Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts Vol. 1.5): Anchored Hearts Vol. 1.5

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Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts Vol. 1.5): Anchored Hearts Vol. 1.5 Page 5

by J. M. Witt

  “Good. I’m hoping to get my answer sometime next week. I’m eager to get back to work. It’s been too long.”

  “So James is your cousin?” James had confirmed my suspicions about Dan, but I wasn’t expecting this. She nodded. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

  “It wasn’t that important and he didn’t want the auction spoiled.”

  “Jane, I don’t think anything could’ve spoiled the auction. Your mom and James sure pulled a fast one. The look on Cassidy’s face…” We both chuckled. “You should come to dinner tonight. We’re all going out to celebrate Cass’s birthday.”

  She lifted her head and kissed my chin, “Ok, but I have to go home and get a change of clothes.”

  She went to get out of bed, but I pulled her back down and pinned her to the bed with my body. I’m not sure she was aware of the gasp that escaped her lips as she stiffened momentarily. I nuzzled my nose against her cheek as her hands wrapped around my back after she relaxed.

  “Don’t go yet,” I whispered in her ear. I pressed my erection against her thigh and she shifted her body and bound her legs around me.


  Her plea was barely audible as I kissed my way down her body. She was completely nude and I had a fleeting thought wondering when and how her garter belt and stockings came off. It was clear that I was knocked out cold after our romp last night. I wouldn’t let that happen again. Something caught my eye and I pulled back to spot a tiny heart tattoo on the inside of her left hip. The garter belt must have hid it from me last night. I licked it before nibbling her skin which caused a small convulsion to run through her.

  Making my way back up her body, when my face met hers, she pushed my shoulders and I let her take the lead. Now on my back, our bodies were flush to one another. Her brown locks were a curtain around our faces as her eyes locked with mine. She was questioning me, herself, us, all in the span of seconds, and I felt her mentally pull away. I saw the doubt and fear in her eyes and wondered who or what had put it there.

  I pushed her hair back from her face, “Come back to me, baby doll.”

  She blinked and then she was back in the present with me. Smiling, she lowered her mouth to mine and played with my lips, with her own, before running her tongue across the seam of my mouth. Her smooth mound rubbed against the base of my cock. It was like she could read my mind. She sat up, grabbed a condom off my night stand and slid down to straddle my thighs. Caressing my cock from root to tip before she wrapped me, she then maneuvered back up to take her position.

  Jane leaned down so we were nose to nose, our lips a breath apart. I started to reach between our bodies to gain entrance, but she stopped me.

  “Let me.” Her words were breathy and sexy as hell. Tilting her hips she found the exact spot she needed and I began to slide into her.

  “Shit, Jane.” I heaved a breath. “Nice trick.” She smiled down at me as I slid in a little further. Not being able to control the sensation overpowering me, I grabbed her hips and thrust into her to my full length.

  Her head dropped to my shoulder as a shiver ran across her body and left her panting in my ear. Seconds later she raised herself back up and braced her arms on my chest. Rocking back and forth as I slid in and out of her tight, soaked channel with ease. She positioned herself, in just the right way, so that her clit rubbed against my pelvis and my cock hit her sweet spot. It wasn’t long before I saw her eyes glaze over and her movements became frenzied.

  “Do it Jane, come on me.”

  She threw her head back as her pussy began to spasm around me and I felt myself losing control along with her. Her whole body began to shake as she dropped her body on mine. I continued working our hips into one another as she cried out and snaked her arms around my neck. I was vaguely aware of her biting the sensitive flesh by my neck as I filled the condom; and it was the only thing separating us.

  We laid there for a while longer like we’d been lovers for ages. We both dozed in and out of consciousness between the small talk.

  “I should call a cab.” I groaned, not wanting her to leave. She grabbed my cell off the night stand as I waved my ok for her to use it, knowing her purse was downstairs.

  After she called the cab, she started gathering her clothes that were strewn across my floor.

  “Jane, do you want to borrow some clothes?”

  “Ha! You don’t know Mother. I’d rather do the walk of shame in my dress from last night than in your clothes. No offense.”

  “None taken.” I watched as she meticulously pulled on her garter belt, stockings, panties, and then her dress. She sat on the edge of the bed to put her heels on and I pulled her down to me. She laid her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair. I moved my hand to her side and helped her with her zipper, “I’ll pick you up around six. We’re all meeting at Cassidy’s place before we head out.”

  She nuzzled in closer to me as we lay that way for several minutes. The honk of a horn notified us that her cab had arrived. “Sure you don’t want to stay.” I waggled my brows at her and she laughed as she shook her head.

  She leaned down to kiss me goodbye. “Thank you, Cal. I had a splendid time. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  I smacked her dress clad ass as she walked away. Waiting to hear the front door close, I couldn’t help but smile. I wasn’t expecting to take her home last night, but I was so glad that I had. She was loaded to the gills with money and I’d just have to get over it. I grabbed my phone real quick and pulled up my text messaging knowing I was about to break every guy rule in the book.

  Miss you already. ~Cal

  I wasn’t waiting long for her response.

  Right back at ya, Officer Charles.

  XO Janey

  I put the phone on mute and rolled over to catch a few Z’s before heading out for the night.

  C hapter Ten

  ~ JANE ~

  I was such an idiot. I should’ve left when I woke in the middle of the night. Instead I made myself at home and stayed. I don’t know why I couldn’t get myself to leave, but I didn’t, and he made it obvious this morning that he didn’t want me gone. Then I went and agreed to go out with him again tonight. Idiot!

  Managing to miss mom when I got home, I hightailed it up to my room and locked the door. Quickly, I shed my clothes and threw on some pajamas before setting the alarm and crawling into bed.

  If I thought sleep would take me, it didn’t. Instead I spent a good hour reliving the entire night and morning with Cal. This is not what I wanted. I tried giving myself a pep talk that this was just for fun. Cal wasn’t the relationship type. Was he?

  UGH! I slammed my fist into my pillow after rolling to my stomach, willing myself to sleep.

  I woke up in a panic long before my alarm was due to go off. My sleep schedule was so fucked up. Accepting defeat, I decided to shower and get ready for tonight.

  “Mom, can I borrow your car? I need to run a quick errand.” I made my way into the study where she was busy writing in a notebook after getting ready.

  “What time did you come strolling in missy?” Her tone was accusatorial, but her look was devious. She’d never admit it, but she was living vicariously through me.

  I couldn’t help the laugh that left me as I told her, “I’m not giving you details. Gross!”

  “Well, he looks good on you.” She winked and went back to her notebook.

  “Mom, the car?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Thanks.” I kissed her cheek before heading out.

  I drove to the closest home department store to pick out a gift for Cassidy. Remembering what James told me he gifted her with, I knew what to get her. After purchasing the new sheets, getting a gift bag and card, I headed back home to primp a little more.

  Cal had texted me to let me know he was on his way. I was eagerly awaiting his arrival in the foyer when mom came walking in from the kitchen.

  “Where are you headed?” She waggled her brows at me and I rolled
my eyes in response.


  I peeked out the front window just in time to see his Ford pickup pulling up the drive. Bolting for the door, I ignored my mother’s protests to invite Cal inside. He had already jumped out and was opening my door as I jogged to his truck. As I buckled myself in, I watched as she waved from the porch. She was ridiculous. Would she always treat me like I was still a teenager going on my first date?

  As he pulled back out the driveway I suddenly became very nervous. Grabbing my hand, he kissed my knuckles before releasing my hand. He pointed to the gift bag I had placed on the floor.

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s Cassidy’s birthday, right?” He nodded. “Well, it’s a gift.”

  “That wasn’t necessary. What’d you get?” Raising his eyebrows and grinning like a fool, he placed his right hand on the nape of my neck and began twirling some of my hair. The surge of desire that ran through me was incredible. I couldn’t remember ever reacting to someone’s touch like I did to Cal’s, not even Derek’s touch had that effect on me.

  “Well, she got a new bed so I got her some sheets.”

  The question in his eyes told me he was unaware of James’ birthday gift to Cassidy. I told Cal that James upgraded her from a twin to a king. At first he seemed a little surprised, then annoyed. I couldn’t suppress the giggle that escaped my lips at the protective brother coming out in him.

  “Really Cal? You’re not so obtuse that you still think she’s a virgin do you?” I watched him turn red and suspected that there was probably more to the story about Cassidy and her virginity.

  “Of course not. I just don’t need that mental image in my head!”

  “Duly noted!”

  We sat in silence for a few and listened as Hunter Hayes came across the speakers singing I Want Crazy. It surprised me that Cal was listening to it. I wouldn’t have pegged him as a country boy. I guess I had more to learn about him. Then I mentally chastised myself for wanting to learn more about him. This was just supposed to be fun. I couldn’t shut my brain off. Knock it off Jane. I was pulled from my thoughts as we pulled up in front of Cassidy’s place. I recognized the motorcycle parked in front.

  “We’re early, doesn’t look like Lena or Anthony are here yet.”

  I turned to face him, after his statement, and found his eyes were transfixed on my mouth. I pressed my lips and thighs together, watching as he leaned in closer. My heart began a marathon as I anticipated his touch. He didn’t kiss me, but instead nuzzled my cheek and made his way to my neck. His facial hair grazed along my skin, sending my stomach into a tailspin, as his fingers played with the ends of my hair. The ripple that ran through my body nearly sent me over the edge.

  Bringing my hands up to clasp his face, I brought his lips to mine and sighed with delight as he teased my mouth. It wasn’t long before we were both panting and I pulled away. He did the same and I eyed the bulge in his pants as he adjusted himself.

  Rubbing his hands up and down his face, like he was trying to shake it off, shake me off, he then got out of the truck. He was at my door and opening it before I could do so myself. I grabbed the gift before jumping down and we made our way up the porch. Cal knocked on the door and right before he knocked again we heard yelling coming from inside. He looked a little troubled and turned the knob to find it open. The voices grew louder and I immediately recognized James booming voice traveling down the stairs.

  Cal looked at me and I put my hands up in resignation. “I’m not butting in. I’ll stay here.” He nodded before going inside and ran up the staircase, directly across the entryway, to the upper floor. I stepped just inside the entryway and tried not to eavesdrop.

  It wasn’t but a moment or two later when Cal came down the stairs with James stomping behind him. “Everything ok?”

  After going outside James and Cal began to explain to me what was going on. Apparently Cassidy had a visit from Dan, scumbag galore, and he fed her some lies about James’ past with Melissa. James looked utterly distraught. I discovered they, Cal and James, had both known things they were keeping from Cassidy. I couldn’t resist the urge and smacked them both across the tops of their heads, which was a feat considering they both practically towered over me.

  “You stupid asses. What the hell is wrong with you two? No wonder she’s pissed off. I’m pissed off for her!”

  C hapter Eleven

  ~ JANE ~

  Offering to attempt to clear the air, I headed inside and upstairs. Cassidy conceded to hear me out. Dan really did a mind fuck on her. I told her the truth behind James, Melissa and Jason, my brother, and his death and the involvement Dan and Melissa had in it. I didn’t entirely blame them. Jason started using drugs on his own. Dan and Melissa just fed his addiction. Soon James knocked on the door and I let them work the rest of it out. Cassidy had the true story now and I was happy to help.

  The rest of the evening went off without a hitch, until we got to the bar. I really liked Cassidy. She was a god send for James and I believed he was the same for her. Knowing what she went through over the summer, my heart understood her loss and I was impressed with her ability to seemingly move on.

  Cassidy and I were having a great time tearing up the dance floor with her friends and coworkers, Lena and Anthony. It was liberating and just what I needed. Later, James was with Cassidy on the dance floor and Anthony had Cal’s attention at the table. I seized the moment to run to the bathroom. When I left the bathroom I headed to the bar to grab another round of drinks. Scanning the bar for an available server, I spotted Dan. Even I knew this was too convenient. He was here on purpose. James would flip a lid and I imagined Cal might too.

  I made it back to the table just before Cassidy did. Pulling her to the bathroom, I was starting to panic. How were we all going to get out of there before someone caused a scene? I explained what was going on to Cassidy and we headed back to our table, but it was too late.

  The scene that was unfolding in front of us had my palms sweating and my heart racing. I hated confrontation and wanted out of there immediately. Cal handled everything with grace and James, with his million connections, got Dan thrown out with no questions asked. A few minutes later we all decided to call it a night.

  ~ CALVIN ~

  We were walking out of the bar, trying to salvage what was left of the night, when I realized that fucker just couldn’t take a hint. Dan popped out of an alley and started hurling insults at my sister. I was about to clock him when James beat me to the punch, literally. We’d attracted a crowd when Cassidy yelled for me. Some cops were approaching her and James and I made my way over, recognizing Officer Morel.

  Eventually we all parted ways. I dropped Lena and Anthony off at Cassidy’s, where Lena had left her car, before I started driving the back roads.

  “Jane?” She jumped at the sound of my voice and looked to me. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. Are you ok?”

  “No, it’s ok. I’m fine.”

  “Do you want me to take you home?”

  “Ugh.” She dropped her head back against the seat. “Why do I feel like a damn teenager breaking curfew?” She looked at me and we both laughed.

  “Honey, you can break curfew with me. I’ll keep you safe.” I winked at her and the smile that broke across her face was priceless, and my pants were suddenly too tight.

  “And how do you propose to keep me safe Officer Charles?” Her eyes were seductive along with her tone.

  “I have my ways. Handcuffs may or may not be involved.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Anything you say can and will be held against you.”

  “As long as you’re the one being held against me, I’ll be good!” The air was thick with sexual tension. I had to cool this down before I drove us off the road. “Are you up for some fresh air, Jane? I know a little spot.”

  “I’m up for almost anything.” Christ, she was going to have me begging on my knees if I wasn’t careful.

  I turned the
radio back on, went to my romantic country playlist and picked Don’t Let Me Be Lonely by The Band Perry and drove to a secluded spot I knew well. I knew the playlist would come in handy eventually. We sat and listened to the song as it finished before I rolled down all the windows and jumped out of the truck. I pulled the blanket out of the backseat and tossed it in the bed. She was climbing out of the truck when I made my way around to her.

  She had a jacket on, which she would need as the night was cooling off. I offered her my hand, which she took, and I led her to the front of the truck, which was facing an open field. The sky was pretty clear and the moon was low and bright as the stars speckled the sky. Leaning against the front of the truck, I pulled her back against me.

  “Crazy night. You ok?”

  She nodded and dropped her head to my chest as I rested my chin against her temple. “I just hate that guy. We have a long history.”

  “Dan? Yeah, not my sister’s finest moment.”

  “Don’t blame Cassidy. We all have a douchebag or two in our closet.” She elbowed me gently as she said it.

  “Do tell.”

  “Not tonight.”

  I let it go. I wasn’t one to push. Another slow song came on and I pushed her away from me as I took her hand in mine. I pulled her to me and we began to slowly move to the music.

  “That’s quite the playlist you have setup to play Officer Charles. Should I be worried you do this kind of thing often?”

  “Absolutely not. I was just waiting for you.” She rolled her eyes and smiled before looking away.

  Fall Into Me by Brantley Gilbert was serenading us. She let go of my hand and wrapped her hands around to my back, going under my jacket. Laying her head against my chest, I cradled my arms around her and looped my hands at the small of her back.

  C hapter Twelve

  ~ JANE ~

  The night air was taking on the smell of fall with a little mix of winter. It was warm for early November, but it wouldn’t last. I wasn’t sure if Calvin was a complete player, that smooth or just that genuine. Praying it was the later, I took a deep breath, inhaling his scent and relaxed into him. I turned off any thoughts of running from him and decided to enjoy the moment. I deserved a little piece of happiness and I wanted to believe Cal could give it to me.


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