The Bad Ass Brigade: Bad Guys Beware. The Good Guys Are on the Prowl (A Taylor Lee Sizzling Romantic Suspense Collection)

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The Bad Ass Brigade: Bad Guys Beware. The Good Guys Are on the Prowl (A Taylor Lee Sizzling Romantic Suspense Collection) Page 17

by Taylor Lee

  Rafe glanced at the pale man whose top lip was beaded with sweat, then looked away, making it clear that having sized him up he was of no interest. Turning to Senator Michaels, Rafe noted that unlike his aide’s greasy pallor, the Senator’s ruddy face had darkened and his patently false smile was shaky.

  Certain that his unusual entrance had not gone unnoticed, Rafe didn’t bother to keep their conversation private. He spoke in a quiet tone that nevertheless was audible to the interested diners at nearby tables.

  “No, Senator Michaels, we haven’t met. However you have met two of my associates.”

  Bright red splotches flamed on the Senator’s cheeks. His aide’s shocked gasp was audible.

  Rafe continued. “You met Caleb MacAfee, one of my partners, who like myself, is a former Delta Force operative.” Letting the implied threat speak for itself, he was gratified to see that the nervous tic flickering next to the senator’s left eye was now a steady spasm.

  “And of course you met Nicki Powers, the young woman who accompanied Mr. MacAfee.”

  Rafe smiled at the Senator whose plastic smile had frozen in an odd grimace.

  “I trust you remember Ms. Powers. In a word, she is unforgettable. But given the number of appointments and petitioners you see on a daily basis, let me refresh your memory. Ms. Powers is the stunning red-haired woman that you and your cohorts propositioned in your Senate office. After making a lewd comment, that given the sensibilities of the guests overhearing our conversation, I will not repeat, you offered to pay an extraordinary sum of money to her in return for sexual favors. Again for the purpose of keeping the other diners up to date, Ms. Powers emphatically refused your offer.”

  Letting his words sink in, Rafe glanced around the dining room, noting that everyone at the surrounding tables were no longer pretending to ignore them. Rather they were staring in open amazement at the remarkable conversation taking place. Rafe grinned inwardly, wondering how long it would take for their confrontation to be texted throughout Washington. He chuckled knowing it would be seconds, not minutes.

  “Unfortunately for you, Senator Michaels, in addition to being a lovely woman and an accomplished martial artist as well as a talented weapons expert, Ms. Powers is also my fiancé. We all know that disreputable men in powerful positions often try to take advantage of young women. It is an egregious misuse of their power and, in your case, of the public trust. Few, however, are stupid enough to proposition a trained agent, particularly a member of International Security Associates.”

  Rafe paused to allow his words to sink in.

  “Fortunately for you, Senator, Ms. Powers and I, along with several of my associates, will be at the AFL-CIO event this evening. At that time you will have the opportunity to apologize to Ms. Powers for your repulsive conduct.”

  Rafe wiped at the corner of his mouth with the linen napkin, then folded it and put in on the table. He rose to his feet and fastened a hard glare on the Senator.

  “I recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity.”

  He held the Senator’s stunned gaze.

  “As for you and me, Senator, we will settle up later.”

  The Senator swallowed visibly then acknowledging the deathly quiet in the usually bustling restaurant, he glared at Rafe, and snapped, “Are you threatening me, Boudin?”

  Rafe grinned.

  “A threat? Most assuredly. And that’s Colonel Boudin to you.”

  Rafe threw down a $20 bill and nodded to the mafioso who looked as shaken as the Senator and his aide.

  “Say hello to Tony for me, Francis. You might remind him, that the Nevada gaming commission is looking hard at the political contributions people like you and your boss are making. The onerous fines they are leveling are beginning to make illegal political contributions a bad bet.”

  Walking over to the wide-eyed waiter who was standing to the side, Rafe tucked a folded bill in the man’s breast pocket and winked at him.

  “Give my best to Manuel. Tell him I hated to pass up the Brioche, but given the company at my table, I was concerned it would spoil his gastronomic masterpiece.”

  Meeting the stunned gazes of the surrounding diners, Rafe flicked his fingers in an offhand salute and strode toward the exit.

  “Fuck Senator, Do you have any idea who Rafe Boudin is?”

  Overhearing Francis Gambioni’s harsh whisper, Rafe cocked a brow and grinned. If the poor sap didn’t know by now, he soon would.

  Chapter 4

  “Damn, Nicki. Rafe was in your bed just two hours ago, and now he’s got the whole fucking town in an uproar.”

  Caleb tossed back his blond shoulder-length hair and handed her a large cup of coffee.

  Nicki sipped on the steaming brew and gave him a bright grateful smile.

  “Yeah, I know, hotstuff. I am a prince among men. Who else knows that a feral cat is more pleasant than you are the first thing in the morning? At least until you’ve had your daily ration of blacker-than-midnight coffee straight up and scalding hot. Jesus, babe, I’m concerned that noxious stuff will someday put hair on your chest. And, hotstuff, defiling the work of nature that is your bodacious chest would be a crime, one I don’t want any part of!”

  Nicki groaned in mock dismay. Caleb was the only person Rafe allowed to comment on Nicki’s showgirl body. But Caleb never stopped testing his boundaries. Rafe routinely put him back in his cage with the glare that brought lesser men to their knees. It helped that Grayson, Caleb and Rafe had known each other for years. Like his pal Grayson, Caleb thought Rafe walked on water and as many times as Rafe had saved his life, he probably did. Nicki treasured the camaraderie among the three men. She also appreciated how Grayson and Caleb took care of her. They openly admired her warrior skills and in the beginning when a wary Rafe had brought her into ISA, on probation, they were her chief supporters. When it was clear to them that their avowed bachelor boss was falling for her, they engineered one escapade after another, finally getting Rafe to accept the inevitable. Nicki smiled remembering their matchmaking antics. They knew what her father had always known and tried to warn Rafe. No one—particularly a man—had ever said no to Nicki.

  Nicki sat up in bed and propped herself against the padded headboard. She’d heard Rafe dressing quietly and then insisted that she stay in bed reminding her that they hadn’t gotten much sleep. She sighed. As though she needed reminding. Places in her body that she didn’t know she had were humming from overuse—some might even call it abuse. Pulling the quilt up under her chin, Nicki smiled to herself. She called it ecstasy.

  Caleb heard her sigh and shook his head. “Jesus, Nicki. You two are really something. I admire you both. You put even a hound dog like me to shame. Talk about stamina!”

  His expression turned uncharacteristically serious.

  “But I gotta thank you, babe. You did something none of us who love Rafe

  could do. You gave him a reason to live. He didn’t believe that he deserved the love of a good woman, until Ms. Nicki Powers swept into his life and proved him wrong. Because that man is my hero, I’m forever grateful that the most gorgeous woman in the world caught him in her web.” As if abashed that he’d actually been serious for a moment, Caleb shook his head and frowned. “My only job is to convince you that now that you’ve captured the mighty Rafe Boudin, you are ready to take on the real Superstar—me!”

  Nicki laughed. “You’re incorrigible, Caleb. But tell me: while I was getting much needed beauty sleep, what was the most dangerous man in the world up to?”

  “Yeah, right, Nicki. I’ve never seen a woman who can spend the night the way I’m certain you did and wake up looking like you stepped out of a photo shoot for Playboy!”

  “Hmm. I’ll take that as a compliment, Caleb. And if I do look like that… do you suppose maybe it’s because of the way I spent my night?”

  Caleb hooted then plunked himself in the chair next to her bed and put his long legs up on the foot of the bed. At the vibrating hum, he yanked out his cell p

  “Look at this, Nicki.”

  He pointed to a number in the corner of the screen and began rolling through a chain of text messages.

  “These are the text messages I’ve received from 67 people who’ve taken the time to tell me what our fearless leader did to Senator Michaels not thirty minutes ago. Whoops. Since I handed you your coffee three minutes ago, nine more messages have come in.”

  Nicki groaned.

  “I’m not sure I want to know, Caleb. But lay it on me. Is the Senator able to walk?”

  “Walk? Yeah, but maybe not eat for a while. Given that our white knight cut off Senator Michaels’ balls and fed them to him piece by piece.”

  Acknowledging Nicki’s wince, Caleb said, “Metaphorically speaking. But given that said affront took place in front of a standing room only breakfast crowd at Percy’s, Senator Michaels might have preferred a genuine castration. At least then there would have been blood and he might have gotten some sympathy.”

  Shaking his head as he read through the new messages, he glanced at Nicki.

  “Oh, yeah, hotstuff. Wear something stunning to the Labor event tonight. Seems Senator Michaels is gonna be apologizing to you. Damn honey, I wouldn’t miss tonight for anything. Apparently most of Washington agrees. Got a message from Stew Wourst over at Union headquarters saying that in the last hour they’ve gone from a respectable crowd tonight to sold out. Smart bastards that they are, when the rush for tickets started, Stew quadrupled the ticket price and he still has a waiting list panting to get in.”

  At that moment, Nicki’s phone signaled Rafe’s ringtone. She grabbed it, amazed that it felt like hours since she’d seen him.

  “Are you okay, Rafe?”

  His chuckle was her answer.

  “Do you mind if I put you on speaker. Otherwise I’ll have to repeat everything you say to Caleb.”

  Rafe’s accent-tinged voice filled the room.

  “By all means. If my lecherous partner knows I can hear him, he might behave himself. For once.”

  “Hey, big guy, you’d be proud of me. Hotstuff is sitting in bed in her jammies sipping on that vicious brew she likes and I’m lounging beside her on the bed being a perfect gentleman.”

  At Rafe’s growl, Caleb laughed.

  “Relax big guy. She’s safe. Only my feet are on her bed. My ass is in the chair. Although, I’ve been told by more than one sweet young thing that my feet are sexy as hell.”

  He grinned at the sound of Rafe’s muttered expletive.

  “But seriously Rafe, what the hell did you do to Michaels? Nothing like deballing a United States Senator on his way to becoming President of the United States of fucking America. Fuck man, I’ve stopped answering my phone so that I can cuddle up with hotstuff. I mean chat with Nicki about the work we need to do today before you get back.”

  Before Rafe could respond to his clowning, Caleb frowned. “Damn, Rafe. I just looked at my messages and in the last hour I’ve now received over a hundred texts. You turned this town ass over elbows.”

  “I think you’re right, Caleb. I just hung up with Grayson. He said the lines at the center are buzzing. I appear to have hit the Senator where it is most likely to hurt. His pride. I presume that my libidinous partner told you what happened, Nicki?”

  “Yes, he did. Don’t misunderstand, Rafe, but I can’t help but think it’s too bad if we take Michaels down for the disgraceful way he treats women. Particularly because Stephen Freeman, the man who is paying us over a million dollars to ‘crucify’ Michaels, is as bad or worse.”

  Rafe’s sigh was audible. “I agree, Nicki, on all counts. They are both equal opportunity assholes. But we’re getting paid to go after Michaels. Besides he brought this on himself by being stupid enough to attack you.”

  Caleb agreed. “Don’t forget, hotstuff, if our hotshot accountants can give us the evidence of the crimes you’ve discovered, that asshole is gonna have a lifetime to swing his dick around. Too bad the only guys who are gonna sit up and take notice are Abramoff and his cell mates at FCI Cumberland.”

  Nicki frowned. “It’s not that, Caleb. I want that bastard in jail so bad I can taste it. I just wish we weren’t working on behalf of a creep like Freeman.”

  Rafe cut in. “We’re working on behalf of our client, Nicki. And in an odd way, for the American people. If we make a million dollars doing it, so be it.” His tone softened. “We’ll talk about this later, Darling. Right now I’m on my way to New York. One of the foremost ‘business leaders’ in Thailand is interested in acquiring our services. If you think our U.S. criminals are gag worthy, you won’t believe this asshole. He’s corrupt enough to make me wonder if we should take him on. But the non-refundable five million dollar retainer he’s offering convinces me that he is just our kind of guy.”

  “Wish you could see the look on hotstuff’s face, Rafe. Don’t think she’s buying your business rationale. Want me to kiss her and try to make it better?”

  Nicki punched him and laughed. She spoke into the phone.

  “I do understand Rafe, but… “ She hesitated then ploughed forward. “I have something to tell you. I hope you won’t be angry.”

  Caleb stood up and walked over to the window whistling under his breath. Nicki glared at him. Forgetting for a moment that she was on speaker phone, she hissed, “So help me God, Caleb, if you told him what I found—”

  Rafe’s voice was curt. “Leave him alone, Nicki. For once I agree with him. Both Caleb and Grayson told me what you were up to. I presume you were going to bring me into the discussion at some point?”

  Nicki tried to ignore the army of ants crawling in her gut. Rafe rarely got angry with her but the few times he had made her not want to poke a stick at the lion. Glaring at Caleb, she forced herself to speak calmly.

  “Yes, I was, Rafe. I’m sorry that Caleb thought he had to blab to you.” At Caleb’s guffaw, Nicki climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind her. Clicking off the speaker button, she appealed to Rafe. “Honestly, I just wanted some evidence before I came to you. I wasn’t sure you would want me investigating our client. But… if Grayson has found the evidence I’m looking for and I can get one of them to talk to me…. Well, let me put it this way, Rafe. Sure hope that the down payment you got from Rep. Freeman is non-refundable.”

  Rafe’s silence was telling. After a long moment, he broke the heavy quietude. His voice was cool. “I’d like to think that you would come to me at any point in an investigation. In fact, in the future you damn well better. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this discussion, Nicki. We’ll have it again tonight. Now that I know what you are up to—and by the way I have seen the evidence Grayson is sending to you, all I can say is: good work. But what you are doing is dangerous, Nicki. Be careful.”

  Nicki swallowed hard, deciding this was not the time to hold back any more information.

  “Um, Rafe, I didn’t have a chance to tell you or Caleb or Grayson, but I’m having lunch with Mrs. Freeman today.”

  Closing her eyes, Nicki held her breath not sure she wanted to hear Rafe’s response.

  After what seemed like a very long time but was likely no more than thirty seconds, Rafe responded. His voice was soft but she would have had to be stone cold deaf not to hear the danger undergirding it.

  “Please don’t make this worse, Nicki. Given that you and I speak to one another at least five or six times a day you have had ample time to tell me anything and everything about the case we are working on. I suppose I should thank you for finally choosing to confide in your boss, and the man you spent eight hours making love to. We’ll discuss this later, Nicki. After I’ve had a chance to decide what I’m going to do tonight to get your attention. Goddamn it Nicki. These people—all of them—are dangerous. I thought I’d beaten the lone ranger out of you when we made you a full partner in ISA. Apparently not.”

  Nicki interrupted, “I’m sorry Rafe. I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t getting off track— “<
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  “You got off track Nicki when you stopped confiding in your partners. Like I said, we’ll discuss it tonight. And dammit, take Caleb with you; and for God’s sake be careful.”

  “But… I can’t take him, Rafe. I need to go alone. She might not talk in front of Caleb. And I can handle— “

  Rafe’s voice dropped at least ten decibels. “Nicki. Take. Caleb. With. You. That’s an order. Do you understand?”

  Nicki frowned at her phone listening to the dial tone. Apparently Rafe hadn’t thought he needed to wait for an answer.

  Chapter 5

  “Don’t talk, Caleb. Obviously you and Rafe, and even Grayson, think I am incapable of thinking, much less taking care of myself. However, I know exactly the information I need to hear from Cherise Freeman and how to get it!”

  Caleb smiled at her as he ushered her into the Smithsonian’s garden café.

  “Did I ever tell you how cute you are when you’re angry, hotstuff?”

  Chuckling at her angry gasp, Caleb gave her a little shove and in the process pinched her butt.

  Nicki whirled on him but seeing his dark blue eyes dancing with laughter, she swallowed her angry retort and couldn’t hold back a smile. Damn, Caleb was such a clown but he was crazy about her and she was equally nuts about him.

  She snorted in mock anger and snapped, “Baby ducks are cute, Caleb. And you are cute. I on the other hand am gorgeous.”

  “You sure as hell are that, hotstuff. But how about me? Can we just call me hot and be done with it?”

  Nicki shook her head and grinned as they waited for the maître d’. Caleb had done it again. There was no way she could stay angry with him. She’d rather be mad at Rafe. But even there she had a niggling sense that Rafe was at least partially right. He was annoying as hell and bossy to boot. But she had to admit, she was a lone ranger and she should have told him about her suspicions. Now with Grayson’s information in hand combined with what she’d pieced together, the evidence she had was damn near explosive. The question was, how much did Cherise Freeman know—and was she willing to help Nicki bring down her own husband?


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