Shadowborn Royals

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Shadowborn Royals Page 1

by G. Bailey


  Shadowborn Royals © 2020 G. Bailey & Scarlett Snow

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Formatting by Champagne Book Design

  Editing by Niki Trento-Spencer

  Title Page


  About This Book



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Excerpt from Shadowborn Academy (Dark Fae Academy Series: Book One)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Appendix i—LOCATIONS

  Appendix ii—PRISON LAYOUT

  Appendix iii—CHARACTERS

  Appendix iv—WARDEN RANKS

  Appendix v—THE BOOK OF ZORYA

  About G Bailey

  About Scarlett Snow

  The light is my prison…and I can’t escape.

  I’m Izora Dawn and this is the second prison I find myself locked in for something I didn’t do.

  The fae world is at war and nothing I can do will stop it.

  But the gods have different ideas.

  But to win the war, to keep my family and lovers safe, I will embrace the dark.

  But in the dark lie the secrets that made this prison.

  And no one can escape them.

  Shadowborn Royals is a crossover spin-off to Shadowborn Academy. You do not need to read the latter to follow this series. One thing is for sure—not even the shadows can be trusted in this Enchanted Forest…

  18+ Reverse Harem Dark Fae Prison Romance.


  Nineteen years ago

  Twirling one last strand of my silver hair into the clip, I stand back and look over my appearance just to make sure I look pretty enough to pass for a fae tonight. Silver paint is drawn in swirls around every part of my skin that my white dress or pink cloak cannot cover. The dress is tight, made for seduction, and I hope my mate loves it when he sees me.

  It’s been three long months since my mate was called to King Ulric’s side to be one of his personal guards, but tonight I am invited to the castle for a royal ball. Sitting at home was never for me. I long to be near my mate and if we can have only this night, then so be it.

  The whole of the fae kingdom rejoices and celebrates the Night of Life, a traditional day for love and life. The night was said to be born from Selena’s love for the sun and the bright light it shines down on the kingdom. The Light Fae King’s ball is meant to be utterly beautiful, enchanting in every possible sense. I’ve dreamed of seeing what I have only heard of.

  Smiling at myself, I step through the mirror’s magic and out into the corridor of the castle. The throne room’s light music calls to me, but I turn away, sensing my mate somewhere else in the castle. My heels click against the floor as I head down the corridor and around the corner. The sense gets stronger when I get near a room. The latticed door is closed, but music seeps out. I slowly inch the door open, just in case he is with the king, but that’s not what I see.

  My mate—the man I thought loved me—in bed with a fae woman, his hands buried in her fiery-red hair, his soul betraying mine. They move against each other, clearly unaware I’m watching them, and the sounds of their lovemaking sear through my heart like a hot blade. Numbly, I close the door and then my feet take off as fast as they can. I run as though trying to outrun what is now burned into the recesses of my mind.

  The castle flies by in the blur. I have no idea where I am going. It’s not until I crash headfirst into a hard, muscular body do I stop, but by then we are both toppling onto the floor.

  “My King!”

  A male voice shrieks, and through my tear-stained eyes I look up to see King Ulric holding himself above me. He is enchantingly handsome, his long white hair held back by complicated braids on the sides of his head, which just makes every feature of his face so much more prominent and beautiful. Gold royal garments wrap around his body like a second skin. Fear and desire pound into me, but he doesn’t move.

  He simply holds a hand up in the air, shushing the guards into silence.”Why are you crying at my celebration?” he softly asks, leaning closer and wiping a tear away with the pad of his thumb. “One as beautiful as you should not cry.”

  “My mate has betrayed me,” I tell him, shaken by my honesty. Something about what I said seems to draw compassion out of the king. It’s almost like he understands this kind of betrayal and how it cuts deeper than any sword ever could.

  “Come and dine with me. Two lost souls whom Danica has brought together this night can not simply walk away from each other.”

  Lost to the desire I find in his gaze, I don’t notice the magic clouding the air around us, pushing us together to a fate we can’t avoid. As children, both fae and magics are told that the Zorya Sisters have woven a path for our lives and no matter which way we go, we always end up on the same one. Some moments are simply chosen by gods for a purpose. Sculpted by magic.

  “Why are you lost, my king?” I breathlessly ask, and he smiles at me, though it looks pained.

  “Because fate has given me everything but yet I have nothing I want and desire,” he whispers before leaning up and offering me a hand.

  Taking Ulric’s hand is my way of sealing my fate, but I don’t care anymore. Danica has brought us together and I want to find out why.

  The king stares at me as we stand in front of each other. The rising sun flickers over the sky, which is meant to be the start of the celebration.

  “I’ve always loved the dawn,” I whisper as he steps closer to me. The sunlight catches the brilliance of his eyes, highlighting his strong jawline and high cheekbones. The fae king never looked as beautiful to me until this moment, captured by the sunlight bathing his kingdom.

  “My middle name is Dawn after my great-grandfather,” he tells me, the smile returning to his lips. “Now, let us seal our fate with a kiss.”

  Before I can answer, the king presses his lips to mine, and for one night I forget the world waiting for me outside of the castle. I forget the mate who betrayed me. I forget everything, and nine months later, I am given the greatest gift of all—a child born at dawn’s first light.

  “Move it,” one of the guards hisses, the sound of his taser cutting through the silence.

  I spin around to see Axel and Luke being dragged off by two armored guards. My heart stutters in my chest. Shoving the Light Fae castle and being in the Fae kingdom to the back of my mind, I focus on my friends who need me. “Where are you taking them?” I snarl at the guard standing by the gate.

  He just laughs behind his helmet, his white overalls rustling as he follows the others out.

  “We will find you soon,” Luke shouts over his shoulder. “Be careful, jaybird!” Luke’s voice carries to me and I run to the gate, grab
bing the iron bars between my fingers.

  I watch helplessly as they shove my guys down a corridor and everything turns deafeningly silent. Panic creeps into me as I sweep my gaze around the outside of my cell, searching for a way out. But it’s just a bland room constructed of white walls and squeaky clean floors. The only way out is the corridor the guards forced my guys into.

  My pulse accelerating, I look around again, this time more desperately, wishing I could see something, anything to give me a clue as to where I am or how to escape. My wings flutter behind me and I stare at them like they aren’t really here. I reach back to stroke the sparkling, almost see-through tips of them.

  I’m a Light Fae.

  No matter how many times I repeat the sentence in my head, it doesn’t make a difference. I still struggle to believe it.

  Lifting my shirt, I look for any sign of the injury I had, but I don’t find any.

  Shit. What happened to me? Why are we in the Light Fae kingdom?

  The last time I saw these wings, I was strapped down to a bed with a bunch of wardens looming over me. My magic ended up killing them. I wonder if I can use that power again?

  I hold my hands out and try to call my power like I would for my shadowborn magic, but nothing happens.

  Fuck, I’m so screwed.

  Sucking in the sweet-smelling air, I hear heels clicking on tiles in the distance, but slowly they sound nearer with every step and a grim feeling settles into my chest. Never one to ignore my instinct, I back away to the corner of the room. I don’t have any weapons, my powers aren’t working, and I’m locked up again. I am not going down without a fight.

  To say I’m shocked when a woman I’ve only seen once at a distance stops in front of the bars of my room would be an understatement.

  Eva, the Princess of Helios, stands with her hands on her hips. A white cloak hangs off her light pink clothes, spilling onto the floor around her. Knee-high white leather boots, which I kind of like, stomp the floor twice and a guard hurries to open the door for her to step in.

  I remember seeing Eva at a Light Fae Parade that Willow and I had sneaked into the city to watch. She sat with the king and five of his mistresses on a carriage pulled by twenty white stallions over pathways littered with glitter and white roses. I remember thinking how beautiful she was and how jealous I felt that I couldn’t be her. The kingdom loved her. They cheered for her but I’ve heard that has all changed recently, ever since what Princess Eva changed into. The once white-haired, stunning princess has an aura that stinks of darkness, and her pale skin almost looks grey. Darkness veils her eyes, though I suspect she hides it well when the moment arises.

  “You know, I’m curious. Was it a surprise to learn Corvina was your sister?” I ask her, a grin tugging at my lips. The crazy-ass princess already has me locked up, so I might as well piss her off. I’ve learned that angry people spill more secrets than drunk idiots. “I like Vina. She will make a good queen.”

  Eva’s odd laugh fills the room and icy dread fills me. I feel like I’m missing something. “I saved your life and you’re trying to vex me already? Tut. Tut.”

  “You saved my life? Seriously?” I cross my arms as Eva runs her eyes over me slowly.

  “Yes, seriously,” she replies just as sarcastically, waving a hand in the air. “Your mother begged me to. As she is my lead scientist, and a good friend, I granted her the wish. My magic unlocked the hidden side of you that was just itching to come out. With your light fae revelation, I was finally able to find the right cure for Shadowborns,”

  My head swims with the words. My mother is Eva’s lead scientist? And Eva saved me? I don’t know how to process any of this, not that I really believe her. The royal fae lie and cheat for breakfast despite their claims, and I won’t play into whatever game she has going on here.

  “Cure?” I croak out. Dammit! Show no emotion, Izora.

  She smiles sweetly at me, stepping close enough that her arm brushes into mine. “Shadowborns have always been a blight to society, much like dark fae, but at least the latter are magic created by the gods. Shadowborns are nothing more than dangerous accidents and finally—finally I have a cure.” She grins at me wildly, and with a casual wave of her hand, steps through the gate. “You are the cure. Your blood holds the key to changing shadowborns into light fae and my magic can activate it. Together, we can eradicate shadowborns once and for all.”

  I smile at her, and she relaxes, just like I want her to.

  Time to cut a bitch.

  In two swift movements, I grab her neck, spin her around and slam her body into the wall with all my strength. I punch her hard in the stomach, tightening my grip on her throat as I lean my face close to hers.

  “You’re a fucking liar, Princess Eva, and shadowborns don’t need a cure! My mother would have never, ever had anything to do with this!”

  Eva lets out a grumbled laugh, her piercing blue eyes latched on mine. I will give her her dues, she isn’t scared, and she just seems like she is happy to let me hurt her.

  What is wrong with this psycho bitch?

  “Let the princess go this instant! I did not bring you up to be a killer, Izora Dawn!”

  My mother’s voice vibrates through me and I drop Eva to the floor like a kid caught red-handed with a bag of forbidden candy. Turning around slowly, with Eva’s gasps for air ringing out in the background, I look at my mother standing in the doorway like nothing is wrong.


  My mother looks like she’s just got home from work and is about to ask my stepdad what he wants for dinner. Her appearance shocks me more than her just being in this place.

  She’s here, in prison with me, but it’s very clear who the captive is and who is not. Her silver hair is pulled tightly into a bun that reflects the light pouring down on her from the spotlights on the ceiling. Her pale blue jumper looks soft and loosely hangs over a tee-shirt and skinny jeans. For a long moment, she stares at me before we both seem to remember the princess on the floor at my feet.

  Mother rushes to her with bright red cheeks. She picks her up and checks if she’s okay, but Eva waves her off.

  “See you around, Izora Dawn,” the princess laughs like I’m once again missing the joke.

  Gods, I hate this bitch already.

  She skips her way to the door like a creepy doll that’s just come to life.

  “Don’t forget to tell her the new rules,” she says to my mother. “Izora is just what I expected her to be.”

  If my mother agrees or disagrees with her, she doesn’t voice it. I don’t bother looking at Eva for a second longer as I watch my mum, studying her features closely. She’s always been good at schooling her features and this time is no different.

  “Rules?” I question once Eva leaves, narrowing my eyes on my mum. “How about you start explaining what you’re doing here.” My voice is hard, the question more of a demand.

  “It’s a long story,” she replies and I arch an eyebrow. It’s hardly like we have anywhere else to be. She steps closer and a flicker of emotion shows on her face, a hint of concern. “I’ve been a High Warden for so many years, as you well know, but I have always hidden the extent of what happens at my work. Every single day I pass judgment on shadowborns for terrible crimes they have committed.”

  “And you decided to turn them into Light Fae by using me?” I snarl at her, venomous emotion pouring out of every word. She’s my mum, someone I always thought was on my side, but it turns out I was wrong about that.

  I can’t trust her, that much is clear.

  She’s a fucking traitor.

  My own mum!

  “No, no, no,” she says, placing her hands on my shoulders. “I never wanted them to touch you, or even know about you! You have to believe that! I made a plan with Gold to get you out. Even your warden was hired by me and was part of the escape plan, but… it went wrong.”

  Hearing that Luke and Gold were in on all this makes me even angrier. Tears of rage and pain sting my eyes
. I thought they just liked me. Turns out they were paid to be on my side. By Selena, can I trust anyone anymore?

  “I can see that,” I dryly respond, rubbing my arms which feel sore for some reason. I pull away from my mother and take a few steps backward until my wings graze the wall. “Why are you here?”

  After a moment, she takes a sharp inhale and parts her lips. “Shadowborns are a curse on this beautiful forest and they need to be cured. We are finding the cure, and with Eva on the throne, a Light Fae army at her back, we can change the Enchanted Forest for the good.” Her eyes brim with so much hope and joy as she looks at my wings that it makes me sick. “We are so close.”

  “You think I’m a curse? That I need to be cured?” I spit out, shaking my head. Who the fuck brainwashed my mother? I never thought she’d be one to follow the herd. She was always so strong-minded. But now I see it was just a facade. She was right up there with the front of the herd all along.

  “No!” She steps closer to me and I try to move away, my back hitting the wall again. It’s crazy to think that for the past year all I’ve wanted was to hug my mum, tell her I love her and that I was going to escape the Shadowborn Prison somehow, but now I don’t want her near me.

  This…this isn’t the mother that I know. She sounds like a monster.

  “When you became a shadowborn,” she says in a whisper, “that was the worst day of my life. It never should have happened.”

  “If I wasn’t a shadowborn, I would be dead,” I remind her.

  “Yes, well, now you are exactly who you were born to be. A light fae,” she proudly states and I cough out a laugh, backing away towards the door.

  “Shadowborns are not in need of a cure,” I all but shout at her. “Being a shadowborn is something I will always be proud of because there is a lot of good in the shadows. Without them, there wouldn’t be any light. You just aren’t seeing it because you’ve been brainwashed and I doubt anything I say now will help change your mind.”


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