Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1)

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Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1) Page 24

by Tonya Brooks


  “That was not...” Nicholas broke off shouting and began to pace the room to try to calm his fury, barely leashed menace visible with every movement. God, he didn't know if he wanted to kiss her, or kill her. “You did this,” he accused Devlin. “I told you that she was going to be hard to handle, dammit.”

  “Handling women is what you do best,” his friend shot back in frustration.

  “And you bloody well know how I handle them,” Nicholas snapped. “D'you think I should give that a try?”

  “You'd damned well better not,” Devlin warned and was not about to let his friend seduce his sister before the wedding.

  “Then you'd damn well better put a stop to this or I'll have no choice,” he insisted and stormed out of the house.


  If they hadn't been talking about her, Scarlett would have been amused, since she'd never seen them angry at each other before. But since they were discussing her, she'd found their topic to be fascinating, as well as Nicholas's threat.

  Up until now, she'd never even known that he had a temper. Oh, she'd seen him angry and annoyed, but that display of raw fury had been most impressive, even by Ashbrook standards. Apparently, it took a lot to get him riled because she had certainly been trying to provoke just this type of response.

  “Have you lost your damn mind?” Devlin growled at his sister as he stalked over to the cabinet to pour himself a brandy. “You're marrying the Rake of Ryder, for God's sake. What the hell possessed you to think you'd have need of a lover?”

  Scarlett had no idea how to address that with an intelligent response, since she had virtually no knowledge regarding the subject, so she replied stubbornly, “For the same reason Nicky has a mistress.”


  Ah. Now they were getting somewhere. Devlin knew his sister did not like to share what she considered hers. The thought of her husband having a mistress would be intolerable. “He doesn't, ya know,” he commented as he sat in the chair across from her.

  “You bloody liar,” she snapped and surged to her feet, emerald eyes flashing dangerously. “I met the vicious bitch!” Bloody hell. That explained everything. Devlin shook his head, but she didn't even give him a chance to explain.

  “Her name is Lady Lettice Housden,” she informed him as she stalked around the room, venom practically oozing out of her pores. “Lady,” she snorted scathingly. “The grate sweeper behaves more like a lady than that shrewish trollop. Hell, I'm more ladylike.”


  “She knew everything, Dev,” Scarlett practically wailed. “She knew that you were forcing Nicky to marry me... that he's planning to pack me off to the country to be his brood mare!” Tears filled her tormented eyes. “I was so humiliated! I just wanted to scratch her eyes out and... and...” at that she promptly burst into tears.

  Devlin went to his sister and hugged her tightly against his chest, appalled that she had been reduced to tears. “Nick got rid of her, minx,” he said patiently. “The day after your engagement was announced.”


  The same day she'd confronted that horrid woman, she realized. “He did?” She sniffed.

  “He did,” was confirmed. “Lettice is a malicious bitch. Whatever she said to you was done out of spite.”

  “How can you be sure?” Scarlett asked warily, wanting desperately to believe, but afraid to hope again.

  He sighed heavily and admitted, “Because she used to be my mistress.”

  Scarlett's head came up as she stared at him in shock, and then laughter bubbled up in her throat. “Oh, Dev. Your taste in women is atrocious,” she laughed merrily.


  “Scarlett, have you lost your mind?” Juliette demanded in high dudgeon the next morning, after reading in the paper about her granddaughter's latest escapade at the theater. “How much more of this nonsense do you think Nicholas will stand for?”

  “Not much, I hope,” she sighed in resignation of the lecture that she knew was coming.

  Completely exasperated with the headstrong chit, the dowager duchess settled herself onto the sofa and complained with genuine regret, “You've made the match of the decade. I can't understand why you're so determined to break the engagement.”

  Seeming to be frustrated beyond belief, Scarlett rose and walked over to the window to stare sightlessly outside. “I'm not like you, Grand’Mere. I just couldn't stand it if...” her voice broke on a sob.

  Juliette followed and gently turned her granddaughter to face her. The tears streaming down Scarlett's face came as quite a shock and assured her just how deeply this was affecting the younger woman. Scarlett Ashbrook did not cry. She ranted and raved and raised hell, but she never shed tears.

  Pulling her into her arms for a fierce hug, the duchess soothed the girl as she sobbed bitterly. “There, there,” she crooned in the gentlest of tones that few but family had ever heard or would believe her capable of. “Tell Grand’Mere what's hurting you so badly.”

  “Nicky's a rake,” she said bluntly and lifted tormented emerald eyes to meet a pale blue gaze filled with compassion. “I couldn't look the other way like you did if he kept a mistress. I'd take a horsewhip to the woman and geld him.”

  At that, laughter bubbled out of Juliette because she understood the feeling precisely. With her arm firmly around the younger woman, she led her back to the sofa and seated them both. “I'm going to let you in on a secret, Scarlett, but you must promise never to tell another soul.”

  When she nodded her agreement, the duchess leaned closer and said in a conspiratorial tone, “Charlie never cheated on me.” At the look of disbelief, she shook her head emphatically. “Despite his reputation as a rake, your grandfather was never unfaithful.”

  “But... all those women...” she began in confusion.

  “Your grandfather had a wicked sense of humor, my dear. We only pretended he kept those rakish ways just to play a joke on the ton,” she confessed in amusement. “Oh, it was so much fun. He and I use to laugh about it and we plotted the most outrageous... well, never mind that. The important thing is that he didn't stray because he loved me.”

  Her lower lip began to tremble again. “Nicky doesn't love me,” Scarlett pointed out.

  Juliette had her doubts about that. A man would not tolerate the hell that Scarlett was putting Nicholas through unless he loved her to distraction. “Scarlett, Nicholas adores you. It won't take much to make him love you... if he doesn't already.”


  Scarlett shook her head sadly. “He's used to sophisticated women. Women who know how to please a man. I don't know anything.”

  “Neither did I,” the dowager duchess admitted. “However, your grandfather took great pleasure in teaching me everything I needed to know.”

  “Like what?” She asked slyly.

  Juliette laughed and shook her head. “Oh, no, minx,” she denied. “We'll leave that to your groom. The only thing that you need to know is that whatever gives you pleasure, will do the same for him.”

  The idea was intriguing, even if it didn't help a'tall. Scarlett scowled in frustration. “I don't even know what pleases me.”

  “Nicholas will know,” was sagely advised and the wicked sparkle in her eyes attested the truth of her words. “Mark my words, Scarlett. Rakes make excellent husbands.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Devil's Keep, England, 1808

  After a night of overindulgence, the two twenty-six-year-old men were sitting on the veranda sipping coffee when Devlin paled to ash and exclaimed, “Good God!”

  Nicholas didn't even bother to ask what was wrong. He knew it had to be one, or both, of the children. They raced to the pond where Dare was standing up in the rowboat, staring down into the water and yelling for his aunt. That could only mean one thing. Scarlett was underwater. Their hearts gripped with sheer terror, both men dove into the water and swam for the center of the pond.


  Scarlett surfaced, b
eaming with pride, her six-year-old nephew’s favorite toy held aloft in her hand. “Got it!” She crowed breathlessly.

  The lost toy forgotten, Dare didn't even spare a glance for it or his aunt. No, he was staring at his father and uncle in round-eyed astonishment since both of them had dove into the pond with their boots on. And he'd never seen his father look so angry before. Uh, oh. This couldn't be good. “Uh, Aunt Scarlett...” he began warily.


  “Scarlett, what the hell were you thinking?” Devlin roared as he reached them. Before she had a chance to respond, he lifted her out of the water, dumped her into the bottom of the rowboat and climbed in after her. By the time Nicholas hauled himself over the side, Devlin was already paddling his sister’s backside while she howled in outrage.

  “Father, don't! Please stop!” Dare was pleading as tears streamed down his face. “It was my fault. I dropped the horse overboard. I'm the one you should spank!” Devlin's hand froze mid-smack as he saw the anguish on his son's face. “Please, don't spank Aunt Scarlett. She was just trying to save my horse.”

  Realizing that he had overreacted, Devlin felt the fear and anger evaporate as quickly as it had deluged him. He had been terrified when it appeared that Scarlett was drowning, and then absolutely furious when he realized that she had risked her life to save a worthless toy.

  Flipping his sister over, and crushing her against his chest in relief that she was all right, he said in a tone rife with remorse, “I'm sorry, minx. I thought you were drowning.”


  “So you decided to beat the breath back into me?” She snapped furiously and scooted off of his lap to sit gingerly beside her nephew, her backside still stinging.

  Devlin had never spanked her before and she wasn't about to tolerate such handling at the grand age of fourteen. Still sniffling, Dare slid both arms around her waist and she placed one around his trembling shoulders, but no one said another word as Nicholas rowed the boat to the dock and tied it off.


  Still shaken, Nicholas caught up with Scarlett just before she reached the house and pulled her into his arms for a fierce hug. His heart hammering madly, he needed the physical contact to reassure himself that she was really alive and well. The fear and adrenaline still pulsing through his veins made his voice a bit shaky as he asked, “Are you all right?”

  “No, I'm not,” Scarlett growled against the sodden linen plastered to his chest. “My feelings are hurt, I'm madder than hell and my arse is stinging.”

  A lopsided smile touched his lips, and he gave silent thanks that she was alive to complain. Placing a kiss atop the head so very dear to him, Nicholas said, “When you didn't come up for air, we thought you were drowning, kitten.”

  She snorted inelegantly at that bit of nonsense. “You're the ones who taught me how to swim.”

  “Your parents knew how to swim, too,” he pointed out and she looked up at him, a stricken expression on her face. “Dev just lost his head when he realized you'd scared the hell out of us to save a toy.”


  Her parents had drowned when their boat capsized in the icy waters of a very deep loch in Scotland. The weight of Danielle's heavy skirts had dragged her down, while the cold water had quickly numbed their bodies and made swimming nearly impossible. Charlton would have never left his beloved wife behind to save himself and had drowned in a valiant effort to save her.

  According to witnesses, he had almost managed to keep them both afloat until the rescue boats reached them. When their bodies were dragged from the loch, the duchess was still held protectively in her husband’s arms.

  A muffled sob escaped her lips as she ran back down to the edge of the pond where Devlin was trying to explain to his son why he'd overreacted. Scarlett threw herself into her brother’s arms and hugged him fiercely. If he could forgive her for behaving so foolishly, she could certainly forgive him for spanking her. Besides, she was long overdue for a spanking, anyway.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Langford House, London, England, 1812

  Resigned to her fate, Scarlett reminded herself that she was an Ashbrook and not a coward. She was an intelligent woman and an excellent pupil. She could learn to be a proper duchess, even if she didn't like it. She hadn't liked Latin either, but she had mastered it just the same. Never one to back down from a challenge, she decided that this was just another goal to be reached and one that she was determined to conquer.

  Making Nicholas fall in love with her was a far more daunting task, and one she wasn't at all sure that she could accomplish. But she now had a good idea where to start. Getting him in her bed shouldn't prove that difficult. She already knew that he wanted her, and lord knew, she wanted him. If making love to him was anything like kissing him, she might never let him out of bed. He would have no need for a mistress once she was his wife.

  Scarlett was determined to do whatever she must to keep Nicholas from straying, although, she had no idea how to go about that either. She planned to learn everything there was to know about making love, because once she got him in her bed, she intended to keep him there.

  Now, as with any subject, she needed some type of textbook to explain the basic applications. Nicholas could provide any demonstrations that were required, but she refused to remain ignorant about something that could keep her husband from straying.

  “Maddy, we're going out,” she informed her maid. “I need to visit the bookshop.”

  The trip proved to be very fruitful. Scarlett purchased a book written by Vatsyayana that had some fascinating illustrations to help explain the text. Fortunately, she was well versed in Sanskrit so the book should prove to be just what she needed.

  The proprietor had been extremely reluctant to sell it to her until she told him it was a gift for her husband. It hadn't been a complete lie since Nicholas would enjoy the fruits of the knowledge she gleaned from it. She'd make certain of that.

  “Oh, Lady Scarlett,” an all too familiar voice called out when she exited the shop. “A moment if you please.”

  Scarlett turned and forced a smile to her lips. Oh, dear. She was really going to have to do something about Carstairs. A pang of guilt hit her for flirting with him so outrageously over the last week. “Hello, Geoff... Lord Carstairs,” she corrected herself and curtsied. No time like the present to start correcting that mistake.

  Carstairs bowed over her hand and smiled cheerfully at her. “If you have a moment, m'mother would like a word.”

  Viscountess Carstairs was waving at her from the carriage window and Scarlett waved back. The dear lady had been one of the matrons who'd been so generous with her sympathy toward Scarlett's plight, that she didn't have the heart to refuse the request. “Lady Felicity, how are you today?” She asked as she handed the paper wrapped book to her maid and moved to the open door of the carriage.

  “I'm in fine spirits, my dear. Fine spirits, indeed,” she chortled merrily. “Won't you join me for a moment?”

  “Certainly,” Scarlett agreed as she stepped inside the carriage and sat opposite the lady and her maid. She was a bit surprised when Carstairs followed her in, sat beside her and closed the door behind them. She was shocked when the Viscountess rapped her cane on the roof and commanded the coachman to drive on. “I'm very sorry, Lady Felicity, but I simply don't have time for a drive today. I...”

  “Oh, but you must make time, my dear,” the older woman insisted, her eyes alight with cheerfulness. “You see, I have come up with a way to save you from being forced to marry a scandalous libertine like Ryder.”

  “Mother's brilliant that way. Always coming up with such clever ideas,” Carstairs chimed in.

  The lady beamed with motherly pride and leaned forward to pat her son’s hand. “Such a dear boy,” she sighed with pleasure. “He'll make an excellent husband.”

  “Yes, I'm sure he shall,” Scarlett agreed absently. “Lady Felicity, I simply must insist...”

  “Quite right, my dear. Quite right,�
� Felicity nodded solemnly with that same radiant smile. “I did digress somewhat, did I not? I'm sure you're anxious to hear my plan so you can have the whole horrid issue resolved.”

  “Well, I...” Scarlett began and was ignored.

  “It is quite simple,” Felicity assured her and began to explain her brilliant idea. “You see, my dear, the perfect way to end the engagement to Ryder is to marry someone else.”

  “Someone else?” Scarlett gulped and fervently hoped the older woman wasn't about to suggest her son.

  “Absolutely,” she nodded her head vigorously. “And my dear Geoffrey has volunteered to be your groom. Isn't that wonderful?”

  “But... but I can't...” she stammered in disbelief that she'd managed to get herself into a fix like this.

  “Of course, you can. Now, don't you worry about a thing, my dear. Since I'm here to provide a proper chaperone, nary a whit of impropriety can be attached to the union,” the older woman assured her and leaned forward to pat Scarlett's hand in reassurance. “Everything has been taken care of. You don't have to do a thing but enjoy the ride.”

  “The ride?” Scarlett repeated and wondered if the woman were a bit mad. “Lady Felicity, where are we going?”

  “Why, to Gretna Greene, of course,” the older lady smiled brilliantly.

  “Oh, bloody hell,” Scarlett groaned.


  Maddy ran through the streets as fast as her legs would carry her, the package clutched tightly to her chest as she dodged people and vendors alike. She arrived at Langford House out of breath and faint from lack of oxygen and grasped the butler by his coat. “His Grace...” she panted. “Where?”

  “I say, Maddy, take hold of yourself,” Davison said in concern at this never before seen behavior. “His Grace is in the study with Ryder.” She shoved the package in his hands and took off down the hall at a run.



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