Oregon Destiny

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Oregon Destiny Page 6

by Rachel Wesson

  “Becky, if he was still part of the train, Almanzo wouldn’t have had this opportunity. Sometimes things do happen for a reason.”

  Chapter 24

  Becky made her way back toward Winona’s wickiup. Hopefully the woman would be able to walk around a bit today. Johanna was fretting she would have a relapse and wanted to stay another day. But Scott was anxious to get back to their group to see how they had fared on their continuing journey. Oregon was still some miles away.

  Paco was visiting his wife who seemed much better. “I take my brother to see his horses again. Do you want come?”

  She wanted to go but it would mean leaving Johanna alone. She couldn’t do that. “I must stay with my sister, but thank you.”

  “Becky, go with Paco. I am safe here. Nobody comes into the lodge. You won’t be long, will you?”

  “We come back quick.” He nodded to his wife. “Nobody will interrupt my wife’s peace. I leave guard just in case.”

  “Are you sure, Johanna? Rick will kill me if he finds out.”

  “Nobody is going to tell him or Pa. Go on. I know how much you love horses.”

  She gave her sister an impulsive hug. “Thank you,” she said before she followed Paco outside. He mounted a horse and offered her his hand to pull her up behind him. She had no option but to hold her hands around his middle, the closeness making her eyes water with his scent. She wondered what Paco used to smell so bad.

  “My brother would say no if I asked to bring you. I will ask forgiveness instead.”

  Becky laughed. Paco knew Scott so well. “You must teach me how to get my own way with Scott.”

  “My brother like strong woman.”

  “But Indian women are not strong-minded, are they? I thought they were quite docile.”

  “I do not understand.”

  “I thought they say yes to men a lot,” Becky explained.

  “Ha. Only when men suggest something they want to do. If Indian woman no want to do something, would be easier to move mountain than make her say yes. Women in charge of lots of things in Indian village. The children, the lodge. If man not treat her right, Indian woman will throw man out of lodge. Not good.”

  She couldn’t believe that. A white man could do whatever he liked to his wife, and she wouldn’t have the right to stop him going into his own house. The differences in tradition and culture were fascinating. How hard it must have been for Scott to try to live in both worlds.

  Paco had been right about his brother not wanting her there. Scott had almost pulled her off the horse demanding to know what she’d been thinking coming out here alone with Paco.

  “I knew he wouldn’t hurt me,” she said, rubbing her arm where he had grabbed it.

  “I am not worried about him hurting you. What would have happened to him if a man like Price saw an Indian with a white girl on the back of his horse? Honestly, Becky, do you ever engage your brain?”

  “I didn’t think,” she murmured quietly as shame overwhelmed her.

  “No, you never do.”

  “That’s not fair.” But she was speaking to his back.

  She twirled around when she heard Paco laughing behind her. Putting her hands on her waist, she took her temper out on him. After all, it had been his idea to come, and Scott hadn’t said a word to him. “What is so funny?”

  “My brother is like a bear with a sore…paw. He was the same when…” He stopped speaking obviously deciding he shouldn’t tell the rest of that story. It infuriated Becky even more.

  “He was like that when…” she prompted.

  Paco remained stone faced. “I have said too much already. Come see horses.”

  “No. Why won’t anyone tell me? Scott won’t say anything and now you stop talking too.”

  “It is his story. Let him tell you in his own time. Now come, see the horses.”

  The stubborn set of Paco’s chin told her she wouldn’t get anything more out of him. She had no choice but to follow him.

  Chapter 25

  The sight of the animals soon put her bad mood behind her. They were fabulous creatures, running free.

  “Magnificent, aren’t they?” Scott came up beside her, his gazed centered on the animals, a look of adoration on his face.

  “Yes.” Becky managed to stammer after a couple of seconds. “Who owns them?” She asked, desperate to keep Scott talking.

  “Paco and I do. We caught some wild horses some years back. We have been breeding them since,” he said, looking so proud, you would think he had given birth to them himself.

  She knew from seeing how he treated animals how much he loved them. But his feelings for these horses went deeper than that.

  “They are very intelligent animals. If you listen to what they tell you, you will learn a lot.”

  “How can I listen to a horse? They don’t talk?”

  “They communicate just like we do although they do not use words. But they will tell us when they are happy or sad, when danger is lurking, whether the weather is changing. All sorts of things.”

  Becky wasn’t sure what to say. She had never heard of anyone communicating with a horse. The men on the wagon trail sometimes spoke to their horses but rarely went further than telling them to speed up or slow down.

  “But how do you know they are yours? They are not marked or in pens,” she asked.

  “Like this.”

  Scott gave a low whistle. Becky watched in awe as two of the horses pinned their ears back as if listening. Her mouth hung open as they galloped over to Scott nudging him with their heads.

  “You tamed them?”

  “They are still wild at heart but they respond to kindness. Paco is wonderful with horses. He taught me everything I know.”

  Paco wandered over just in time to hear Scott’s remark.

  “He Who Runs is being kind. He was born knowing how to speak to animals. They trust him. See.”

  Becky watched as a beautiful black stallion made its way over to Scott. The horse stamped and blew air out his nostrils as if to remind them he was the boss. Eventually, he too nudged Scott’s shoulder as if looking for recognition.

  “Do you want to come for a ride?” Scott asked her.

  “On him?” she replied slightly terrified but exhilarated at the same time. “But he hasn’t got a saddle.”

  “Paco’s horse didn’t have one and you managed.”

  Becky bit her lip. Was that a touch of jealousy in his tone? She wasn’t about to give up a chance to hold him close.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Okay, move closer so he can smell you. Then I will mount and help you up behind me.”

  Becky nodded, moving closer to the horse who tried to nibble her hair. She giggled at the sensation but her breath left her body when Scott took her hand and pulled her up behind him. She held on tightly to his body, savoring his scent. She put her arms around his waist and her head against his shoulder as he urged the horse to go faster and faster. It was the most incredible ride but all too soon it was over. When he sensed her disappointment, he explained quietly,

  “We can’t go far. It’s time to get back to camp. We have to collect your sister too.”

  She’d forgotten all about Johanna and everything else. For that brief moment, it had only been her and Scott. Feeling guilty, she didn’t plead for more time. Instead, she allowed him to help her down.

  “Thank you for taking me. He is truly magnificent. How do you keep them safe? I mean when you are not around.”

  “Walking Tall, Paco and the Indians look out for them but horses are very intelligent. They have lived on this land longer than us. It is only when they wish to share our lives, they let us tame them.”

  She looked from him to the horse and back again. He really believed everything he said.

  “What are you planning to do with them?” she asked softly wanting him to confide his plans for the future. But her plan was thwarted when Paco spoke.

  “You wish to ride back with me to camp?” Paco asked

  Much as she was tempted to make Scott jealous, she didn’t think her stomach could handle being so close to the Indian.

  “I will ride with David, but thank you.”

  “You ride with me. I am responsible for you,” Scott replied.

  Although she was tempted to pull him up for telling her what to do, she was delighted he insisted she ride with him. This time, she nuzzled his neck as they rode behind the others.

  ‘Becky, cut that out.”

  “Why, don’t you like it?”

  “Becky, you are so…”

  “Wild and exciting?” she murmured, licking the side of his ear. With an exclamation, he jumped down from the horse pulling her after him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. She moved closer to his body, wishing they could stay here forever, in each other’s arms.

  “You are a vixen,” he whispered when they came up for air.

  “You shouldn’t be so tempting,” she responded back, her tongue wetting her lips drawing his gaze and a groan.

  “I swear you would tempt a saint. We have to get back.”

  “I love you, Scott.”

  He stilled at her words, his arms falling to his side.

  “Becky, you can’t. I’m sorry. I knew you were innocent and I still allowed you to seduce me.”

  “I know you love me. People don’t kiss like that when they aren’t in love.”

  He groaned but this time not with passion.

  “I forget you are so young and inexperienced. You have no idea what you are talking about. What’s between us is just…well, it’s not love.”

  “You don’t mean that. I know you don’t. You care for me. You are just too… too chicken to admit it,” she said glaring at him.

  “Let’s get back. They will be worried.”

  He helped her up on the horse once more, but this time, she held on to his back only because she had to. Tears ran down her face but she didn’t make a sound. She wasn’t about to let him know how much he’d humiliated her.

  Chapter 26

  Johanna looked up as Paco’s young son came inside the wickiup.

  “Father and your friends are back. You go now?”

  “Little Bear!” Winona admonished weakly.

  “We go now,” Johanna smiled at the boy. She didn’t think he was being rude, just simply asking a question. She was keen to get back to Rick anyway. She had missed him. While she was happy to help the Indians, she wasn’t comfortable here. Too many of them viewed her with suspicion, a few with downright hatred like the medicine man. Winona was getting better. With luck, she would completely recover. She knew it was a lot of luck as she really had no idea what illness Winona had and whether it was the cold-water bath or the mint tea, or most likely, a combination of both that had helped.

  She walked outside to watch as the others rode in. Becky looked strained as did Captain Jones. Something must have happened between them. It didn’t take a genius to work out they’d had a disagreement. Becky looked as if she had been crying but her sister wouldn’t appreciate her bringing anyone’s attention to that fact.

  She hoped Becky hadn’t done something impulsive. She would have to wait until later to find out, now was not the time. She held her breath as she was embraced by a number of Indians. She bowed to the Chief who thanked her again for coming. He told her she was welcome on his land whenever she felt like visiting. She said thank you, despite knowing that once they reached Oregon she would never return. If Rick wanted to see his grandmother back East he could go alone. She’d had enough of traveling to last her a lifetime.

  As they said goodbye, Winona presented them with some cured hides. She said something to Captain Jones who translated.

  “She says it will keep you warm on your travel in the big hills,” he explained as they took their leave. Johanna took Becky’s hand as they walked behind Captain Jones, David, and Paco. Almanzo and Walking Tall followed behind the women leading Almanzo’s horse.

  Their horses were where they had left them. A rapid conversation transpired between Captain Jones and the Indians who had been left to mind their horses. Becky asked David what it was about, but he said he didn’t know. Somehow, Johanna knew he was lying and it made her uneasy. David Clarke was one of the most honest men she knew. If he didn’t want them to know something, it could only mean trouble. Her need to get back to Rick intensified. He would be worried sick about Almanzo. She wanted to leave now but that would be rude. Instead, she moved from one foot to the other as Captain Jones seemed to take forever to say goodbye to Paco.

  “My son will miss you, Al,” Paco said to Almanzo.

  “Me too, Mr. Paco,” Almanzo said. “He’s my first Indian friend.”

  The adults exchanged smiles.

  “Miss Johanna, you will always be welcome in my home. You and feisty lady.” Paco winked at Becky. Becky’s mouth hung open as David and Johanna laughed. Paco turned back toward his home.

  “Didn’t take him long to get to know you Becky,” David commented, rather bravely thought Johanna. Becky looked like she was fit to kill someone.

  “Come on, let’s get back. Ma will be worried,” Johanna said.

  They spurred their horses faster, eager now to see their loved ones.

  Chapter 27

  Rick and their wagon train had made good progress. They were surrounded by people, their horses taken away to be rubbed down and watered.

  “I am so glad you came back, Jo, we missed you.” Carrie wouldn’t let her hand go. “Almanzo, too, but Uncle Rick said he was in a lot of trouble.”

  “I missed you too, darling, but I had to help Captain Jones’ friend. Almanzo knows he shouldn’t have run off like that and scared everyone but he wanted to find me. He thought I needed protection.”

  “What was it like in the Indian camp? Where they all really scary?” Sarah asked.

  “Indians don’t scare me none,” Almanzo answered.

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” Sarah snapped, causing Rick to give Johanna a meaningful look. She couldn’t wait to spend time alone with her fiancé, but first the children needed her.

  “The Indians are just the same as us. They have families and they worry about each other. They go hunting for food…well, at least, the men and boys do. The women and girls stay in the village looking after the old people, the babies and taking care of the chores.

  “So it’s no better being an Indian girl than a white one?” Sarah’s disgust was barely hidden. “We still get to do all the chores?”

  Johanna laughed at the disappointment on the young girls face. “Yes, darling, I am sorry but it’s true. If anything, the female Indians work harder than we do. They do all sorts of things we don’t.”

  “Like what?”

  Johanna’s mind went blank. She looked to Rick for help.

  “Come on, let’s leave Jo to have some sleep. She looks rather tired,” Rick said ushering the girls away. “I am guessing she stayed up all night over the last two nights minding her patient.”

  “Poor Jo, you do look old and tired.”

  Johanna burst out laughing. “Less of the old, thank you, Carrie. But I am tired so why don’t you come to see me later. When I have had a rest.”

  “They can see you tomorrow. It’s my turn to talk to you later,” Rick’s insistent tone worried her.

  “Do you have something to tell me?” she asked.

  “Well, talking is overrated but I can think of something to do.” He gave her a meaningful look.

  “Look, Sarah, Jo is going all red. See, even her ears are turning redder,” Carrie shouted out.

  Johanna got more embarrassed. She quickly said goodbye and walked back to her tent, the sound of the children’s laughter ringing in her ears. Her ma was smiling too.

  “Ma, I am really sorry but I think I will fall asleep standing up.”

  “You get to bed, girl. Becky is already snoring. I will keep dinner for you. I am so proud of you. I am fit to burst.”

  Johanna smiled before she
went into the tent she shared with Becky. She lay down wondering how her patient was getting on. Was there any more sickness among her new friends? She soon fell fast asleep.

  Rick caught up with Almanzo just as the boy was finished telling Stephen all about his adventure.

  “Stephen, can I have a word with Almanzo alone, please.”

  “Yes, sir, see you,” Stephen said quickly running away.

  Almanzo stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes on the floor. Rick bent down to his level and gently made him look at him. “I am very happy to see you came back safely, Almanzo.”

  “Thank you, Rick.”

  “You know you shouldn’t have gone without telling me or another adult?”

  “Yes, sir, but you wouldn’t have let me go.”

  Rick had to hide a smile at the honesty of the reply.” Would you do it again?”

  Almanzo keep quiet for too long.


  “Honestly, sir, yes, I would if I thought you were going to stop me. I know that ain’t what you want to hear but I had the best time. I made new friends. The Indians are super nice, not a bit like what my pa said. I learned a lot.”

  “That’s good, son, and I am very glad but please don't go without telling me next time. I don't need more grey hair.”

  Almanzo nodded. He stood waiting in silence. When Rick didn’t say anything, he looked up, the fear in his eyes making Rick want to find Mr. Price and thump him.

  “You going to whip me now?” Almanzo eventually whispered.

  'Why on earth would I do that?”

  “’Cause I ran off. My pa, he used to whip me for all sorts of stuff.”

  “No, son. I won’t be doing that. I don't agree with whipping children. If you do something wrong, I will tell you and together we will decide on your punishment.”

  “Really?” Almanzo’s eyes highlighted his disbelief.


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