it home is another.”

  His eyebrows went up and for one of the few times in Joe’s life I almost saw him smile. I definitely saw amusement and surprise at my words. “Don’t worry about that babe. If I wanted to fuck everything in sight I wouldn’t have taken an old lady like you. Not all men need to sample all the women who offer themselves up.”

  I grabbed his beard and leaned in to focus on those eyes, “You better not. Ride safe.”

  “What’s with you and grabbing my beard? It’s not a leash.” He asked scolding me at the same time.

  I pulled him to me, “Want to make a bet?” I kissed him passionately before letting go and walking inside. I heard him whistle a little before leaving. It made me smile to know he was probably looking at my butt.

  Work went as usual, minus the handful of bikers that were on the job, and the flirting I was used to from the guys. The flirting had come to a screeching halt.

  I asked Rick after a while, “Why is everyone treating me different? It’s creepy.”

  He smiled, “You’re Joe’s old lady now baby, and nobody is stupid enough to fuck with you. He’s a very large, very dangerous man. We’re horny, not stupid.”

  I laughed. “So much for my tip jar.”

  “Money won’t be a problem for you girly. I’d be surprised if you’re still working here after tonight.” He informed me.


  “We don’t like our women on display for other men, not like this. Around the club it’s okay, but not around these other slobs who don’t know the rules. He’ll probably make you quit.”

  “Ah shit.” I poured a shot of whiskey and downed it. “This jerk is ruining my life.” I need to stop doing shots or I’ll start over-pouring drinks. I can’t help it, this day feels like a really weird dream.

  Rick looked towards the door at the same time I did, “Here comes the ‘jerk’ now.”

  “Great.” I complained.

  Joe walked straight towards me and flipped the bar flap open. “Come here woman.”

  I backed up, “You’re not supposed to be back here.”

  He caught me and kissed me solid before pulling back. “Get me a beer and give notice. You don’t work here anymore.”

  “Now wait a minute.”

  “No. Do what I tell you.” He ordered.

  Slider walked in and raised his hand to tell me he wanted beers, now. I looked at Joe, “I’m not quitting.”

  He kissed my forehead and patted my butt, “Don’t argue with me.” He turned and went to sit with Slider and his guys.

  I looked at Rick, “Are you kidding me?”

  He laughed standing up, “Welcome to the club Carly.” He turned and headed over to the guys.

  I filled pitchers and handed them to the servers.

  Joe called the manager over and quit for me about half an hour later. When Bobby told me he was sorry to lose me, I lost my mind.

  I walked over to Joe and smacked him hard in the back of the head. “You asshole!! I told you I wasn’t quitting my job!”

  He turned, stood up, and backed me to the table I tripped over. “You don’t smack me woman.”

  I poked my finger in his chest, “You don’t quit my job for me!!”

  “And you don’t act like this as my old lady.” He calmly informed me.

  “You forced that on me.” I shoved his chest.

  He quickly tossed me over his shoulder and looked back at the guys, “Excuse me gentlemen, I have a woman to tame.” He walked out the front door and set me on the back of his bike and gripped my jaw to look at him. “Bad move Carly.”

  “Oh shut up.” I crossed my arms and pouted.

  He climbed on in front of me and rode us back to my place where he expertly picked the lock since my purse is still at the bar.

  I went straight for my wine completely full of anger. “I hate you!”

  “Oh calm down.” He hung his jacket where he’d hung it last night.

  “No!! You just hijacked my life you big jerk!!” I yelled after downing half a glass of wine at once.

  He slowly sauntered into my kitchen with a less angry look now. “You’re my old lady now. No more shlepping beers for horny men.” He took my glass away and downed the rest before setting it down on the counter.

  “How the hell am I supposed to pay my bills?”

  He closed in, “I claimed you, your bills are mine now.”

  “Right, now I’m a kept woman?” I don’t believe this shit.

  “You could say that.” He cupped my face holding me firmly. “Now knock it off. My woman doesn’t need to work, and she definitely doesn’t live in this shit hole. Tomorrow you find us a house. Got it?”

  “Yeah right, with what?”

  “I’ll show you later, right now I want you to stop bitching.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him.

  He closed his eyes in frustration. “Now you’re in trouble.” He grabbed me by the thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist making me grab his shoulders to balance.

  “What are you doing?”

  He walked me to my bedroom and tossed me on the bed before climbing over me and driving tickling fingers into my side. “You need an attitude adjustment.”

  I screamed laughing and squirming like an idiot. “Hey!! Stop that!!”

  He pinned me and continued his assault until I could barely breathe. “Are you done yet?”

  “You’re doing it! Stop! Okay! You win!!” I couldn’t take anymore.

  He stopped and moved my hair off my face as he hovered, “From now on you’re an obedient old lady unless we’re alone. Smack me again around the guys and I’m going to spank your bare ass right in front of them. Got it?”

  “Good luck with that.” I screamed because he started tickling me again. “Okay!! Fine!!! Just stop!”

  He stopped and ran his large warm hand up my thigh and under the back of my shorts. Those light green eyes held mine, “As much as I want you right now, I’m going to enjoy seducing these clothes off you.”

  I sunk my fingers into that beard I’m oddly addicted to now. “You should know my last experience with a man was not a good one. I like you, but I don’t know you well enough to fall so easily for your se

  “You don’t have to fall easy, as long as you fall. What happened to you Red? What did that bastard do to you?” He asked as I enjoyed finger combing his beard.

  I took a steadying breath, “He got hyped up on crack, tied me up and fucked a whore in front of me before holding a knife to my throat for three hours. Then he raped me in the worst possible way. I ran to Salina when he passed out. Slider answered the door. The shithead hasn’t been seen since.”

  He lifted up raising his eyebrows, “He didn’t write to me about that.”

  “Why would he?”

  “Slider wrote to me the whole time I was in the service. For the last three years he’s written on and off about you. He never said anything.”

  “It’s not exactly a happy story.”

  He set his forehead on mine. “I’m sorry baby. I’ll never hurt you like that, not even close.”

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I know. I can see in your eyes that you’re not a monster.”

  “I always looked forward to reading what Slider wrote about you. I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you ever again, I promise.”

  “Somehow I believe you.” I reached around and pulled the his hair free from the ponytail.

  “Good. Do you believe in love?”

  “I suppose.” I played with his hair that falls nicely over his shoulder now.

  “If I told you I love you, would you think I was saying it just to get in your pants?”

  I laughed because it sounded ridiculous. “No. For some reason I don’t think you’d be the type of guy to throw that word around just to get laid.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. I’ve never told a woman I love her. I love you Carly. Don’t ask me why, or how I love you already, just know that I do, and I’d do anything for you.” He admitted.

  “You really love me?” I stopped playing with his hair and focused on his eyes.

  “Yes.” He was serious now.

  I blinked a couple times. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Want to make out like horny teenagers?” He lowered his head and kissed my neck.

  I laughed hugging him, “Okay, but no humping my leg.”


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