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Bound Page 1

by Piper Malone


  Book Two: The Reign Series

  Piper Malone

  All Rights Reserved

  © Piper Malone 2016

  Kindle Edition

  ISBN: 978-0-9913201-4-1

  Print ISBN: 978-0-9913201-5-8

  Edited by Rory Olsen

  Cover Art by Minuteman Press

  Print Cover Designed by Rachel Connolly

  Formatted by BB eBooks

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, their story, and the events that unfold are the creative work of the author. Any resemblance to individuals deceased or living is coincidental.

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  Book Two: The Reign Series

  In a singular moment of passion, Blake Roman sparked a wild inferno that has consumed my soul.

  I revisit that day more than I care to admit. They are memories I should forget, but can’t.

  He won’t let me.

  The resolve to move beyond my wild past buckles under the pressure of Blake’s relentless pursuit, but he doesn’t know the secrets that keep my heart caged.

  He can’t see the scars that prevent me from truly loving someone else.

  I won’t lie, I still want him. I remember the sensation of his touch and yearn for the warmth of his skin against mine.

  But my desire doesn’t outweigh the shame of knowing I can never be what he needs.

  His determination is foolish, but the intent is clear.

  Blake is bound to prove that we are destined for one another.


  To the strong, brave, determined women of the world who have challenged the status quo, overcome adversity, and stood up against the odds, this book is for you.

  Thank you for showing us how to be strong mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, and friends.


  This book contains many Easter eggs. They are phrases and words that will not mean anything to anyone but for whom they are intended. To those of you with eggs, please know that your support, love, and dedication is cherished, as is your presence in my life. Thank you.

  I also need to express my gratitude to:

  My beta team, Amy, Maxi, Shannon, Terry, Ashlee, and Michele for taking the time to read this book and offering feedback.

  Rachel, for your endless support and positive energy.

  Kristin, for raising me up.

  Dottie, for believing in me, this process, and always lending a hand.

  My mother, who has read every word I have written and still takes me out to lunch.

  My father, who has never read a word I’ve written, but is undeniably proud of me.

  Lastly, to the readers and fans who have shared their affection and love for my books, thank you. Without your support, I would be lost.

  Praise for Tied

  I’ve been a little burnt out on the BDSM genre but this was a breath of fresh air. It had me cracking up, on the edge of my seat with anticipation, and crying.

  – Crazy Daisy Book Whore (CDBW)

  Praise for Diesel

  A love story like this is what helps me to believe in true love overcoming all odds. Very well done.

  – Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Book



  Praise for Piper Malone

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Author’s Note

  Coming Soon: Anchored

  Coming Soon: Genesis

  Connect with Piper

  Chapter 1


  “Did he really say, ‘I’m going to nail a bridesmaid.’?”

  Reagan Langley-Dunn moves with the smooth grace of a newly married woman, happy and blissfully unaware of my impending freak-out. “Caleb reported something to that effect shortly after the ceremony.”

  “Is he a complete Neanderthal?” He’s not, but close. Who actually plans a hookup with someone you’ve already slept with? Oh, that’s right, Blake Roman does.

  “Maybe he didn’t mean you.” Her ploy is subpar. The smirk lighting up her perfect complexion is slapable.

  “I’m the only bridesmaid, Reagan!” I can’t believe she would be so dismissive about his intent or my feelings of being hunted by her husband’s wingman.

  “Really?” She looks around the tiny bride’s room, feigning confusion. “Well, look at that. I guess you’re right.”

  My irritated scoff is met with a tinkling laugh from my best friend. My now happily married best friend. “Are you really cracking jokes about this?”

  “Well, kitten,” Reagan says softy as she adjusts the strap of her heel, the boning of her wedding dress halting her ability to bend over, “you know how they are.”

  “Your husband and his”—I squeeze my eyes shut, fists clenched in an effort to hold back the litany of profanity I’m about to spout in the middle of the church room—“sad attempt at a side kick can be how ever they want to be.” I harness the sass, trying to regain a level of decorum. “I’m here with a date.”

  “That you wish was Blake?” Reagan’s pointed remark hits the target. My cheeks flush, anxious perspiration starting to build at the mere thought of having him close to me again.

  If she wasn’t the bride, I’d kick her ass.

  “No, Reagan, queen-of-relationships-recently-married-goddess-of-happily-ever-after, I do not wish I was here with him.”

  Eager to end this ridiculous conversation, I set to the job of bustling her train. Kneeling behind her, I start securing the delicate lace, heavy with intricate beading. Her dress is beautiful. Classic. Timeless. Just like Reagan.

  “Are you and Dane officially dating?” The question is quiet, asked over her shoulder.

  “He’s my date for tonight.” I try to sound firm but the words are spit from my mouth like a sour grape. I actually haven’t seen Dane in about three weeks. I texted him to make sure we were still on for tonight. “We’ve had dinner a couple of times. Who knows where it might lead.”

  “You’ve set your sights on an accountant who lived at home until recently and doesn’t drink?”

  Her wor
ds couldn’t be any truer; hearing it aloud makes me ill. Dane is adorable, but he’s a little too reserved for me. I hate to say it, but the times we have gone out have been…boring. Fuck. This is awful.

  Once the thin ribbons are pulled through the loops to complete the bustle, I fluff the material, allowing it to flow into place. “He’s a really nice guy,” I whisper, hoping it satisfies her enough to drop this heart-to-heart. I don’t have the energy to be confronted about who I should be dating. It’s hard enough to try to avoid the man I want when he’s been ten feet away from me all day.

  Reagan turns, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “He’s a great guy, Kat, but I’m afraid you’re going to kill him.”

  “Hey!” I step back, out of her embrace. “I’m not a monster! Sure I can be bitchy sometimes but—”

  “That’s not what I’m saying, Kat.” Her voice soothes my agitation instantly. I think Reagan is the only person who can lovingly interrupt someone. “I’m just concerned about how things might end.”

  “What does that mean?” I might threaten to kill people on a regular basis, but I don’t mean it.

  She sighs, retouching her makeup in a small mirror on the wall. “Kat, he’s a minivan. You’re a Jag. You are going to blow his doors off and leave him limping down the road with three busted tires.”

  I consider her analogy. Dane has been too conservative for my liking. I was hoping to shake him loose a little, but the man bathes in starch.

  “I’m going to wreck him,” I admit to the glowing bride before me.

  “Oh yes, you are,” she says with a knowing giggle.


  A knock at the door halts my useless attempt to convince her that I could make it work with the accountant who has taken me to posh restaurants and always holds the door open, but who wouldn’t so much as utter a grunt when we were having sex…in the dark, under the covers.

  Who are you trying to kid?

  “Ladies, can we get pictures with the entire wedding party?” the bubbly photographer calls into the room. We gather our sparkling handbags and head down the hall that leads to the beautifully landscaped courtyard behind the church. Without having to attend to Reagan’s train, I become the bouquet juggler. I never realized how many roles the maid of honor must perform. It’s a task for champions of the wedding world. Personally, I’ve had enough of bridal shows and fielding calls from out-of-town relatives.

  I was at Reagan’s first wedding, but it was so different. When she walked into the church all those years ago, she seemed to clutch her father’s arm, as if she didn’t want to be given away to Bryce. Their vows seemed pressured, disjointed. Reagan didn’t look happy. She looked exhausted. When she told me they were splitting up, I almost threw a party. He didn’t deserve her. The right hook I laid on him when he left Reagan alone with her dying mother made my point clear.

  Part of me thought Reagan and I would be single-gal crusaders well into our forties. I was looking forward to many years of relationship-free good times with my bestie. And then she met Caleb.

  If her love for him wasn’t so transparent, I’d feel differently. I’d fight for her to stay single and enjoy her life without the confines of a relationship, but she loves him. Crazy, unabashed, willing-to-break-the-law affection drives her to that man. They are right for each other. Before I left her in the foyer, as instructed by Caleb, I saw the glow of peace and rightness. There is nothing that would have stopped her from choosing him. She is his world and she knows it. Caleb has made huge steps to keep her firmly rooted in his life.

  It must be amazing to receive that kind of love. To know that a man wants to spend his life with you. To know that his actions are calculated, designed to impress upon you that you are his. Caleb wants to give her everything. He pushed himself to overcome the injury that nearly killed him to make sure he could escort her down the aisle. Caleb never wants Reagan to think she is alone. He’s her Prince Charming with a crazy bionic leg and huge family.

  When they started their processional into the church together, signifying their union as one, the tears started to build. It was beautiful. Overwhelming. Their vows had me blotting tears that I didn’t know I had. I’ve always felt a little envious of blissful love. Watching Caleb and Reagan evolve into their solid relationship nudges that part of me. The dark, slightly crusted longing for romance that is tucked away. It’s not for me. It’s for them. I’m not good enough for that kind of love. I’m not Reagan.

  On normal days, that knowledge wouldn’t bother me. Today, the scabby parts of my sick desire for a genuine love like theirs was scratched open and I was wiping away the watery evidence of my dark heart’s desire.

  Of course, only a few feet away, Blake saw it all. Not his best friend getting married; he saw me. His stance never changed but his expression softened. For the briefest moment, I wanted him to come to me, take my hand. I wanted Blake to hold me like he had months ago.

  The crushing guilt squelched my daydream. I should be thinking of Dane, the man who agreed to escort me today. Not the man that has been intentionally, relentlessly pursuing me after only a couple of days together. And one incredible romp in a closet.

  It was a fling. A one-night stand in the midst of our best friends’ crisis.

  It’s something I can’t do anymore.

  After Caleb and Reagan were engaged, I knew I’d have to see him. I hoped that distance and time would ease my infatuation. I’ve always loved men, but committed relationships were not something I’ve never longed for. Until Reagan got engaged and I saw the beauty of what two people truly and lovingly connected could do.

  So I decided to make a change. I vowed to stop the rotating door of guys. No more one-night stands. I resolved to no longer be a magnet for naughty boys. The time has come to start fishing in a different pool. Of course, I have no clue how to do this because I’ve never tried seriously dating a man.

  They have all been boys with singular intentions. Then again, I’m a woman with a similar intention, so I needed help.

  After some awkward conversations and backhanded compliments, my mother surfed Dane my way. His father works with my mother and Dane has come to their office on a few occasions and, per Mother’s report, always complimented my picture.

  That picture is from ten years ago.

  I agreed to dinner with Dane as a means to start down the path of adding a level of maturity to my relationships. We went out for dinner a couple of times. We’ve had sex more than twice…I think. He was intended to be a step forward, a distraction from Blake. But he failed miserably. Dane doesn’t challenge me. He never has a witty retort. He doesn’t make me laugh. Sex with Dane is lackluster…until I start thinking about Blake, which I have done every time Dane and I have been together. It’s the reason I couldn’t accept Dane’s request to be exclusive. I knew we wouldn’t work because of our stark differences, and because the memories of Blake still burn in my mind.

  Blake is like a virus. Just when I think I’m over him, that blissful moment when my fascination with him curls up and dies, he does something that rips me back into the sickness. He texts me at least once a week. Not just a check-in either. Nope. It has to be some cute little meme that makes me laugh and makes me want to volley something back.

  But I can’t. Blake is off-limits. He’s the old school and I’m calling in a new class. I have to. I can’t continue to be the party girl that never gets on track.

  He called me almost every day before the wedding. I know Blake’s not an idiot, but I don’t understand why he’s not taking the hint. True to form, he never left a message. Maybe all he wants is another quick romp. Could I do that? Could I have a taste of him and be satisfied? Would another night with Blake Roman be enough to make me leave behind all the craziness for a stable relationship?

  It could be another fling. Another fun, amazing, heart-pounding moment that made us forget about the grim possibilities on the other side of the door. We were both in a vulnerable spot. Relationships like that can’t po
ssibly last because they are born out of necessity. We needed to feel something other than grief, so we felt each other. That’s not the foundation for a partnership. In the long run, it would never work out.

  Plus, there’s the whole Dominant thing.

  I can’t get over that he helps manage Reign, the BSDM club Caleb owns. The thought of mixing sexual pleasure with pain kicks up my defenses. The shadowy bullshit from my past starts to creep in and swiftly wraps itself around my neck. I’ve spent hours struggling to understand, mulling the possibilities over in my head. Everything I think seems so wrong, and yet Caleb and Reagan seem so right.

  I stumble a little, my heels slipping on the smooth stone walkway of the church. Snapped back into reality, the questions about Blake and Dane and if I’ll ever walk down the aisle bounce around my head. The fantasy of who will receive me in my white gown on that day smacks me with brutal swiftness.

  Blake does look fantastic in that tux.

  Holy shit! Thoughts of Blake and me and the possibilities that will never happen are shooed away. I need to focus on my tasks for the remainder of the day.

  Take pictures.


  Deliver a kick ass toast that will make YouTube history.


  Eat dinner.


  Drown my face in vodka drinks.

  Big smile!

  Abuse the massive king-size bed with Dane.


  Maybe I can’t do this. Dane was my quiet attempt to calm the wildness. I wanted to see if I have what it takes to be marriage material instead of the good-time wild child. Maybe I should just accept the reality that this is all I will ever be. Single and a little too raucous to be tamed.

  Reagan escapes into the bright afternoon sun to greet her man. Before doing the same, I stop at a mirror and make a feeble attempt to straighten my hair, which is ridiculous because there is twelve pounds of shellac on this ’do. It’s not moving an inch unless we suffer an earthquake. My heart is beating just a little too fast. I need a few minutes of silence to boost my confidence and remind me of my conviction. I’m here with a date. His name is Dane.


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