Rapture 2: a BWWM, Alpha Male Romance

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Rapture 2: a BWWM, Alpha Male Romance Page 9

by Perri Forrest

  And now my work would begin.


  The residence of Kenneth Joseph

  Somewhere in the Hayward Hills…

  Although Kenneth didn’t know how she felt about him, he knew that he was somewhere near being in love. He knew it when he took measures to cut off all the other women who had been mere play things whenever his dick felt an urge to be stroked. Being a bodyguard for one of the richest men in the world afforded him little to no time to himself since the job was so demanding, so when he met her he was ecstatic. It wasn’t just for the companionship, but because she understood his rigorous schedule. That was something he hadn’t found in a woman in the entire time he had been in security. At the end of it all he just wanted to be able to share his wealth with a beautiful woman who loved him for who he was.

  And she was it…

  He had met Gia three years earlier when she had come to the Bay Area for a convention. That was the other thing. She wasn’t some floozy who was running rampant trying to find a man to take care of her, she was already established. She was educated, hot as burning coals, and the fact that she was fourteen years his senior was amazing to him. Yes, he had landed himself a cougar—a beautiful cougar who knew her way around a man’s body.

  Just as he was in deep thought about his lady love, she emerged from the shower in all her glory. He rested against the headboard ready to take her erotic heights.

  “You like?” she asked.

  He stared at the slender, toned, 5’7” sex pot before him. Her waist was small, and met at the curve of thin, toned hips that hadn’t ever appeared to birth a child. He wondered about why that had been, but never asked her and now definitely wasn’t the time to. Her subtle breasts that sat as perkily as the twenty-three-year old he had recently stopped fucking. And they were firm with the darkest areolas he’d ever seen in his life. He was ready to suck them to a deep red, and have her nipples so fucking hard that they appeared to split open on the tips.

  “What’s not to like? I’m so ready for you,” he responded. “Can’t you see how happy I am to see you beneath all this silk,” he enticed.

  She had allowed her long, dark locks to flow around her shoulders the way she knew he liked it. He needed something to hold onto when he dicked her from behind. He pulled the sheet back on her side of the bed to extend the invitation to play, and she readily accepted.

  She licked her lips, and ordered him to, “Get dressed,” when she eyed his impressive, thick member luring her in.

  “But he wants to play first,” Kenneth countered.

  She formed her lips into a pout, and lowered her eyes to gaze admiringly at his dick. “Pretty please…”

  He flashed a smile. “Okay, whatever you want,” he surrendered. He retrieved a condom from the custom designed silver and gold box next to his side of the bed. After he sheathed himself, he was set to go. “I’m now dressed, Miss Olivette.”

  She took her place on the bed, and then set about hovering over him, her thighs on either side of his.

  “Taste me,” she instructed, taking his finger, and guiding it along the juices that sat just inside her plump creases.

  “Mmmm,” he murmured, coating his lips with her essence, then licking his finger clean.

  She grabbed his face in her hands, and lay his head into the headboard as she eased his mouth open with her own, and commenced to tonguing him down.

  Kenneth moved his hands around her waist and lowered her onto his eager stick. He gyrated his hips beneath her as he inched his was to the top of her depth. Kenneth loved when she moved up and down his dick. He liked it a lot. But tonight, he was ready for something more. His choice would’ve been to lick her pussy until it was bone dry before unapologetically diving into it. But since she wanted to fuck first, he was gonna give it to her.

  In a quickened motion, Kenneth maneuvered her onto her back. He was now hovered above her and he smiled at her from the position he held.

  “How did you do that?” she asked, smiling.

  Kenneth had to be able to move swiftly in his line of work, and in the bedroom was no different.

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head,” he responded.

  Secured tightly inside Kenneth’s left palm were her wrists, his right palm lay firmly beneath her left buttock, and her legs clasped around him as their pelvis thrust against each other in hungered movements.

  As her mound gave way beneath his vigor, Kenneth moaned loudly into the air. The warmth surrounding him was what kept him thinking of her even when she was nowhere around. The cushion inside of her thighs opened so wide, he wondered just where she had learned to spread that way. It was almost as though she was posed Indian-style as he assaulted every square inch of her deep, dark cave. When Kenneth least expected it, she closed her walls around his girth—repeatedly—and over and over again, making it more difficult for him to continue at his speed. He slowed his motions and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he received a skilled dick massage.

  Fuuuckkk, he sighed inside his head…and it was only because his voice had completely deceived him. Fuuuckkk, he repeated in silence, as the river of tremors from his toes to his spine, and into the top of his neck overtook him.

  He couldn’t believe what was happening. She was demonstrating for him that no matter the position, she’d always be in control. And as much as Kenneth hated to feel a loss of control, he welcomed it where she was concerned—simply because it was her. Once he had exploded into his condom, and there was no more to give, he relaxed every one of his muscles, deep-breathing, as he relished in the moment.

  “You’re insatiable, woman,” Kenneth acknowledged. “This, I could never grow tired of.” He stared down at her, and into the darkness of her eyes, and ran his finger along her shoulder blade. “I’ve never made love to a woman that felt as good as you.” He rolled over to the side of her and removed the condom, tying it on the end and setting it aside. “It scares me a bit because I lose all of who I am with you.”

  “Why is that scary, Kenny?” she asked, in her sultry tone. “You should run directly to it. You’ve got me the same way. I love being with you whenever we can grab some time together.”

  “Really?” he said, turning his gaze away from the ceiling, and back to her.

  “Really,” she nodded. “I love it all. From sucking your extremely attractive dick, to you licking the sweet juices from my jewelry box, to you trying to fuck my insides out. I love it all,” she teased. “And I love that you’re so good-looking. That puts the nail in the coffin. Nothing like getting good sex from a stallion.”

  He reached over and circled her nipple with his thumb. “Such high compliments from the lady. Can a grown man blush?” he asked.

  “Of course he can,” she responded.

  “Then I’m officially blushing. Never knew you felt any of that. But it’s good to know.”

  “When is your next day off?” she asked.

  “Well, LC is going out with a few of his buddies this week, and I never guard him when he’s at those after-hour events. He usually stays into the wee hours. Why? Are you gonna come back in town? I’d love to see you sooner than our monthly tryst.”

  “I don’t know, Kenny. I’ll have to check my schedule. What day is it, exactly?”



  Gigi and I walked into the nook that sat on the other side of the kitchen. She slid into one booth seat and I slid into the other. The rectangular-shaped table looked like one you would see during a working lunch. My laptop was there, Gigi’s laptop was there as well as a stack of papers. Both of our cell phones were nearby, and then to keep us nourished, there was the food and beverages. We had a partially filled picture of Bahama Mama, a serving bowl of fried chicken wings and French fries, and our jumbo glasses on their way to being filled again. It was going to be a long afternoon.

  “So, they’re up at the house now?” Gigi asked in between sips of her drink.

  “Yep. They’re there.�

  “Did you meet them?”

  “Nope. I came down here before they arrived. I figured I’d let Rush have his time, and then he could tell me when he thinks a good time would be to bring me into the fold. The last thing I want to do is get in the way. And really, he needs this time to bond. It’s been nine years,” I expressed, solemnly. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know what the baby mama looks like,” I chuckled. “I already know the baby is beautiful. I mean, look at my man. He’s gorgeous, so I know a product of him is just as beautiful.”

  “Yeah, I can’t believe that Jamie and Mr. Cambridge did that shit. I’m still wrapping my mind around it. To fuck around with somebody’s life like that! I would be out for blood. I mean, damn. I don’t know the back story or any of that, but right now the only story is that Hunter now has to get to know his own kid—from fuckin’ scratch! I don’t know if I would allow that if I was the mother. I’m just being real honest. I don’t think I’d want my kid in a family of folks who didn’t want her. You never want your kid to feel the slightest bit of rejection. The dozen or so times that Jamie has called me trying to plead her case, I couldn’t even be cordial. I just sit there and listen to her until she’s done. I’m not getting in it. Then the emails that she sends; I see them all. It’s the same story,message after message, all leading to, ‘I’m so sorry’. Excuse me, but it’s too late for that shit.”

  “That’s how I feel too. She called me and asked me to have Rush call her. I let her know that all day long I would have his back and that I didn’t think what they did was right. I swear with all the shit I’ve seen and dealt with in life, I’ve never witnessed shit like this except in the movies, girl! I didn’t even know it could be real life!”

  “Who you telling?” Gigi laughed.

  About an hour into our conversation, slightly tipsy, and full off of wings and fries, my cell phone rang. I checked the caller ID to see that it was Tracie calling. Initially I was going to ignore her call because I knew she’d want to be on the phone for a while, but then I decided to pick it up and at least let her know that I’d call her back later.

  I held my finger up at Gigi to alert her that I was about to take the call.

  “Hey girl!” I answered. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “You busy?”

  “Yeah, sitting here chillin’ with Gigi on our way to being drunk and full off of too much grease!”

  “Okay, well before you get there, I need you on Facebook like pronto.”

  “Shit, I don’t even know if I still have my login for that thing. I don’t go on there anymore.”

  “Well, try. There’s something I need you to see.”

  I signaled for Gigi to come and sit on the bench seat next to me and I pulled my laptop to me and rubbed my finger across the pad to wake it from its sleeping state. “What is it that’s so important, Tracie?” I asked, while waiting for the screen to load.

  “You’ll see. Just hurry up because you’re gonna want to see this.”

  “Girl, you got me all scared and shit. I think my little buzz don’ went down.”

  The room was silent with the exception of the faint sound of music playing from the living room, and the wind outside the patio door. When I had successfully logged into Facebook, I accessed my message inbox and went straight to the one from Tracie.

  “I’m in the message you sent me. Is this where you want me?”

  “Yeah. Girl, click on that link. It’s to a page that I follow, called Black and Missing but Not Forgotten.”

  “Okay. I’m there. What am I—”

  Oh shit!

  “You see it, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I see it…” I replied, slowly. “But what does it mean?”

  “It means that somebody put in a missing person’s report on that fool.”

  I scanned the screen at a quickened pace. It was a picture of Curtis sitting in his car, looking into the camera smiling, with a kid on his lap, and a woman kissing him on the cheek. The picture was attached to a flyer that read:Missing Man from Antioch, CA.


  I clicked on the comments and there were all kinds of people saying that they were sharing it in their cities and state and stuff like that. Then out of curiosity, I looked at the time that he’d been missing, and it said that he went missing on or around October 1, 2014. I gasped. My mouth went dry. October 1st was the day I came to the Bay Area and the last time that I saw him. When I left him at that hotel, he was in the shower, so I knew I was in the clear. But suddenly, when the realization hit me, I began to shake uncontrollably. Gigi grabbed the phone from my hand and told Tracie that I would call her back in a bit.

  “Girl, what’s wrong? You know that person?”

  “Gigi…” I whispered. “That’s the person…”

  “What person, babe?”

  “The person that I was running away from the night I met Rush.”

  “That’s the Curtis?” she asked.

  “That’s him,” I confirmed.

  “Oh…wow. He’s missing?”

  “I guess so. That’s what this flyer says.”

  I was numb and feelings I thought were long-buried were resurfacing with a vengeance.

  “Alika, you’re shaking. Calm down,” Gigi instructed, softly, while leading me into the living room. “Talk to me about what you’re feeling.”

  I started to rock back and forth in my seat, my arms wrapped around me as I did so.

  “I don’t know, G. I just go back to that night…that day. I could’ve died.”

  “But you didn’t, Alika. You’re here, and you’re okay,” she consoled.

  “I know,” I remarked, bouncing my leg uncontrollably. “All I knew was that I had to survive so I kicked into survival mode. I let him have my body while he said the most hateful things to me,” I cried. “Can you believe it? A rapist thug who wears condoms? He had the nerve to replace his condom each time he ejaculated like I was the dirty one, Gigi! Like I was the dirty one!”

  Once I began to cry, I couldn’t stop the flow of tears. I felt bad for being happy that he was missing. I felt bad for hoping that he was dead. I felt bad for the baby in the picture who may never see his or her father again. I felt bad for the woman kissing him on the cheek not knowing what a devil she loved! But then who knows? Maybe she did know!

  Gigi rocked me back and forth in her arms and rubbed her hand down my back in an attempt to calm me.

  “I swear I thought I had left it all behind, Gigi. This monster! This devil!” I sobbed. “He’s missing, and I could’ve very well been missing with him. Clearly, I’m not the only person who hates his fuckin’ ass! I hope they find him in the bottom of a ditch somewhere! I hope somebody has fucked him like he fucked me and didn’t give a fuck how it left him feeling!”

  I cried for what seemed like forever, and the entire time Gigi was right there. When I finally looked up, it had begun to get dark outside.

  Before long Rush would be coming for me, so I wanted to get my face back to normal before that happened. I went into the restroom and washed my face, then came back out to find Gigi sitting in the living room watching TV.

  “Thanks for being here for me today, Gigi. I’m so thankful for you and so happy that you’re in my life.”

  “I’m thankful for you too, Alika.”

  “I would love for you and Tracie to meet. I was thinking of inviting her out here for a few days. We could all hang out and then my two girls can become acquainted.”

  “That would be awesome,” Gigi said, smiling at me. “You good now?”

  “I’m good. I’m gonna close up the windows and get this chicken into a plastic container and take it up to the house with me. I never get to cook anymore,” I laughed. “I don’t need Rush forgetting that his woman knows how to burn!”

  “Girl, please! I’m sure he’s not worried about your skills in the kitchen!”

  “Mmm hmm, and this coming from the woman who already has a husband. Thanks, but no thanks!”
  “As if you won’t be getting wifed up soon. Please stop playin’! That man is crazy about you.”

  “And I’m crazy about him too.”

  “Really?” she said sarcastically. “I would’ve never known that.”

  “Anyway!” I laughed. “I think you should camp out here tonight, or let us send you home in a car because you’ve been drinking.”

  Gigi started laughing hysterically. “Girl, it takes more than a few Bahama Mamas to knock me on my ass. I’m used to Tequila shots! You forget my man is Latino. We get down! That was a cake walk!”

  “Gigi…” I said, frowning. “Seriously.”

  “Seriously, babe. I’m good. I promise you, I’m good. Wanna see me run up and down the stairs without missing a beat?”

  “I kinda do!” I chuckled.

  In all her silly glory, she took her scrunchie from around her wrist and trapped her curls into a ponytail, and off she went. By the time we heard Rush come through the door, she was on her third trip down the stairs, and we were both laughing so hysterically that Rush was looking at us like we had lost our damn minds.

  “Yeah…oookay,” he commented, looking from Gigi to me, suspiciously. “You guys good?”

  “Oh, we’re better than good, Hunter! We’re great!” Gigi said, coming over to give Rush a light hug. “I was just leaving so you and your lady love could discuss the day’s events. You got yourself a real prize here,” she acknowledged, pinching me on the cheek.

  “I know. But thanks for telling me,” he replied, flashing me that smile of his.

  “Damn, you’re fine, Rush Cambridge,” I flirted.

  “Oh my God. Yeah, it’s time for me to go home to my man,” Gigi stated. “Oh shit, he’s out of town. Damn.”

  “See, Gigi!” I exclaimed. “I told you! You should just stay here for the night.”

  “What she said,” Rush added.


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