Erotica: No Limits

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Erotica: No Limits Page 25


  Chapter Four

  The day had been an almighty success for the couple. They had enjoyed some time together as they always did on their days off, which was nice because they only fell on the same day once every couple of months. They had enjoyed some bowling and arcade games, with Daniel being dominant of course but enjoying watching the bright smile come over his wife’s face when he let her win every now and then. After the fun and games it was back home. Carly decided that she couldn’t be fussed with cooking, so they just ordered a pizza from their favourite pizza place instead. They had eaten ravenously, obviously feeling the effects of their long day in the form of hunger. And now, about an hour and a half after finishing their pizza, the real fun was only just getting underway.

  They were driving up the narrow country lane, heading for the carpark that they found a couple of weeks ago. They had stumbled on it by total chance, pulling into a small opening for a bathroom break before a long road trip. Daniel had been bursting to take a leak and they were set to join the highway a few minutes later and wouldn’t have time to stop at a service station. So when he saw the small parting in the trees he decided to turn in and see if there was somewhere he could take a leak. Much to their surprise, they had driven into the opening, around a right-hand bend and back around on themselves to a tiny little woodland carpark that looked as though it hadn’t been used in years. There was a little wooden bench by the footpath which ran through it, with rotting wood and discoloured paint. And there was a bin which was specifically for dog waste. Apart from that, it was just a small opening in the trees which no one knew about, making it the perfect place for the highly sexually-active couple to visit.

  Daniel pulled the car into the gap between the trees and rounded the bend, grinding to a halt on the moss-covered gravel as he hit the brakes. It was dark in the small opening and it reeked of solitude, but the couple didn’t fret, with their lifestyle, they were used to that sort of thing. Daniel had only just managed to put on the parking brake, and already he had Carly straddling him in the driver’s seat, her lips against his Daniels. She was kissing him passionately and grinding against his already hardening cock, performing the two actions in total synchronisation. They always mixed it up like this. Sometimes they’d sit and chat, sometimes Daniel would make the first move and sometimes Carly would. They always kept it fresh. But this was always Daniel’s favourite – the times that his wife seemed too horny to even wait. The times where she just flung herself onto him, declaring that she is his to have however he pleases. And that was definitely one of those times.

  Carly felt extremely hot as Daniel caressed her ass and tits with his huge, shovel-like hands – grabbing them playfully and then rubbing them soothingly. The perfect combination between rough and gentle. Before she knew where she even was, Daniel had managed to take off her shirt, her bra and her pants, leaving her left with only her knickers. She returned the favour, unbuttoning his shirt and his jeans as they jostled and fought for who was going to touch the other first. They opted for both at the same time as their kissing continued, Daniel’s fingers buried deep into Carly’s saturated pussy and her hand firmly grasping his cock, jerking it rapidly.

  Ray was storming through the woods once more, but for once, he was without Buster. The poor guy had hurt his leg when they had been to the park playing fetch in the afternoon, so tonight, for the first time in five years, it was just Ray. He felt a little strange without Buster to accompany him on his little walk, scared almost, but he just didn’t know what else to do at that time of night. It was part of his nightly routine and he would feel totally strange if he didn’t go for a soothing stroll to put his mind at ease, so he decided to go it alone, missing Buster’s company the whole way.

  Ray rounded the final bend, approaching the last stretch of woodland path before he was back out in the open just around the corner from his house. He walked by the old memorial bench with the rotten wood and also by the dog waste bin that he usually put Buster’s business into and walked into the old abandoned carpark. Or rather, as tonight would have it, the old, usually abandoned carpark. Parked up in one of the three available spots was a big black Range Rover. Ray frowned as he looked over towards the car, he wasn’t sure if he liked this. He had never seen a car here in his five years of walking this route, to him it was suspicious, what on earth was going on? But as he got closer and got a better look, his question was answered. The engine was killed, the windows were incredibly steamed up and the car was gently rocking and bouncing. Right then, Ray knew exactly what on earth was going on.

  “There’s a guy out there.” Carly said after moaning one more time. She stopped bouncing on her husband’s huge cock right away and stared at him through the rear windscreen. “Daniel, he’s just standing there staring. No, scratch that. He’s getting closer. What do we do?”

  “I have an idea.” Daniel said, smiling sinisterly. “Remember how we discussed involving a third party?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Well, he is kinda cute.” Carly commented as she looked at him. “Okay fuck it, let’s ask him.”

  “You ask though, it’ll not be the same if I do.”

  Carly nodded, climbed off of him and out of the car. Seconds later, there was a loud bumping noise from the rear of the car and the whole thing jerked forwards violently. Daniel turned and looked through the rear windscreen to see that the guy had pressed Carly up against the back of the car and was kissing her passionately, doing what looking like fingering her as he did. This turned Daniel on even more than he already was, he loved the idea of including new people and he loved it even more that his wife was up for it too. A minute or two later they climbed back in through the passenger side and all three of them climbed into the back where there was more room. Daniel had already lowered the seats and when they climbed through he popped the trunk, creating room for play and simultaneously letting in some of that hot night time air.

  He watched on as his wife ferociously sucked the life out of Ray’s cock, listening to her pulling it out of her mouth every minute or so, moaning a little and then slamming it back in. She was spitting all over it, making sure he was rock solid. Then, ray climbed out of the trunk and pulled Carly out with him, bending her back into it. She moaned as he began eating her out from behind and then they were silenced as she was sandwiched between the two, Daniel pressing his cock down her throat just as Ray shoved his into her saturated pussy. Daniel was knelt in front of her, groaning gently and barking commands towards Ray, telling him to fuck her harder. It turned her on to see her husband being so dominant towards another man, even more than she already was. It made her start sucking faster than she ever had before, swallowing all of his huge cock at least twenty times before pausing for breath.

  It felt amazing as Ray pounded her from behind, his meaty dick plunging in and out of her at impressive pace. She could feel the tingling sensation inside of her as his cock prodded at her G-spot and as his hand massaged her clit when Daniel told him to do so. The combination was too much and before she knew it the feeling erupted and she cried out in ultimate pleasure. “Oh my fucking god! I’m coming to hard!” The heat radiated throughout her entire frame, caressing every inch of her skin, causing her to feel pleasure like never before. Ray kept pounding her, which prolonged the orgasm, making the tingles and tremendously pleasure-filled vibrations last even longer. This made Daniel shoot his load hard into the back of her throat, groaning as he did. And then Ray followed suit as his cock became drenched in Carly’s come. He groaned loudly and shot his load into her soaking wet pussy, then came to a halt. He pulled his cock out, pulled up his pants and then stared at the pair, wondering how on earth that had just happened.

  He bid them goodnight, thanked them for their company and then carried on along the way, wondering how that had just happened the way it had. One minute he had been walking along sulking, the next he was balls deep in some dudes wife while he watched. It was fucked up. But either way he wasn’t complaining. It turned out not havi
ng Buster tonight had actually turned out okay after all.

  Chapter One

  Gwen Fitzpatrick wrapped her lips around the old, fat guy’s cock, signalling the start of another night’s work. She began licking and sucking on his condom-covered tip, watching him over the top of it as he writhed in pleasure after just seconds of this. Looking at his scruffy face and old clothes, Gwen was just glad that she could only smell latex, because she imagined that the helmet underneath would smell a shitload worse. She eased it into her mouth, gently bobbing the head up and down, going down further each time. He started to groan out in pleasure as she picked up the pace, letting her saliva soak the condom for added lubrication. She began fondling his balls now that she had reached full pace, stroking them with her left hand as her right helped to work the shaft in perfect synchronisation with her mouth. She was like a well-oiled machine, every action and slight movement extremely precise. She had developed an amazing technique in penis-sucking, so much so that the majority of guys came within minutes and it looked as though this old guy was no exception.

  His groans grew louder and louder which only made her go faster and faster. Though not because she was turned on. It was because she knew that once he was finished it was another job done with. And the sooner the better in this case. He started to tense up and Gwen could tell that the end was upon them. She had felt this exact sensation before. The guy starts to tense up and their toes begin to curl a little. They raise their asses off the couch as the excitement causes them to try and throat-fuck her. But then, seconds later – they groan and that is that. And that’s exactly what he did. He let out a low-pitched groaning sound and Gwen felt his cock throbbing back and forth in her mouth as he came. Thankfully, she didn’t need to worry about spitting or swallowing. The condom took care of that.

  She got to her feet, pulled her bra back over her tits and watched him as he sat there panting like a dog who had been playing fetch in the Sahara desert for the best part of three hours. He eventually stirred, pulled the condom off and tied a not in it and then got to his feet. He fumbled his wallet out of his pocket and handed her the money. She counted it out and bid him goodnight. Fifty euros for just over one minutes work wasn’t exactly a bad rate. Even though he was a fat smelly bastard he was actually her favourite type of customer. Mainly because he blew quickly, which made it less of a chore for her. There were some guys who she could go to town on for half an hour straight and they still wouldn’t come. Those were the worst, because it meant that it took her longer and it was more of a draining task.

  Though whether it was a long time or a short one, being a prostitute in Amsterdam was never good news, but what other choices did she have? She had moved in here with her uncle after what family she had left in America died in a car crash. Her mom, dad and two younger brothers – all gone because of one reckless, drunk driver. She moved over here with her uncle when she was fifteen because she had no one else. He was the only family she had left. Then once he died when she was seventeen, she had no choice but to turn to prostitution. She had no education, no qualifications, no funds to get her them – not even a family who could lend her the money. She had nothing and she had no one. At least being a prostitute gave her somewhere to live and actually put food on the table. It wasn’t much by the time she payed her pimp, but it was enough to get her by and that was all that mattered really.

  It was very far from the life that she wanted for herself and even further away from the life that her parents would have wanted for her, but what choice did Gwen have? She was a nineteen year old who was good at nothing apart from blowjobs and taking dick, so in a place where prostitution is legal, she would do all that she could to make the most of that. The better she performed the more pay she would receive, and the more pay she received the more she could save. Once she had saved enough to get her ass back over to the states and fund an education, then she would. But for now there was nothing to do except get on with sucking cock and pretend that she was enjoying it at the same time.

  Just as she took a seat on the couch, there was a knock at her door. Well, here we go again she thought as she stood up to answer it. She adjusted her bra and fixed her hair slightly so that she looked super fuckable, before clutching the handle in the same way she would be this guy’s cock in a few minutes and heaved the door towards her.

  Chapter Two

  “Three, two, one… Shot!” Ryan McCauley said to his best bud Damien Stuart as he pressed the shot glass to his lips.

  Damien quivered and shook his head as the whiskey ran down his throat and began to immediately heat his insides. “Here’s to a good trip.” He said with excitement and anticipation. “Some good old guy time, without our nightmare girlfriends constantly on our asses.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Ryan said, raising his pint this time and taking a huge mouthful. The pair had just set off on their flight from Atlanta airport to Amsterdam. The plain had only just taken off and already they were on it. They had told their girls that they were simply going to Amsterdam so that they could experience one of their favourite things (which was smoking dope) legally. They had actually bought it too, probably because they weren’t aware of the fact that Amsterdam was rife with legal prostitution. But what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them and Ryan and Damien had no intentions of letting them find out.

  With their flight well and truly underway, they were excited to touch down in Amsterdam and get themselves stuck into some good old space cake and new pussy. It was going to be the experience of a lifetime and in more ways than one. They each grabbed their pints in the plastic cups, which wasn’t ideal but would have to do, and chugged down what remained.

  Chapter Three

  Gwen looked up at him as he fucked her as hard as she could. She let her fake moans fill the room as the Dutch guy fucked her with everything he had, grunting in that distinguished foreign way that they all did. She always hated it more when they weren’t English speaking, it just made the whole thing much more of a chore than it already was. She preferred sex to blowjobs, but not when they had cocks that were this small. She would prefer to suck this tiny cock because it would be much less hassle. He had no clue that she could barely feel it, he thought that she was loving it because of her fake screams, but truth was, no woman on the planet could possibly feel this. It was barely reaching four inches Gwen bet. She was a prostitute yes, but even she liked to enjoy work every now and then. But it wasn’t often she did, especially with the foreign guys.

  After the usual seize-up and groan it was all over again and eventually her shift was over for another night. It was dark, cold and late – a little after 3AM and it was well and truly time for bed. She let the guy get himself sorted, took his money and then watched him make his way out of the door and down the stairs. She made her own way down them a few minutes later, locking the door at the bottom and flipping the sign from open to closed. That was it, it was officially a wrap for another long night. She made her way back up and locked the top door behind her too. There, she thought, that’s that. She pulled on her long pyjama bottoms and threw her dressing gown on, making her way through into her bedroom. It wasn’t exactly homely, living in the place in which you hosted sex with random strangers for money, but it was somewhere. She crawled her way under the sheets and wrapped herself up, letting the warmth transport her to a faraway land, her mind far from eager to return back to reality the following night.

  Chapter Four

  They slammed open the door to their hotel room and sprinted in eagerly, dumping their suitcases down on the beds. They had arrived in Amsterdam just in time, the night was only just getting underway and Damien and Ryan were more than excited to get a taste of what it had to offer. They each freshened up, restyled their hair and put on some aftershave, then it was a line of cocaine and straight out of the door. No hesitations. No messing around. They were headed for the Red Light District and they couldn’t wait to get there. Weed wasn’t on the cards tonight, they would save that for tomorrow af
ternoon to chill out with. Tonight was about partying and going crazy, so they opted to stick with cocaine and alcohol.

  After a quick cab ride into the district, they wondered around the streets wondering where they should go first and what they should do. They didn’t want to go all out with the prostitutes straight away, so they decided to find a bar to go into in order to get even more wasted than they already were. There was one that they came across which was absolutely packed to the rafters, which to them only meant one thing: that it was worth going to. They made their way into the bar and claimed a couple of seats at the bar, ordering ten tequila shots. They downed the five shots each in a matter of seconds and began scanning the room eagerly. “Jesus, look at all these honeys in here man, I never would have thought that there would be so many hot chicks here.” Damien said as he looked on excited.


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