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Elder Bonds

Page 4

by Lexi C. Foss

  Balthazar, 1547 BC (Date Roughly Estimated)



  The moon rose earlier here. Most mortals didn’t understand direction, let alone the importance of the stars, but over two centuries of existing had taught Luc quite a bit about the seasonal patterns. It helped that he could recall every detail of every day as well.

  “This area has changed since our last visit,” he noted, surveying the cavern-like homes and sculpted rock stairs. “More people.”

  “Yes, every time I pass through, the population expands. I suspect in another thousand years or so, this area will be more of a metropolis. Similar to Babylon, but larger and more advanced.”

  Luc nodded, agreeing. Every generation brought new ideas and intelligence, suggesting the evolution of the human species. Fascinating to observe, if a little heartwarming.

  “Shall we?” He gestured through the middle of the quiet cave toward a tree-laden grotto flickering with firelight. Amazing the way roots grew down here, in addition to moss and leaves.

  “Might as well,” Aidan replied. “If it’s not him, perhaps they’ll know where to find him.”

  “Yes,” Luc agreed. The last few settlements they had visited all knew of the immortal they sought—a being referred to as Balthazar. His sexual appetites were renowned, as were his general kindness and spirit.

  And the last village informed them of his current location. Here.

  They wandered silently down the path, their only belongings the clothes on their backs. The mortals thought them to be gods, making it quite easy to procure accommodations.

  Moans colored the night air as they moved closer to the flickering flames, followed by an array of murmurs and voices. All of them sensuous in nature.

  His father arched a brow, an indication of his intrigue. Luc shared the feeling.

  “Mmm, not bad,” a deep voice said as they rounded the corner. “But you need to apply more pressure with your tongue. Nythos, sweetheart, care to demonstrate?”

  A curvy woman with auburn hair stood from a nearby blanket, leaving her two partners to continue on without her. They didn’t seem to mind much, their mouths otherwise engaged.

  She kissed the male who spoke her name soundly on the mouth. “You know me so well, love.”

  “I do,” he murmured. “You’re almost as talented as me.”

  “Liar.” She nipped his chin before going to her knees beside a lanky, dark-haired male. All of them were without clothes and very aroused.

  Luc’s kind of party.

  “You need to devour her, Abel,” the woman said sternly. “She won’t break. Here, watch.” She dipped her pretty head to the woman’s sex and began to demonstrate while the mortal observed with wide eyes. He seemed far too distracted to take notes on the technique, which really was a damn shame because the woman possessed remarkable skill.

  “She’s a natural,” the instructor agreed, his wicked gaze locking on Luc, and started walking toward them. Naked.


  No question.

  Mortals weren’t built with flawless physiques and perfect proportions. But this being possessed both, and more.

  High cheekbones, a masculine jaw, dark brown irises, matching hair, and a face meant to attract others. No wonder the mortals they’d met referred to him as the God of Pleasure. Luc was intrigued just looking at him.

  Balthazar returned the brazen appraisal, his gaze heating as he took in Luc’s height and facial structure. Playing together would be fun, but they’d need to invite a few females as well to truly indulge. Luc’s pleasurable gifts worked on both sexes, but he always preferred women.

  “A sensual talent?” Balthazar murmured. “Tell me more.”

  Ah, so the mind-reading bit was true. “I’d rather show you.” He held out his hand. “Lucian.”

  “Balthazar.” The male accepted the welcoming gesture while holding Luc’s gaze intently. “Your mind is intoxicating.”

  “It’s the omniscience,” his father replied. “Although, that’s technically not the appropriate term. We merely remember everything.”

  Balthazar nodded. “I can hear that.” He switched his focus to Luc’s father. “Six hundred years? You look fantastic.”

  Aidan grinned. “Likewise. How long is your existence?”

  “Not nearly as long, perhaps six or seven decades?” He shrugged. “It’s hard to say for sure.” He shifted his attention between them. “Father and son?”

  “Yes,” Luc confirmed. “Do you know your father?”

  Balthazar snorted. “I was born in a brothel. It could have been anyone.”

  Fair enough. “And your talents are mind reading and emotion manipulation?” Luc asked, confirming what Aidan’s bed partner had said.

  “Ariana?” Balthazar’s lips curled, revealing dimples. “Oh, yes, her tongue is quite memorable.” He must have been responding to something Luc’s father had thought. “And yes, she’s correct.”

  “A lethal combination if used correctly,” Aidan mused.

  “Perhaps, but I prefer to use it to enhance pleasure.”

  That much was very clear by their surroundings. There were well over a dozen mortals spread out on various blankets, all completely oblivious to their quiet conversation. Fascinating, really.

  “The best kind of passion is the kind that removes you from reality,” Balthazar replied, clearly having caught Luc’s thoughts. “I would much rather play with lust than anxiety.”

  Ah, so Balthazar had preoccupied the mortals by manipulating their emotions and heightening the sexual frenzy. “Brilliant.” It served as a demonstration of power—threat or invitation—while also serving as a distraction.

  He smiled. “Definitely an invitation.”

  Luc returned the amusement. “You barely know us.”

  “Your thoughts reached me when you crossed the river about thirty minutes ago, and I’ve been listening intently ever since. You’re just as curious about me as I am about you, perhaps even more so.” He looked to Aidan. “Though, I am very interested in your need for blood. That’s different.”

  “I’m also singularly talented, unlike you and my son.”

  “Confirming a genetic mutation when combined with a human host,” Luc added. “It must not be common, or there would be more of us.” Especially with the way they all enjoyed sex.

  “Possibly,” his father replied. “Unless it requires a specific host.”

  “And death.” Balthazar shrugged. “I pissed off a male a few decades back after dallying with his chosen mate. He bested me with a knife.”

  “Must have been shocked when you awoke the next morning,” Luc said. “I know the female who stabbed me for personal enjoyment was quite surprised when I returned the favor several hours later.”

  Balthazar raised a brow. “A woman?”

  Luc replayed the events of that evening through his mind—including the part where the sadistic bitch took great pleasure in maiming the more impressive parts of his anatomy.

  “She thought to sacrifice me to the gods, and instead I became one.” Luc didn’t exactly enjoy hurting the female, but as he was not her first victim, she more than deserved the punishment.

  “I see.” He rubbed his jaw. “Normally, I would be opposed to such recourse against a woman, but that seems justified.”

  “Not all mortals are deserving of life,” Aidan said softly. As the one among them with the oldest existence, he would know.

  Balthazar tilted his chin downward, acknowledging his agreement. “There is much I can learn from you both.”

  “And us from you,” Luc’s father replied.

  “So you’ll be staying for a while?” Interest lit Balthazar’s expression, his gaze darkening to a molten brown. “Then we should become better acquainted.”

  The beautiful female—Nythos—joined them, her arm sliding around Balthazar’s waist. She’d clearly finished her instructional tasks, and by the sound of it, the woman on the ground was benefiting from it. Maybe
the mortal learned something useful after all.

  Balthazar kissed her temple, his lips curling into a salacious grin. “We can ask, sweets,” he murmured. He looked to the eldest among them. “Aidan, yes?”

  “Yes.” He smiled at Nythos, his green eyes smoldering with interest. “What would you like to do, darling?”

  “You.” All female confidence without an ounce of hesitation. Gorgeous, curious, and sexually charged. A lovely combination of assets.

  “He bites,” Balthazar warned with a smile. “Not that I think you’ll mind.”

  “I require blood,” Aidan clarified. “But I won’t kill you, and I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

  Nythos smiled seductively, her pupils dilating with sinful intent. “I most certainly will.” She turned to Balthazar and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Join us?”

  His palms slid to her bare ass to pull her flush against his naked form. “Lucian and I intend to get better acquainted.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she glanced over her shoulder. “Mmm, that sounds delicious.”

  “Your call, sweetheart,” Balthazar murmured. “And yes, you could join us afterward, but something tells me Aidan will keep you well entertained for a while.”

  Luc smirked. The mind-reading thing was certainly useful.

  She bit her lip and returned her focus to her lover. Some sort of sexually charged conversation flowed between them, indicating a deep connection of trust and understanding.

  Balthazar nodded after a moment, lust bright in his eyes. His mouth captured Nythos’s in a sensual kiss that singed the air around them, then he released her with a pat on the ass. She wiggled her assets in response and grabbed Aidan’s hand.

  “I don’t feel like sharing you,” she said, as if she had the right to command him.

  Aidan grinned. “All right, darling.”

  Nythos led the way, evoking a chuckle from Luc. “Well, that’s not something I see often.” Usually, his father commanded the women, not the other way around.

  “She’s quite gifted,” Balthazar murmured. “Speaking of…?” He arched a brow, his expectation clear.

  A demonstration.


  Luc scanned the mortals—all engaged in various acts of hedonism—and focused on a trio near the corner. The two males were pleasuring a woman, as well as themselves, in a rather simplistic manner.

  Balthazar folded his arms as he stepped beside Luc to observe, having captured the goal from his thoughts. The threesome had developed a rhythm, their bodies moving in the waves of ecstasy without reaching peak performance.

  Luc latched onto their sensual patterns, felt them with his mind, and slowly increased the receptors. Heightening too quickly could result in overstimulation, or worse, pausing of the heart. It took concentration and skill, but the effects, well, they were beautiful.

  The brunette’s head fell back against the broader man behind her, as the redhead at her front picked up his pace. Their moans increased, their bodies entranced by Luc’s spell. This only worked when sensation was already at play, whether it be pain or pleasure, but he could enhance it to the point of infinite euphoria or suffering.

  In this case, he chose gratification.

  He tipped the woman over first, spiraling her into a pit of rapture. She deserved it more, and Luc adored the sight of a woman in the throes of passion. Her full lips parted on an endless scream as he enhanced her orgasm to something literally not of this world.

  After drinking his fill of the gorgeous scene, he allowed the males to join her, the three of them falling into a pile of limbs and bliss on the ground. They continued to writhe and groan as he prolonged the intensity. Then, ever so gently, he pulled back and refocused on his new friend.

  Admiration and respect shone bright in Balthazar’s gaze. He clearly approved.

  “Oh, the fun we’re going to have together,” the male mused. “Now tell me who you want to play with, and we’ll properly begin.”

  “Together?” Because Luc, too, wanted to see this sensual being in action.

  “Absolutely. With at least five others, though, because I need to experience that talent of yours up close and personal.”

  “We should probably test it against your ability to control emotion, see what sort of outcome we’re dealing with as a result.” It would require several rounds, methods, positions, and personalities. Not that Luc minded. They had eternity to perfect their collaboration.

  Balthazar smirked. “A lot of trial and error as well, yes?”

  “Naturally. All experiments require it.”

  “And you’ll remember every detail?” He almost sounded awed by that fact, or perhaps a tad jealous.

  “Yes.” Warmth caressed Luc’s insides. This would be an experience to live for, again and again. “Which means I’ll be able to weigh all the potential scenarios against each other and determine the one that best suits our needs in any given situation.”

  “I have a feeling this will take us several decades to master.”

  “More likely, centuries,” Luc replied, meaning it. The opportunity between them was too exponential for anything less. Different cultures, women, men… They had the world to explore.

  “Then I look forward to getting to know you very well, Luc.” He must have picked up the nickname from his or Aidan’s thoughts. “You should probably call me B.”

  He smiled, content with the exchange. “B it is, then.”

  The immortal clapped him on the back. “Let’s begin.”




  Waves of furious energy rolled over Balthazar, ripping him from his dream state. The intensity of it crippled his ability to move.

  Where? his power demanded, searching all the minds around him for the culprit.


  His thoughts prickled the morning air, tainting everything in its path.

  “What is it?” Luc asked from nearby. He was naked beneath a blanket of humans, same as Balthazar, but his emerald eyes were alert. “What do you sense?”

  “Fury,” he gritted out as he fought to close the connection. He focused on the others around him, their contentment, and let it drown the anger flooding his heart and soul.

  Controlling emotion took its toll in these moments, discoloring his view of reality and sometimes altering his own feelings. But he managed it better each day.

  …kill that bitch.

  Balthazar sat up, abruptly waking the two women using his body as a pillow.

  …best revenge… Nythos.

  “Fuck.” He jumped to his feet, not caring at all whom he disturbed, and took off at a dead run in the direction of the thoughts.

  …asleep… one stab…


  He rounded the corner to find Jeremiah grinning madly at his massacre on the ground.

  Balthazar’s heart dropped to his stomach at the sight of Nythos’s glassy black eyes staring up at him. “NO!” He fell to his knees beside her, his hands helpless as they ran over her slaughtered form.

  “Nythos,” he breathed, his chest aching. “Nythos…”

  She couldn’t hear him. He knew this. Yet, he repeated her name over and over, his soul weeping at her unexpected death. He adored this woman, cherished her, hadn’t experienced nearly enough with her, and now…

  His head fell to her bloody chest as tears pricked his eyes.


  Not her. She didn’t deserve this fate. Such a beautiful creature, so full of life and energy, so tender. His lungs tightened beneath the weight of her loss.

  “Nythos,” he whispered, wishing he had made a different choice. If she’d been by his side, he would have sensed the anger in advance and been able to save her. Alas, she lay here, a destroyed angel, her light gone from those gorgeous eyes.

  His shoulders hunched as the world darkened around him.

  Jealousy was a cruel demon, inspiring horrendous acts of violence, such as this. But nothing compared to anguish.

sp; Balthazar turned his head to find Jeremiah pressed up against a nearby stone wall with a hand locked firmly around his throat. Luc stood beside him, his expression nonchalant as he restrained the human with the ease of a much stronger man.

  It was then that Balthazar realized Aidan had been stabbed as well, his naked body lying lifeless beside Nythos. His eyes were closed, suggesting Jeremiah had slaughtered the immortal in his sleep.


  Red painted Balthazar’s vision as he stood and approached the now quivering mortal. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

  “Hurts, doesn’t it?” the imbecile sneered.

  Luc cocked a brow as if amused. “He clearly wishes to die.”

  “And he will,” Balthazar agreed. “Slowly.” He’d give this human to the people, let them seek their own justice against him one by one. And when they finished, only then would Balthazar end his miserable existence.

  A handful of the male mortals finally caught up to them, obviously having sensed a threat. They took in the slaughter and then the lunatic being held against the jutting cavern rocks.

  “Restrain him” was all Balthazar said. “We’ll tend to the victims first.” Nythos deserved the best of ceremonies, and she would have one. Aidan, too, if that was his son’s wish.

  “My father will be up in about eight hours,” Luc said as he handed Jeremiah off to three men. “And I want to examine Nythos.”

  Balthazar waited until their audience was gone to ask, “What do you mean by ‘examine’?”

  “Something isn’t right.” Luc knelt beside her and gently lifted her wrist. “No pulse, and yet, her body remains far warmer than it should.” He gestured to her still-flushed neck and cheeks with his chin. “That’s not normal.” He prodded at her wounds next, causing Balthazar’s stomach to churn even as he knelt on the other side of her prone form.

  “Your father will wake?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes.” Luc glanced up at him. “You’re not aware of our strengths?”

  He shook his head. “I know I heal quickly, but I’ve not had any other lethal incidents since the first one.”


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