Erotica: No Limits

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Erotica: No Limits Page 3


  “Blake careful where you finish”, Lucien said. Despite him enjoying his friend fucking her, he wanted to avoid other troubles that could result from their fun.

  Blake stopped, pulled Evelyn to her feet and turned her to face the desk. Pushing her forward she bent over the desk, and with a gently nudge her legs spread wider as he forced his cock back inside her. Leaning back slightly he spread her cheeks with his hands so that he could watch himself ram in and out of her. He was close.

  Evelyn felt his fucking get harder and harder until he pulled out completely. She heard him behind her say, “Oh sweet Evie, take it”, followed by a splash of warmth on her backside. Blake then retreated to another chair to catch his breath. She had since collapsed onto her back, her body aching in pain and ecstasy all at once.

  She heard Lucien say something but it was muffled by his heavy breathing.

  “Get on your knees”, he said louder and more insistent. She knew he wanted to put his cock in her mouth, sliding it in and out the way he did with his fist. Dropping to her knees she took his cock into her mouth, deeper than she thought she would be able to. He couldn't help but laugh when she gagged. She took his entire length into her mouth with the first thrust, and she hadn't been prepared for what would happen when his cock hit the back of her throat.

  With a bit of a nudge her mouth opened, he slid himself past her lips and into her mouth. As she recovered from the shock, he stroked her cheek, slowly sliding his hand up and winding his fingers through her hair, pulling her forward. He pushed himself through her lips again slowly moving himself in and out, making sure not to go too far. Every time her lips slid over the tip she became desperate to take more back into her mouth. “That’s it love, take it”.

  “Take it”, he repeated every time he slid into her mouth. Soon Lucien was ready, he grabbed himself at the base of his shaft and began to thrust into her mouth faster and deeper, keeping his other hand on her head, preventing her from pulling away. She was struggling. Lucien didn't care, he kept fucking her mouth until he couldn't hold in any more. One last thrust in he held her head and savored as his entire cock lay inside her mouth, moments later he pulled out allowing her to take the breath she needed. He had long since decided he would be coming onto her and not into her mouth. He tilted her head back and gripped his cock, with a hard stroke he watched as his seed spill out across her chest and neck, sliding down her breast. Spent he sat back onto the large leather chair.

  All three lay across the room panting and moaning. When she felt she could speak Evelyn asked the two men when they would be doing this again.

  Chapter One

  It was hard to find something to complain about, really; here I was, a successful businesswoman with a flourishing company before I hit thirty. Lance, my loving, sexy husband was my equal in every way and never hesitated to make sure I was taken care of, and just a few houses down from where we had built our nest, my lifelong friend, Evan, lived. I had every comfort I could hope for near me, and my support system was all within one neighborhood. Life was good. Life was perfect, even. I mean, there was one, little, tiny problem that I had, but really, that was such a small thing in the grand scheme of things, wasn't it?

  I wanted my best friend and my husband to fuck me.

  At the same time.

  It wasn't as though it was completely out of the realm of possibility; they were both bisexual males, and though they had never dated when we were back in high school, the two of them had had something of a sexual relationship before Lance and I had started dating. Even after Lance and I were serious, I had never missed the long looks they had given one another when the other wasn't looking. Or the way they both looked at me, for that matter.

  And they were, too. They were damn fine looking men, both in their own right. Lance was the tall, dark, and handsome type, with dark umber skin and deep brown eyes, the man was always enticing, and had kept up his athletic build in spite of being in the business world for almost ten years now. I envied him in that regard, I thought ruefully to myself, running my hands along the plush middle I had been working on for most of my life. A cursory exploration of my backside was met with its usual slight sway and jiggle, something that I was proud of, in a way.

  Evan, though...Evan was gorgeous in his own way, too. With pale skin, dark raven hair, and striking blue eyes, he had always stood out, even when we were little kids. The three of us, growing up, had always been close, and had even at one point promised that we would all get married to each other so that we would never be apart. Childish naivete, I know, but even after Lance and I had started dating, the three of us had never once drifted as a group of friends. It was something I had always been grateful for, though I couldn't help but wonder how different things would have been had Lance and Evan gotten together. If they had ever even wanted that in the first place.

  I shook my head to try and clear those thoughts from my mind and turned back to making lunch. Evan was coming over, after all, and I know how those two like to eat. Well, all of us, I suppose, I thought with a giggle. It was a rare weekend that all three of us would have off, so we figured we should do something together, and had settled on Evan coming over for lunch and some games.

  Maybe that was why I couldn't stop thinking about the idea of us becoming a threesome.

  “Think those are gonna be enough?” I heard my husband ask in that deep voice of his. I felt him behind me before I saw him, hands on my ample hips, squeezing them and tugging my backside against him. Even through our clothes, he felt warm.

  “I certainly hope so,” I said with a laugh as I turned around in his arms to face him. “I'm out of bread for the sandwiches. I thought I had bought some more, but still.” I shrugged a shoulder. “I don't plan on eating much, so it should be alright.” It was true; I was still full from breakfast.

  “Up to you,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. His hands were still on me, and I couldn't help but enjoy their warmth. “I could always just eat you up, if I haven't had my fill...” he grinned wickedly.

  “Oh, hush, you.” I lightly swatted him on the chest, laughter escaping me despite my feigned irritation.

  “Say what you want, but I know you wouldn't turn it down.” Perhaps he was going to tease me more – that wouldn't have been out of the ordinary. That was when the doorbell rang.

  “Ah, that's probably him.” He gave my hips one last squeeze before letting them go. “I'll grab the door.” He said, pressing a quick kiss to my mouth before leaving again. With a smile, I turned to the fridge and pulled out some vegetables to have along with the sandwiches I had made. From the kitchen, I could hear Evan's tenor voice greeting my husband as he was let in. There was the sound of shoes being removed, and light banter between the two, and it wasn't long before the two men in my life were now in my kitchen, big grins on their faces.

  “Good to see you, Emma.” Evan said, sidling up against me so that I could feel him against my hip. I smiled up at him, glad to actually have the chance to see him for more than a passing greeting before we left for work.

  “I know!” I laughed. “It's so nice to be able to hang out again, all three of us. It feels like it's been ages.” I scrunched up my face. “Which is odd, on account of us being neighbors now.”

  “I know what you mean,” he let out a bark of laughter and stepped away from my side to eye the plate of food I was arranging. “You sure that's gonna be enough?” He parroted my husband's concern as he took stock of my spread.

  “Oh, the two of you, I swear,” I chided with a laugh. “If we didn't have such good paying jobs, the two of you would eat yourselves out of house and home! How are you two the skinny ones?!” I harrumphed, hands on my hips as I glared playfully at them both. Their peals of laughter warmed my heart, despite the mild irritation I always felt when their metabolisms were brought up.

  “I guess we just won the genetic lottery in that regard.” Evan shrugged a shoulder, a carefree smile playing on his lips. “Although...” he trailed off, his eyes darke
ning as he took in my yoga pants and off the shoulder top. “I can't say you didn't win, either. It was just...a different kind of lottery, right, Lance?” The way that my husband grinned at our friend almost made me think that they had discussed something that I had yet to be privy to.

  “I would certainly say so.” In spite of the way the two of them were looking at me so salaciously, they both laughed lightly. Maybe I was just imagining things? Making them out to be naughtier than they were because of my thoughts earlier? Evan looked right at me, almost as though he could see right through me, his grin only growing more suggestive.

  “Either way, it doesn't matter.” He said after a moment. “Lance and I are going to dominate you tonight.” The way that he grinned almost made me think that he knew exactly what I had been thinking about, somehow. Unable to stop the heat from rising on my cheeks, I averted my gaze.

  “Wh-what do you mean?” I managed to stammer out around my heart, which had decided to lodge itself in my throat at the thought that I had been found out somehow.

  “Oh, yes,” Evan said casually as he practically glided over to where I was standing, the tray of food I was working on completely forgotten. “Lance and I have been practicing, you know.” Even as Evan advanced on me, the gleam in his eye nearly predatory, I couldn't feel anything but a thrill running up my spine. Was this it? Was this where it all began, where the three of us would start out on some new and uncharted territory? He leaned in close to me, to whisper in my ear, and the nearness of him sent my heart racing despite my husband being mere feet away. “I think we're finally going to completely destroy you.”

  “Ah,” I couldn't think of anything clever to say, I could barely think around the haze of arousal that had begun to cloud my mind.

  “So,” Evan tilted his head to the side. “You think you're ready for it?” His grin widened. Swallowing thickly, I did my best not to show how flustered I was and met his gaze.

  “Of course,” I said in an almost even voice. He nodded, satisfied, and then suddenly pulled away from me entirely.

  “Whelp, hope you guys still remember where the cards are, then.” The comment was so normal, so non-sexualized, that it felt like cold water had been splashed over me.


  “Of course it is,” Lance answered coolly, as though he hadn't just witnessed his lifelong friend hit on his wife. “We always have it ready for rematches.”

  “Great!” Evan grinned, leaning past me to pick up the tray of food I had created. “Because I think I'm finally going to kick your ass at poker, Emma!” Cackling, he walked off to the living room, leaving me gaping, my mouth flapping like a fish out of water. Lance gave me a long, sideways appraisal and nodded to himself as though this had decided something and went to join Evan in the living room.

  What on Earth had just happened?

  Still, I took a deep breath, smoothed my shirt over my soft middle, and made my way to join them both. Evan was already cutting the cards and shuffling them in preparation for the game. Lance, for his part, was lounging on the couch, watching Evan's dexterous hands as he worked with a passing interest. I couldn't help but watch, too; the way his fingers danced gracefully along the cards as he dealt them was enough to get my already active imagination working.

  Before long, everything was ready, and the two men were munching away happily at the food I'd made. Sipping on some tea, I took in the conversation of Evan and Lance swapping what's been going on the past few weeks we hadn't seen one another. I interjected here and there, but I was always more content to listen than talk when it was just about current events.

  We had already played a few hands, with my wins already tallying up to surpass the both of theirs combined, and I was feeling pleasantly warm from the tea. The atmosphere was relaxed, and a comfort among the three of us that only comes with people that have known each other all their lives settled around us.

  “You never did tell us what happened to that one guy you were seeing, Evan,” I mentioned as Lance shuffled the cards for the next hand.

  “It didn't work out,” he said with a sigh. “I wasn't really feeling that relationship. There was almost no connection between us.”

  “I'm sorry that things fell through with him,” I said earnestly. Sure, I may have wild fantasies of him double teaming me with my husband, but that doesn't mean I didn't want him to be happy.

  “I didn't have high hopes to begin with, to be honest.” He took a drink of his tea. “It was like I was dating someone that was never going to be more than a total stranger to me.”

  “Usually why you have to date someone you've been friends with.” Lance said with a nod. “So much easier that way.” He dealt the cards to us.

  “Unlikely.” Evan laughed. “The only friends I have that I would even consider are you two,” he gestured to the both of us. “And you're married to each other.”

  “ could still work, though,” I hadn't realized I'd said that aloud until the both of them stopped looking at their cards to stare up at me with a surprised look. I felt my face erupt into flames, and all I wanted was to die of embarrassment. I had never wanted to let it slip that I'd been thinking about it! “I mean, I was just making a joke! Like how we all practically share a life together anyway!” I laughed anxiously, unable to look either of them in the eye.

  The silence dragged on.

  “You know, she's got a point.” Lance said absentmindedly. Flabbergasted, I stared at him in surprise as he tapped his chin in thought. “It's not like you and I were never a thing, either, Evan.”

  “I mean,” Evan looked like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. “I wouldn't want to try and barge into the marriage. The two of you are so happy-”

  “Of course we are.” Lance said. “But I can't deny the thought doesn't have its appeal.” He looked at me, his gaze piercing through to my very heart. “And you're the one that brought it up. I imagine it's something that you've thought of more than once, at least?” Under his steady gaze, I knew that I couldn't lie.

  And hell, I was already this far into it, right?

  “I've...” I swallowed. “I've thought about it a time or two, you know.” I stared down at my thighs, clenching my hands in my lap. A part of me hated how aroused I was just at the thought of recalling the images I'd put in my mind. “But I didn't want to say anything. I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable or try to get in the way of any of our happiness.”

  “I'd expect nothing less from you, Emma.” Evan said, his voice warm. “Though...Lance isn't wrong, either.” He sighed. “I haven't been happy with anyone that I've met for the last few years. The last time I enjoyed myself in any way in a relationship was when I was in college dating a friend from high school.” He looked up. “If you're offering...I could come back tonight. We could see where things fall.”

  “Well, I'm certainly interested.” Lance said, his eyes roving over Evan's toned form. “Unless you have any objections, Emma?” His eyes slid over to me.

  “I can't deny how...excited I am for it.” I said through my lingering embarrassment. Evan grinned like the cat that got the cream.

  “Then, I should probably head home, get myself ready.” He rose from his spot on the couch. “God knows I need a bit to process it, and I'd really like to give us all time to reconsider.” Even though I was more than ready for it, I nodded, and so did Lance. With that, Evan left, and I began to wonder what this would mean for the three of us.

  Chapter Two

  “Are you sure we're ready for this?” I whispered, my voice betraying my uncertainty as Lance stepped closer to where I was seated on the bed. It was a couple of hours later, when the sun hung low on the horizon and we were waiting on Evan to come back. Lance hummed low in his voice, a noncommittal noise escaping his throat as he crawled into bed to join me. He slowly traced along my soft, round abdomen. He had always appreciated my curves, my softness, and he always made sure I felt beautiful.

  “You know we are, Emma,” his wandering hand conti
nued lower, past my curves, slipping between my thick thighs until I felt him begin to lightly trace the outside of my panties, where the evidence of my arousal was already plain for him to feel. I squirmed, feeling the pulsing heat of my insides only growing more insistent, already greedily wanting his fingers to work their magic. “Evan is on his way, and I can't deny I've thought about this for a long time.” His teasing fingers pressed a little more insistently where my clit was, and a moan slipped out from my lips before I could catch it. “How long has it been that we've been dancing around the subject now?” In spite of the fact that he still hadn't slipped through my panties, I couldn't help but quiver against his light brushes.

  “Months,” I admitted. When he pulled his fingers away, I couldn't stop the whimper of disappointment from escaping my throat.

  “Oh come now, pet,” he let out a dark chuckle that rumbled in his chest. “It would be cheating if I started without him. We're meant to do this together, aren't we? Although...” He trailed off, suddenly swinging his leg over me and easing me back onto the bed. “I suppose there's no harm in a bit of a... warm up exercise, is there?” The salacious grin that tugged on his lips was enough to get me all worked up again, and though I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle so much stimulation, I took a breath and braced myself for what the night was going to bring.

  “I guess that would be alright,” I breathed as I bit my lover's collarbone lightly. “Although... are you sure you want to share me?” he groaned and thrust his hips blindly against mine for a moment before snarling and pushing me back town. Lance towered over me, and the hungry, nearly predatory look in his eyes made me lick my lips as the flames of arousal licked at my insides.

  “I don't see it as sharing you.” His hands slipped beneath my panties again, actually slipping inside them and sliding around to my ample backside, squeezing and kneading the supple abundance of flesh he found there. “I see it as...” he paused for a moment to think, his hands still busy with my backside. “Welcoming Evan into the fold.” He grinned devilishly, leaning further into me to reach his hand further around my backside, to tease at the puckered star burst of my anal entrance. Even though he hadn't pushed himself inside of it at all, it still made me bite my lip at the sensation, of the implication of what was to come later.


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