Knights Templar (Sean)

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Knights Templar (Sean) Page 13

by Ruby Harrison

  Seth had served in Iraq a few years before, and wondered what the fighting had been like In Afghanistan, where there were more mountains and fewer thoroughfares. In Iraq Seth had been a Machine Gunner, a Military Occupation Specialty only found in the Marine Corps. This meant that he was a weapons specialist, and knew his way around most machine guns and other firearms. Seth had spent all of his time in Iraq either in a turret or pounding the sand on patrol. There had been many hard decisions in Iraq, he remembered as he watched the soldier being airlifted on television, and he was thankful to be out of that place for good.

  But did the war follow me home? Seth thought. Did I trade one battle ground for another?

  Seth looked to his right, his eyes going from friend to friend, and listened to their chatter. It made him smile to think that he had such good friends in his life, but it also made him shudder to think that, yet again, his friends were being put in harm’s way. Seth didn’t know what else to do, though. Maybe the best thing to do would be to tell John to keep his money and just walk away from the entire situation. But if they did that then they left Jen hanging out to dry.

  John seemed like he had some kind of plan for taking care of the rest of the terrorists, as he called them, which is much more than any of them had. John was also with the NSA and apparently had a bunch of badass guns with him, along with what Seth suspected was money in the duffle bags. All things considered it didn’t seem like leaving John’s employment seemed like that great of an idea at the moment, even if the relationship between John and the gang was tenuous at best.

  “How you doing, buddy?” John said as he sat down on the bar stool to Seth’s left. “You seem lost in thought? Thinking of the war?”

  “What do you know about war?” Seth asked.

  “Well, I served myself in some of the conflicts in South America,” John said. “They weren’t exactly wars, but I got in the shit. One time I was doing a HALO jump—High Altitude Low Opening—when a fucking bird hit me in the head and knocked me unconscious.”

  “No fucking way,” Seth said. “How did the bird not kill you?”

  “You know, that’s a good question,” John said. “My mother always said I was the most hard-headed son of a bitch she’d ever met, maybe she was right. I did get this scar out of the run in with my feathered friend.”

  John pointed to a scar on his forehead nearly buried in his hairline.

  “Damn,” Seth said. “Looks like you got opened up.”

  “Fucking right I did,” John said. “And got knocked the fuck out. Luckily my Sergeant was a locked on hard dick who made sure to pull the cord on my parachute before he pulled his own.”

  “How did you survive the landing?” Seth asked as more combat footage rolled across the screen in front of them.

  “Well, I came to hanging upside down about thirty feet above a jungle floor, taking heavy fire from people that had spent all night snorting copious amounts of cocaine,” John said. “I had to cut myself free of the chute and try to hit the ground as softly as possible.”

  “How did that go for you?” Seth asked.

  “Well, actually,” John said. “Managed to land in some moss, roll for a bit, then came up shooting. Unfortunately I was still knocked silly and blood was getting in my eyes so I couldn’t shoot for shit, but the rest of my squad was there to kill the ‘bad guys’ and we moved on with the mission.”

  “What was the mission?” Seth asked.

  “Do some dumb shit that didn’t make any sense in the middle of the jungle and then leave without being caught,” John said with a smirk.

  “What dumb shit?” Seth pressed.

  “Kill some people that may or may not have needed it and then burn their homes to the ground,” John said.

  “Damn,” Seth said, turning to watch the images on the screen. “Well, at least you didn’t die.”

  They both sat watching television for a moment before John spoke again.

  “What did you do in the Marines?” John asked.

  “I was a Machine Gunner,” Seth said. “I shot things.”

  “Oh yeah?” John said. “Anything in particular?”

  “Kind of depended on the day,” Seth said. “Camels, dogs, bag guys, sometimes good guys if I was a bad shot. You know, whatever was around.”

  John looked at Seth and smirked.

  “War isn’t easy, is it?” John said. “That’s what civilians don’t understand. There are never any clear battle lines anymore, if there ever were. People don’t play dress up so you know who to slaughter and who to spare. It’s quite the opposite actually. Nowadays, opposition forces dress up to blend in with the population.”

  Seth took a long drink of his beer, nearly finishing it.

  “Something like that,” Seth said.

  “Tomorrow,” John said in a quiet voice. “You’ll be rocking and rolling on a machine gun like it’s the old days. Good to go?”

  Seth finished the rest of his beer.

  “Yeah,” Seth said. “It’s good to go.”

  Seth stood up and slit his bar stool in.

  “If you gents will excuse me I’m headed upstairs,” Seth said as he turned away.

  Whistles and cat calls followed him all the way to the elevator. He was thankful when the doors finally swished closed. Sometimes it was nice having friends, up until they screamed about how you were going to get some pussy into a hotel lobby full of strangers who were clearly already judging him by his visible tattoos.

  When Seth got to the floor with all their rooms, he found himself hesitating inside of the elevator. It chimed and the doors swished open but he still stood there, wondering what he should do. He might be able to sneak down to his room without being spotted by Jen. Seth shook his head as if clearing it. What was he thinking? Of course he would be able to sneak by Jen’s room, it wasn’t like she was poised at the door watching out of her peep hole for him. He could either be a decent guy and at least stop by her room or completely disregard her feelings for him and only think of his own need to avoid his own feelings by fleeing to his room.

  “Shit,” Seth said to himself in the empty elevator. “Might as well fuck her and then offer to pay if I’m going to be an asshole.”

  Seth hit the open button on the elevator door and stepped through into the hallway with a purpose. He literally marched down the hall to Jen’s door and rapped on it sharply. The door creaked open and Jen’s face appeared.

  “Are you here to search my room,” Jen said with a lifted eyebrow.

  “Uhhh, no,” Seth said.

  “Well quit acting like a cop and come inside,” Jen said with a smile, throwing her door open.

  “How am I acting like a cop?” Seth asked as he walked into the room. “I’m not acting like a cop.”

  “Oh, please,” Jen said. “You just marched down the hall. Do you have any idea how loud marching is? Pretty loud. And then you knocked on my door like you were serving a search warrant.”

  “But, wait a sec—” Seth started to say but was cut off by Jen’s lips pressing to his own.

  Whatever Seth was going to say died in his throat as Jen’s tongue probed his mouth. She lifted both of her arms up and draped them around his neck.

  “You can be a cop if you want,” Jen said. “I don’t care.”

  “Why would I want to be a cop?” Seth asked.

  “Oh, officer,” Jen said in a sultry voice. “Please don’t handcuff me and bend me over the bed, you haven’t even read me my Miranda rights yet.”

  Seth couldn’t help but laugh as Jen dragged him by the hand over to the bed and then pushed him backward onto it. She flopped down on the bed and nuzzled her face into his neck.

  “You smell good,” Jen said. “All sweaty like a man.”

  “Well thanks, baby,” Seth said. “You smell good as well.”

  “’You smell good as well,’” Jen said in a mocking, sing song voice. “You talk so proper sometimes.”

  Seth laughed and kissed her on the forehead.

>   “Some habits die hard,” Seth said. “In the military we got lit the fuck up by our superiors if we talked like we were back on the block.”

  “How come?” Jen asked as her hands explored Seth’s chest as if it was an entirely new thing she had never come in contact with before.

  “Well, a lot of military personal come from really poor, urban areas,” Seth said. “And part of military bearing is being able to separate yourself from your past. Some things in peoples’ past hold them back, like growing up in the ghetto. A lot of employers won’t hire people that can’t speak well. So in the military—”

  Jen’s lips once again cut off his words.

  “You’re so sexy when you talk about the military,” Jen said.

  “Do you really think so?” Seth said.

  “Well, you are really sexy all the time, so yes,” Jen said.

  “I knew I was boring you!” Seth said as he rolled on his side and started tickling Jen.

  Jen tried to get away but Seth pulled her closer to him and got her in a bear hug.

  “Now what?” Seth asked. “Do I need to tickle you more?”

  “Well,” Jen said. “I was thinking of kissing you more. Would that be all right with you?”

  Seth released his hold on her and Jen flipped around to face him again.

  “That would be quite all right with me,” Seth said.

  Jen slowly placed her lips against his, but didn’t kiss him. Instead her lips were flat and flaccid, like she couldn’t bring herself to kiss him. Seth’s hands started to rove u and down her body but Jen grabbed them and put them in front of her, holding both of them in her hands. When Seth’s tongue started to reach out and wet her lips she playful bit at it. Seth slowly moved his hands up and above her head. Jen tried to resist but wasn’t strong enough and she knew it. In a second, after a few quick slights of hand, Seth had both of Jen’s hands held back behind her head with one of his own hands.

  “Oh, how the tables have turned,” Seth said.

  “Looks like you can have your way with me now,” Jen said with a grin on her face.

  “Looks like it,” Seth said as he slowly undid the buttons on her shirt.

  While Seth worked on the buttons Jen was busy rubbing her knee against his crotch; not hard, as to hurt him, but softly to stimulate his groin. She could feel something drawing taunt in his jeans. She couldn’t help but smile and giggle as Seth finally got her shirt open enough to reach down into her bra and cup her tits. Her laughter cut short when Seth started pinching and tugging at her nipples.

  “Oh fuck yeah,” Jen said. “I want you to fuck me so hard. God, I wish you were a cop so you could handcuff me and fuck me like the bad girl I am in the back of a squad car. You filthy son of a bitch. I want you inside of me. I want you to fuck me right now.”

  “Maybe after you beg me,” Seth said, smiling.

  Jen’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she watched Seth’s hand leave her breasts and slowly slide down to her pants. He fumbled for a moment and then finally undid the button that held them closed. Not bothering to undo the zipper Seth slid his hand down into her panties and started to tickle her clit, run the tips of his fingers up and down her soft slit and dip into her vagina for lubrication.

  “My, oh my,” Seth said. “How did you get so wet?”

  “I don’t know, officer,” Jen said. “It just happened. I was laying in bed and the next thing I knew this young hoodlum came into my room talking about the military. At first I just wanted him to stop talking about boring stuff and fuck me, but then he held my hands behind my head and started playing with my clit.”

  “Oh really?” Seth said as he slid two of his fingers into her pussy.

  Jen let out a gasp and then started to moan.

  “Oh yes,” Jen said, her voice a higher pitch than before. “Oh fuck yes, really. He played with my tits, too. Be sure to write that down on the report. He played with my tits and then started to finger me!”

  Seth’s fingers slowly slid back into her pussy feeling for her G-spot. When they found it they started making slow circles over it. Once it was apparent Jen loved it by the way her eyes kept rolling back in her head Seth did it faster and faster, shrinking the circles smaller and smaller until he was rubbing back and forth in the same spot really fast.

  “Oh, fucking Jesus,” Jen said. “Oh, holy fuck. God I love it when you finger me like that. It feels so fucking good. I just fucking love it. Please fuck me, Seth. Please, I really need you to fuck me. I know you think this is some kind of game but I need it, I need it like air or water or food. I need your fucking cock inside me right now!”

  “Right now?” Seth said. “You need my cock inside you right this second?”

  “Oh, fuck yes, baby,” Jen said. “Please, just fuck me. Please, oh please, oh please. It’s all I can think about. My pussy is so fucking wet for you. Please fuck me in my tight little pussy. I’ve been a bad girl and I need spanked while you fuck me.”

  Seth’s fingers were working like they had never worked before, trying to bring Jen to climax before they even started fucking. Seth was an attentive lover, and the one thing he had found that allowed him to get away with being selfish was to get the girl off before they started having sex. If he did that then not only was she almost sure to have another during sex, but not always. Jen seemed to be able to have multiple orgasm especially if he got her off with his fingers first.

  “Oh God, I’m getting close,” Jen said. “Right there. Just keep rubbing my G-spot just like that. Fuck yes. Oh yeah, fuck yes. Please, please, please make me come. Please Seth. I want to come. I need to come.”

  While Seth’s fingers were busy rubbing her G-spot he dug his mouth down into her cleavage until he found a nipple and started nibbling. As soon as it was hard he switched to her other nipple, and then back and forth. Jen was arching her back, trying to shove as much of her tit into his mouth as possible. She was also bucking her hips. At first the bucking had started as a slowly rolling rotation, first forward, then backward. But the rotation picked up steam, and soon it was just going one direction, forward, faster and faster. Now her hips were bucking wildly. Seth knew she was getting close, that she was probably on the verge. He suddenly pulled his two fingers out of her.

  “What are you doing?!” Jen said, nearly screaming. “Fuck! Stick them back in! Make me come!”

  Without waiting to be told again Seth quickly slipped his fingers back deep inside her and started massaging again. Jen came almost instantly. Her hips buck more wildly than ever. Her whole body convulsed. Seth couldn’t help but smile as he watched her eyes roll back in her head, showing nothing but the whites.

  “Hunnh,” Jen moaned. “Oh fuck yes, that felt so good.”

  Without waiting to hear anything else Seth flipped Jen over so her face was down in the mattress and her ass was up in the air, wedging a pillow underneath her hips between her and the bed. He hurriedly undid his pants and flipped his rock hard cock out over the top of his underwear.

  “Are you fucking ready to get fucked?” Seth said.

  “Please,” Jen said, panting. “Please fuck me hard. I need it!”

  “Beg me!” Seth said.

  “Oh my God just fucking fuck me!” Jen cried out. “What else do I need to say? I’m lying here drippin—”

  Jen was cut off when Seth’s rigid cock plunged deep into her pussy. Jen came again and again as Seth fucked her. Both of them could tell Seth wasn’t going to last long, but it didn’t matter. Everything was so hot, the air so sexually charged, that it was like being in another world.

  “I’m going to come,” Seth said. “Oh shit, here it comes.”

  Seth pulled out and Jen quickly flipped over and reached up to guide his spurting cock into her open and waiting mouth. Seth shot rope after rope into Jen’s mouth and she kept swallowing with a smile on her face. When his cock ceased pulsating she was careful to lick it clean, sucking on it as she pulled it out of her mouth with a loud popping sound.

��Did you like it?” Jen asked sweetly as she batted her eyelashes up at him.

  Seth collapsed on the bed by her and pulled her close, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Well, I bet I sleep like a baby tonight,” Seth said.

  “I will as well,” Jen said snuggling up to him.

  In a matter of minutes Seth was snoozing away. Jen shook her head and smiled, thinking that some things about men were universal. She got up and turned the lights off, stopping to make sure that the door was locked. When Jen crawled back into bed she was out like a light in seconds.

  * * * *

  Jen knew she was dreaming. Her thoughts were scattered, as were the images that kept spiraling in front of her. She kept seeing short clips of her mother, then her father, then both of them together. They were sitting around a Christmas tree, all three of them, being a family and opening presents. Her father kept commenting on how Christmas was a nice holiday even though it was very different back in Korea. It was during the phase of his life that her father was trying to be more American. Her mother was smiling and nodding, holding out a gift toward the Jen. Jen took the gift and tore it open.

  “Well, what is it?” her father asked. “Is it something you wanted?”

  “Who gave me this, daddy?” Jen asked. “Who was it?”

  Jen’s mother’s eyes flashed as she tried to peer over the top of the wrapping to see the partially hidden gift in Jen’s hands.

  “What is it, dear?” Jen’s mother asked. “What has upset you so?”

  Jen turned the gift so they could both see it. A skull inside of a glass jar peered out at her parents, worms and maggots wiggling in the eye sockets.

  Her father reared back and shrieked.

  “Jen, are you all right?” Seth’s voice came to her as if from far away. “Jen, you’re having a nightmare, wake up!”

  Jen sat up like jack in the box, eyes wild and rolling in her head.

  “Jen, look at me,” Seth said. “You were just dreaming, all right? There isn’t anything wrong.”

  Jen tried not to cry but she could tell almost instantly that she wasn’t going to be able to stop herself. The tears felt like they were boiling up out of her, scalding her face with their heat combined with her embarrassment. She was mortified that she was having some kind of break down in front of Seth. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, Jen just wasn’t sure if she could trust Seth with her feelings and her deepest secrets and fears. That is what had been holding her back this entire time emotionally.


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