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Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1)

Page 13

by Tonya Brooks

  “Wait a few minutes and fetch me for something, anything a'tall will do,” she pleaded.

  “You couldn't get Davison to do it?” Was asked in surprise since the servants spoiled her as rotten as everyone else did.

  “Grand’Mere threatened to dismiss him if he did it again,” she complained.

  He laughed at that. So, the little minx had been doing just that. “I'll see what I can do,” he agreed indulgently.

  She threw her free arm around him and hugged him gratefully. “Thank you, Nicky.”


  When Nicholas appeared in the doorway a few minutes later every man in the room became alert to the presence of a menacing predator in their midst. You could practically see their hackles rising at the intrusion as they stood and bowed in greeting to a higher ranking peer. Competition like the Rake of Ryder, they neither wanted nor needed.

  “Did you need me for something, Nicky?” Scarlett prompted when he just stood there.

  Addressing a lord of the realm, especially a duke, by his Christian name in public was unheard of. Hearing Lady Scarlett address the notorious rake in such a familiar manner drew several disgruntled frowns from the gentlemen callers since the lady persisted in addressing them formally.

  “No,” Nicholas denied as he crossed the room to greet Miranda and refuse her offer of tea before leaning negligently against the mantle.

  The cat promptly left his mistress, darted across the room, leapt atop the back of a chair, quite abruptly startling the man seated in it, jumped onto the mantle and began to nudge Nicholas's shoulder for attention. That the nasty tempered cat seemed to like the duke irritated the suitors to no end as he positively despised each of them.

  However, Nicholas did not even attempt to join in the conversation. He just stood there absently scratching the cat's head, and stared intently at the younger men with those dark, fathomless eyes until one by one, they became so uncomfortable, they bid Scarlett good day and left.


  As usual, Viscount Carstairs was the last to leave. Of all her suitors that one irritated Scarlett the most. The only reason she allowed him to call was because it seemed to irritate Devlin immensely. That amused Miranda greatly since she would have used the same ploy to annoy her brother.

  “Well, Scarlett, I think you've finally found a way to scare them off,” she said in amusement as she rose gracefully from the chair she'd been ensconced in for the past couple of hours. “Since you've no further need of me, I'm going up to rest for whatever form of torture Grand’Mere has planned for us tonight.”


  The Countess did not favor social engagements and made no bones about it. She was practically a recluse and rarely appeared in society. “It's good to see you out and about again, Randi.” Nicholas commented with the ease of an old friend.

  Miranda had been a beautiful, vibrant woman before her marriage, but since her husband’s death, she had become too quiet and somber. The widow’s weeds that she wore did little to dispel the deep sadness in her crystal blue eyes. Friends and family worried that she'd never be herself again.

  “Wish I could say it was good to be out and about,” she grumbled and left them alone in the drawing room. Under normal circumstances, Miranda wouldn't have dared leave her cousin alone with any man, much less a rake like himself, but Nicholas was considered a member of their family and was trusted implicitly by one and all.

  Obviously exhausted from sitting like a perfect lady for such an extended period, Scarlett stretched out on her side across the sofa, her ample bosom threatening to spill free from the confines of her dress. “How did you do that, Nicky?” She demanded as she propped her head on her hand. “You never said a word to them.”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders negligently and forced his eyes away from the bounty on display. It wasn't easy. Scarlett really did have a magnificent bosom that those damnable dresses did absolutely nothing to hide. “It's called intimidation.”

  “Well, do it more often,” Scarlett insisted. “Being surrounded by those idiots day and night is going to put me in Bedlam.”

  “You know, you could have done with all of this nonsense and marry me,” he suggested in an idle tone. Not by the merest flicker of an eyelash did his tension show as he anxiously awaited to hear her response. It was not what he had hoped for.

  Scarlett burst out laughing. The emerald eyes sparkling brilliantly, she warned, “Don’t even jest about that, Nicky. Grand’Mere would have us leg-shackled before you knew what was happening.”

  He cocked one eyebrow and queried a bit stiffly in spite of his best effort to appear composed, “Do you think I’d jest about marriage?”

  “With me, yes,” she readily agreed.

  Leaning forward, he stared at her adorable face intently and asked, “And if I’m serious?”

  Which sent her off in peals of laughter again. “Do stop. Even I’m not that naïve,” she assured him.

  Obviously, she wasn’t taking him seriously, he thought in disgruntlement. “Well, it would get rid of all those suitors,” he said lightly and leaned back against the cushions as if she hadn’t just ruined his well laid plans.

  Scarlett snorted in disgust. “I know I promised Dev that I'd behave, but if they don't lose interest soon, I swear I'll do something scandalous just to run them off.”

  Nicholas didn't smile, nor was he amused. He could see the determination in her eyes and knew that Scarlett was completely serious. This was not good. “What would you do, kitten?” He asked in his usual calm manner.

  She leaned up on her elbow and gave him an innocent look. “The only thing guaranteed to make me a social pariah. I'll find someone to compromise me.”

  The hell she would! He shook his head and glowered at her for even suggesting something so outrageous. “Dev would have you married and widowed in a matter of hours.” Her brother would kill the man who touched Scarlett if Nicholas didn’t beat him to it.

  Her expression was decidedly mulish when she admitted, “To get me off of the marriage mart, it would be worth it.”


  “She said what?” Devlin roared.

  Nicholas didn't bother to repeat himself. “Don't think she was kidding, Dev,” he warned. “Scarlett's fed up. I'm surprised she's lasted this long.”

  The Duke of Langford strode to the door, opened it and bellowed for his sister. He was seated behind his desk when she entered the room a few minutes later, with Rajah at her heels. “Sit,” he barked and was obeyed. Rajah jumped atop his desk and began swatting the quill pen. “What's this bloody rubbish about finding someone to compromise you?”


  Scarlett had known Nicholas would tell Devlin what she had threatened, which is why she'd informed him. She had told her grandmother repeatedly that she had no interest in any of the men who called on her, but the duchess insisted the visits continue. Devlin was the only person who could stop their grandmother’s matchmaking attempts, but he hadn't been listening to her either. She had resorted to drastic measures to force his hand.

  “It's the only thing guaranteed to get me off the marriage mart.”

  “It's also the only thing guaranteed to get you married,” he countered with a scowl and swatted at the cat. Devlin was obviously not in the mood to be tormented by the creature. When it raised its back and growled at him, he growled back.

  “Not if I refuse him,” she pointed out stubbornly and wisely placed the cat in her lap. Her brother wouldn't actually hurt her pet, but she couldn't guarantee that Rajah wouldn't shred Devlin to pieces if given the chance.

  Before Devlin could explode, Nicholas interrupted to ask calmly, “Just how would you go about accomplishing this?”

  The look she gave him was confident. “By flirting with some of the more ineligible men I've met. You know, the ones you taught me to avoid.”

  Devlin muttered a string of curses, but Nicholas just shook his head. “Most of them are Dev's friends and have better sense than to touch you,”
he pointed out.

  Scarlett had already considered that possibility, so she informed them smugly, “Viscount Wrothmore doesn't care for Dev a'tall.”


  “Wrothmore!” Her brother thundered furiously, and the cat hissed at him, the blue eyes positively feral with warning, both man and cats. “Where the hell did you meet him?” That bastard was barely tolerated in polite society and was never seen at the type of functions his sister attended.

  “I saw him riding in the park, but I haven't met him... yet,” she added. “It shouldn't be too hard to accomplish though.”

  “Devil take it, Scarlett, if you so much as look at that reprobate, I swear I'll have you locked away in a convent,” he warned and meant it. The man was completely depraved and would love nothing better than to get his filthy hands on an innocent like Scarlett.


  “Anything has to be better than this,” she accused and surged to her feet furiously, that fiery Ashbrook temper kicking in, the cat jumping to the floor, its fur raised in agitation. “I hate it, Dev. I absolutely hate it. You said I could come to Town and enjoy myself, but that hasn't happened, has it? I'm constantly surrounded by those simpering idiots, and not one of them has a brain in his head. The only thing they want to talk about is my hair and my eyes,” she snorted indignantly. “Hells breath, that idiot Carstairs is still writing poems about them!”

  “They're courting you, minx,” her brother explained as patiently as he was able to. “It's natural for them to tell you how beautiful you are.”

  “Why can't they just talk to me?” She wanted to know. “Not one damn person has even attempted to carry on a decent conversation.”

  Well, that wasn't completely true. She'd actually conversed quite well with the Scottish Earl McKenna the night before, but there was something slightly menacing about the man that had made her very uncomfortable. Even if he had shown any interest in becoming one of her suitors, she would have refused him.


  “What the hell d'you think they should be discussing? Politics?” Devlin demanded in exasperation. This is what happened when you gave a woman a real education. Scarlett was too bloody intelligent for her own good and well versed in a variety of subjects that her suitors would never dream of broaching with a woman.


  She snorted at that too and countered with, “What do you and Nicky discuss with women?”

  The fact was that neither one of them did much talking when they were with women, and very few of the females they associated with knew how to have a discussion on a topic other than gossip or fashion. Scarlett had no idea just how unique she really was, and that uniqueness was part of the fascination she held for Nicholas.

  “Well?” She demanded when they didn't answer.

  “Neither of us is courting,” Nicholas finally managed to reply.

  “No, you're too busy seducing,” Scarlett shot back.

  “Scarlett,” Devlin warned sternly.

  “Oh, you're impossible,” she fumed and stamped out of the room, Rajah trailing behind. The cat stopped at the door, gave the man behind the desk one last haughty look for good measure before darting out after his mistress, tail swishing indignantly.

  “Think that did any good?” Nicholas queried.

  Devlin shook his head in denial. “We'll just have to keep a close eye on her.” Only God knew what kind of mischief she could get into.


  “Dev!” A pale and shaken Miranda said anxiously as she rushed into the study. “It's Stefan. Something’s happened.” Both men rose and went to her. Nicholas led her to a chair and seated her while Devlin took the crumpled missive from her trembling hands. “He wouldn't send me a note like this unless it was urgent.”

  Devlin read the note and frowned. It was written in his cousin’s hand and simply said, I need you. Come at once. Stefan hadn't even bothered to sign it. Agreeing with Miranda's assessment, but not wanting to alarm her further, he said, “I'll accompany you, Randi. Have your maid start packing.”

  Rising shakily to her feet, eyes filled with fear met his as she choked, “The twins. I couldn't bear it if...” a sob broke from her and she couldn't even finish the statement.

  He didn't have to be told. Devlin knew what she meant. His broken hearted cousin could not bear it if she lost another person dear to her. Her brother and nephews were her whole world now. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. “Settle down now, Priss,” he urged calmly. “We don't know anything except Stefan needs you at home. He would have told us if it had been something dire.”

  Nodding her agreement, Miranda took the handkerchief Nicholas proffered and dried her eyes. “Yes, of course. You're right,” she said in a slightly firmer tone. “It was foolish of me to think otherwise.” Offering them both a brave smile, she said, “I'll go pack and tell Grand’Mere.”

  “I'll have the coach readied,” Devlin assured her and rang for a footman while Nicholas read the note. He gave the servant instructions to have the coach prepared for the trip and for his valet to pack. Turning back to Nicholas, he said, “Keep an eye on Scarlett while I'm gone. God only knows what...” he paused as another footman tapped at the door.

  “Your Grace, the Dowager Duchess is planning to travel with you,” he informed the duke. “She suggests you have Lady Scarlett reside with Lady Taran until you return from Brookhaven.”

  Devlin nodded at the wisdom of that. Taran was a good stable influence. Just what his wild little sister needed to keep her out of trouble. “See to it,” he instructed the servant.


  “That complicates my keeping an eye on Scarlett,” Nicholas pointed out when they were alone again. A gentleman of his reputation couldn't just call on a pair of young ladies without rousing the wrong kind of attention. “We'll have to depend on Blaise to keep her out of trouble.” As an actual member of the family, even a man with a reputation as bad as Blaise's could visit Taran and Scarlett without reproach.


  “Bloody hell,” Devlin growled. This was getting more complicated by the minute. That particular member of the family was more likely to lead his precocious sister into trouble than shield her from it.

  “You deal with Stefan. Blaise and I will handle your sister,” Nicholas assured him confidently.

  “God help you,” he said with feeling because Blaise and Scarlett together were a handful to say the least.


  Juliette could not have planned such an opportune twist of fate, but she happily exploited it to her advantage. Leaving Scarlett in Nicholas' care just might prove to be the catalyst the pair needed to fan the spark between them into a flame. Not that she thought for a moment that the young duke would actually compromise her granddaughter. Ryder was too honorable for that, mores the pity. However, she didn't have a doubt that Scarlett would have no qualms about seducing the man herself if given the opportunity. Now she just had to sit back and hope her machinations proved fruitful.


  An hour later, Nicholas tracked his friends down at their favorite club, and sank into an empty chair at the table. He then explained the vague missive from Stefan and relayed the message that Devlin wanted Blaise to keep an eye on Scarlett until he got back. Needless to say, the earl was not pleased with the request.

  “Bloody hell,” he growled in grim resignation. “How did I get stuck with this?”

  “You are the only member of the family in Town at the moment,” Nicholas pointed out dryly.

  “You're family,” Blaise shot back.

  “Not the same,” was denied firmly. “It wouldn't be at all the thing and you know it. Besides, you already escort Taran about, what difference does one more make?”


  Blaise did escort his cousin a good bit, mainly because he knew exactly what kind of trouble the little minx would get into if he didn't. The difference was that Scarlett was even more daring than Taran. There was no deuced telling what kind of mischief the
pair of them could get into. Naturally, he'd be the one blamed if either of the little darlings stepped out of line, which they most likely would. “Bloody hell,” he growled again.

  Taking pity on him, Nicholas added, “The good news is that neither Scarlett nor Taran wants to attend the musicale and ball that Duchy had planned for them. Last I heard they were going to spend the evening in.”


  “That doesn't sound so bad,” Tony said in genuine amusement at the other man’s plight. The worst libertine of the group chaperoning two innocents. The very idea was hilarious. “Have dinner with the little innocents, see them safely tucked into bed and then join us at the Felt Table.”

  When that suggestion earned him a dark look, he added, “Elle has a new opera opening tonight, so you know she'll be there afterward to celebrate.” Since Blaise had had his lascivious sights set on the lovely singer for a while now that was all the incentive he needed.

  “I'll be there,” he agreed as he pushed back his chair and stood. “I'll just go check on those two imps from hell and make sure they don't have anything planned for the evening.”

  Once they were alone, Tony picked up his glass and took a sip as he eyed his friend over the rim. Nicholas was smiling and looked like a man well pleased with himself. That could only mean one thing. “Who is she?” He asked curiously.

  “Who?” Nicholas queried absently.

  “The woman you're thinking about.”

  “Don't know what you mean,” was denied blandly as he accepted his drink from the waiter.

  “Oh, ho. Like that, is it?” Tony laughed knowingly and assumed it was a married woman that had caught his friend’s eye. Jaded rakes they might be, but the lot of them, except for Blaise, were as discreet as possible about such liaisons. They never mentioned names and rarely even discussed such issues among themselves. However, the ladies they bedded tended to brag about them and thereby caused an endless round of rumors.

  Obviously not willing to discuss his plans, Nicholas ignored the grin as well as the question, and asked, “Is anything interesting happening tonight? I've been to so many bloody balls lately that I'm having trouble keeping track.”


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