Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1)

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Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1) Page 6

by Tonya Brooks


  “Didn't think so,” she smiled up at him a bit wistfully and looped her arm through his as they walked back toward the hallway. Scarlett wasn't surprised to find her legs were not quite as steady as they should be. Her entire body still felt weak and tremulous inside. It would seem that desire was a powerful thing indeed. It was no wonder her brother and his friends seemed to enjoy it so much. The sensation was more intoxicating than brandy.

  These wondrous feelings definitely deserved to be explored in depth and after this remarkable demonstration, Scarlett knew there was no one better to teach her about desire than Nicholas. Not that he would ever consider such a thing, but that wouldn't stop her from trying. The improper advances lesson had been a stroke of sheer genius and she fully intended to exploit every opportunity possible to make it happen again.

  “Thank you for teaching me about improper advances, Nicky. I had no idea a lesson could be so... stimulating.”


  “Scandalous minx,” he laughed in delight at her boldness and was well pleased with his success. Scarlett definitely saw him as a man now. It was time to turn up the heat.

  Chapter Six

  Devil's Keep, England, 1794

  A pair of twelve-year-old boys crept into the nursery and peered down at the infant sleeping peacefully in the cradle. Soft reddish gold curls framed her tiny face and a perfect pair of rosebud lips curved into a smile. She looked like a little angel, so peaceful and serene, but her older brother had already discovered that looks were deceiving. Little Scarlett had the devil’s own temper and howled the house down when she wasn't pleased.

  Nicholas had spent the last month in Moldavia with his mother, so he had missed the baby’s birth and all the excitement that went with it. “Are you sure she's real, Dev?” He asked skeptically, never having seen an infant this close before. The baby was so tiny she looked like a porcelain doll.

  Devlin snorted at that. “She's real all right,” he assured him in amusement. “Just wait till she starts howling.”

  Without warning, the baby opened her eyes and stared curiously up at the two faces looking back at her. Nicholas caught his breath in a gasp. Her big green eyes sparkled just like his mother’s emeralds. “She's bloody beautiful,” he breathed in awe. As if she understood the compliment, Scarlett smiled up at the boys and gurgled happily, her little arms and legs thrashing about.

  Devlin placed his fingertip in her tiny little hand and she clung to it with surprising strength. “She's strong for a girl,” he commented proudly.

  Curious, Nicholas placed his fingertip in her other hand, and she gripped it tightly while laughing that strange, gurgling baby sound again. “With a grip like that, she'll be able to play rounder’s with us,” he predicted with a grin.

  “Girls can't play rounder’s, Nick.”

  “Why not?”


  “She might get hurt,” Devlin pointed out reasonably. “Mother says I'm supposed to protect Scarlett, 'cause that's what big brothers are for.”

  His mother had miscarried several times since his birth, and the servants said it was a miracle that this one had survived. His parents were really protective of the baby, so the boy had taken his mother’s words to heart. Devlin had accepted the new responsibility as seriously as he did all the ducal lessons that his father was dutifully teaching him and Nicholas.


  The little girl looked so small and helpless that the idea of protecting her strongly appealed to Nicholas' natural instincts. The young Duke of Ryder gently rubbed his thumb over the tiny hand clutching his index finger and felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. “Wish I had a little sister,” he said wistfully.

  “Ya do,” the other boy reminded him seriously. “We're brothers now, so that means Scarlett is your sister, too.” The two boys had always been inseparable, but now that Nicholas practically lived with the Ashbrooks, they had formed a bond that was stronger than mere friendship.

  Nicholas's mother spent most of the year in Moldavia while he was away at Eton, only returning to England during his school holidays. After his father’s death, Jacqueline had not been able to bear residing at the Ryder Estate without her beloved husband, so she and Nicholas stayed at Devil's Keep with the Ashbrooks. This was their home now.

  Pleased at that decree, Nicholas leaned closer to the infant and asked in a teasing tone, “What do you think, Scarlett? Would you like to have two big brothers?”

  The baby gurgled and kicked as if she liked the idea a lot, and then she belched lustily. Both boys looked at each other in surprise and then burst into laughter. Lady Scarlett Ashbrook had just made her first two conquests, so to celebrate her good fortune, she began to howl for her dinner.

  Chapter Seven

  Langford House, London, England, 1812

  Juliette Ashbrook, Dowager Duchess Langford, relished a challenge, and she hadn't had such a delightful one in years. She had successfully maneuvered four of her five children into happy marriages without their realizing it while the fifth had actually managed to accomplish the deed himself. However, her grandchildren were not proving as amiable to her machinations as their parents had been.

  Out of the seven of them, three had been married, two of those love matches, and all of them had ended in tragedy. Devlin's marriage had lasted less than a day before it had been annulled, Miranda's husband had been murdered just a few months into the marriage, and Stefan's wife had died while running away with her lover. Juliette had not instigated any of their disastrous unions, which had convinced her that, like their parents, the latest generation of Ashbrooks needed her assistance to find their perfect mate.

  Unfortunately, none of her grandchildren seemed to think they were ready to settle down, which made her task much more difficult. After being a widow for seven years, Miranda was still grieving and refused to give up mourning, much less entertain the idea of marrying again. Her brother Stefan had become so cold and hard after his wife's betrayal, that it would take a very special woman to melt the block of ice surrounding his heart.

  As to Devlin, he'd given up the woman he loved out of guilt and effectively ripped his own heart out in the process. Juliette suspected the woman he had lost would be the only one who could repair the damage he had caused. Then there was Blaise, trapped by what little honor he still laid claim to, in a betrothal contract with a woman he did not want, and could not find.

  Zander was off chasing the horizon on his ship, too happy enjoying the carefree life of a sailor to worry about settling down. Taran had refused countless offers of marriage and was in love with a scoundrel, of that there was little doubt. Juliette just hadn't figured out who he was yet, but when she did, she would see the pair happily married, whether they liked it or not.

  But the challenge before her now was quite a formidable one indeed. Scarlett was the youngest of the grandchildren, and the one most like herself. The minx could be a wily adversary, and no matter how much Juliette might protest, Devlin had always allowed Scarlett to do as she pleased.

  That was not the case this time fortunately.

  Devlin had given their grandmother carte blanche to find the perfect husband for his sister. Little did he know, she had done that years ago. Now, it was just a matter of manipulating situations so the couple realized they were meant to be together. A task that she was more than ready to begin. Juliette had been planning this for months and fully intended to see Scarlett and Nicholas wed before the end of the season. It would be the match of the decade, and she was just the woman to accomplish it.

  The Dowager Duchess of Langford was in her element.


  Scarlett was in hell.

  After all the effort that she had put into behaving properly, at least while her blasted companion was around, she should have been granted some type of boon. Instead, it felt more like she was being punished and she didn't like it. She didn't like it a'tall. The dowager duchess had kept her secluded inside the mansion and had even i
nsisted the modiste and all the merchants visit them there.

  The tactic was just another of Juliette's infamous machinations. She knew that keeping Scarlett hidden away from the public would set the gossips aflame with speculation. This was just one more way of ensuring the chit's come out ball would be a huge success. No one would dare not attend and miss catching the first glimpse of her. Even the Regent had promised to be in attendance.

  In spite of all the aggravation of preparing for the season, Scarlett was pleased to be with her female cousins, whom she saw much less frequently than the males. Lady Taran Harrington, five years older than Scarlett, lived just across the square in her father's townhouse and dropped by for daily visits. Lady Miranda Sheridan, Countess Winslow, two years older than Taran, was also staying at Langford House for the season.

  The Ashbrooks had always been a tight knit family, so when the girls were small, they had spent quite a lot of time together and became very close. Scarlett was hoping that the three of them could rekindle the closeness they had once shared. She had loved the times they had sat up all night giggling and sharing their silly girlish hopes and dreams. She'd love to do that again, but so far there hadn't been ample opportunity for the three young ladies to have a conversation about anything other than fashion.

  Their grandmother had kept them too busy choosing patterns from the modiste, fabric from the linen drapers, trimmings from the haberdasher, half boots, shoes and slippers from the shoemaker, hats and bonnets from the milliner, not to mention gloves, parasols, hosiery and perfumes. It was enough to make a sane woman as mad as a hatter.

  Scarlett had been forced to endure hours of fittings, looked at endless patterns, and sorted through countless swatches of fabric, for no apparent reason it seemed. Her grandmother had overruled almost all of her preferences, which had infuriated the younger woman to no end. Juliette had chosen the typical clothing for a young ladies first season, which Scarlett hated.

  She didn't like fussy ruffles and flounces; she absolutely detested pastels and looked horrible in white. Both her grandmother and the modiste had insisted that she adhere to the proper attire until she'd had a complete fit and refused to wear any of them unless she could choose her own clothes.

  Knowing that her granddaughter favored rich, vibrant colors and would balk at the traditional pastels, Juliette had intentionally chosen clothing that Scarlett would detest. A master strategist, the dowager duchess had planned the entire scenario in advance and couldn't have been more pleased with the outcome. The gowns that Scarlett liked had little ornamentation and were very complimentary to her statuesque form. Their simplicity enhanced Scarlett's exotic beauty instead of competing with it and had been the perfect choice.

  As predicted, she had chosen them all in bold jewel tones. Such rich colors were not at all suitable for a young woman until after she was married, so they had eventually reached a happy compromise. Juliette agreed to the less elaborate style of gowns, and her granddaughter had conceded to wear more subtle shades. Even if the colors were a bit darker than a young lady would normally wear, they were perfectly acceptable and suited her coloring marvelously.

  However, the dowager duchess had balked at the deep red satin ball gown that Scarlett insisted upon. With her red hair, the dress would be quite appalling. Even the modiste had tried to dissuade her, but Scarlett had been adamant and got her way as usual. Unfortunately they'd been right, and after seeing herself in the gown, she was forced to admit it looked awful on her.

  Since her granddaughter had been so disappointed, Juliette had requested the modiste have the exact gown made up in a deep emerald which all of them agreed was absolutely stunning on the generously curved young woman.

  So, after two hellish weeks in Town, Scarlett was sitting in the drawing room stroking Rajah, bored to tears, while staring dejectedly outside at the carriages passing by. How she longed for their country estate where she was free to roam without anyone's by your leave. It just wasn't fair that men could come and go as they pleased and women were bound by these ridiculous restraints. A point that she blasted her brother with as soon as he and Nicholas entered the house.

  “Sorry, minx. I'd take you for a carriage ride through the park if I didn't have an appointment with my solicitors,” Devlin apologized.

  Her shoulders slumped in defeat before she perked up and suggested, “Nicky can take me.”

  “No, he can't,” was refused flatly.

  “Why in blazes not?” She demanded in frustration.

  “It wouldn't be proper.”

  “Proper,” she scoffed. “I've been riding with Nicky my whole life.”

  Devlin sighed wearily and attempted to explain. “Scarlett, I've let you do as you pleased, and more often than not, ignored proper rules of decorum, but here in Town...”

  Determined to get out of this house, she stood and glared at him, hands on her hips. “According to every book of etiquette that I've read, it's perfectly acceptable for an unmarried young lady to go driving with a man as long as a groom or other chaperone is in attendance. And if the man is a family member or a close family friend, a chaperone is not required. So Nicky can take me driving.”

  “'Fraid not, kitten,” Nicholas denied and sounded genuinely regretful as he squatted down to pet the cat twining itself around his Hessians. “I do have a bit of a reputation, ya know.”

  A bit? Hell, from what she'd read in the scandal sheets over the last two weeks, Nicholas was the most publicized rake in England. His every movement was reported on a daily basis, and if he even spoke to a woman they were reputed to be having a torrid affair.

  Being seen with him, with or without a chaperone, would be social suicide for an unmarried woman. Which was just fine with Scarlett, but she could tell that neither one of them would agree to it. “Damnation,” she muttered in disgust and sank back down on the window seat.

  “You'll just have to wait until those young bucks start showing up, minx. Then you'll have more carriage rides than you can stand,” her brother placated.

  “Not bloody likely,” she growled. Scarlett had no intention of wasting her time with those blasted young bucks. She'd rather take the carriage out on her own, which was also perfectly acceptable providing she took a groom along. Though she'd lay odds that her grandmother wouldn't let her drive the phaeton. Juliette would insist she take the barouche since it was considered appropriate for a lady to handle.

  “Scarlett, we made a deal,” Devlin reminded her.

  She muttered a curse under her breath and crossed her arms over her chest. “Yes, I know,” she grumbled. “I'm to comport myself like the lady that I am at all times. No swearing or gambling, no drinking or smoking, no insulting or outrageous remarks.”

  “Or?” He pressed.

  “Or you'll give Grand’Mere free reign and saddle me with a husband,” she snapped and glared sheer venom at him. As far as threats went that one was vile enough to guarantee her cooperation.

  Nicholas actually laughed at her put upon expression. “It won't be all bad, kitten,” he assured her. “You do love to dance.”

  “With you and Dev, but what are the odds of that happening?” She complained. Nicholas and Devlin were both exceptional dance partners. However, on the rare occasion that they attended balls, both men invariably hid out in the card room so they wouldn't have to dance with the marriage minded females that pursued them.

  “Tell you what, minx. If you behave, Nick and I will both dance with you.”

  Recognizing an advantage when she saw it, she pressed, “At every ball?”


  “Now, hold on,” Nicholas complained as he rose. “You're not suggesting that I attend those blasted...” At Devlin's raised brow and inscrutable look, he trailed off and sighed in resignation. “Bloody hell. At every ball.”

  This appeared to please Scarlett to no end. “Misery does love company,” she informed the pair with a mischievous laugh.

  As a rule, Nicholas didn't have the time or the inclination
to attend the season’s frivolous entertainments. His wealth and rank made him one of the most eligible bachelors in the ton which meant he was besieged with invitations to various functions that he invariably refused. Unfortunately, it seemed that he was going to be accepting a great many of them this season.

  “I always get a waltz, or the deal is off,” he insisted with a devilish grin as he and Devlin headed for the study.


  Somewhat mollified at the minor victory, Scarlett wandered aimlessly into the garden and sank onto a bench against the wall while Rajah chased a butterfly. The sound of voices from the garden next door drifted faintly into her hearing and then became louder as the occupants came closer. It appeared there were three young women discussing the upcoming season and bemoaning the fact that it would be their second.

  “I vow, Papa should save us all this trouble and just put an advertisement in the paper, 'Daughters for sale, no offer refused',” the first woman grumbled in disgust.

  “Oh, do be quiet,” the second woman chastened. “Papa doesn't need to get an idea like that. I wouldn't put it past him to try it.”

  “Now, my dears,” the third woman said soothingly. “We can't blame Papa for being vexed over our having another season. You know it’s frightfully expensive to outfit three daughters.”

  “Pooh. Papa has pots of money,” the second woman shot back. “He's just too tight fisted to spend any of it.”

  “Well, I'd just as soon he left me out of it,” the first woman complained. “I'd rather stay in the country and be an ape leader than be stuck with one of those foppish dandies who ignored us last season.”

  At that announcement, which so closely resembled her own sentiments, Scarlett burst into laughter.


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