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Elemental Page 2

by Serena Pettus

  Their people—their family—lay dying on the ground, using the last of their strength to fight back, while some of the Fey ran and the Prince’s guards watched dispassionately.

  The Fey Prince stood behind these guards, smiling in the faces of the ones he’d ordered to be killed, and the brothers immediately lashed out. They called forth their fire and began to incinerate every fairy who had yet to flee. Soon the prince and his two guards were all that remained.

  “Father!” he shouted, and immediately the Fey King shimmered into the room. “They are trying to kill me!” the prince accused as he jabbed a finger toward the twins in accusation.

  “Liar!” “Murderer!” both brothers shouted.

  “Silence!” the King bellowed, but Nicolas was having none of that.

  “You dare to come into our home as a guest, kill our family, and call your father to save you? You are a damned coward!” he snarled, trying to launch an attack against the foul Fey.

  As Jonathan struggled with his brother and his own burning rage, he watched as the King took in the scene before him.

  Piles of ash were scattered where the traitorous Fey had been torched by the brothers, while some of the Elementals were still barely clinging to life.

  “What have you done?” the King whispered in horror, eyes wide, face gone pale. “These people invited you as a guest and you repay them with death?”

  “Father, you do not understand,” the prince began, only to be cut off again.

  “You are no son of mine.” The King turned to face the furious brothers and bowed. “I am truly sorry for what has been done here. I wish for you to know that this is not the way of the Fey. We are peaceful, though, as with every creature, some corruption is there as well. What crimes have been committed here are yours to punish as you see fit. You need not fear any retribution on my part.”

  “He will die,” Nicolas growled, his hands already glowing as he began to call the fire to him once again.

  “As he should for such a crime, and I only ask that you take the guards as well, as I cannot see them as trustworthy after having been party to this.” With one last look at his son, the King shimmered and was gone once again.

  The brothers both used their gifts to destroy the last of the Fey inside their home, and then set themselves to the grim task of burying their own.

  It was a day they would never forget, and a day that had made them legends of the local lore. To this day they were still feared by the Fey—though only the elders still recognized them on sight—and the other Supernaturals had left them in peace as well.

  Until now.

  Now, after eight hundred years, they would reaffirm their station with one and all, making an example of this rogue werewolf. Jonathan just hoped they could take care of the situation discreetly. He didn’t want Mandy to become involved.

  Chapter Two

  Mandy was beyond grateful to have her feet back on solid ground after not one, but two lengthy flights. Jonathan had booked them in first-class for the flight to Europe, and then they boarded a private jet for the trip into the mountains.

  She was sure that she’d scored his arm with her nails when they’d hit the first bit of turbulence, but Jonathan never complained. He was actually very patient and understanding during the whole trip, gently pointing out the scenery or striking up random conversations in an attempt to distract her from her fears. The man should be nominated for sainthood.

  Now they were crossing the tarmac and heading to where a black SUV awaited them. “We’ll be driving to the village first and then on to my home,” Jonathan spoke softly as he opened the passenger side door. “They’re bringing the luggage now, so we’ll be leaving in just a moment.”

  She could see the excitement in his eyes and she quickly kissed his cheek. “I’m glad that you brought me, Jonathan. Thank you.”

  He grinned, “You’re thanking me after nearly being traumatized on the flight over?” He shook his head and laughed. “I’m thinking of buying you a pair of mittens for the flight back.”

  “Oh, God, did I hurt you? Let me see your arm.” She was horrified that she might have really hurt him, but her concern only made him laugh harder.

  “Don’t sweat it, I’m only teasing you,” he brushed an errant curl behind her ear and closed the door after she climbed into the vehicle.

  Only minutes passed before they were off and driving up the winding mountain roads. The views were positively breathtaking. Fields and streams, valleys and lakes were all blanketed in snow, and looking up at the white-capped mountain peaks, shrouded in wispy clouds, she fell in love. It was the most beautiful place she’d ever seen.

  The village came into view, and instantly, she thought of the old fairytales she’d read as a child. The buildings along the main road were old—bordering on ancient—while newer structures could also be seen. The roads were cobblestone, rather than concrete, and it felt like going back in time, which only added to the charm.

  “We’ll stop here and pick up a few things,” Jonathan said as he parked in front of a small indoor market. “You definitely need a thicker coat. I’m sorry I didn’t think about it before we left.”

  “It’s fine, really, I can wear two sweaters and be plenty warm enough.”

  “Not here. I want you to be comfortable and you’ll need some good snow boots as well. They’ll help to prevent you from slipping in the icy slush and provide me with some peace of mind.” He grinned and quickly exited the vehicle before she could even draw a breath to argue.

  Almost an hour later, they made their way back to the car with their purchases in tow. Mandy was beginning to suspect Jonathan of having a shopping problem. If she even glanced at an item, he was there, asking if she liked it and insisting she have it.

  Now she was the proud owner of a fluffy new parka, a pair of snow boots, several pairs of thick socks, and a few sweaters. He had taken one look at an emerald green sweater, insisted she try it on, and then announced that she would be wearing it out. True, it was a little high-handed on his part, but she really did like the sweater. It hugged her body like it had been made for her alone, and was the softest thing she’d ever felt.

  “It’s a good thing that we’re just friends, or I would be hard pressed to tolerate all of the looks you’re getting in that top,” he teased.

  Mandy simply shook her head, “They’re looking at you, silly. You turn heads no matter where you go. You really are too good-looking for your own good.”

  “Sweetheart, look around. These people are staring at you. You’re beautiful, Mandy.”

  Mandy felt herself blush. She wasn’t used to compliments, and was startled to discover he was right, they were staring at her. The men in the market were looking her over as if she were one of the most delectable treats they’d ever seen. Women were gazing at her in a mixture of admiration and…envy?

  “See? I told you, you’re beautiful, and the color of that sweater looks amazing against your hair and makes your eyes shine,” Jonathan whispered in her ear. “You’re with me, so there’s nothing to worry about. The people in this village won’t bother you. They know better than to mess with my brother and me.”

  That last remark sounded rather cryptic, and left Mandy wondering what exactly it could mean. Were the villagers scared of the brothers? Why?

  “We’d better get going because it will be dark very soon. It’s not safe to be out after dark, Mandy,” he warned. “There are many wild animals in the surrounding woods that wouldn’t hesitate to make a meal out of anyone who was foolish enough to venture out into the night.”

  “Trying to tell me that there are monsters in the mountains?” she teased.

  Jonathan regarded her for a moment, as if considering his answer, before he replied. “There are many things in these woods, and monsters are only as dangerous as you allow them to be. We’ve been trying to keep the lands around the village safe for years, but it’s impossible to keep every dangerous creature at bay.”

  Mandy briefly wo
ndered if he would consider her dangerous if he knew of her extra…talents. She had been fascinated by her ability to move objects with her mind as a child, and there was a reason why she studied the more mythical and magical aspects of literature. She was looking for more people with a talent like hers, but the only leads she’d been able to find had led her to magicians, folklore, and horror movies. Telekinesis was something that seemed to freak most people out. The movie Carrie, for instance, had become a widely popular horror film that featured a young girl with the gift of telekinesis who ended up killing most of the students in her school after being endlessly bullied.

  The fact that Mandy was certain people would look upon her with fear kept her from using her talent publicly. She still used it in the privacy of her own apartment, fine-tuning her skills and strengthening her talent, but she never let others know.

  Would Jonathan be able to handle the truth? Would his brother?

  “You’re awfully quiet over there. What’s wrong?”

  Startled out of her thoughts, Mandy looked over at Jonathan as he drove. “I’m fine. I just got lost in thought for a moment.”

  “More like the last ten minutes,” he teased. “We’re almost there.”

  Mandy focused her eyes ahead as they turned the corner, and gasped at the sight before her. “You live in a castle?”

  The dark gray stone walls rose before her, towers occupying both corners. Forbidding was the first thing that popped into her mind. This was no Disney Princess’ castle. This was more along the lines of Dracula. The landscaping was sparse at best, but it was winter, so maybe the grounds were more inviting in the summer months. Tall arching windows added to the gothic look, with only the beautiful colors of stained glass softening the feel of the structure. Just how big was this place? It appeared to have two stories, judging by the windows, but it was so high the ceilings inside must be over ten feet tall! And the towers? Yeah, those were cool, and definitely something to check out while she was here.

  “This is a joke, right? You’re just bringing me here to have a laugh before we head to your house.” She turned to Jonathan to see him blushing.


  “I’ll admit it’s unusual for most people to discover that I live in a castle, but it’s been in our family for centuries.” Jonathan shrugged and climbed out of the SUV. “Here comes Garrett.”

  “Garrett? I thought your brother’s name was Nicolas?”

  “Garrett is our butler. He keeps this place running like a well-oiled machine,” he explained as the man approached them. “Hey, Garrett, it’s good to see you.”

  “It’s good to have you home, Jonathan. Nicolas has asked that you come to the study immediately, as he has an urgent matter he wishes to discuss with you.” The man turned his chiseled face in her direction and smiled. “And you must be Ms. Mandy,” he extended his hand in greeting and she accepted.

  “Just Mandy is fine, thank you.”

  “As you wish. I’ll be showing you to your room while the boys handle their business, if you are ready.” Garrett was a very handsome man himself. What was it about this part of the world? Did they have some magical well water that made all the men super attractive? He had to be in his late forties, early fifties, but moved with a grace reserved for the young and fit.

  Mandy looked to Jonathan. He gave her an apologetic smile and came to her side. “I’m sorry, but if it’s important enough for him to insist, then I need to go and see what’s going on.”

  “It’s fine, Jonathan, really. I could use a minute to freshen up anyway.” She wanted to make sure that she looked her best when she met his brother. With the way he’d gone on and on about how they would get along great, she figured he had probably done the same to Nicolas as well. The last thing she wanted to do was come across looking like she’d spent the last twenty-four hours on a plane…even though she had.

  “Don’t worry about the bags right now. I’ll come back out as soon as I’m done talking to Nicolas and bring them up.”

  “Are you sure? I could just bring my bags in now and be done with it,” Mandy offered.

  “No, you just go on ahead with Garrett, then you can explore if you’d like. I’ll come and find you when we’re done.”

  Mandy gazed up at the intimidating gray stone walls that made up the front of the castle. The place was huge, and she feared if she were to explore she would only end up lost. “I think I’ll just wait and let you guys give me the grand tour when you’re able.”

  Jonathan smiled. “This place has been modernized, so don’t worry about getting lost. We have intercoms throughout the rooms otherwise Garrett would never know where we were hiding,” he winked at her when Garrett rolled his eyes. “Go on, I’ll find you in a bit.”

  “This way, Ms. Mandy,” Garrett turned and led the way through the massive wooden doors and into a large room filled with antiques as far as the eye could see. “This is the main living area. Through there,” he gestured to the left, and a large arching door, “is the dining room which then leads to the kitchen.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Mandy couldn’t help but gawk like some sort of cheesy tourist. But, seriously, how often did someone get to say they spent Christmas vacation in a genuine castle?

  There were suits of armor standing in the corners of the room, a large fireplace dominating most of one wall, and tapestries that looked at least a couple hundred years old adorned the walls, while large rugs covered the floor where an arrangement of turn-of-the-century furniture rested. It was just like stepping into the past, and Mandy was instantly charmed.

  This was someplace that would be easy to fall in love with. She could just picture a handsome prince descending the grand staircase and sweeping his lover into his arms, before carrying her back up.

  Yes, she was a hopeless romantic, but it was all she had. At nearly twenty-two years old, she was probably the only virgin on their college campus. Unfortunately, her ability manifested when her emotions were heightened, so she was afraid of what could happen if she was to succumb to the physical aspects of love. Not that she had much to worry about. The guys on campus weren’t exactly knocking her door down for a date.

  At the top of the stairs, Garrett turned right and led her down a long corridor, stopping at the third door on the left, and gesturing for her to enter. “This will be your suite while you are here, ma’am. If there is anything that you find yourself in need of, simply press the intercom and let me know.”

  “Thank you,” Mandy replied absently as she took in her surroundings. The room she stood in was bigger than her entire apartment! A large fireplace was on one wall with a small seating area situated in front of it. The furniture here was just as beautiful as downstairs, and the antiques made her feel like she’d stepped into the Middle Ages.

  An ornately carved, four-poster bed stood to the side, draped with sheer curtains tied to the posts with satiny cords. This room was decorated in rich burgundies and golds that made the room look more suitable for royalty than a visiting guest.

  Mandy crossed the room, removed her parka, and sat on the side of the bed, the plush mattress hugging her hips as she sank into the bedding. It was the softest thing she’d ever had the pleasure of resting on. As she lay back, Mandy felt the effects of jet lag taking over.

  Refusing to allow herself to fall asleep before meeting Nicolas, she made her way into the bathroom and froze. There were candlesticks mounted to the walls as well as soft recessed lighting in the ceiling. An enormous claw-footed bathtub sat in the corner with a padded stool situated next to it, while a stone-tiled shower stall, with two glass walls, stood beside it. This room was quite large as well, boasting a marble countertop that held three sinks. What in the world would you need three sinks in one bathroom for?

  Mandy took a moment to splash cool water on her face in an effort to revive herself, and decided that some make-up would be a very good thing right now. Unfortunately, her bags were still in the car.

  Deciding she’d just grab her purse an
d her toiletries bag, Mandy quickly made her way back down the hall and stairs, before heading out the front door. The cold air nearly stole her breath reminding her that she’d left her new jacket inside, but Mandy was only going to be out for a moment, so she hurried over to the SUV and quickly opened the back to dig out her bag.

  She was just reaching for her toiletry bag when someone yelled, “Oh, no! Run!” A woman came crashing out of the woods in a long ice-blue dress, startling Mandy. “Run! He’s coming!” she wailed, heading for the castle doors.

  A ferocious snarl drew Mandy’s attention back to the woods, and she watched in horror as a humungous black wolf emerged. The massive animal regarded both women, before he began to slowly prowl closer.

  Mandy was momentarily frozen with fear, but a firm hand on her arm brought her back. “What is that? That’s too big to be a normal wolf,” she whispered to the seriously underdressed woman beside her.

  “He’s not a normal wolf, nor is he well. I’m not sure what is wrong with him, but if we do not get inside the castle, then we will be dead before we can find out.”

  Mandy finally took her eyes off of the giant canine to regard the stunningly beautiful woman next to her. She was in a shimmering gown with her long, midnight black hair cascading down her back in a gentle wave, while her porcelain skin shone in the fading light of day. Her eyes were a peculiar shade of lavender, and Mandy felt ensnared. The woman stood there staring at her as well, until the wolf emitted another snarl.

  “I am not sure what you are, but we need to get inside. He would not dare to enter Mondragon Castle, not while the brothers are here.” She tugged on Mandy’s arm and then shrieked in terror as the wolf lunged.

  Mandy acted on instinct and thrust her arm out, directing her thoughts at the airborne wolf, and launching him in the opposite direction. Both women watched as he slammed into a tree trunk and dropped to the ground.


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