Sinfully Mine

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Sinfully Mine Page 13

by Kendall Ryan

  “Yes,” I breathe, waiting for him to kiss me.

  And he does. Just a light press of his lips to mine at first, then his teeth graze my lower lip and his tongue sweeps against mine. Then he’s kissing me the way I remember from my best memories. His tongue coaxes mine; his mouth hot and needy, moves over mine. I grow warm all over and my panties get damp. It’s never been this good with anyone else.

  Growing bold and unable to resist, I slide my hand upward from where it’s been resting on his firm thigh. My fingers brush the straining erection that I’m dying to touch. When Reece doesn’t react, other than to continue to kiss me with deep stokes of his tongue, I give his cock a squeeze. A grunt escapes him, and my panties flood with moisture.

  “Careful, Pancake,” he says, breaking his lips from mine. “I’m trying to be good here, and it’s taking all the restraint I have not to strip you naked and fuck you raw.”

  “Do you remember what I said to you that first night I showed up here?” I ask, feeling daring.

  “Of course I do.”

  “I wanted hot, sweaty sex.”

  “And now?” he asks.

  “I just want you.”

  The look of wonder reflected in his eyes almost undoes me. “Then come here.” He rises from the bed. “Stand up for me.”

  I do as I’m told, sensing I’ve somehow just flipped his Dom switch.

  “I want to see all of you, and worship this sexy-as-fuck body the way it deserves.”

  At his words, my heart rate kicks up speed. I’ll be exposed in more way than one tonight. This man will own me after this, quite literally.

  He tugs my shirt up and I lift my arms, allowing him to pull it off. Reece leans down and kisses the tops of each breast that are lifted high in my lacy push-up bra. When he reaches behind me and flicks the clasp, I’m already anticipating all the amazing things he’s going to show my body tonight.

  “Let me see you, beautiful,” he whispers.

  He kisses my neck as he slides the bra from my body. It drops to the floor between us, and Reece’s loving gaze caresses me. He brings his hands to my breasts, and my nipples harden as he strokes me. I can’t help but think of our first playroom encounter when he invited Oliver in.

  “Did that bother you . . . that first night when Oliver joined us?” Reece asks, as if he’s just read my mind.

  “No, it didn’t bother me, because I knew you wouldn’t let things go too far.”

  “You trusted me,” he says with wonder.

  I nod. This makes him happy, because he kisses my lips softly and then drops his head to suck on my breast, circling his tongue around my nipple before sucking it into the warmth of his mouth.

  I push my hands into his hair, and my eyes slip closed. I can honestly say I’ve never been with a man who devotes such thorough attention to my body without expecting anything in return. When his fingers tug at the button of my jeans, I help him by wiggling my hips while he tugs down my pants. Soon they’re in a heap on the floor with my shirt and bra. I stand before him in just my panties, as flashbacks to our younger years and our early experimentation flash through my brain.

  “I love these, for the record,” he says, cupping my breasts again and lightly caressing them.

  Smiling at him, I run my fingers down the length of his muscled arm. “And I love your tattoos.”

  There’s a lot of the L-word being thrown around, and while neither of us has actually said those three little words yet, that’s exactly what this feels like. It doesn’t feel like sex; it feels like love. In the best possible way.

  He kisses me once more, and this time his hands go to work on his own pants, unbuttoning them and shoving them to the floor. When I look down, I see the broad head of this cock peeking from the waistband of his black boxer briefs. Those really do a poor job of containing him.

  “I think you need bigger underwear,” I tease, touching the tip of him.

  He smirks. “Or a smaller cock.”

  I shake my head at him, smirking right back. “I’ve been dying to get my hands on this. You’re not going to restrain me this time, are you?”

  “Not a chance in hell. I can’t wait to feel your hands on me.”

  I love his honesty.

  Sinking to my knees, I slowly peel his boxers down and his cock springs free. Blinking up at him, I lean forward and drag my tongue up his steely shaft, loving the masculine taste of him and the way he draws in a sharp inhale.

  “What are you doing?” His voice is strained.

  “Making you feel good. How do you like it?”

  The vein at the base of his neck throbs. “Grip me with your hand.”

  I curl my fist around him and note how my fingers don’t meet.

  “And now stroke me.”

  My hand moves up and down.

  “Suck me deep.”

  Opening my mouth as wide as I can, I lean forward and take him. As soon as my lips close around him, he shudders and his muscular thighs tremble.

  “Hell yeah,” he groans. “Just like that.”

  I continue my work on him and feel myself getting wet. It’s such a turn-on knowing that I’m bringing this big, beautiful man to his knees.

  “Pancake . . .” He groans like he’s in pain, and I almost chuckle.

  Opening my eyes, I glance up at him with my mouth full. He’s thrusting his hips forward in time with my strokes, and the expression on his face is pure bliss.

  “That feels fucking incredible.”

  Pride surges inside me, but before I can continue, his hands are under my arms, lifting me to my feet and tossing me on the bed.

  “Now it’s my turn,” he growls, and crawls toward me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Macey’s working my cock like a stripper works a pole.

  I can’t believe how fast she brings me to the brink of losing control. Our first time in my playroom, I convinced myself that it was just some teenage fantasy, that she didn’t really hold this power over me. And then she touched me and I almost embarrassed myself. There’s just something about her; there always has been. And now, finally, I get to make her mine.

  Staring down, I watch as her full mouth takes my cock, her saliva coating me, her tongue tracing the vein that runs down the length. She’s sexy as hell doing this, but I want more.

  I grip her arms and tug her up. She’s dazed and disoriented when I toss her onto the waiting mattress. “Now it’s my turn.”

  As I crawl toward her, Macey starts to push her panties down her hips until I stop her.

  “Don’t tell me you’re resurrecting your old rule about these staying on,” she huffs.

  I smirk. “For old time’s sake. Humor me, Pancake.”

  She pouts and is about to protest when I rip a hole in the center of her panties, exposing her bare cunt, glistening beautifully with her wetness. It’s a pretty sight.

  “What are you doing?” She rises on her elbows to peer down at me and her now-ruined underwear with a hole in the center.

  “Something I should have done a long time ago.” It’s the truth. I should have made love to her all those years ago and made her mine.

  Leaning over her on the bed, I bring my nose to her pussy and inhale. Macey squirms. “You smell so fucking good.” My cock swells even more. Then I take her clit in my mouth and suck.

  She curses and thrusts her hands into my hair, her hips lifting to match the movement of my tongue.

  Dragging my tongue up and down her wet center, I find a rhythm that makes her cry out. I know she won’t last long, and that’s fine with me, because my cock aches so bad, it’s weeping. Macey pants and arches her back. Her cries are getting more desperate, and I want to push her over the edge. Easing one finger inside her, I curl it upward and stroke the spot I know will set her off. Her fingernails rake against my scalp, and I give her clit a tiny nip with my teeth.

  She comes hard, grinding herself against my face without shame. I love how she takes her pleasure so unapolog
etically. A lot of women want to be dainty and well-mannered about it, but Macey is loud. She curses and pulls my hair, and I fucking love that about her. Watching her lose control is my new favorite thing. I need to make her do that over and over again. But not right now, because if I don’t get inside her in the next minute, I might explode.

  She’s lying on her back with her dark hair spilling over my pillow, her breasts rising and falling with each sharp breath. And her white, lacy panties are torn in the perfect spot. If I hadn’t been so afraid to get close to her, this is where I would have brought her that first night. To my bed, where we can curl together afterward and sleep.

  I kneel between her parted knees. Just knowing that I’m about to feel her for the first time without a barrier of protection between us, it’s indescribable. My heart is just as exposed. This will change everything, and the way she’s looking up at me with those stunning blue eyes of hers, I know she can feel it too. The electricity in the air around us is filled with anticipation and desire and love.

  I plant one hand on her hip, and the other traces whisper-soft circles on her inner thigh. Her legs fall open, exposing her to me.

  Part of me wants to take my time and savor this, and the other part of me is screaming at me to get inside her as quickly as possible.

  Leaning closer, I touch the head of my cock to her opening, and Macey flinches. Her reaction is unexpected. “Just try and breathe for me, okay?”

  “Will it fit?” she asks, her voice soft.

  “It’ll fit,” I promise her.

  She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, frowning before she says, “I’ve never been with anyone as big as you before.”

  Her words should fill me with male pride, but she looks genuinely worried. My brows draw together, and I’m filled with concern. “Be still okay?”

  She gives a quick nod.

  It feels a little strange, examining her this way, but I want her to be ready for this, and not apprehensive. Bringing two fingers to her opening, I slowly push them inside. My hands are large, but my cock will be much thicker. Her pussy is tight around my fingers, but she stretches for me. “How does that feel?”

  She moans, and her expression changes from worry to pleasure.

  I work my fingers in and out until I feel her on the brink of another orgasm.

  “Baby, if I don’t get inside you soon . . .” I grip the base of my cock and squeeze. Macey’s eyes zero in on the movement and she groans.

  “Yes, please. Inside me. I’m ready,” she moans.

  Gripping my shaft, I bring the head of my cock to her opening. Macey watches me with wide eyes. And fuck, I can’t take my eyes off of her either.

  I consider removing the torn remnants of her panties, but something in me likes the nostalgia. Plus, it’s pretty fucking hot seeing the torn hole in her panties allows me just enough room to fit the head of my dick against her.

  With each thrust, I press into her just a little deeper.

  She groans and grips my thighs, her fingers fighting for something to hold on to.

  I can’t imagine how this feels for her, but for me, it’s incredible. She fits around me as tight as a glove. “Breathe,” I say. “Just a little bit more.”

  Putting my hands under her ass, I spread her. She’s stretched to her limit, but it fits. I grind against her, burying myself balls deep, and Macey whimpers.

  “Tell me if it gets to be too much, okay?”

  She nods, her eyes squeezed closed.

  “Look at me.”

  When she opens them, two endless pools of blue latch onto mine.

  “Just stay with me, okay?”

  She nods again, this time watching my movements as I push my cock in and out of her. Now she’s soaking wet, and I slide in and out with ease.

  Done being gentle, I pound into her again and again, knowing if I’m not careful, I’ll fuck her raw. I need to show some restraint, but all my perfect control is gone. Macey writhes beneath me, matching my thrusts with her pelvis angled toward mine to take as much of me as she can.

  It’s better than I ever could have imagined.

  The pressure is incredible. The sensation is like a warm, wet hug. When I bring my hand to her clit and massage her there again, her inner muscles clench down around me.

  This is it. Macey bites her lip and closes her eyes.

  “No way,” I tell her. “Open them. Let me watch you come.”

  With another slow, deep drive within her, I feel Macey begin to come. Her body trembles, and she cries out as pleasure over takes her.

  Her pussy grips me, sucking at me, and I couldn’t pull away right now if my life depended on it.

  Her release triggers my own. She milks me, my come coming in long spurts inside her. I’ve never come inside a woman before without a condom, and it’s by far the most erotic thing I’ve ever done. I love that I shared it with Macey.

  Leaning down, I kiss her temple and hug her body close to mine. “I love you,” I whisper.

  Her breathing stops for a moment, as though she’s surprised, and then she takes in a breath and whispers, “I love you too.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “There’s just one thing I still don’t understand,” I say, watching Macey. She and I are standing in the lounge of the club, enjoying a cocktail together. It’s Saturday night, and the sexual energy swamping the room is palatable.

  She takes a sip of her drink and gazes up at me over the rim. “What’s that?”

  “How in the world did Tony end up in bed with Pinky?” I ask, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear and treating her to a smirk.

  Macey gives a short bark of laughter. “Seriously?”

  I love that we’re confident enough in our relationship now, we can discuss things like this openly. “There has to be a story there.” I shrug.

  “Who the hell knows,” Macey scoffs, but there’s humor in her voice. “She was our landlord, and lived just upstairs. Since he wasn’t working, they began hanging out during the day. I guess their friendship just evolved from there.”

  “He’s a fucking idiot.” I take a drink of my own cocktail and thank my lucky stars that Tony fucked up the way he did. “Why did they call her Pinky?”

  She shrugs. “She had a chunk of blond hair that had been dyed pink near her temple.”

  “I’m so glad you figured out what a douche bag he was, and that you’re here now.”

  She smiles at me warmly. “Me too.”

  One of the servers stops by to ask if we’d like another drink. We both decline and share a heated look, knowing where our evening is headed. I want to be fully sober when I lead her into the scene we’re going to share tonight.

  To say that my staff is shocked I have a girlfriend would be the understatement of the century. Over the last several weeks, Macey and I have grown closer, and tonight, we’re ready to explore the club together. We haven’t been in my private room since we started dating, and I considered clearing the room of my personal effects and turning it back over to the general club population to use. But when I mentioned that to Macey, she frowned. She didn’t like that our last memories there were sour ones, and I knew that I needed to fix that.

  As we’re finishing our drinks, Oliver and Chrissy wander up. The club is in full swing tonight, and I know they’ll both be busy with clients later.

  “Hey, boss,” Chrissy says, leaning in to give me a quick hug, and then gives one to Macey too. She and Macey have developed a friendship over the past few weeks, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by that. There’s been no jealousy, no cattiness, and no weird feelings. Oliver, on the other hand, is a different story. Macey blushes and stammers whenever he’s near. I think it might take her some time to accept that this man saw her naked and participated in a scene with us. Well, briefly anyway.

  “Evening, Macey,” Oliver says, stopping beside her. He towers over her, and Macey shrinks back a step closer to me.

  “Hi,” she squeaks. My normall
y confident firecracker is subdued in his presence. Chrissy exchanges a curious stare with me, obviously wondering what’s going on.

  “Can I speak with you privately for a minute?” Oliver asks Macey.

  She glances to me, gauging my reaction. “Go ahead, Pancake,” I tell her. Oliver’s got a way with words, and perhaps speaking with her alone will help her finally get over this awkwardness between them.

  Chrissy and I watch as they walk away, heading toward the semi-private lounge area. Macey glances back at me, and I give her a slight nod of encouragement.

  “What’s that about?” Chrissy asks, watching them where they sit together on a loveseat. Oliver is speaking in hushed tones, and Macey’s nodding along to whatever he’s saying.

  I shrug. Chrissy likes to be in the know on club business, and normally I don’t mind that, but this isn’t club business—it’s personal. “Who knows,” I say. “You know Oliver. I’m sure he’s just sharing some bit of wisdom with her.”

  “He is intuitive,” she says. “But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that you two are happy and in love.” She smiles at me. “It’s nice to see.”

  “Yeah.” It is nice. “It’s been a long time coming.” Six long years I waited for Macey to come back into my life. And now that I have her, I’m never letting her go. A concept Hale’s still getting used to.

  Moments later, Macey and Oliver head back our way, and it’s obvious their talk helped. Macey’s gait is lighter, and a small smile adorns her lips as she strolls to my side.

  “Come on, Chrissy,” Oliver says. “We’ve got clients to entertain.”

  Macey and I watch them walk away into the depths of the club.

  “Everything okay?” I kiss the top of her head as she nestles in against me.

  “Perfectly fine.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He told me more about his role here, and that it really wasn’t something out of the ordinary for him to be in a room with a couple, and not to make more of it than it was.”

  I’ve told her the same thing three times. “That’s it?”

  She nods. “And he said if it would help, he would let me see him naked too. Even the score, you know.”


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