The Bad Ass Brigade: Bad Guys Beware. The Good Guys Are on the Prowl (A Taylor Lee Sizzling Romantic Suspense Collection)

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The Bad Ass Brigade: Bad Guys Beware. The Good Guys Are on the Prowl (A Taylor Lee Sizzling Romantic Suspense Collection) Page 37

by Taylor Lee

  Charlie glanced over at the table in the back corner where Gunnar and Eagle were sitting with Maude, the madam who ran the brothel.

  “You think I’m crazy, man? You may not have angels watchin’ over you, but those two fuckin’ devils in the corner are enough to keep any dealer honest.”

  Gabe laughed with a disbelieving shrug as he moved toward his partners, smiling at Maude. He called out. “These two in the corner ogling Maude? Pussy cats, Charlie, mere pussy cats. Put ‘em next to a beautiful woman and they roll over and beg her to rub their tummies.”

  At the knowing laughter throughout the room confirming the incongruent image of Gunnar and especially Eagle as a pussy cat, Gabe leaned over and kissed Maude on the cheek, giving her shoulder a familiar squeeze.

  The still-attractive older woman who ran the brothel like a general accustomed to keeping raw recruits in line looked up at Gabe and winked.

  “Did you get what you needed from Dominic, Angel?”

  “Pretty much,” Gabe allowed with a smile sinking into the chair next to Maude, “Bout as much as anyone gets, I imagine.”

  Maude tossed her fire-red curls and reached over to stroke his cheek with a bright red -tipped fingernail. Her affectionate smile was genuine. “Now, Angel, don’t you be getting modest on little ole Maude. You think I don’t know that you never meet anyone big or small without a plan and a strategy – and just like at the card table, you don’t lose, do you, honey?”

  Gabe quirked a brow and allowed a grin to tug at the corner of his mouth. “Not so’s you’d notice, Maude.”

  Maude’s husky laugh filled the room as she reached over and refilled Gunnar and Eagle’s glasses, and poured another and shoved it in front of Gabe.

  Gabe raised his glass in a toast, and winked at her as he took a hearty swallow.

  Gunnar caught his eye. “We’ve been talking with Maude about some of the assholes we’re takin’ an interest in. As always, Maude knows more about the backroom deals going down in this corrupt town than the editor of the San Francisco Examiner. Hell, Maude, you should publish an anonymous scandal sheet daily. With the dirt you have on important men, you could rule this city.”

  Maude gave him a salacious grin and tickled her fingertips along the inside of Gunnar’s wrist.

  She turned back to Gabe and assumed a pretend pout. “We’ve been wondering how long you would be with that officious prick. My boss, that is. You really shouldn’t keep a girl waiting, Angel.”

  She tossed Eagle and Gunnar a dismissive glance. “Hell, baby, I thought I might have to take up with one of these two big hunks of gorgeous men.”

  Gabe took a large swallow of whisky and included the three of them in his response. “You’re gonna have to get it on without me tonight. I’m tuckered out.”

  Maude arched a disbelieving eyebrow, but before she could respond, Gunnar shook his head and gazed at his partner in mock despair.

  “You’re gonna have to forgive our partner here, Maude. I think our boy has gone and got goofy over a certain little princess type.”

  Maude’s eyes widened. “You can’t mean it Gunnar. Angel? The specter in every father’s nightmare, and the basis of every mother’s latent lust? Our boy? THE Angel?”

  Before Gunnar could get off anther taunt at Gabe, Eagle rose and tossed back his whisky, draining the glass in one hearty swallow. With a slight bow to Maude, he held out a large hand and said softly, “Let’s leave the Mick out of this tonight, Maude. Let’s make it a threesome.” He nodded at Gunnar in mock despair. “I’m the only one besides Angel who can keep this lecherous asshole in line.” He shook his head with a disarming smile that belied his huge muscular body, “C’mon Maude, I’ll protect you.”

  Maude’s husky laugh echoed over the nearly deserted hall as the two huge men surrounded her, circling their arms around her waist. Gabe smiled in amusement when Gunnar’s hand slipped over one full cheek swathed in red satin and gave it a visible squeeze. Maude’s giggle invited more of the same.

  Gabe lounged back in his chair, crossing his long legs at the ankles. When Eagle glanced back over his shoulder, Gabe raised his glass in a salute, and gave his friend a grateful smile.

  Chapter 20

  Brightly colored lanterns flickered over the courtyard, challenging the glow of the dark starry night. The sound of gay laughter echoed by deep rumbles of responding mirth punctuated the excited chatter of the crowd inside.

  Gabe winked at the two extraordinary men beside him and murmured, “You two ready to shake things up a bit?”

  Gunnar laughed, “I don’t know about shaking it up, but I have a feeling this is one party that that Penelope woman you’ve told us about is going to remember for a long time.”

  Gabe’s voice hummed with ill-disguised disgust.

  “Ah yes, Penelope. You two are in for a treat. Remember that nest of vipers we scared up on the trail outside of Sacramento?”

  Eagle whistled. “How can I forget? If Gunnar here hadn’t been so quick on the draw and killed three of them before I could jerk Shadow out of the way, I would have lost my best mare.”

  “Well, Gunnar, my friend, get those pistols and chopping blades of yours at the ready. You haven’t seen a viper until you’ve met Ana’s aunt.”

  As if summoned by their low reverberating chuckles, Penelope appeared in the doorway. Despite playing the role of gracious hostess, she pulled back, a sharp frown crossing her face when she saw Gabe. Quickly covering her anger, she pasted a false smile on her lips, and said with a nervous laugh, “Why, Gabriel, I wasn’t sure you would attend the festivities tonight. How… what a pleasant surprise.”

  Gabe took her hand and bowed slightly. “Why, Penelope, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Your parties are the talk of the county. My friends and I even heard them discussed in San Francisco last evening.”

  Penelope looked behind him and hesitated, then her sallow cheeks pinked slightly, the contrast an unpleasant one. Gabe followed her uneasy glance and nodded to Gunnar and Eagle.

  “Penelope, I’d like you to meet my friends.” Nodding to Eagle, he said, “This is Lucas, and this Swedish-looking fellow is Gunnar.”

  Eagle stepped forward, a dark towering presence, his large hand dwarfing Penelope’s small gnarled fingers. He bowed and said, “Pleased to meet you, Ma’am. My friends call me Eagle.”

  Penelope jerked away and stepped back, scrubbing at her hand as if to remove an unpleasant stain. Making a verbal effort to hide her obvious distaste, she muttered. “I… I am not surprised that they do… Mr.… Mr. Eagle.”

  Eagle’s quiet chuckle rumbled over the cobblestones. “Just Eagle will do, Ma’am.”

  Gunnar stepped forward, his dark blue eyes sparkling with amusement. Tossing his shoulder-length hair, he grinned at Eagle. “C’mon, Eagle. Don’t monopolize this lovely lady before I’ve had a chance to meet her.” Gunnar bowed low over her hand, sweeping his lips inches from her bird-like hand marked with prominent veins and dark brown spots.

  Penelope jumped back, clasping her hands in tight fists. She seemed aware that the three younger men were laughing at her, that they saw her discomfort and were amused by it. Her cheeks flamed an unpleasant reddish purple. She squished her lips in an even thinner white line. Drawing herself up to her full height, she glared up at Gabe. “As I said, Gabriel, I am surprised that you showed up tonight. I trust you and your friends will not make a scene. There are important people here tonight. Gentlemen.”

  Gabe met her gaze and smiled. Not attempting to hide his amusement, he said, in a voice rich with irony. “Me, Penelope? A scene? Why ever would you think that I would cause a spectacle? I know how important it is that you make the right impression on your wealthy guests. I assure you my friends and I will be perfect gentlemen.”

  Penelope spit out a warning. “See that you are, or you will regret it.” Turning on her heel, she marched into the house, her head held conspicuously high.

  Gabe bowed low and swept his arm toward the entrance. Chortl
ing, he murmured, “After you, Mr. Eagle.”

  Eagle bowed deeply in return, “No. No, I insist, Mr. McKenna, you first. You’ve proven yourself more adept with vipers than I am.”

  Nodding at the clusters of men inside, Gabe murmured, “It will only get more interesting. I’ve already spotted four of our targets. We gonna need to split up.”

  Eagle chuckled, “I get the side wherever Penelope isn’t.”

  Gunnar gave a low whistle under his breath. “And I get whatever side of the earth that gorgeous creature is inhabiting.” He gave Gabe a sharp poke in his ribs. “Holy, Christ, Gabe, if that angel staring at us from across the room is Ana Ming Li and you haven’t already bedded her, you damn well better hurry. You know I’ve never been one to cut in on a friend. But, hell, if Eagle and I have to wait until you take her first, we may just have to shift the rules. Then again that’s one foursome that’ll be worth waiting on.”

  Gabe fought his fury, managing to keep from burying his fist in Gunnar’s gut.

  “There won’t be one.” His voice was steel.

  “What do you mean by that? One what?” Gunnar seemed genuinely perplexed.

  “A foursome or… a threesome,” Gabe spit out, his words like sharp pointed tacks. He saw Gunnar and Eagle exchange a surprised glance and pinned them both with a glare.

  Gunnar shrugged. “Damn, you’ve already raised it, and you haven’t even—…”

  Eagle reached out and clapped Gunnar on the shoulder. “That not the impression I get from the look on Gabe’s face, Gunnar. Hell, if it was any harder his whole damn face would crack. Given that Penelope doesn’t want a spectacle, maybe you’d better back off. I think Gabe beating the shit out of you would qualify as a scene.”

  Gunnar looked from one to another of his friends and a slow smile spread over his face. He held Gabe’s gaze.

  “Well, well, I’ll be damned. You are serious, aren’t you, Gabe? Not that I blame you. She comes damn close to perfection. Christ, her face is one thing, but that body…”

  With a mighty effort, Gabe controlled his rage. Christ. What the hell was wrong with him? He and Gunnar had been sharing women since they became partners. It was a given. Less often, he and Eagle teamed up. Sometimes if the woman was up for it, all three of them took the stage.

  At that moment, he met Ana’s gaze. The people and the noise around them faded. He only saw her. In that instant of time he knew he would likely kill Gunnar or Eagle or both of them if they or any other fucking man touched her.

  He felt Gunnar’s sharp nudge and amused caution. “Hey man, if you don’t want to trip on your tongue, maybe we should just head over there. How’s this for a plan? Eagle and I will take out the men standing three deep around her. When we’ve got them all on the ground, you rush in, sweep her off her feet and make like a bandit for the door.”

  Gabe startled. “What? What the hell are you talking about, Gunnar?”

  Gunnar chortled, “I’m trying to help you out, man. Okay, let’s forget the three staged kidnapping. I have to admit, it’s ambitious… and would definitely fit in the spectacle realm. Instead, let’s amble over and meet the woman who has my best friend tied up in about fifteen hundred knots.”


  Ana saw them when they came to the door. They were impossible to miss. She’d tried not to watch for him, reminding herself again and again: this nightmare would soon be over and he would be gone. Forever. Her chest tightened at the thought, and she struggled to breathe. But now he was here. Watching for him had been annoying — but seeing him was equally painful. If she could run away she would. At some level, she knew he would come after her. He wouldn’t let her go that easily. He hadn’t conquered her yet. And after all, that was what he did.

  She watched the three men standing in the doorway. From across the room, she knew that they were teasing her aunt, purposefully embarrassing her. She knew she was right when Aunt Persnickety whirled away from the trio and strode back into the ballroom, her face tight with anger. The trio was laughing, joking with one another, their camaraderie apparent. Ana realized with a start that these were Gabe’s partners. And that they were heading toward her.

  It was as if they were magnetic. Every head in the room turned, the men as well as the women. Ana understood. They were stunning. All three were tall, broad-shouldered, strong men. Power emanated from them. They easily captured the room. The darker one was mixed race. His high cheekbones and black eyes signaled Indian blood… but there was more. She didn’t think she had ever seen a more handsome man. The blond-haired giant between the two dark-haired men was a contrast not only in coloring but in demeanor. His dark blue eyes danced, and what she suspected was a perpetual grin tugged at his mouth. His shoulder-length hair brushed against his collar, in careless sun streaked waves, a decided contrast to the careful styling of the moneyed men in the room.

  And then there was Gabe. Ana felt faint. He was even bigger, more powerful than she had allowed herself to remember. How could she have forgotten how green his eyes were, how black and curly his casually cut hair was? And how could she not have remembered that wicked grin that quirked his lips. And his lips… Gabe’s two friends appeared to be teasing him, and his grin darkened, his expression hardened, and then he met her eyes. Ana fought to keep from swaying. She wished she had eaten more today, or perhaps less. Anything that would keep her stomach from pitching. And damn, when did it get so hot? She felt dizzy, thought she might be sick. She swept the room, frantically looking for her father or Kai to rescue her, but they were nowhere to be seen. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, and when she opened them he was standing before her.

  “Good evening, Ana.” Gabe’s voice shot familiar sensations through her that she’d tried to convince herself she’d imagined. He reached out for her hand and smiled at her. “You look lovely, Ana.” Glancing at her gown, he winked. “I see it wasn’t necessary to alter this dress, it already allows you freedom of movement.”

  For a brief moment, she wished she hadn’t chosen to wear the outrageous gown Kai bought for her yesterday in San Francisco. It was a silvery slip of a dress cut low over her bosom. She choked when Gabe’s eyes drifted to the visible swells and his smile broadened. She didn’t have to follow his gaze to know that he had focused on the most shocking element of the dress; the hemline. It was intentionally uneven, in places rising to just below her knees. It was a shocking liberty just now being seen in the haute couture salons in Europe. He glanced down and his eyes twinkled.

  “Your ankle must be healed, Ana, to allow you to wear those outrageous shoes.”

  If she could have kicked them off, she would have. The four-inch satin heels now seemed frivolous, even to her. Heat rose in her cheeks and she struggled against another wave of dizziness. She started when he grasped her elbow. Even though her skin burned where his fingers touched, she was grateful for his support.

  “What would be even more outrageous than those shoes — and I’ll grant you, Gabe, they are outrageous, would be if you failed to introduce us to that vision beside you.”

  Ana looked up at the blond-haired man who was smiling down at her. She felt Gabe’s grip tighten. His voice had a decided edge when he spoke.

  “Ana, these are my partners, the men I told you about. This golden boy here is Gunnar, and don’t let his looks fool you. No one who ever faced him in a gun battle lived to tell about it. And this imposing gentleman is Lucas, but we call him Eagle.”

  The darker-skinned man reached out and grazed her fingertips with his. A smile touched his lips, lightening his expression dramatically.

  “Or as your aunt called me ‘Mr. Eagle.’”

  Ana now knew what the three men were laughing about in the doorway; but she was still horrified at her aunt’s rudeness.

  “I apologize for my aunt, Eagle. She can’t hide her distaste for what she calls ‘pretend Americans.’” When Eagle’s eyes widened, Ana added, “My brother and I, and, of course, my father, are also included in that group.”

/>   Gabe watched Eagle’s expression soften and was grateful that Ana had the courage to call out her aunt’s insult. He watched intrigued as Ana focused on Eagle’s face. His burly friend reddened slightly under her scrutiny. She frowned, and her eyes narrowed in concentration.

  “Forgive me for staring, but your eyes are unusual,” Ana murmured, looking hard at Eagle’s face. For a moment Gabe thought she might reach up and touch it. The way Eagle shifted back, Gabe saw he wasn’t the only one surprised at her frank inspection.

  Ana blushed and stammered. “Forgive me. I… I don’t get out much. I’m told, at least by my aunt, that I’m much too direct. And… not ladylike.”

  Eagle smiled. “I’m not offended, Ana. I appreciate people who are direct.” He glanced down at her dress and added, “Just for the record, your aunt is not only rude, she is blind.”

  Ana flashed him an appreciative smile, then as if encouraged by his response, she leaned forward.

  “At first glance you look like you are Indian. But you are also Chinese, aren’t you?”

  Eagle was clearly surprised. “Few people get by the Indian part, or as I’m more commonly called, the Injun part, but yes I do have Chinese ancestry.”

  Ana nodded. “When I was a little girl, a group of Chinese men came from China to visit my father. One of them was tall like you which was impressive enough to a young girl. But what I remember most was his face. He had your cheekbones and his eyes were like yours, Chinese, oriental. When I asked my father about him later, he said that Chung was from the Aleutian Islands and that for many centuries the people from the neighboring continents mixed with one another creating people who look like you.” She blushed slightly, then added with a shy smile. “I never forgot him. He was very handsome.”

  Gabe was touched. Eagle, clearly smitten, flushed then bowed to the lovely young woman.

  Beside them, Gunnar coughed. “Is there a chance that any of your childhood memories involve Vikings? You know, the tall blond haired Adonis’s who crossed dangerous seas to conquer uncharted territories? The fearless men known for their striking good looks and ability to sweep women off their feet?”


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