Elder Bonds

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Elder Bonds Page 15

by Lexi C. Foss

  * * *

  Luc: He meant why waffles are superior to pancakes.

  * * *

  Alik: If you two keep this up, we’ll never finish this fucking book.

  * * *

  B: You say that like it would be a bad thing.

  * * *

  Alik & Issac: It would!

  * * *

  Luc: No respect for maple syrup. So disappointing.

  * * *

  B: We’ll show them why it’s important.

  * * *

  Luc: Yes. I’m ready.

  * * *

  Leela: Are you sure? Because I’m about to blow your minds.

  * * *

  B, Luc, Jay: Who is Leela?

  * * *

  Leela: Nothing to see here. Or, perhaps, everything…







  Fuck. This was supposed to be Leela’s weekend away from babysitting, but of course, the Elders chose Rio de Janeiro for their latest challenge.

  She closed her book and tossed it onto the sand. She could just mist to another beach, but that required new hotel arrangements, a potential check-in with the council, an update to Gabe, and yeah, she really just couldn’t be bothered. Might as well make the best of it by staying. None of them would recognize her anyway; it wasn’t like they were aware of her existence.

  Leela picked up her phone and texted Ezekiel. Prick. He’d been the one to suggest this location for the weekend, and clearly, this was why.

  His reply came instantly. I see you received my present.

  I wanted a break, asshole. Away from the wannabe immortals.

  Your insults hurt, Lee.

  She rolled her eyes. I hope Stas runs off somewhere romantic with that Ichorian this weekend, just so you have to follow.

  The fledgling can take care of herself, was the reply. Besides, Stark has it sorted.

  Leela snorted as she typed her reply. He really should just tell her already.

  On that, we agree. Even through text she could hear his surprise. Working with Ezekiel hadn’t been at the top of her happy list, but the Ichorian had grown on her. She could see why Gabe trusted him.

  “May the best man win,” a sensual voice said nearby.

  “Or breakfast, as it were,” the oldest among them replied.

  This was her punishment for not sticking around in Hydria the other night when they were all celebrating Amelia’s return. With Stas safe, Leela had popped over to Athens for a little clubbing and some much-needed wine. Apparently, she’d missed the part where the Elders had decided to venture to Brazil.

  Oh well. She’d make do on her own and ignore them.

  Leela tossed her phone into her bag and sighed. The sunlight felt amazing against her fair skin. If she were human, she’d burn. Alas, her genetics healed her too quickly for any color to appear. She would forever be a pale blonde with light blue-green eyes. Just like her mother, whom she needed to pay a visit to soon.

  Leela’s family and friends were used to her frequent disappearances. It was no secret that she preferred life among the mortals—they experienced emotion and pleasure in ways her kind didn’t.

  Okay, okay, not all of them were stoic. Just the majority. The poor sods didn’t understand life and actually considered themselves superior for their ability to disassociate themselves from feelings. They didn’t shun those like Leela who chose to embrace humanity, but rather, they pitied the Seraphim “in her situation.” Meaning they thought she didn’t have a choice because of her gifts. It showed how little they understood.

  As if I could ever prefer their lifestyle.

  Leela loved sex. Men. Women. Multiple partners or solo, she didn’t mind. Her brethren, however, preferred to procreate only when necessary. If they could figure out how to inseminate females without the actual deed, they probably would. Alas, technology interventions and fertility treatments were for humans alone, while the fate of her kind worked in mysterious ways.

  The atmosphere changed, giving her less than a second’s warning before an all-too-familiar male took the lounge chair beside hers. His gaze seared her skin as he brazenly admired every inch of her body on display.

  Hello, handsome. She was well acquainted with Balthazar’s seductive ways and had often considered what it would be like to indulge in him a little. Nevertheless, Stas’s guardianship was far more important than Leela’s libido. Still, she could have a little fun. He would never know of her true purpose or existence beyond this—assuming she played her part right.

  She pulled her sunglasses down to stare at him over the rim. “Like what you see?”

  His full lips curled into a deliciously wicked smile. “Do you?”

  Leela admired his broad shoulders, defined chest and abdomen, and the fine line of hair leading to the impressive package he kept hidden beneath his dark red swim trunks. She’d seen him nude in Hydria once when misting about and waiting for Stas to return to New York. And, well, Balthazar deserved to be confident.

  “Hmm, I’ll admit, I think you’d look better naked.” She reset her glasses and relaxed in the sun again.

  “The feeling is mutual.” He waved a hand, calling a waiter over to them, and ordered two fruity concoctions. Leela was a rum punch kind of girl, so that worked for her, not that she acknowledged his little game. If he wanted to play with her, he’d need to work harder.

  Balthazar crossed his legs at the ankles and tucked his hands behind his head. A clearly practiced pose intended to entice, and he pulled it off rather nicely. The man had lovely abs and strong thighs. Leela would enjoy tracing all that sinewy muscle with her tongue.

  “How did you know I could speak English?” he asked.

  If this was his idea of a pickup line, it sucked. “You looked American.”

  “American?” He chuckled. “One night with me and you’ll know that’s not at all the case.”

  She glanced sideways at him. “Who said anything about spending a night together?”

  “I may not be able to read your mind, but your body is speaking to me plenty.”

  The tiny rune on her hip flared with his words, sparking a kindle of unease deep inside. He could hear thoughts, but not hers. No wonder he chose the chair beside her—the silence had piqued his interest. Couple that with his inability to control her emotions, and he had to be completely taken by the challenge.

  Well, shit. What now?

  Vera. Obviously. Her best friend was going to stop answering the phone whenever Leela called because she always requested the same favor—a memory alteration.

  “Don’t stop playing with me now,” Balthazar murmured. “We were just getting started.”

  “I don’t believe we were doing anything.”

  “And that’s a shame, isn’t it? Two beautiful people, lounging on a romantic beach, just chatting?” He held out his hand. “Balthazar. You can call me B.”

  She eyed his strong fingers, attached to a leanly muscled arm.

  What could it hurt? She had to wipe his memory anyway. Might as well enjoy the moment.

  Electricity hummed between them as she pressed her palm to his. “Leela. You can call me Lee.”

  “Lee,” he repeated, as if tasting the word. “And if I prefer Leela?”

  She shrugged. “Then I’ll call you Balthazar.”

  Sexy dimples appeared. “You can call me whatever you like.” He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss against her knuckles—a tease meant to inspire. And very well executed, in her experienced opinion. Especially the little nibble he added to her wrist before releasing her. It actually tingled.

  Easily a ten on the seductive scale. For a normal woman, anyway. Unfortunately for him, Leela wasn’t anywhere near common when it came to the sexual arts.

  “Not bad,” she praised. “But keep trying.”

  “Oh, I haven’t even begun yet.”

  That she believed. “Good.”
  Their drinks arrived, and Balthazar handled the tab before raising his glass to hers. “To experimentation and new experiences.”

  Her lips twitched. Of course he considered her a “new experience.” Her immunity to his gifts probably enthralled him.

  She tapped her glass to his. “That sounds promising, if a little dangerous.”

  “I prefer to consider it living life to the fullest.” He winked and tasted his drink. Somehow he managed to make the act of sipping through a straw appear masculine, even with the fruit hanging off the edge of his glass. His tongue swept over the bottom of his lip, drawing her gaze. Such a kissable mouth—sensual, strong, seductive.

  “How long are you here?” she asked. Maybe she could call Vera tomorrow about the mind alteration. She wouldn’t be happy with the longer timetable, but Leela would find a way to pay her back.

  “Until I win,” he replied.

  She arched a brow. “Win?”

  Amusement touched his handsome face. “Take a walk with me and I’ll show you.”

  This had to be related to that challenge she overheard whispers of in Hydria. She hadn’t stuck around long enough to catch the details. “A sexy stranger asks me to follow him on a Brazilian beach,” she mused, tapping her finger against her lips. “To accept or not to accept.”

  He placed his drink in the sand and leaned into her personal space. Her nipples hardened at the welcome heat bathing her exposed skin. Oh, yes, closer, please.

  “You strike me as the kind of woman who can more than handle herself, Leela. Take a chance and live a little. This life is all about passion, and sometimes the best experiences occur between two people who hardly know one another.”

  She shivered as he boldly brushed his mouth over hers.

  Such a tease, and yet sexy as fuck. And his chocolate gaze said he knew it too.

  Balthazar thought himself the master of sex, but what he failed to realize was he’d just met the mistress of sexual arts. One crook of her finger would have him on his knees begging for more, and yet, he wanted to play.

  All right. She’d indulge him for the afternoon and see where it went. Because if anyone understood this game, it was Leela. She invented it, after all. Over five hundred years before his birth.

  She slid the straw between their mouths and took hold of it with her teeth. His gaze fell to her lips as she sucked the liquid slowly, her throat working with each swallow. Yes, her oral skills were well perfected and trained, and she demonstrated her knowledge thoroughly before finally setting the glass down beside his.

  “Show me what you intend to win, B.”

  His dark brown eyes glimmered with promise as he stood and held out his hand again. “Come with me.”

  Energy sizzled between them once more as she accepted his help up from the chair. “Is that an invitation or a promise?” she asked, her opposite palm going to his chest.

  “Such a talented mouth,” he murmured.

  If only he knew. “And I haven’t even begun yet.” She purposely used his words from earlier, which provoked a smile from him.

  “I know.” He picked up her book and read the sexy romance title with a grin. “Nice educational material.”

  Leela laughed. “Hardly. My imagination and experience far surpass the pages of that novel.”

  Balthazar’s pupils dilated as he admired her black bikini top and thong bottom. “I’m keen on learning more.”

  “Play your cards right and you might.”

  “I’ve never dealt a bad hand in my life.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.” She trailed her fingers down his chest to the fine line of hair decorating his lower abdomen. What a fun path that would be to follow with her tongue, all the way to his impressive groin.

  He caught her wrist and flattened her palm against the defined ridges of his stomach. “All of my firsts are well and truly done.” His words served as a clever way of communicating his experience level while also giving her the opportunity to proclaim her own. As if she would make it that easy for him.

  “Don’t be so sure about that,” she murmured, moving closer. “I might just surprise you.”

  “That’s hardly a challenge I can refuse.” He dropped the book into her bag and gently slipped the strap over her shoulder. “Can’t have you losing that.”

  “A gentleman too?” She batted her eyes at him playfully. “This is almost too much.”

  Those dimples flashed again. “I look forward to hearing you say that in earnest later, love.”

  Oh, I think you might be the one saying that later, love… “Careful or I’ll hold you to that promise.”

  “I hope you do,” he murmured, leading the way. “Where are you from, Leela?”

  She arched a brow. “Small talk?” After all that flirting? “How disappointing.”

  Amusement touched his features. “Maybe I want to get to know you better.”

  “Is that your typical approach? Warm up the female with a few innocent questions, show some interest, maybe even use the information later in conversation, and then turn up the charm?”

  He stopped walking and hooked an arm around her waist to pull her to him. “No, sweetheart.” His lips whispered over hers. “I don’t have an approach.” Her heart skipped a beat at the confidence in his tone.

  Now this? This she liked.

  “Yeah?” She grabbed his bare shoulders and gazed directly into his sinful eyes. “And why is that?”

  His palm moved to the back of her neck while the other slid to her ass. “Because I don’t require one.” He captured her mouth with a boldness that called to her angelic soul. Oh, how Leela adored a man in control. An experienced one was even better.

  Her blood heated as he slowly parted her lips with his tongue. So very, very sensual. She more than approved.

  Too many males wanted to rush the experience and display their dominance by fucking a woman’s mouth, but not Balthazar. He took his time exploring, caressing, and learning with each stroke of his tongue against hers. She returned the kiss in kind, offering him a hint of her skill—just enough to entice and tease.

  He applied the right amount of pressure against her neck to assert his control while also offering a tenderness very few men understood. She didn’t question his preferred position in the bedroom; however, his touch implied he would yield to a woman’s lead, to an extent. A man like Balthazar would never be able to submit.

  A sharp nip to her lip grounded her in the moment, forcing her to focus on the skilled mouth against hers. He was introducing her to a new level of seduction, one that stole the breath from her lungs and lit her insides on fire. His slow method melted into a hot invitation that she happily accepted.

  He smiled against her mouth. “Now tell me where you’re from, Leela.”

  A laugh escaped her as she shook her head. It’d been too long since a man had properly played with her that she couldn’t help but indulge in the game. “Guess.”

  Balthazar’s lips curled at the challenge. “Hmm.” His palms ventured to her hips as his chocolate gaze intimately stroked her pale skin. “Your porcelain complexion, light eyes, and light hair suggest Irish or Nordic descent, but your accent doesn’t match either. In fact, your accent is very other.” His grip tightened. “Which is why I asked about your origin.”

  Ah, the truth, then. He knew she was something different, just not quite what, and he wanted a hint. All right. She could give him that. “The South Pacific.” On a cluster of islands hidden from the world by runes. Good luck finding it.

  “You must avoid the elements,” he replied, clearly skeptical.

  “Hardly.” She tilted her head back and grinned up at the sun through her sunglasses. “I just never tan. Or burn. Always pale.”

  His thumbs traced the band of her thong that ran across her hips. “I bet I can redden your skin rather nicely, Leela.” He continued his exploration downward by following the triangle of fabric along the crease of her thighs. “In fact, I think you’ll blush beau

  His words lit a fire in her lower belly, igniting all sorts of sparks within. Oh, he’s good. Very, very good.

  Leela brushed her lips over his. “Or maybe it’ll be you blushing, B.” She winked as she stepped back and fixed the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “Weren’t you going to show me something?”

  “Indeed I was,” he murmured, his eyes twinkling. “Which is your favorite—waffles or pancakes?”

  Oh, that silly debate. She knew just how to answer him. “Waffles. No contest.”

  Balthazar smiled. “Excellent. This way, please.”



  The beauty beside Balthazar was an enigma. He couldn’t read her mind or her emotions, and she returned his flirtations with the skill of a woman who knew her opponent well.

  So who was she, really? He intended to find out. She thought to toy with him, which he happily allowed. She was a gorgeous woman, after all. But he would uncover her secrets, even if it meant losing this weekend’s challenge.

  He led her down the path toward the hotel pool where the festivities were taking place. His mission had been to scout the beach and find new players. Her alluring form had captured his attention, then he’d caught her quiet mind.

  Definitely not human.

  But she wasn’t an Ichorian either; otherwise, she never would have allowed him to kiss her as he had on the beach moments ago.

  So what are you, sweetheart?

  A being from the South Pacific. Right. As if he believed that. She could be a fledgling, in which case Luc would want to recruit her. Or maybe she possessed a rune like Stas’s, except Stas’s mark blocked Ichorian gifts, not Hydraian talents.

  Did that mean Leela could block both?


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