Seducing Sawyer (Wishing Well, Texas Book 7)

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Seducing Sawyer (Wishing Well, Texas Book 7) Page 12

by Melanie Shawn

  But I was wrong. He hadn’t come to tell me that she’d left. He’d followed her.

  She wasn’t gone.

  She was standing in my bathroom.

  And she didn’t have any clothes on.

  Not one stitch.

  I opened my mouth to speak because if there were ever a time that words were required, this would be it. But, nothing came out. I was awestruck by what I saw. I tried to clear my throat, but I couldn’t even do that. My eyes trailed up and down her body, her luscious neck, her beautiful shoulders, her ample, beautiful breasts, her nipped in waist, which flared immediately out into womanly hips, forming the perfect hourglass figure.

  My hands itched to wrap around her perfect hips and pull her to me. To never let her go.

  Shit. If I thought I was going to have a hard time controlling myself before, then I was a damn fool if I thought I had any hope of control with her standing here buck-ass-naked in my bathroom.

  It was game over, and I’d lost. But, I had to admit, this felt a hell of a lot like winning.

  “I guess I don’t know what’s good for me.” Her voice was shaky as she spoke. It was obvious that she was nervous.

  As much as I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay, to assure her she had nothing to be nervous about, I knew that wouldn’t be fair to her. If this was going to happen, she needed to know what this was and what it wasn’t.

  I was trying to find the right words, or any words, to tell her that when she started to turn and cover herself. “I’m sorry. I thought you wanted…I was wrong…” she shook her head as she stammered, “This was…I was…stupid. I shouldn’t hav—”

  “Don’t go.” I should’ve let her leave, but even if it made me a selfish asshole, I couldn’t.

  She stilled, her hands still covering herself as she looked back at me.

  “You’re not stupid,” I continued. “I want you. You have no idea how much I want you.”

  Her lips turned up in a slight grin as her eyes lowered. “I have some idea.”

  Right. She wasn’t the only one who was naked, and my desire was standing at full attention.

  “I do want you, but I can’t be with you. It would just be sex. One time.” I tried to explain, which wasn’t an easy task considering I was staring at the sexiest woman I’d ever seen, one that I’d come to have strong feelings for, stronger than I’d ever had for another person. “That’s all I have to offer, and it’s not enough. You deserve more.”

  “I don’t think I could handle more,” she teased as her eyes once again drifted south.

  As much as I appreciated how cute she was being, I was in no mood for flirty banter.

  “Delilah,” I said her name in warning. I was serious about this.

  “Okay.” She nodded as she walked towards me, and my heart and dick jumped as her hips swayed back and forth. I knew she wasn’t doing it to be intentionally sensual. She was just innately sexy. Her honeyed voice barely registered above a whisper as she said two words that I typically wanted to hear from women, but in this case broke my heart a little. “Just sex.”

  My chest tightened to the point that I couldn’t breathe as she stepped into the shower and stood in front of me. Steam rose around her as I dropped my arm, letting the curtain close. No need to give Chewy a show.

  Her skin got pinker and softer looking by the second. Water ran down her voluptuous curves just like I’d imagined in my fantasy. My eyes drifted down and then up again, hungrily drinking in her naked form. She was everything I’d ever dreamed of and more.

  Her eyes were doing the same thing, but she added her hands to the mix. I forced myself to keep my hands at my side and let her explore me because I knew once I touched her it would be over. Her touch left a trail of tingles everywhere her fingernails grazed. She took her time, slowly dragging them up the outside of my arms, paying extra attention to my biceps and shoulders. Then she ran them across my chest, and I was sure that she could feel the pounding of my heart beneath her gentle touch. As she grazed lower, over my torso, her fingertips outlined my abs. It wasn’t until she reached just above my manhood that I could no longer stay still.

  I planted my hands firmly on her hips and crushed her to me. Her eyes widened, and so did her smile. And there was something else there in her face, something that I hadn’t anticipated.


  Something occurred to me that hadn’t before.

  It must’ve taken a shit ton of courage for her to walk in here like this. I sure as hell hadn’t made it easy for her. When I put up walls, she’d walked through them like they didn’t exist, and maybe for her, they didn’t. She was a woman who saw what she wanted, and went after it. I was lucky enough that the thing that she wanted was me.

  And she was unlucky enough that the thing that she wanted was me. Because there could never be anything real between us. Nothing long-term.

  I’d tried to make that clear to her, and I had to believe that she understood. But, that wasn’t something I wanted to worry about right now, not when I had Delilah in my shower, in my arms, ready and willing for me to take her. Right now was the time for action, not contemplation.

  Lowering my head, I pressed my lips to hers, moving them gently. She lifted up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around my neck. She moaned into my kiss, and our bodies slid against each other. The kiss started out as a drugging, exploratory kiss but quickly turned into something urgent and desperate.

  I may not be able to tell her how I felt or how much I cared for her, but fuck if I couldn’t show her. This wasn’t going to be like the other women I’d had arrangements with. This wasn’t just physical. I just couldn’t tell her that.

  Even if it was only for this one night—and, that’s all it could be—I was going to make love to Delilah.

  Needing to taste more of her, I moved my lips down her body, kissing my way down the creamy, smooth skin of her shoulders and chest. This was what I had fantasized about for so long. It felt surreal.

  I slid my hands up from her waist and cupped her full, gorgeous breasts in my hands. They were substantial, and I loved feeling the weight of them in my palms.

  I would never understand other guys’ fascination with stick-figure girls. When it came to breasts, to hips, to asses, give me a heavy handful any time. When I had a woman in my arms, I wanted no doubt in my mind that she was all woman.

  Not able to resist tasting her sweet nipple, I sucked it into my mouth and licked it with the stiffened end of my tongue. It grew harder and more prominent under my expert attention. Her back arched and I feasted on first her left, then her right breast. I didn’t rush as I showed each the tender loving care it deserved, kneading her flesh in my hands as I sucked, licked, and bit her hardened nubs.

  “Oh, Sawyer. Oh, yes,” she groaned, and I had to quickly slide one arm around her waist and pull her up because her knees buckled and she slid down a little bit.

  My dick hardened to an extreme level as it glided against her belly. Her body writhed, and the friction was causing my already throbbing shaft to swell and throb with each roll of her hips, each glide of her wet skin.

  I ignored my need, instead concentrating on how her nipples felt in my mouth. I rolled them between my lips, nibbled on them with my teeth, and flicked them with my tongue.

  “Please,” she begged breathlessly. “Touch me.”

  She didn’t have to ask me twice. I kept one arm anchored around her back as I dipped the other between her legs. I sucked even harder on her breasts as I felt just how wet she was for me. And not because we were in the shower. The moisture coating her sex was slick from arousal.

  I traced her seam with my fingertips, the soft and feminine folds parting easily for my exploring fingers. If this was going to be our only night, I wanted to touch every inch of that body, give her every single bit of pleasure that I could, and take every single bit that was offered to me.

  Keeping a steady pace, I ran my middle finger up and down and up and down, again and a
gain, in rhythm with her panting and her whispering yes in my ear as she gripped my shoulders. Finally, I slipped first one, then another digit inside her tight canal and pumped them in and out in that same rhythm.

  Her legs began shaking, and her stomach trembled. I knew she was close and I wanted to increase her pleasure. So, I slowed my fingers to a steady in and out motion and ran my thumb up, finding the button at the top of her juicy folds. I rubbed around the small, pebble-like bud, never actually touching it. I started with lazy circles, teasing her and drawing out the experience as long as I could. I lifted my eyes and watched her face as I touched her, enjoying every new expression that crossed it, every new way that it contorted with the sparks I was sending through her body.

  As her breathing increased in pants, I kept up with my fingers, watching the pleasure that I was giving her play across her face. Her eyes closed as her inner walls clutched me tightly.

  She’d been whimpering as I slipped my hand down her body, the whimpers getting louder and more intense the closer I got to her center. She’d kept whimpering as my fingers had explored, and the whimpers had reached a fever pitch as I’d pumped them in and out of her.

  But, finally, as my thumb found its ultimate destination, the whimpers resolved into words. Words of begging, pleading.

  “Oh, yes. Oh, Sawyer, yes. Please. Please, please, please.”

  Damn, if I had thought my dick was painfully hard before, I hadn’t known what perfect agony was. Fuck. I’d wanted to draw this out, but I needed to be inside her, and it needed to happen now.

  Chapter 18


  “Enjoy the wishes that do come true and reach for the ones that don’t.”

  ~ Grant Turner

  Was this actually happening?

  As Sawyer’s strong hand cupped my core firmly, his intimate touch hitting all the right places, his thumb brushed over my clit and stars exploded behind my eyelids.

  Yes. It was. This was happening.

  I couldn’t quite comprehend the reality that I was living in. Of course, I’d hoped this would happen. Otherwise, I never would’ve laid myself on the line like this.

  But there was another big part of me that thought that this whole thing was too good to be true. That Sawyer was a dream that was simply too sweet to ever become reality.

  It wasn’t that I thought I didn’t deserve it. I was past that now…well, most of the time, anyway. I believed that I was good enough, and smart enough, and beautiful enough. I deserved all good things. I did, now, truly believe that with my whole heart.

  But, there was just something about Sawyer. Maybe it was that I had wanted him so long without ever letting myself believe that he would want me back, so the habit of not thinking it would ever happen was so ingrained. Or maybe it was just that I wanted him so much that it felt more like a fantasy than reality ever could.

  Whatever the reason, the result was the same—right now, naked in Sawyer’s shower as he kissed me, feasted on my nipples, and moved his hand oh so deliciously between my legs… I mean, it felt so much more like a dream than real life that it was hard to be present and enjoy it. My mind was more congested than Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

  My body, however, didn’t suffer from any of the conflicted feelings that my brain was currently being tortured by. No. My body was one hundred percent on board. No second thoughts.

  I didn’t want to be alone in experiencing the heady sensation his expert ministrations were sending through me. I needed to touch him. Not just his back and shoulders and abs and all the places he’d let me explore. I wanted to intimately massage his sex, just as he was doing to mine. I rocked my hips back slightly and reached between our bodies. My fingers wrapped around his shaft and I squeezed his rock hard flesh.

  I gasped as I felt the steel weight and girth of it in my hand. In my multitude of fantasies, I’d imagined he would be pretty massive—I mean, look at him. But, all the times I’d let my imagination run away with me, even seeing it with my own eyes, and feeling it rub against my body, didn’t prepare me for how big, strong, and powerful his manhood would be when I touched it.

  It was like one of the natural wonders. There was no question.

  I pulled back and looked into his face, my wide eyes meeting his. “Wow. You are…huge!” I blurted out artlessly.

  The only response I received was a small smile. But, hey—this was Sawyer we were talking about. A small smile was still a smile.

  I didn’t get to admire it for long. He dipped his head back down and went immediately back to kissing his way down my body. I’d never felt anything anywhere close to what I felt at this moment. My entire body was overwhelmed with sensations. Tingles of pleasure whirled in spirals of bliss originating in my core and spreading through me.

  I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, I felt more butterflies in my stomach just thinking about Sawyer than I ever felt about any other guy I’d been with. So, it was a pretty safe prediction that being touched and kissed by Sawyer was going to be an unprecedented and mind-bending, soul-deep experience.

  But, the reality of it was blowing those expectations so far out of the water that I couldn’t even see them from here.

  My knees wouldn’t even support me. With every other guy I’d been with, I would’ve worried about my size, worried that they could hold me up. But not Sawyer. His strength enveloped me. And not just physically, his protective instincts permeated through his touch. His arm around my waist felt like the kind of security, the kind of care I’d always wanted. I felt like I was his and I loved it.

  In the back of my mind, I knew that this was temporary. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t forever. But I forced myself to shut my brain off. I grew even more determined to just feel. To let go and allow the waves of pleasure, of passion, of possession take me under.

  I moved my hand up and down on his hard, hot flesh. It twitched and throbbed under my attention, and the throbbing grew more and more intense the faster and firmer I pumped it. Water poured over us. Each drop increased the sensual eroticism of the encounter.

  As much as I would love for us to get each other off this way, I wanted more. I needed to ask for what I wanted. And what I wanted was Sawyer inside me.

  I stretched up on my tiptoes so that my lips were right next to his ear as I whispered, in as seductive a tone as I could manage, “I want you inside me. Please.”

  He groaned and closed his eyes.

  I reached just outside the shower curtain where I’d strategically placed protection when I’d come in.

  When I pulled my arm inside, I saw that his eyes were open. “You think of everything, don’t you?” he rasped.

  “Yep,” I said with a self-satisfied smile.

  Then, Sawyer did something very unexpected…at least for him.

  He smiled, too.

  Not a sly little grin. Not the ghost of a smile that you could torture yourself for days afterward wondering if it’d just been your imagination. But a full-fledged, wide grin. With teeth and everything.

  He took the condom package from me, tore the wrapper with his teeth and tossed it aside as he pulled the condom out, and slid the latex sheath over himself. I’d bought the Magnum size. Turns out, I was right.

  I was so focused on his magnificent erection as he glided the condom over it that I was taken completely by surprise when his strong hands spun me around as if I was no more substantial than a ragdoll. Honestly, when Sawyer touched me, it was like I weighed nothing at all. He was in complete control of my body, and I liked it a whole lot.

  He lifted my arms above my head, easily holding my wrists with one hand and pinning them against the tile. Sex from behind had always been my favorite position, but I’d never voiced that to any of my partners. I’d been trying to speak up and ask for what I wanted, but relief and arousal flooded me as I realized that I didn’t have to do that, with Sawyer.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded roughly.

  I did as he asked and with the hand that wasn’t hol
ding my arms in place he dug his fingers into my hips and tilted them up. His entire body surrounded me, making me feel tiny—something I’d never really felt before. I liked that a whole lot, too. I lifted onto my tiptoes and felt his engorged tip at my entrance.

  His lips brushed against my ear as he leaned into me. I felt the pressure of his head pressing against my core as he said, “Are you ready?”

  “Yes—” my voice cut off as I gasped when he plunged into me, stretching me. A sharp pain stung for a moment but then dissolved into pleasure unlike any I’d ever experienced.

  He filled me completely, pushing my body to its limit and then stilled. I could feel his breath down my neck as he throbbed inside of me.

  “You’re so tight,” he gritted out, and the vibration of his gravelly words chased down my spine.

  After a few moments he began moving inside me in small motions, my body adapted to his size, and soon I was begging him. For what, I wasn’t even sure because I was so mindless with pleasure. But when he began plunging into me and pulling out over and over, sending electric lightning bolts through me with every thrust, I knew that’s what I’d been pleading for.

  I tried to keep my emotions under control as he made love to me. I tried to remind myself again and again that this didn’t mean anything. He made that clear. To him, this was a simple one-night stand.

  But, none of that mattered to my lust-ridden consciousness. With every powerful thrust, I was falling a little bit more in love with him. Holding back wasn’t going to do any good. I realized that I might as well just close my eyes and surrender to whatever sensations or emotions washed over me.

  As soon as I followed that advice, the next thing that I knew I was overcome by a powerful orgasm. There was no warning as white light exploded inside my brain, like a star burning out of existence. My head fell back, and my hands clawed the tiles as his fingers tightened their grip around my wrists.

  At the height of my orgasm, I felt him thrust into me one last time, a particularly powerful movement, and then his arm around my waist clenched intensely. His body shook behind me and the knowledge of him climaxing at the same time as I was heightened my release.


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