Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2

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Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2 Page 13

by Jennifer Kacey

  Going back to doing his breakfast thing—for two—seemed like a pretty safe place to focus on. Another first.

  A couple quiet minutes went past with nothing but the sound of her making a cup of java and him cracking eggs into a bowl.

  Not an uncomfortable silence, but a nice one.

  Another something he didn’t expect, especially not with Natalie, whom he’d always butted heads with.

  “Mmmm…” reached him across the short distance between them as she moaned into her coffee cup. Probably shouldn’t have been sexy, but fuck, all he could think about was how she sounded just like it when he’d had his tongue in her ass the night before.

  As if he needed the reminder when his shit was still off after going back to bed with her at dawn.

  “It was nice,” he admitted with a shrug as he started whipping the eggs with a fork. Standing close behind him, he refused to turn and look and see her laughing at him. Scoffing at him would have totally hurt his feelers and he was oh so not into owning that much of his shit.

  Stepping close, he stiffened until she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her cheek against his back. “It was more than just nice, Campbell.”

  “Are you giving me shit because I’ve been an asshole?”

  Her smile tugged against the flesh of his back. “Not this time.”

  Thank fuck.

  He set the bowl down and wrapped her arms farther around himself. Hugging her to him, he liked how she rubbed her cheek against his back.

  Her warmth bled into him and then she took a breath. He decided to give her a bit more info. He really needed her to understand what a huge deal this was. “And I’ve never slept well with anyone. Creeped me out before actually. I know people like it and all that, but seriously, ick. With you?”

  He glanced over his shoulder in time to see her raise her eyebrows in question.

  “I liked it. You weren’t loud or rotated at fourteen rpm and you didn’t steal all the covers. That was a bonus.”

  He turned around, kissed the top of her head, and went back to the eats prep. “You didn’t snore or drool all over your pillow or me.”


  “And with your naked ass tucked up against me all night, I kept waking up hard. Had to think of all sorts of mundane shit to get it to go away.”

  “Uhh…why didn’t you use it?”

  “You were sleeping, Einstein.”


  He set the bowl down a bit harder than he intended and turned around to stare at her. “Wait. What? Surely we can’t be talking about the same thing. I’m talking about sex. In the middle of the night. While you’re asleep.”

  “As am I. I’m consenting already so what’s the problem?” She tried to walk away all indignant but he dragged her back in front of him.

  “Oh no. You’re not walking on this one. You’re not wet and I don’t want to have to drag out lube and get it everywhere.”

  “I’ll get wet.”

  His cock couldn’t take any more and stood fully at attention. Nothing mundane was gonna get it to go down anytime soon either.

  “And it’s not like you’re completely dry either. If you woke up hard, then sex is on your mind so you probably have some pre-cum coating the tip of your cock.” She glanced between them, eyeing the wet spot on the front of his boxers. “As if to prove my point. So use it. And if we’re only doing this for a very short amount of time, why should we waste so many hours sleeping?”

  “So what exactly are we agreeing to here so there’s no hurt feelings or tears or nights spent at the bottom of a tub of mint chocolate chip?”

  “I love that kind.”

  “Me too.” They eyed each other. Warily.

  Natalie thought for a second and then listed, “Sex only. No emotions.”

  “Deal. And I want it kinky. Maybe not every single time, but a lot of it. Okay, that’s a lie. I want it kinky.”

  “Agreed, for as long as you’re protecting me. And it goes no further and we don’t have to worry about having a relationship.” She made the gag face, and he gave her a high five.

  Yip, yip.

  “No more bacon,” she said to the little doggies at their feet.

  “Did they rat me out?” Campbell asked, completely indignant.

  “They didn’t have to. I could smell it on their puppy breath.”

  “Dammit. I didn’t think of that.” He flipped on the burner and set the frying pan on top.

  Natalie walked to the fridge and grabbed him a tub of butter. With a spreader in tow, she brought them both with a small smile. “Seems you were in need of these to continue the epic breakfast thing you have going on.”

  Taking them both, he set them on the counter and took a sip of his coffee. “Not epic. Just breakfast.” He was a bit taken aback that she seemed okay with him invading / completely taking over her kitchen. She just kind of ran with it. Totally did it for him.

  “It looks like we’re having eggs, bacon, and pancakes. That’s like a buffet where I come from.”

  “If that’s not breakfast, then what is?” He added some butter to the pan and it sizzled until he added the eggs. Then he turned on another skillet and started the pancakes, too.

  “Cereal.” Grabbing plates, flatware, and paper towels, she set the table and then grabbed glasses and got orange juice for both of them. She also snagged the butter from him and some syrup on the way and set them on the table.

  Her wanting to be a part of it made him pause. He’d been on his own for so long, loving and guarding his independence so fiercely, he hadn’t thought about sharing a meal like they were. Hadn’t even crossed his mind. It was more than nice but nice was all he would admit to.

  “Cereal isn’t breakfast. Well, it isn’t just breakfast.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “That’s an anytime meal. Love cereal for dinner. Love it.”


  “What? Are you gonna retch? Angela always got sick for some reason when I did that. Never made any sense to me.”

  “Hell no. I love cereal for dinner. Never found anybody else that loved it too.”

  “It’s awesome. How can people not dig that?”

  “Seriously. It’s so handy, and quick, and crunchy.”

  “No, soggy. Gotta let it sit in the milk for a bit.”

  “Ugh, you just ruined it.” She snagged a container of strawberries from the fridge and whipped cream. “Crunchy cereal all the way.”

  His cock was totally on board with the whipped cream plan. He plated the eggs while she grabbed a knife.

  Stepping around the island with the plates, the dogs hot on his heels, he set the food in the places she’d created. “I’ll bring you over to the dark side,” he promised.

  She sat down and he sat next to her, then got back up and snagged the plate of bacon and the other with the pancakes. “I almost forgot the rest of the food. You totally distracted me with the whipped cream.”

  Her smile and bobbing eyebrows were totally worth the price of admission.

  “Okay. Dig in.” He reached for the bacon and so did she. “I made some crispy and some chewy since I didn’t know where you fell on the slash of bacon awesomeness.”


  “Score. I like the crispy ones so at least we know we won’t fight over bacon.”

  “Unless it’s the last piece. Which will be mine.”

  “But I’m your guest,” he added with mock outrage as he slid over a couple pancakes.

  “Oh please. You nearly fucked me in the ass last night and you cooked breakfast. You’re no more a—”

  Campbell choked on his first bite of eggs and had to wash it down with juice as she patted him on the back. And giggled. “That one caught me off guard. Warn a guy next time.”

  “Not on your l
ife. Seeing your eyes go wide. Epic.” She mimicked what he hoped wasn’t what he looked like, and then started doctoring her pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on top.

  “That’s awesome.”

  Handing him the whipped cream, she cut him some strawberries too. “When I was growing up, my grandmother used to make huge pancakes. Huge.” She held up her fingers in the shape of a circle as big as their plates. “Then she’d put on whipped cream and berries. Whatever was in season, and we normally got to go with her to pick them. She was awesome. So anytime I have pancakes I eat them the same way. Best taste ever.”

  He cut a piece and hoovered it. “Damn. That’s good.”

  “Pancake rollups is what we called them. But this is awesome too, little silver dollar ones. They’re almost like pancake tostadas. Yum.” A pancake quickly disappeared for both of them and they each made a second.

  “Why the hell didn’t we do this forever ago?” The question was out before he thought better of it and he mentally kicked himself. Way to ruin the easygoing morning they were having.

  After a few seconds of staring at him, she shrugged and he let out the breath he was holding. “Beats me. Guess I thought you were going to be a douchebag with a small penis and no knowledge of how to use what your mama gave ya. Nor did I want to be part of your legion of women you parade through your bedroom.”


  “Sorry. Truth hurts. Guess you shouldn’t have asked. But on the flip side you completely proved me wrong and I am,” she licked whipped cream off her lip and his cock jumped, “pleased to report, you far far exceeded my expectations in every category.”

  “As did you.”

  She swallowed another bite of bacon and slowly wiped her mouth with a napkin. “What did you expect? I know I haven’t been your favorite person in the world, because you couldn’t handle all of my awesome, but I’m quite curious to know what you thought you were getting into when you kissed me the other day.”

  He moved his clean plate away so he could lean his elbows on the edge of the table. “I honestly hadn’t ever really thought about fucking you before.”

  “Should I be happy or offended?” She finished her juice and leaned back in her chair, looking rumpled and satisfied.

  “I don’t know. You’re stacked, pretty, smart but you’re also a smart-ass. I also thought you’d be high maintenance, but now I think I was completely wrong on that one.” He smiled and bobbed his eyebrows at her. “And you are definitely stacked. Hell your tits are things men dream about and some women if they’re awesome enough.”

  “Most of that was somewhat positive if not completely chauvinistic so why hadn’t you ever thought about fucking me?”

  Her talking dirty even when they weren’t having sex totally did it for him, and his cock wanted to know how much free time they had that morning to go for round two. “You were Angela’s friend and I don’t like drama. It sucks and girls can be catty on the best of days.”

  “So true.”

  He nodded. “I didn’t want any part of that scene so I took you off my menu and relegated you to the annoying friend category.”


  “Sorry. Truth hurts.” Petty that he got to use her words back at her, but that didn’t make him enjoy it any less. “Now you’re in the…” Yeah, he trailed off because she was in a category he’d never actually had someone in before.

  “And that would be?” she prompted.

  “Friend with benefits.” He meant for it to come out as a question but it didn’t. Because she was a friend. “Wow. When did that happen?”

  “We’re friends.” She said it looking up at the ceiling as if she were having to try it on for size as well. “Huh. That’s a bit of a surprising development.” She stared at him again with a completely confused look on her face. “So what was the kiss if not your first attempt at getting into my pants?”

  “A fluke.” It was completely true. He’d had no ulterior motives. None. He hadn’t wanted to fuck her until later. He didn’t want anything from her. Nothing. “I’d simply wanted to kiss you. You were scared and I didn’t like you being afraid. It pissed me off.” Her small smile made him glad he’d told her the truth, which reminded him of something. “Hey, we need to make a pact.”

  “On what?” She tucked her hair behind one of her ears and pulled her legs under herself to sit cross-legged.

  Eyeing her pussy through the glass kitchen table made his dick jump. “Fuck, you’re sexy.”

  “Is that the pact?” Her eyebrows drew low and he wanted to kiss her mouth.

  Not thinking of any reason to stop himself, he drew her forward and did just that. Her lips tasted like whipped cream and he wanted them wrapped around his cock again. “No, that’s not the pact.”

  “And why did you kiss me now?”

  “Again because I wanted to and I couldn’t think of any reason to keep my lips to myself.”

  “All righty then.” She sucked her lips between her teeth for a second. “So if I want a kiss I can just take one.”


  “What do you mean hmm? You can do it so why are the rules for me any different?”

  “You had no problems last night in the bedroom following my—”

  “If you say orders I’m going to stab you with a fork.”

  He chuckled and pulled her closer for another kiss. “I was going to say direction but I sure like how orders sounded coming from you.”

  “Oh please.” She grabbed a fork and he wrestled it out of her hand as they both laughed.

  As he set the fork down, he had a thought. “Outside of a kink interaction between us, a vanilla anything let’s say, you can have whatever you want.”

  “So, if I wanted a kiss right now I could just…” She got up and he instinctively moved his chair back to make room for her. She straddled his lap, held his face, and planted a kiss on his mouth that knocked him stupid. “Do that?”


  “No, you said you only like it kinky. Fucking will fall under your category of…direction.” She kissed him again then tried to get up.

  He wasn’t done with her so he grabbed onto her hips and held her on his lap. “Okay, the pact.”

  “Oh yes. You distracted me.”

  “I distracted you?” he asked with a fair bit of outrage.

  “Completely. You cook me breakfast in nothing but boxers and then you’re all honest and stuff. Distracting.”

  “Honesty. That’s actually the pact. We agree to be completely honest with each other.”

  “Aren’t we already?”

  “Yes. I just don’t want that to change since we’re having sex now.” He actually liked being able to say shit like it was, without having to worry about losing the sex he enjoyed having with her. “We’ll actually be friends with benefits.”

  “I’m sure as hell not gonna lie to you after you’ve already given it up.”

  “You are such a dude,” he mumbled.

  “Oh no, you’ve hurt my feelings.” She gave him a kiss and then got up to start clearing the dishes.

  “Uh, did I really?” He stood to help, and didn’t even try hiding his erection.

  She rolled her eyes at him. “No, Einstein. And I totally agree with you. Honesty or this is over. If we can’t be honest and our feelings have gotten involved, we need to call a halt to it anyways.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Okay. In honor of our new agreement of letting it all hang out, I’m going to give you a compliment.”

  He set plates in the sink and then bent over with his hands on his knees. “You’re gonna have to give me a second, I think I just got woozy.”

  Knocking him on the shoulder, she brushed past him on the way to the fridge. “Oh shut up.” She put stuff away and then faced him. “Breakfast was good.” She said it as if s
he was totally surprised.

  “Bachelor, remember? Have to cook or I’ll croak.”

  “Could eat out.”

  “No thanks.”

  “You keep surprising me.”


  She glanced at the clock and announced, “We need to leave in thirty to get to the clinic.”

  He looked too. “I have to shower.” Picking her up, he threw her over his shoulder.

  Completely offended apparently, she started cursing.

  He slapped her ass and she moaned, squealed. He set her down in the bathroom and she tried to wiggle away. Holding her by the arm, he flipped the shower on, stripped her naked, yanked off his boxers, and shoved her into the tub portion.

  “You’re being quite heavy-handed,” she growled with her hands on her hips.

  Her nipples were already hard though, and she couldn’t quite seem to keep her eyes off his naked cock. Love the honesty. Even her body couldn’t lie to him, which he loved.

  “Yes I am, because I have every intention of licking you until you come and then I’m going to fuck you against the shower wall, come on your tits, and then watch the water wash it away. Then we’ll get to the clinic, in one piece mind you, instead of with half a brain since neither of us will be so horny we can’t think. This will fall under the kinky sex category so I get to be demanding.”

  “Only one problem with that.” Her smug smile made his cock get even harder.

  He wrapped his wet hand around it and started stroking it. “And that problem would be?”

  “No condom.” The little shake of her head and wrinkled nose were delightful, but he was going to love wiping the smug demeanor off even more.

  “Behind you. Up on the corner of the top of the shower.”

  She turned around and actually stamped her foot. “So sure of yourself, Campbell?” She grabbed the condom and turned around, holding it up as if it were the damning evidence she’d been looking for to win her case.

  “Completely.” He got on his knees, knocked her knees a tiny bit wider, separated the lips of her pussy with his fingers, and licked her clit.

  He laved her sensitive nub with the flat portion of his tongue and then tormented it with the very tip. Never once did he stop. Not even for a second did he lose his focus and gloat. None of that mattered.


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