Sinfully Mine

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Sinfully Mine Page 7

by Kendall Ryan

  I stop in the center of the room, and Oliver stills next to me. “Macey, come here.”

  Keeping one arm over her chest to cover herself, she slides down off the bed until her feet touch the floor. With her tits jiggling as she moves toward us, Macey’s wide gaze pings between me, Oliver, and the floor.

  “Remove your hands, please,” I say when she’s standing directly in front of us.

  Her eyes round even more. “Reece?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to use that safe word already, and over such a simple request. Show him those gorgeous tits.”

  She swallows, her nerves evident, though her gaze never wavers from mine. Her lips tighten as she lowers her hands to her side, leaving her in just the black lacy panties that I’m itching to tear from her body. Her stomach is flat, but soft, and her hips curve in that delicious hourglass shape I love on a woman. She looks damn good topless.

  I glance at Oliver to see his throat work as he swallows, but ever the consummate Dominant, he appears relaxed, and of course says nothing.

  Just as I sense her nerves and confusion peak, I introduce him at last. “This is Oliver. He’ll be assisting with your training today.”

  “Um . . .” Macey shifts her weight from one foot to the other.

  “Oliver, this is Macey.” I nod to the half-naked beauty in our presence.

  He extends his hand toward her and she reaches out dutifully and shakes it, but I can tell her head is spinning. She’s never normally this quiet.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Macey,” Oliver says. “I work here at Crave, teaching classes to couples who are interested in exploring BDSM.”

  I know she assumed it would just be the two of us—hell, I did too—but at the last minute, I decided to mix it up.

  Her eyes find mine, and when I give her a tight nod, she says, “Okay.”

  Oliver chuckles, his face brightening as he does. “It’s okay to feel nervous. Most people do their first time.”

  “I’m not nervous,” she lies.

  “Good then. We’ll jump right in,” I say.

  Turning to address Oliver, I palm one of Macey’s weighty breasts in my hand. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  He knows I’m giving him an open initiation to touch her, but Macey doesn’t. It’s like Dom code for, Yes, you can play with my new toy. I have to do this, I tell myself. She’s not mine, and she never will be.

  Oliver lifts his hand to her other breast, brushing the back of his knuckles over the generous curve of it, and I instantly want to beat him within an inch of his life. The cocksucker. I take a deep breath and reach for my control.

  “She’s perfect,” Oliver says, his tone low. Macey watches me while he strokes her, and I have to tamp down the murderous feelings raging inside me. “Are these C’s?” he asks, his voice slightly husky.

  “D’s,” she corrects him, her voice small.

  “And real,” he adds, feeling the weight of her soft breast in his hand. He plucks her nipple firmly between his thumb and middle finger, and Macey lets out a swift grunt of surprise. “Is ménage one of your hard limits?” Oliver smiles at her sweetly, continuing to caress her breast.

  Macey’s eyes widen and she opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.

  “We’ll get to all that later,” I say, answering for her. Or maybe I just don’t want to hear her answer. “Just some simple play to start first. Macey’s a virgin to all this.”

  Oliver nods, then steps away to retrieve my toy bag.

  I take Macey’s hand and lead her to the bed. “You okay so far?”

  She nods. “Yes.”

  At my request, she lays down in the center of the bed, leaving Oliver and me free to sit on either side of her on the oversized mattress. As I slide her panties down her legs and drop them from the end of the bed, Oliver sets an arrangement of implements on the bed beside me. They’re all harmless, but that doesn’t mean Macey’s eyes haven’t gone as wide as saucers.

  “Let’s begin with this,” I say, picking up a strip of black silk.

  “A blindfold,” she says.

  “Yes. And while normally I don’t permit my subs to speak during a scene unless I ask a question or they need to use their safe word, for this first time, I’ll allow it.”

  She nods.

  I hand the blindfold to Oliver and he secures it over her eyes, knotting it behind her head.

  “Lay back, and try to relax,” I tell her. “Take in all the surroundings, everything you can feel, using all of your senses. Sight often prevents us from seeing things as they truly are. You saw all of my toys, and began to feel anxious.”

  Then I pick up a large black feather made of synthetic silk and trail it over her belly. “When you’re less worried about watching, you’re free to actually feel.” She begins to relax into the bed as I tickle the feather over her ribs, up to her breasts, and back down again.

  Her harsh breathing begins to slow as I treat her to light, soft caresses. “How does this feel?”

  Her mouth relaxes, and I can tell she’s stopped thinking so much. “It’s nice,” she murmurs.

  I stop at her mound. “Open your legs, sweetheart.” She parts her legs, but only a couple of inches. “Nice and wide so Oliver and I can see how pretty and wet your cunt is going to get for us.”

  She licks her lips and spreads her legs. It’s seems she’s channeled her inner seductress and is willing to play the game.

  “Pretty girl,” I murmur, my voice coming out thick. Using my thumbs, I part her inner petals and use the glistening moisture there to stroke her clit.

  Macey twists on the bed, lifting her hips toward my hand. Christ, she’s been right on the edge since the restaurant. She’s going to go off like a rocket, and when she does, I want to be the only man watching her.

  My eyes travel up to Oliver’s, who’s practically salivating with the desire to taste her sweet juices. When I catch his attention, I mouth silently, Get the fuck out, and cut my eyes to the door.

  He frowns, his jaw tightening, but rises silently from the bed and crosses the room to leave. There’s no sound when the door closes behind him, and I’m certain Macey has no idea he’s left.

  Grasping my hand that’s now resting on her thigh, Macey pulls it back to the juncture between her thighs. “You can touch me, sir,” she breathes.

  Goddamn it. She’s the worst submissive ever.

  “I’m going to punish you for that.” I ought to spank her. Instead I’m just going to make her suck on my cock and withhold her orgasm until she’s ready to cry from frustration.

  Removing black leather straps from my bag, I grab each of Macey’s ankles, securing them in turn to the bedposts. Then I tie her wrists in front of her in a series of complicated knots that still allow her some movement. She wiggles her fingers and twists on the bed, turning her head from side to side although the blindfold ensures she sees nothing.

  “Stay still,” I remind her.

  Testing her new restraints, she shifts her legs, which remain spread, and moves her hands, which remain tied in front of her. She looks gorgeous naked, bound, and blindfolded. Maybe now she’ll be obedient enough to lose herself in this scene.

  I tug down my zipper and take out my cock. It’s hard, ready, and aching for her touch. Kneeling beside her on the bed, I stroke myself slowly.

  “Remember when you asked if you would be able to touch me?”

  She turns her face toward my voice. “Yes.”

  “You’re going to make me come, and you’re going to do it as quickly as you can. I’m going to time you. However many minutes this takes is how many times I’ll spank you when we’re done, understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” she says, a slight tremor to her voice.

  “And considering that I can usually fuck for over an hour, you’d better bring your A game.”

  She sucks in an inhale, her chest shuddering with the movement.

  “You want to challenge me? Fine. Here’s your chance to take control and test my
stamina.” I push my hips closer to her until my cock brushes against her bound hands. “Clock’s ticking, sweetheart.”

  Realizing I’m not going to untie her, Macey grips me, awkwardly at first since she can’t see what she’s doing, and begins stroking up and down. Every time her fist reaches the base, I can feel the brush of the rope against me, and while it’s an erotic sight watching her bound hands work up and down against me, it’s not exactly the most practical.

  “Easy. I don’t want rope burn on my dick, baby.” Taking her hands, I reposition them, lifting both hands over my shaft so she can use her palms together.

  It feels good, even with her clumsy movements, and I’m just about to pat myself on the back for dreaming up this scene when she totally surprises me.

  “Can I use my mouth, please, sir?”

  Who am I to refuse a request like that? “Permission granted.”

  Lifting her up by shoulders, I ease her into a sitting position while I continue kneeling before her. I grip my cock at the base and curl one hand around the back of her neck, drawing her forward. “I’m right here.”

  Unaccustomed to being without her sense of vision, Macey opens her mouth and waits, letting me place the head of my cock on her tongue.

  Without hesitating, she slides her mouth down my steely shaft, sucking me in like a motherfucking Hoover vacuum. What the hell? When did this woman learn how to deep throat like a porn star?

  I fist my hands at my sides, fighting the urge to touch her while she bobs up and down over me, laving her tongue over my shaft and balls, and sucking me down her throat.


  Just when I think it can’t get any hotter, she lowers her bound hands to her pussy and begins rubbing her clit with one extended finger. My cock hardens even more, my balls drawing up close to my body as my release builds.

  I’m a sick fuck, but I can’t resist watching this again. The memory of her touching herself back then, working her swollen clit with the pad of her middle finger, just like I showed her, was hypnotic. After, of course I felt like the world’s biggest fuck up. I met Hale for a game of basketball later that day, and all I could think about was that I just taught his little sister to masturbate.

  Her hot, wet mouth works me over while she brings herself closer and closer to release. I’m transfixed . . . a man out of control. My eyes follow her every greedy movement as she sucks on my cock like it’s her favorite candy, and her fingers work faster and faster between her thighs. She whimpers, and moans around me. She’s close, and I’m powerless to stop this. Letting out a low, throaty cry, she comes—hard—her thighs trembling, and her mouth continuing to slide up and down on me.

  Unable to hold back, I curl one hand around the back of her neck, pushing myself deeper into her mouth as hot jets of semen pulse from deep within me. The power of the release is unexpected, and normally a silent type, I’m surprised to hear the deep groan that rumbles in my chest, and the sound of her name falling from my lips.

  Still blindfolded, and bound, Macey sits mute before me. I tug off her blindfold, and work at untying her wrists, checking to be sure they’re no lasting marks on her skin.

  “How’d I do?” she asks, a smirk tugging up her well-used mouth.

  Glancing at my watch, I’m shocked to see it’s only been six minutes. Six. That can’t be right. I bring the thing to my ear to make sure it’s still ticking. Huh. Son of a bitch.

  Knowing she’s fought hard and won back some of the control I took from her, she smiles. I can’t enjoy her victory, though, because I feel conflicted and confused in a way that I haven’t before following a session. Her smiles fall and she glances around the room.

  “Where’s Oliver?”

  “He left. A while ago actually.”

  She grins again. “Because you wanted me all to yourself?”

  Yes. “No. Because I didn’t want him to watch you suck my cock.”

  “Oh.” That pretty face is twisted in confusion again.

  “Bend over. Place your cheek on the bed, and present your ass to me.”

  “Because you’re going to spank me?” she asks.

  “Six times,” I confirm, trying to find that businesslike persona I generally assume when teaching a new submissive. But Macey is no submissive, and damn if I don’t love her spark.

  Macey gets into position, laying down on the bed so that her cheek is resting on the soft duvet, her knees are bent under her, and her ass is displayed beautifully for me.

  “You have a beautiful ass,” I murmur, stroking my thumb over the rosy pink opening. I need to fuck this virgin ass. Soon.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Dammit. I’m hard again. Even after my intense release, I’m aching and ready for her. I hate that she has such a powerful impact on me.

  Macey relaxes, letting me caress the perfectly rounded globes of her ass, and stroke the forbidden place I want to make mine with tender touches meant to ease her into the idea.

  She moans, just a tiny sound, in her throat, but it tells me she’s not entirely opposed to this idea.

  With one hand still touching her gorgeous ass, my free hand reaches over to grab my short-tailed flogger, but it feels too stiff and unrelenting in my hand. Strange. It’s normally my go-to toy. Opting to use my bare hand instead, I give her a sharp swat against one fleshy ass cheek. Macey inhales sharply. My handprint on her skin turns pink as the blood rushes to the surface, heightening her experience.

  Spanking her twice more in quick succession, Macey flinches, and then groans. It’s the small sound I needed to hear to know she’s not completely hating this.

  I soothe her tender skin, running my hand lightly over the surface, my cock is eager, and straining for her, and if I don’t finish this soon, I’m going to fuck her right here, and break every rule I have for myself in the process.

  Treating her other ass cheek to the same process—I spank her three times in quick succession, and then rise from the bed. The need to get away from here – to distance myself from her flares up inside of me.

  “Take as long as you need. There’s a soaking tub in the bathroom if you’re interested.”

  I pull on my jeans, and shrug on my T-shirt as I head for the door.

  “That’s it?” Macey calls behind me.

  A sour pit turns in my stomach as the inner turmoil rages inside me. I turn and see her rise up onto her knees on the bed, staring at me with a crease between her brows, and a tight-lipped frown.

  Normally, there would be aftercare—cuddling, discussion over the session, maybe even sex, but that’s not something I can do with her. Intimacy can’t be part of this agreement, and so aftercare isn’t an option.

  “Did you expect something different?” I ask, making sure to keep my tone neutral. She can’t know all the ways she affects me.

  But fuck, I can read the hurt and confusion written across her features, and it almost guts me. “I thought . . .” Her voice is shaky, and she doesn’t continue.

  I nod once, and continue to the door. I’ll gather up my toys and clean up the room later. I just need to get back to my apartment, wash the lavender scent of her off my skin and pour myself a large Scotch. Then maybe, just maybe, I can get my head straight. She came here wanting to fuck a Dom – not to rekindle our young love.

  Closing the door behind me, old feelings of loss and fear rise up inside me. I’ve been trying to remain detached, to forget, if only for a brief time the history we share. Well, that was a fucking fail, because as soon as I got Macey inside that private room, all my careful plans fell to shit. Even having Oliver there didn’t help. It didn’t soften the connection I felt with her, didn’t hinder me from feeling that it was just her and I, Dominant and submissive experiencing the most beautiful thing together.

  And then she got her mouth on me, and I came faster than a high school band geek. But really, I can’t blame myself. Watching her touch her sweet pussy pushed me over the edge. I never gave her permission to touch herself, but then again, I never expre
ssly forbid it either. And damn if I didn’t love watching it.

  I need to get my fucking shit together, or there won’t be a next time.

  Chapter Eight


  “What’s for dinner, honey?” Hale asks, letting himself into my place.

  I’m sitting in my favorite leather armchair in the living room with my feet propped up on the ottoman. Hale said he was stopping by tonight, but I didn’t know he’d expect dinner.

  “Scotch and M&Ms. Is that cool?” I say, popping another of the colorful candies into my mouth. I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to buy so much candy last Halloween. A BDSM club gets very few trick-or-treaters, it turns out.

  Hale ignores my sarcasm and walks to my bar to pour himself a drink before sinking onto the couch across from me. Once settled, he cocks an eyebrow at me. “Bad day?”

  “Something like that.” Macey moved to her apartment today, and when I offered to help, she said that between her brother and Brielle and Brielle’s friend Kirby, they had it covered.

  So I sat here and sulked like an asshole all day. I never expected her to stay, but the way she left—so abruptly, so easily, refusing my offer for help without even a backward glance—something about it set me off. The damn woman is independent to her core, and it drives me crazy. I planned to hit the gym and catch up on some work, but I felt unmotivated to do either.

  Glancing down at the candies on the table, Hale frowns at me. “Seriously, dude? This is your dinner?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Because we’re not thirteen anymore.” He pauses to pick up a piece of candy from the table, looking at it thoughtfully. “Brielle cooks. She makes sure I eat healthy, well-balanced meals. She makes homemade lasagna and chicken primavera. It’s nice . . . having someone who cares enough to cook for you and make sure you’re fed.”

  “Don’t tell me how to live my life.” The prick. I guess he hasn’t kicked it old school and dined on candy and hard liquor in a while. His fucking loss.

  “Just trying to look out for you is all.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I lean back. “You guys get Macey settled in today?”


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