Erotica: No Limits

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Erotica: No Limits Page 52


  She handed me a thick white envelope. I took it mutely and put back on my clothes once she had left.

  Chapter Three

  A few more days went by before I received the phone call.

  “Ms. Taylor Calhoun?” said the voice of a woman, sounding very business-like and secretarial.

  “Yes, this is she.”

  “We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the Gallager Contract.”


  “You have indicated that your weekends begin at 4pm on Friday afternoons where you can be found at the Preston building of the Bowdon campus of your university. Is this correct?”


  “Ok, we will arrange a car to pick you up on Friday afternoon, 4pm sharp. Please do not pack for the weekend, you will only need your passport and means of identification, in case of emergency. You will be asked to sign a contract and send your banking information to this phone number. Upon entering the car, you will be awarded $10,000 which will be verifiable on your account. We encourage you to check it. You will, thereafter, be awarded $20,000 for boarding the aircraft. Payments will be doled out accordingly with each completed task as you go. There will be a list of activities and their price attached to your contract. Feel free to look over the terms and inform the driver to take you home should you feel uncomfortable with any of the terms.”

  “Ok.” I said nodding stupidly. It was all I could say.


  Friday arrived all too soon. I was dressed simply in a pair of khakis and a white buttoned shirt, wearing a pair of sensible flats and carrying my brown leather bag with my phone, my passport, my wallet, and a few papers I would have to mark over the weekend – if I ever got the chance.

  Of the few friends I had, none of them knew about what was happening. However, when the clock hit 3:45 pm on Friday afternoon, I suddenly felt panic take over me and I grabbed up my phone to text Cindy, another Teacher’s Assistant in my department. Cindy was a great person, and certainly no gossip. I knew I could trust her with this.

  I am going away for the weekend. If I don’t send a message to you before midnight, the pin number to find my phone is 7599284-0029. Don’t worry. Just a precaution.

  That would not violate the non-disclosure clause.

  I made my way to the front of the building and, sure enough, a beautiful black town car was there. I entered as the chauffeur held the door open with polite disinterest. We drove off and the interior smelled of new leather. It had darkened windows and luxurious wood panelling. Suddenly I was not sure what my life was anymore. I was alone, sectioned off from the driver. On the seat in front of me was a crisp set of papers.

  I opened the cover page and read. My mouth fell open. Basically, I would be getting to know Mr. Gallager the first night over drinks. The first sex act required was in bold letters. Manual Stimulation. The next sex act: Oral Stimulation. After that: Penetrative Sex.

  It shocked me. I felt nerves begin to plague me. What if I did not like this man. Had I thought of that? Who was he anyway? I knew nothing about him, only that he had money and looked to be in decent shape for a 45 year-old. Virginity was not sacred to me, but it still meant something to share myself with another person. Then the dollar amounts on the list of activities became the only thing I could see. It became a no-brainer when I started to convert the dollars to lap equipment.

  I took a deep breath, signed the contract and snapped a picture of it before sending it, along with my bank account number to the phone number that I had saved as “Gallager Contract.”

  Deposited, replied the receiver a few minutes later. I checked my account. And yes. $10,000 had been sent to my account.

  Soon I arrived into the empty tarmac of a private airfield. I was escorted onto a small private jet and then we began to fly. A stewardess brought me fruit and asked me if I wanted some champagne.

  Still feeling somewhat distrustful and not wanting to be so obviously drugged, I asked her for a can of soda instead. She brought it. She was pleasant.

  I thought I would ask.

  “Do you know the person who hired the plane?” I asked.

  “This is Mr. Gallager’s plane,” she said.

  “So you know him?”

  “Oh yes…” she said in a way that indicated exactly what she was trying to convey. They had been together before. She was pretty. I could understand him wanting her. Rich, entitled, and womanizing. This Mr. Gallager was not seeming very appealing.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “I’m not to disclose that,” she said chirpily. “Adds to the mystique, doesn’t it?” I sniffed at the suggestion. I was a willing sex slave being carted off to who knew where. I decided to at least let my mind rest for a moment.

  The flight lasted 7 hours all together judging by the clock on my phone, we had passed over the Atlantic and now I knew we were headed for somewhere in Europe. I had never been before.

  Toward the end of the 7 hours, the stewardess reappeared and gave me a small duffel bag.

  “There is a shower in the bathroom. Mr. Gallager would like for you to wash off the day and then dress. You’ll need warm clothes.”

  I nodded and went to the bathroom. When I had towelled off, I looked through the duffel. There was lacy lingerie. I put it on. I looked at my reflection. It actually looked quite good – dark, seductive black lace against my pale skin. The leggings were warm but not unattractive. I then saw a clothing bag on the door and saw the note on it: Your dress.

  I opened the bag and saw a beautiful, long red gown, with a full skirt. I stepped into it. It suited me. I put on a bit of makeup, seeing a deep red lipstick on the counter beside the sink. It matched my complexion well. In the duffel were a pair of heels and a large, furry black coat that took up most of the space in the duffel.

  I pulled it out the coat and draped it over my arm before going back to my seat in the heels.

  When the plane landed I was led down the cold tarmac where I put on the coat against the freezing air and was led into yet another car. We drove for 20 minutes and I began to feel exhausted again. But then we pulled into the driveway of what was in no uncertain terms, a castle. It was beautifully lit against the night sky and I was led into it by my chauffeur.

  The place was grand and intimidating. The sound of my heels clicked along the marble floor. We entered a living room, darkly lit by a flickering fireplace and candles. I saw a man in the corner on a sofa, behind a shaggy, white carpet.

  “Ms. Calhoun,” said a deep voice from the sofa. I walked in, holding my purse tight and feeling my heart rate pick up.

  “Mr. Gallager, I take it?”

  “Yes.” He rose for his seat, tall and, surprisingly handsome. He had scruff on his chin and piercing blue eyes. He looked Italian or Spanish, with a very manly air about him. I felt my stomach flutter a little. I held out my hand and he shook it with large, slightly rough hands.

  “How are you?” he asked, gently.

  “Fine, thank you.”

  “Please. Have a seat. Care for some wine?” he asked, holding up an unopened bottle of red. I nodded and sat.

  “Taylor,” he said, inquiringly.

  “Yes. But, unfortunately, I don’t know your—“

  “Vincent.” He poured me a glass after uncorking the wine and sat back down beside me. “I was very pleased with your application,” he said. “Thank you for taking the time.”

  I nodded and took a sip.

  “How are you liking Iceland?” he asked.

  “Oh! We’re in Iceland?” I asked.

  “Yes. I stayed at this castle once while looking into geothermic energy sources and I decided I had to have it.”

  “A man who gets what he wants,” I said.

  “Yes,” he said seriously. “I do. And if I can’t get it, I buy it.”

  I felt shaken by this.

  “Do you travel much?” he asked.

  “No,” I said. “My research and schoolwork have kept me in one place for
a long time. I am not unhappy with the situation though.”

  He nodded.

  “I wondered if you might prefer a city like Paris or Milan for our weekend but I thought the geological wonders of Iceland might appeal to you more, as I know you have an inquiring mind.”

  “Well, it’s certainly been on the bucket list. I was not able to see much as we drove but I can bet it’s beautiful.”

  “Hm. Come with me. I had you in a tinted car for a reason. I wanted to see the look on your face for myself.”

  We walked. He led me up a winding staircase and finally we emerged on the roof, in a sort of garden patio. I saw yet another cracking fire and low chairs, around a charcuterie platter and a few plates of seafood including shrimp and oysters. We sat here, where two glasses of champagne waited and clinked our glasses. Vincent lay back against the cushions and patted the pillow beside him, urging me to lay back too.

  That was when I saw it. The aurora borealis sparkled and danced above my head, like the ribbon dance of celestial gymnasts. I gasped in awe and marvelled.

  “Yes,” said Vincent quietly, a minute after I had paused to take in the full wonder of the skies above me. “I was right. That is a reaction worth seeing. Beautiful.”

  I smiled and felt my heart begin to race as I met his eyes.

  The heaviness of expectation that had weighed on me was not there in that moment but subconsciously I knew it would have to happen. So I felt jumpy and nervous the entire time, my heart racing for any little thing.

  We chatted politely, finding out about one another’s work. Vincent was a specialist in alternative energy. He owned a company that generally sought out new, clean energy harvesting solutions. He seemed quite fascinated by my line of research and even asked poignant, probing questions.

  I listened to him, fascinated as he spoke about the intricacies of his latest nuclear project, and how the fear about the material often scared people. We talked until I felt quite comfortable and forgot the terms of our weekend. In fact I forgot about everything that would normally play through my mind on any given day and simply spoke, unfiltered and excitedly, jumping from topic to topic, mind racing ahead of my mouth as we got to know one another.

  It was only when I began to tremble a little that Vincent insisted we go downstairs, away from the cold. Reluctantly, I came down and sat beside the fire gratefully.

  “Oh, by the way,” said Vincent. “Did you want to check in with anyone, let them know you got here safely?”

  “Oh my god! Yes! Cindy!” I had completely forgotten. I scrambled for my purse and found my phone had no reception, let alone a roaming plan.

  “Here,” said Vincent. “Use mine.” I took his phone gratefully and typed in Cindy’s number.

  “Hey, Cindy!” I said as the panicked voice chimed ‘Hello’.

  After a panicked conversation in which I calmed Cindy and told her I had gotten carried away catching up with my friend when I arrived and forgot to call her, I hung up with a deep sigh.

  I rejoined Vincent on the sofa and he turned to me. He took my hand gently.

  “You have been a very pleasant surprise,” said Vincent.

  “So have you,” I said. “I was not sure what to think…”

  “I understand. I am a man of varied interests. I love women and sometimes… I try to seek out new ways to explore that. But a beauty with good conversation and good humor, that’s not always a guarantee. I am happy of your company.”

  I blushed. He pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. I felt my heart flutter once more. He kissed slowly up my arm, up to my shoulder, the smallest hint of tongue tracing down my clavicle and then his mouth making its way up to my neck and my chin. Finally he arrived at my mouth and kissed me. His arms wrapped around me and I found myself kissing him back, eagerly, happily. My breasts were held tight between the dress and lingerie and the way he squeezed me to him. I felt my nipples brush against his chest and he pulled me to him and it caused my core to tighten in a sudden, unbidden feeling of what could only be arousal. How was it that this was the time I would awaken? When someone had paid for me, chosen me out of a slew of applicants in order to own my body for a weekend.

  Perhaps it was that very fact that aroused me though. That in the midst of logic and preference, someone had chosen me as the ideal candidate to fulfil their deepest desire.

  I reached up into his thick hair and held his head. I felt his hand begin to unzip my dress. While panic pulsed through me, mixing with my desire to be kissed harder and deeper, a small voice reminded me that I had agreed to this. That he had already seen me naked, anyway. That he had wanted me enough to pay more than a million dollars to find me, fly me out, to have me.

  It was this thought that made me give in to the entire thing. He had pulled my dress off me and sat back to admire my lingerie.

  “Lay down,” he instructed. I did. I had one leg up on the sofa and another on the floor. He rested his hand between my thigh, his hand on top of my pelvis, his thumb directly on my clitoris. He stared with intense desire as he used his thumb to flick open the clips that held this part of my panties to the straps of the lingerie. He then used the same thumb to move the lips of my vagina apart and look down at my clitoris. He passed his thumb across it in circles, applying a pressure that felt amazing, rubbing me slowly in purposeful circles. There was a small sound of wetness that blended with the crackling of the fire, but otherwise there was not a sound in this night air.

  I broke it when he took his thumb and entered me as I moaned uncontrollably. His face contorted with desire when he met the resistance of how tight the muscles around my opening were. He penetrated me slowly, over and over with his thumb, his fingers still stimulating my clit as he did.

  I began to writhe, as though possessed, on his thumb, feeling a new, strange sensation flow through me. He watched me, locking eyes at the moment when something unexpected and dizzying passed through me, making me moan out loud and clutch the pillows under me. I closed my eyes, basking in the new feeling, feeling like molten lava.

  Vincent then pulled me up and took my hand, moving it to his groin.

  “Do you know what to do?” he asked. I shook my head. He pulled his pants off and his shirt. Once he was naked I saw a large erection, similar to the ones I had seen when I had studied reproduction but somehow more shocking and certainly larger. “Put you hand around it,” he instructed. I did. “Now, with your tongue, stimulate the head while sliding your mouth up and down the shaft.”

  I nodded. I leaned my head down and put his erection in my mouth. It stretched my lips with its girth but I tried to put my tongue against the sleek, rigid head’s slippery curves. My mouth slid up and down it slowly, while I used my hand to guide him and out of my mouth. I licked and suddenly felt his stomach begin to contract under me, as moans escaped his throat. This excited me. I felt his hand reach behind me and his fingers entered me once more, slowly and shallowly since he had to reach down the length of my torso.

  Suddenly, however, he grabbed my waist and flipped me upside down so that my legs were wrapped around his neck and his face was between my legs. His mouth found my clitoris once more and I nearly choked on his girth as gravity pulled me down on his penis more fully. I gasped for air as he began to lick me slowly, deliberately, sometimes reaching inside of me and then licking up and out. His tongue found my anus as well and began to lick there too. I felt shocked and uncertain as he did but it took all my focus to breathe around his girth.

  I heard him groan with satisfaction as he licked me, his head shaking from side to side as he stimulated the flesh around my opening as well as the inside of my small opening. I began to moan once more as he continued moving his head, even his nose stimulating me at times. It felt better than I could have ever dreamed of and I felt foolish for waiting this long to experience this.

  He pulled me off of him and lay me back down on the sofa, suddenly on top of me, holding his weight with his forearms on either side of me. He kissed me and I tasted
myself on his mouth, a light yogurt scene, mixed in with my pleasure. He kissed me and tore at the fabric that kept my breasts hidden before proceeding to like my nipples. I felt his penis brush against my vagina, slightly, but tantalizingly and suddenly I wanted him inside of me. I began to rub myself against his erection, moaning with desire, wondering what it would feel like inside of me.

  He held my arms above my head, making my breasts more prominent on my chest, while he looked down on me and guided his penis to the small opening I provided.

  He paused for a moment, but then I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed him toward me. He entered me, shockingly, painfully and I screamed, confused by the pain of it. I felt like I was being torn open. His movements were slow as I tilted my head to the side and bit my arm to stop tears from beading in my eyes.

  He pulled out, but I clutched him to me, afraid of what it would feel like if he pulled out. He moved delicately, low moans escaping his throat as he did, penetrating deeper with slow experimental moves. I gasped. And then groaned as a sensation of pleasure returned amidst the pain.

  I looked up at him, my mouth open in shock. His lips came down on mind cold and wet, but soon we warmed up and he held still on top of me, only moving his head to kiss me deeper.

  Again, he tried to pull out just a little and enter me once more, and while it still hurt, I wanted more of that unknown sensation to wash over me. Gently, he put his thumb back on my clit and I nodded and moaned “yes” quietly as he did. Soon, I felt myself get wet again and he began to enter and pull out of me slowly again, this time with deeper movements that stroked me from within.

  An orgasm built within in me, a new kind, a powerful kind, as he continued, penetrating me, rubbing my clit with one hand and my breast with the other. I cried out over and over again as he pumped his way to his own orgasm.

  He finished, powerfully, with a cry of his own and I lay, exhausted, hooded eyes, staring off into the crackling fire, feeling as though I were a completely different woman now.


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