Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1)

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Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1) Page 28

by Tonya Brooks

  Nicholas drank from the wellspring of her desire until she began to writhe uncontrollably beneath him. He replaced his mouth with his hand and slid first one and then two fingers inside her silken depths. He watched in fascination as she tossed her head from side to side, the flaming hair a curtain of fire spread out across the pillows.

  “You are so beautiful, my love,” he breathed in awe. “A passionate goddess of fire and flame.”


  “Nicky,” she pleaded, her breath coming in short little pants, her fists clenching in the linens, back arching upward. “Nicky, please.” Scarlett had no idea what she needed, but she knew instinctively that Nicholas could provide it.


  Unable to bear watching her suffer such exquisite agony, nor able to deny himself a moment longer, he left the bed to practically tear his breeches off before he settled himself between her thighs. Like the irresistible pull of iron drawn to a magnet, his lips found hers as unerringly as his arousal found its home.

  Clasping her face between his hands, he whispered regretfully, “I'm sorry, kitten, but this will hurt.”


  “I don't care,” Scarlett moaned as her hips rocked up toward him insistently. “Nicky, help me.” He pressed his hips against hers with one hard thrust, his manhood entering her body, pushing past the barrier of her maidenhead and plunging deep inside.

  Her gasp of pain was silenced by his mouth as was the moan of pleasure. Wrapping her arms around him, Scarlett clung fiercely, her body moving instinctively against his as it sought to ease the burning ache deep inside.


  Being one with Scarlett was the most intense sensation that Nicholas had ever known. The pleasure of being surrounded by her molten heat was so all consuming that he was powerless to resist it. He thrust into her again and again like a man possessed until they quite literally shattered in each other’s arms.

  Long moments later, he realized that his weight was crushing her and rolled them both onto their sides, their bodies still joined, arms and legs clasped around each other in an effort to hang on to the incredible sensation of oneness.

  Scarlett snuggled closer, placed a kiss on his shoulder and smiled, her face an expression of rapture. “So this is what it feels like to be seduced,” she mused softly.

  Sated beyond anything he'd ever experienced before, he asked lazily, “What does it feel like?”

  “Heaven,” she sighed contentedly.

  Nicholas laughed softly and placed a tender kiss on her temple. “Then I must have been seduced as well,” he agreed. “Feel free to seduce me any time, my love.”

  The sweet scent of honeysuckle tantalized him and he inhaled deeply. During his travels, he had always purchased an assortment of trinkets for her, but his favorite had turned out to be a fine French soap that she adored. He would forever associate the scent of honeysuckle with the woman beside him.

  Scarlett's fingertips absently trailed over the muscles of his back as she looked up at him and asked hopefully, “Were you serious, Nicky? About our having as many children as I want?”

  “Very serious,” he agreed indulgently.

  “Good.” That sultry smile touched her lips. “If this is how we make them, I have the feeling we're going to have a house full.”

  He smiled contentedly. “I believe you're right.”

  She rubbed her lower body against his suggestively and said, “Maybe we should get started on that. After all, it is a big house.”

  Nicholas had known she had a passionate nature, and he was thrilled to discover he'd been right. Rolling her onto her back again, he said huskily, “Maybe we should.”

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Devil's Keep, England, 1812

  “Good morning, Maddy,” Scarlett sighed happily as she luxuriated in a lazy stretch. Certain parts of her body were a bit tender this morning, and she smiled in utter contentment at the memory of how that had happened. She could lie here all day and bask in the wonder of the glorious night she had spent in Nicholas's arms. Being seduced by a rake was the most incredible experience of her life, and she couldn't wait to do it again.

  “Good morning, Lady Scarlett,” the maid replied cheerfully as she carried in a tray. “Your bath will be ready in a bit.”

  “You're amazing, Maddy,” Scarlett said as she sat up and fluffed the pillows behind her. “How did you know I wanted a long, hot soak this morning?”

  “His grace requested it for you,” was admitted as she carried the tray to the bed and placed it astride her mistress's legs.

  “Dev did?” She asked in surprise, the delicious aroma of chocolate teasing her nose.

  “Ryder,” Maddy corrected. “He said to let you sleep as long as you pleased and then to have a hot bath prepared.”

  “How thoughtful,” Scarlett grinned happily and sipped the warm, sweet brew. If this was the kind of pampering that she was going to receive as Nicholas's wife, being a duchess might not be so bad after all.

  “His grace also requested that you join him for brunch,” the maid imparted as she placed a dressing gown within easy reach. “I believe he has a picnic planned.”

  “A picnic,” Scarlett laughed in delight. “How romantic.”

  Anxious to see Nicholas again, Scarlett didn't take a leisurely bath, but the hot water did soothe the aches nicely. When she saw the gown that Maddy had laid out for her to wear, her mouth fell open in surprise. It was a rich cream, loose and flowing and beautiful in its simplicity. And she had never seen it before. “Where did this come from?”

  “His grace brought it and requested you wear it,” the maid explained. “Isn't it the most beautiful gown, Lady Scarlett?”

  Nicholas was having clothes made for her? Good lord. Who ever heard of such a thing? But it was so thoughtful and sweet and the gown was beautiful. It would seem her betrothed had excellent taste even if he was completely clueless about ladies fashion. The gown was far too grand for a simple picnic and more appropriate for a formal event. Not that Scarlett cared a hoot. Nicholas had given it to her and she would wear it to please him, propriety be damned.

  “It's exquisite,” she agreed as she trailed her fingers over the sheer material.

  Once she was dressed, the simplicity of the gown complimented her figure perfectly and didn't even require the use of a corset. Maddy produced a pair of matching ankle boots and gloves in the softest kid leather.

  She really was going to have to teach her future husband about fashion, it seemed. One only wore boots for walking or riding, which was a sensible choice for a picnic, but completely inappropriate for such a formal gown.

  As instructed by his grace, the maid brushed her hair and left it flowing to her waist. She placed a V-shaped coronet of pearls on her forehead and tucked the combs into the hair at her temples. Stepping back to admire her handiwork, the maid beamed in delight.

  “Lady Scarlett, you look like a princess.”

  Staring at her reflection in the mirror, a stunning smile lit Scarlett's face. “I feel like one,” she admitted happily.

  A knock sounded at the door and when Maddy opened it, Devlin just stood there and stared at his sister. When he finally spoke, his voice was filled with emotion. “Don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as you look right now, minx.”

  “Don't think I've ever felt beautiful before,” she admitted with a blinding smile. “But I do now.” After the way Nicholas had worshiped her body last night, Scarlett would never again doubt her own self worth.

  He smiled at that. “Nick wanted me to escort you to him.”

  “An escort to a picnic?” Scarlett laughed. “What is he up to?”

  “As contrary as you've been lately, I'd say he was hedging his bets to make sure you arrive,” the duke teased as he escorted her down the hall.

  “So you're standing guard?” She joked.

  “Do I need to?” He asked with more seriousness than the situation warranted.

  Scarlett slid an arm around his wai
st and hugged her brother, “No. I'm more than happy to do anything Nicky asks of me.”

  “Even marry him?” He pressed.

  “I'd drag him off to Gretna Greene today if Grand’Mere wouldn't have a fit,” she admitted.

  “Do you love him, minx?” Devlin asked hopefully.

  “With all my heart.”

  He actually looked relieved to hear that. “Nick's a good man, Scarlett. He'll treat you like a goddess, if you'll let him.”

  “Oh, I'll let him,” she grinned up at him mischievously. “I rather like being pampered like this.”

  “Get used to it,” he grinned back and led her out the front door where his barouche waited.

  “Just where is this picnic?” Scarlett thought to ask as he lifted her into the carriage.

  “It's a surprise,” Devlin replied as he set the horses off at a sedate clip. “Ya know, minx, I probably did you an injustice by insisting you remain here with me when our parents died. Truth be told, you would have been better off with Duchy.”

  “Dev, no,” she protested, somewhat unsettled at his somber mood and tone.


  “It's true,” he insisted with a hint of a smile. “But I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, too.”

  “I would have been miserable without you and Nicky,” she assured him.

  “But under Duchy's guidance, you would have been better prepared for the life you're going to live,” Devlin pointed out.

  She shrugged her shoulders as if that was of little consequence. “I wouldn't trade the life I've already lived for anything,” Scarlett confessed. “You did the right thing, Dev. Never doubt it.”

  Comforted by the knowledge, Devlin slung his arm around her shoulders and gave his sister a hug. “You know I'll always be here for you. No matter what.”


  She fought the tears that welled in her eyes and grumbled, “Damnation, Dev. You're getting maudlin on me again.”

  “Maybe I'm getting old,” he grinned devilishly to lighten the mood.

  She snorted inelegantly at that. “When you're too old to chase women, then you can claim that one.” They were both laughing when he drove the matched pair over a rise. The breath caught in Scarlett's throat at the scene before her. The entire family and their closest friends were gathered in the flower laden meadow waiting for them. “Dev, what is this?” She asked in surprise.

  “Your wedding, minx,” he grinned that devilish smile that few people ever witnessed.

  “My what?” Scarlett gasped in shock.

  “Nick planned the whole thing,” he confessed. “He thought you'd rather have something simple, with just the family.”

  Tears welled in her eyes at the thoughtful and romantic gesture. “It's perfect,” she whispered as a lone tear slid down her cheek. This meadow was her favorite place in the spring as it was always filled with an abundance of flowers. To think that Nicholas had planned a simple wedding for them there, without all the pomp and circumstance the nuptials of a duke should carry, filled her heart to overflowing.

  Devlin stopped the carriage, helped his sister out and walked her down the grassy path to where Nicholas waited for his bride. He kissed her cheek, placed her hand in the hand of the man who would become his brother in truth, and went to join the rest of the family.

  Scarlett stared up at Nicholas, her emerald eyes shimmering with tears of joy. “Don't cry, kitten,” he said softly and lifted his hand to caress her cheek. “It’s bad luck for a bride to cry on her wedding day.”

  She grasped his hand in hers and brought it to her lips to press a kiss to his knuckles. “I can't believe you did all of this for me, Nicky.”

  His smile was as gentle as his tone when he replied, “I told you I'd do anything for you, Scarlett. I always will.” Another tear slid down her cheek and he leaned forward to kiss it away. “Will you marry me and let me spend the rest of my life making your every wish come true?”

  “Yes,” she whispered tremulously before his lips touched hers in a kiss as light as gossamer.

  Nicholas led his bride to where her great uncle, the archbishop, waited for them, pausing just long enough for Taran to press a bouquet of creamy gardenias into her hand. The family and close friends gathered around them as they said their vows.

  The ceremony was short and sweet and all the more beautiful for its simplicity. When Uncle Archie pronounced them husband and wife, Scarlett found herself swept into a tender embrace and kissed so reverently that tears filled her eyes again.

  The small congregation descended on the happy couple to offer hugs and kisses and their sincere congratulations. They also endured a fair amount of teasing as well. Anxious to be alone with his wife, Nicholas leaned in close and asked in that smoky voice that sent a shiver down her spine, “Are you ready for our wedding night to begin, Duchess?”

  Scarlett met the burning heat in his obsidian gaze and boldly replied, “Oh, yes.”

  “Excellent.” Nicholas flashed her that wicked smile and said, “I thought we could make a fast escape on horseback.”

  Scarlett thought it was a most romantic suggestion since she'd never heard of such a thing before. Glancing around at the variety of amused expressions, she asked hesitantly, “Are you sure, Nicky? I've never ridden sidesaddle.”

  He shrugged as if that were of little consequence. “Not a problem since it’s your usual equipage.”

  Scarlett could not believe he'd just given her leave to ride astride in her wedding gown. Blast it all, she'd even told him before she'd left his bed that morning that she was going to start behaving more appropriately. “I can't ride astride in a gown,” she protested. “It's indecent.”

  “We have two experts here, so let’s ask them.” Turning an amused look at his mother and Juliette, he queried, “Which is the most appropriate behavior for a duchess, to follow the dictates of propriety, or obey her husband’s wishes?”

  Choking back a laugh, Juliette was the first to answer. “Her husband’s wishes should always come first, of course.”

  Not even bothering to hide her own amusement, Jacqueline added, “Of course. After all, a proper duke would never ask his wife to do anything inappropriate.”

  Since everyone knew he had never had the slightest inclination to be proper, Nicholas grinned at them and arched one eyebrow at his bride. “Ride in the gown.”

  Laughing in delight at his indulgence, Scarlett threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek before she made a mad dash to her mare. The boots and leather gloves made perfect sense now as did the lack of a corset. Nicky had planned this right down to the last detail. Lord, how she loved him.


  “My thanks, ladies,” he told the two duchesses. “I fear a proper wife would drive me to distraction.”

  Having watched the entire exchange in satisfaction, Devlin queried, “And having a hoyden for a wife won't?”

  “Hoyden?” Nicholas repeated thoughtfully as he watched his bride hike her skirt up to her knees to mount her horse unaided. “The Duchess of Ryder would never behave in such a manner. No, that exalted position will allow the lady any eccentricities she cares to exhibit. As will her husband.”

  “Oh, dear lord,” her grandmother said in exasperated amusement. The scamp was going to let her granddaughter do anything she bloody well pleased. Thank God. She'd known Nicholas was the perfect man for Scarlett all along.


  The pair rode hell for leather across Devil's Keep and onto the adjoining Branvill lands where they stopped at the stables and looked over the horses being trained. Nicholas gave her the stud farm as a wedding present and nothing could have pleased her more. Scarlett laughingly informed him that her grandmother would have a fit at the scandal this would cause. Who ever heard of a lady with her own stud farm?

  Mounted again, they rode to a secluded pond where his servants had been instructed to leave a picnic in a grove of oak trees. Nicholas lifted Scarlett out of the saddle and swung her round and round as he had done
when she was younger. Laughing, the pair fell back onto the blanket spread on the ground and just stared into each other’s eyes.

  Scarlett hadn't seen Nicholas behave in such a lighthearted manner in a very long time. He was acting more like the rakish young man that she remembered than the aloof jaded rake he had become. Reaching up to brush a lock of hair from his forehead, she commented, “I haven't seen you this carefree in years.”

  “I'm happy,” he smiled up at her, the heart wrenchingly beautiful obsidian eyes aglow with happiness. “Happier than I've ever been in my entire life.”

  “Any particular reason?” She queried with a naughty smile.

  Rolling her onto her back, Nicholas kissed her tenderly. “Because you're mine.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Mine.” His lips roved over the pulse racing in her neck. “All mine.”

  It seemed Aunt Jackie had been right. Nicholas did need her. Sheer joy filled her soul at the knowledge and Scarlett could wait no longer to say, “I love you, Nicky.”


  His heart swelled to overflowing, the reformed rake smiled down at her, the sweetest smile she'd ever seen. “I love you, my shameless duchess.”

  Scarlett pushed them over until she was lying atop Nicholas again, the brazen hair forming a curtain of flame around them. “Nicky, I've begun a new course of study and I believe your tutelage will prove invaluable,” she informed him, that naughty smile still in evidence.

  His hands slid from her waist down to cup her bottom as he offered magnanimously, “As always, I am entirely at your disposal, kitten.”

  “Excellent,” she grinned and leaned down to place feather light kisses along his jaw as she explained. “I've begun studying the works of a writer you may have heard of. Vatsyayana.”

  He was neither shocked nor surprised at this announcement. No, the rake was genuinely pleased at her scandalous behavior. “Scarlett, are you looking at erotic pictures?” He teased.


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