Eros Inc Boxed Set (Bisexual Menage Romance MMF FFM): All FIve Episodes Bundled In One Volume!

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Eros Inc Boxed Set (Bisexual Menage Romance MMF FFM): All FIve Episodes Bundled In One Volume! Page 15

by Mia Moore

  My stomach was still in the lower altitude, or had it fallen when he said he would be leaving Eros. My eyes shifted down to gaze at my knees. I should be happy for him to get a better job where he’d be making a lot more money.

  The rest of the ride was spent silently as I looked out the window enjoying the view of the fluffy white clouds below me and then again the patchwork of fields when we descended. The ground was approaching faster and my body stiffened. From all I’d read about airplanes the take off and landings were the most dangerous times. My body jostled as the wheels of the plane touched the surface of the tarmac and bounced before we came to a full landing. I exhaled slowly, only now aware that I’d been holding my breath.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. And I did promise to buy you lunch.” He glanced at me, smiling once more.

  His mood had lightened and was again casual and friendly. I should try to do the same, pretend that the prospect of his leaving Eros didn’t bother me. Hell, if he was leaving maybe I’d make a pass at him; act as if sex with him would be casual and meaningless.

  “Yes. I’m starving too. You know, the kitchen staff at Eros can make anything you want. We can order and have dinner in my apartment. I’ve also got a great hot tub if your muscles need massaging. Not to mention, I’m a trained physiotherapist.” There was a muscle of his that would be getting my attention on the ride home.

  His face transformed before my eyes, lighting up at the prospect, and he leaned forward to kiss me. There was a tingle between my legs when our lips met. His kiss was soft, lightly brushing mine, his mouth open and his breath hot against my skin. I pressed into him wanting more and my hand moved to hold his neck and pull him closer. His tongue darted between my lips, meeting mine, softly caressing. His breathing deepened, kissing me harder, his arms reaching to hold me close.

  The soft chime of my cell phone rang as it vibrated in its holder on my arm. My eyes opened and I pulled away. I wanted to tear the damned phone off my arm and stomp on it. Of all the times to interrupt…Damn.

  “I’d better take this.’ I unsnapped the holder and scooped it out. There was a text message from Nick.


  I’ll be at the apartment at eight o’clock. Please order from the kitchen. Your choice tonight.


  I clicked the screen off quickly after reading it. If Sir knew my choice right now, he wouldn’t like it.

  “I’m sorry. Can we take a rain check and do the dinner thing tomorrow? I’ve got to go home now.”

  He turned his head away and started to get up. “That’s okay Cerise. Fraternizing with the boss probably isn’t my best idea. We should just keep this on a friendship level. After all, in a few more weeks, you won’t be my employer. Perhaps then…”

  Yes…maybe. I undid my seatbelt and followed him down the steps that had been wheeled to the plane while we were kissing.

  I waited near the bike while Mason returned the key to the flight school attendant. Before the ride with Mason, and that kiss when we landed, I would have been drooling at the prospect of being with Nick that evening. And I hadn’t seen him for a few days.

  The afternoon with Mason had been fun and I should be like him and just leave it at that. Ginger was right about one thing. Protect my heart around Nick, Dev and now Mason. I had a job to do at Eros Inc. for at least six months, which would get me out of debt. That was why I’d accepted the job and that would have to be my priority…for now.

  Chapter 2

  It was time to get my head on straight before Nick arrived. When Mason dropped me off, I had gone through the motions, showering, applying make-up and selecting an outfit for the evening with Nick. My mind kept slipping back to the time with Mason and the inference that we’d continue to see each other—but AFTER he left Eros.

  The doorbell rang and I took a deep breath before walking down the hall to answer it. When I opened it and saw Nick standing there, my stomach did a somersault. Why did he have to be so damned attractive with the deep blue eyes and crooked smile! I lowered my gaze to the toes of my high heels, feeling a pleasant shudder pass through my body, waiting for his touch.

  His large hands cupped my face, his thumb under my chin raising it to await the soft brush of his lips on mine. My hands went around his neck as he pulled me into him, kissing me deeply, exploring my mouth with his tongue. It was nice but seemed to fall short of the way Mason’s kiss had made me feel. A small part of me even felt guilty for thinking this. I had so much to be grateful to Nick for.

  He broke off the kiss and lifted me off my feet, hugging me hard. The breath caught in my throat but it wasn’t from the bear hug.

  Lotus was standing behind him, her chin held high, almond eyes darkly gleaming above a smile that oozed smugness. What was she doing here? Sure she had started to become slightly courteous, almost friendly, but that didn’t mean I wanted to have sex with her.

  I pulled back and looked into Nick’s face, my eyes wide and questioning.

  “I asked Lotus to join us tonight. I hope you don’t mind.” He stepped around me and walked toward the living room, followed closely by Lotus who trailed a scarlet fingernail across my cheek as she passed me.

  The muscle in my jaw tensed, gritting my teeth together. If he expected anything sexual between Lotus and me, he was sadly mistaken. It was hard enough working with her let alone doing anything intimate.

  When I calmed down enough to enter the living room, they were already seated, her legs tucked under her, body leaning into his. The slit in her dress started at her hip and had separated when she sat down. Now, with her leg exposed, his hand carelessly stroked her thigh.

  It was hard to read his face when he looked at me. “Would you mind getting wine for Lotus and me? White, please.”

  I spun on my heels and strode into the kitchen, jerking the refrigerator door open. There was a full bottle of icy white wine that had been delivered a half hour ago, along with covered platters of food. I plopped the wine bottle on the counter and scrambled in the drawer for the cork screw.

  He was treating me like I was the hired help, here to serve him and Lotus, not even suggesting that I get a glass to join them. Fine. If that was what he wanted, I’ll serve their wine and then their dinner.

  The cork slid out of the bottle top and I sloshed wine into three glasses. I held two in front of me and returned to the living room, handing one first to Lotus and then to Nick. She managed to extract her arm from around his shoulder to take the glass from me.

  I handed him a glass while smiling sweetly into his eyes. When I got back to the kitchen, I downed the third glass in one gulp and poured another. Holding it before me, I returned to the living room to sit in the chair across from them.

  “Lotus is here to update you on a financial investigation she has been conducting for the past few days. You are probably not aware of it, but there’s been a theft of money at Eros.” Nick’s eyes were cold as he looked at me. “A considerable amount.”

  “Who would do this? Are you sure that there’s not an accounting error?” I looked from Lotus to Nick, feeling like a bug under a microscope. Surely, they couldn’t think I had anything to do with this.

  “I’ll know tomorrow who it is. There will be a staff meeting on Tuesday morning where we’ll let everyone know. Of course the thief will be fired, which should serve as a warning to everyone else.” Lotus punctuated her announcement by taking a swallow of wine with eyes regarding me above the rim.

  I returned her stare for a few moments and looked at Nick. “I hope Lotus is successful. If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.” Dammit, I was innocent and I wanted to get that across.

  “Do you mind if I take a pass on dinner Cerise? I’ve lost my appetite and there’re a few things I’d like to speak to Lotus about. We’ll just finish our wine and go.” Again, his face was an unreadable mask.

  “You hired me as the GM and this is the first I hear of an investigation or theft. Now, you want to speak to
Lotus privately? What the hell is going on Nick?” I wasn’t about to be brushed aside so easily, especially since there’d been no assurance that I wasn’t a suspect.

  “This doesn’t concern you at this point. It’s better you not know.” Lotus set her glass on the table in front of her and stood up, peering down her nose at me.

  “She’s right.” Nick stood, signaling the end of the evening. Evening? Hah. This was a meeting, nothing more.

  I took a sip of wine and watched him follow Lotus out the door. What the hell was going on?

  Chapter 3

  I went for a long run the next day to clear my head. Dreams of being fired and railroaded off to jail caused me to toss and turn all night and I was out of sorts.

  It was Monday and Eros was closed so I had the day to myself. When I left the building I saw the door to Lotus’ office was closed but a light peeked out from under the door letting me know she was in there. Probably finding some way to frame me and get the job of GM that she’d been bucking for. Good luck. I was innocent and could prove it.

  Running along a quiet, tree lined street in the middle of the afternoon, I was able to leave Eros and thoughts of Nick, Dev and Lotus behind. Rays of sunlight through the thick leaves of the trees sparkled down on me like confetti. Life was good and soon when my student loans were paid off, with a nest egg in the bank, I’d be free to pursue whatever dream I wanted.

  My reverie was broken by the low rumble and thud of a car behind me. What the hell! It had jumped the sidewalk and was speeding up, coming right at me. With a leap I landed in the grassy hollow bordering the sidewalk, rolling over onto my stomach in time to see a dark sedan squeal past. Oh my God! Were they crazy or drunk! The license plate was a blur but I saw that one mud flap was missing.

  I sat up still shaking and brushing the grass off my arms. It wouldn’t do any good to call the police; all I knew was that it was a dark sedan missing a mud flap. There must be quite a few of them and besides it would be long gone.

  So much for a nice run on a peaceful summer day…


  When I hobbled into the club a half hour later, my hip bruised and aching with each step, I stopped dead in my tracks. Ginger lay in a heap on the marble floor ,crying inconsolably. Mason was down on one knee, his arm around her, trying to lift her. Puzzlement and concern were on his face when he heard me enter and looked up.

  In a flash I rushed forward to kneel beside her. “What’s wrong?” Her body shuddered under my hand on her shoulder.

  She twirled around at my voice and threw her arms around my shoulders, burying her face in my neck.

  “Her boyfriend was murdered. The police just left. Apparently he had left her name in his wallet as an emergency contact.” Mason whispered. He stroked the back of Ginger’s head.

  “Help me get her upstairs to my apartment.” Oh my God! Poor Ginger. I didn’t even know if she had family nearby to take care of her.

  Mason stood up and between the two of us we managed to get Ginger to her feet. She was broken in her grief and about to collapse again when Mason tucked his arms under her knees and arms, lifting her like a rag doll.

  I rushed to the elevator and pushed the button fighting tears, picturing Gus, Ginger and I the other night. He was such a friendly, likeable guy, who would want to kill him? Tears rolled down my cheeks, seeing Ginger so helpless, sobbing into Mason’s neck as he held her.

  “What’s going on?” Lotus appeared suddenly next to Mason, her eyes flitting from Ginger to mine.

  I stepped away from the elevator and motioned for her to join me.

  “Her boyfriend Gus has been murdered. Call Nick and Dev and let them know, if they don’t already. Can you check to see if Ginger has family nearby?”

  “But there must be some— ”

  The elevator arrived and I raced in after Mason ignoring Lotus’ question and the stunned look on her face.

  Ginger raised her head and looked at me, her eyes red and swollen from crying. “Where are we going? I’ve got to see Gus.” Her hand pushed against Mason’s chest trying to get down from his arms, but he tightened his grip.

  “Ginger, we’re going to my place. I’m going to take care of you.” I rubbed her shoulder and looked at Mason, hoping he would stay to help me.

  “Gus…” She clutched Mason’s neck crying loudly.

  Finally we were on my floor and I scurried out to unlock the door and hold it for Mason and Ginger.

  “Sit with her on the sofa. Damn. I wish I had some sleeping pills or sedatives but a stiff drink will have to do.” My hands flew to the cupboard for the whisky bottle and glasses. I threw some cubes in and hurried out to the living room.

  Ginger was beside Mason, her arms folded and tucked across her midriff as she rocked back and forth crying.

  I filled a glass with the amber liquid and handed it to her. Her shaking hand inched forward to take it and she looked up at me. My chest was tight and my lip quivered seeing the pain in her eyes. How could this have happened? Was it random or had someone planned to kill him?

  Ginger was about to set the drink on the coffee table but I reached out to stop her. “Drain the glass. You need it. Do you want to tell me what happened? What the police said?” I took a seat across from her, glad that Mason was there with his arm around her shoulders.

  Her breath hitched and her hand flew to her mouth when she emptied the glass. After a few moments, she began to speak.

  “The police said they found his body in a restaurant parking lot just before noon today. I was listed as next of kin but they contacted Northern Dynamics for identification of the body. I don’t know if Nick or Dev went to do that.” A fresh round of tears followed where she was unable to continue.

  There was a soft tap at the door and I excused myself to leave and open it. Lotus’ face was blanched with worry, hands clasped and wringing each other as she stood there. “I spoke with Nick. He identified the body. But I can’t reach Dev. Ginger has an older sister who is on the way to pick her up. I’ll go back down and wait for her.”

  “Thanks Lotus. Did Nick say he was going to come over?” I asked her retreating back.

  “No. We’ll see him at the meeting tomorrow.”

  Chapter 4

  The Management staff was sitting around the boardroom table when I walked into the room the following day. With one glaring absence. How was Ginger doing today? My heart was heavy walking to the head of the table, when a hand on my arm stopped me.

  “Cerise. How’s Ginger?” Nick’s dark blue eyes were wide under eyebrows bunched with concern. There were dark circles under his eyes and it looked like he hadn’t even shaved. He must have had a rough night as well.

  “I don’t know yet. I’m going to see her later.” I wasn’t looking forward to that. I was drained by this as well and didn’t know how much support I’d be able to give her.

  “Shit! I forgot my briefcase in the car. I have to speak with Lotus before the meeting starts. Would you mind going out to my car to get it? It’s the black sedan right in front.” Without waiting for my answer, he tossed me the keys and headed towards the side of the room where Lotus waited.

  I was beginning to feel like a gopher, there to help but not really essential. Lotus seemed to be the one in control of whatever was going on around here. My face flushed thinking of Gus and Ginger. Really, my issue with Nick and Lotus was nothing compared to that.

  I walked out of the building and there it was as he’d said, his black sedan. I opened the passenger door and searched the car with my gaze – no briefcase. The button to open the trunk was probably in the glove box and I gasped when I opened it. A revolver was tucked under a paper! Why would Nick carry a gun in his car?

  I pushed the button for the trunk and closed the passenger door. I walked slowly along the car on my way to the trunk, looking closely at the dark color, a scowl on my face. Impulsively I bent to check behind the rear tires. Oh my God. One of the mud flaps was missing! THIS was the car that almost ran me down yeste
rday! And what was with the gun in the glove box!

  My heart thudded in my ears and I stood in a daze. Should I call the police now or wait and call them later? If Nick suspected I knew about the gun and that it was he who had tried to run me over, what would he do? I pulled the briefcase from the trunk and leaned against the car.

  My jaw fell when two police cars pulled in behind Nick’s car. Did they already know? Three officers bounded from the cars and a fourth approached me.

  “Who are you and why are you here?” The officer walking towards me was older, a seasoned veteran with a commanding voice.

  “I’m Cerise Morgan, the Manager of the club. Why are you here?” I tried to keep my voice on an even level but it still sounded squeaky, even to my own ears.

  “Come with me.”

  His hand under my elbow propelling me up the stairs and into the club left no room for debate.

  Inside, the three officers surrounded Nick, citing his rights while they arrested him for the murder of Gus Marker. Lotus was standing just outside the door to the Boardroom, her hands covering her open mouth, eyes wide with shock.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t kill Gus! Why would I do that! He’s a friend as well as my CFO.” Nick’s face was flushed and eyes that were mere slits flashed at the uniformed man putting cuffs on him.

  I turned my face up to the officer holding my arm. “His car is parked outside with a gun in the glove box. That same car tried to run me over yesterday.”

  He nodded to one of the other cops who then left the group to go outside.

  Chapter 5

  We stood in the doorway, watching the police put Nick into the back of the police car and drive away.

  “He killed Gus and almost got me as well.” My voice was shallow, almost a whisper as I realized how close to dying I’d been.

  “Don’t be ridiculous! Nick didn’t do either of those things. I don’t know who did but he’s been set up.”


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