One Man's Trash

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One Man's Trash Page 12

by Yolanda Allen

  “It’s not weird.” His eyes swept over her face.

  “I woke up every day anticipating coming over to your house to hear you play in your garage. Ryan and I always listened secretly. The thought of you going to jail just ignited urgency in me to let you know how I felt. I didn’t know when or if I would ever get that chance. So I had to tell you in the only way I knew how to fully express myself.”

  “Through music.”

  She nodded. “Through music.”

  His thumb circled, slowly, over the back of her hand. “I was in a dark place at that time. But your music was so tender, so loving. Your words pierced through my heart. Reminding me of what love was.”

  There was a tingling in the pit of her tummy. He twirled her hair around his finger. “Those words…I have a desire for you, built up inside.” He pulled her closer and continued to sing. “A passion for you, that I try to hide .“ His words brushed against her lips. The lime flavored beer still lingered on his breath.

  Diamond touched his dark stubbled face. She studied his face, feature by feature. Taking in every inch of it. His strong hand rested in the small of her back.

  “I listened to your song every day before I went to jail because I didn’t want to be hardened by my experience. I needed to keep my heart soft. Even though I closed myself off from the outside world, I kept my heart open. You did that.”

  “I did?” She had no idea that her song actually meant anything to him.

  “Thank you.”

  Slowly and seductively, he pressed his lips to hers. A warm sensation flooded her body. His kiss was slow and unhurried as if he was savoring every taste. She gripped the back of his shirt as his tongue went deep into her mouth. She groaned beneath his mouth.

  A car drove by and blew the horn. Ryder drew back from her mouth and looked down the street. “I guess we should take this show inside.”

  They shared a laugh. He put his arm around her and they walked the five minutes to her apartment.

  Once inside, Diamond’s tummy swirled with anticipation. They sat on the couch. She smoothed back her hair.

  Ryder placed his hand on her leg. “You okay?”

  She looked into his green eyes. “I’m a little nervous. I’m not sure what you expect.”

  “What I expect?”

  “Yeah, I mean we kissed and we’re alone and—”

  “Diamond, I don’t expect sex from you. I just expect to be a friend to you. To get to know you and just take us one day at a time. I’m in no hurry. Over the past five years I’ve learned a little about patience.” His finger trailed along her face. His reassuring smile eased her nerves.

  She leaned into him, resting her nose against his. “I promise it’s worth waiting for.” She raised her gaze to meet his.

  “Everything worth having is worth waiting for.” He tilted his head and kissed the tip of her nose, gently.

  # # # #

  “Did you get it?” Diamond whispered into her cell phone.

  “Yeah, and it’s beautiful,” Kimmy whispered back. “Wait, why am I whispering he can’t hear me.” They both laughed.

  “So that’s done. Okay. Great. Oh, did you add everyone to Skype for the video chat?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Okay. Is there anything that I’m leaving out?”

  “I think you have everything covered. Where is he now?”

  “He’s in the shower. I don’t think he thinks I remembered that today is his birthday. He didn’t mention anything either.”

  “Have you seen him butt booty naked yet?”

  “Girl!” Diamond laughed. “No…not yet.”

  “So you plan to! Oh my gosh! Get yo freak on!”

  Diamond burst into laughter. “Alright Missy Elliot wannabe.” Just then the shower water turned off. “Oh, I gotta go, he’s getting out the shower. We’ll see you shortly. Bye.”

  She jumped on the sofa and paged through a magazine she had laying around, trying to look like she wasn’t just planning a birthday surprise behind Ryder’s back.

  He walked into the living room. He had a hand towel drying the excess water from his silky smooth hair and another draped around his waist. “Hey I used the last bit of your shampoo and conditioner. I’ll pick you up some more at the store later.”

  Forget picking up some shampoo and conditioner she would much rather have some massage oil and a box of condoms. Geez! He did have the Marky Mark abs.


  She shook loose the naughty thoughts that were lodged into her mind. “I’m sorry. Shampoo and conditioner. Yeah, don’t worry about it. I have extra stashed under the bathroom sink.”

  “Okay, well I’ll go get dressed now.”

  Please don’t. “Okay. You go get dressed. I told Kimmy that we would be over there soon.”

  He nodded and went into her bedroom to get dressed. She dashed into the bathroom, wet a clean bath cloth with cold water, pulled down her panties from underneath her skirt and placed the cold cloth against her vagina. Jesus, take the wheel. How was she going to go another day with this fine specimen of a man in her home? There was only so much a cold rag could do for a woman in heat.

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, Ryder was in the living room pulling his t-shirt over his head. He had on a pair of khaki shorts and Polo sneakers. He turned around. “Hey.”

  She let out a breath. “Hey.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Are you ready?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  She grabbed her purse and keys and headed out the door. Ryder took her hand once they were outside. “You don’t mind do you?” His pearly whites shone in the sunlight.

  “Absolutely…not.” She smiled.

  “So you said that Auntie Jannie was throwing you a going away party?”

  “Yep,” she lied.

  “That’s very nice of her. I know you’re going to miss living here, huh?”

  “You know, before being reacquainted with you again, I’m sure moving back to Atlanta so soon would’ve been more difficult. But now that you’re there, it won’t be such a hard pill to swallow.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I’m glad you’re coming back. I wish it was more so because you wanted to instead of you pretty much being forced to.”

  “Yeah, I agree.”

  “I’m also looking forward to building on our friendship, and learning more about you. The grown up version.” They laughed.

  “Trust me, she’s much more interesting than the little girl you knew.”

  “I don’t doubt that one bit.” He kissed her hand.

  The touch of his lips sent a shiver through her body. His lips were lethal. Diamond was glad they had made it to Kimmy’s building. Ryder wouldn’t be so touchy feely in front of Auntie Jannie. That would give her body some time to cool off.

  Diamond pressed the bell and waited to be buzzed in. They took the elevator to the sixth floor. She really liked Auntie Jannie’s building because there were only two apartments on each floor. She preferred small apartment buildings if she had to live in one.

  Diamond stopped Ryder before they reached the apartment door. She took a blindfold out of her purse. “I need for you to put this on.”

  He took the blindfold from her hand. “A blindfold? Diamond, what’s going on here?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  He looked at her then down at the blindfold in his hand and back to her. “I do but…a blindfold?”

  She snatched the blindfold from his hand. “Turn around, boy.”

  He reluctantly turned around and she tied the blindfold over his eyes. She turned him around again and led him to the door. He didn’t say a word. Diamond knocked twice. Kimmy swung the door open as if she’d been standing behind the door ever since she buzzed them into the building.

  “Expecting someone are we?” Diamond joked.

  “Come in, come in!”

  Kimmy stepped to the side. Diamond held Ryder’s hands as he followed behind her cauti
ously. She stopped him in front of the kitchen’s entryway. She stood behind him and began to undo the blindfold. “Ryder, I’m going to take off this blindfold but don’t open your eyes until I say so okay?”


  She took the black material away from his eyes. “Okay, open your eyes!”

  He slowly opened his eyes. His mouth hung in amazement as he saw the Happy Birthday banner hanging from the ceiling with the balloons and streamers.

  “Happy Birthday!” They all screamed. Kimmy and Auntie Jannie blew on the party horns. Ryder was speechless. Diamond picked up a cone shaped birthday hat and put it on his head, being careful not to let the string snap against his skin.

  She placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. “Happy Birthday, Ryder.” She pulled him closer to the table. Kimmy snapped pictures of every moment.

  “We got you a nice cake.” Diamond pointed to the cake. It was shaped into a gold record with Stone Ryders Greatest Hits written in the center. All around the cake were black edible cutouts of music notes and a microphone and a guitar.

  Ryder stared at the cake. He folded his arm across his stomach and placed his hand up to his mouth as if he was thinking. Diamond caressed his back. “Do you like it?”

  He shook his head and let out a heavy sigh. He faced her. “A-freaking-mazing.” Everyone clapped. “I can’t…Diamond, I don’t even know what to say right now. I didn’t even know you knew it was my birthday. When did you have time to plan all this between packing and arranging for movers?”

  Diamond stretched out her arms to Kimmy and Auntie Jannie. “I gave them an idea and they ran with it. So all your thanks should go to them.”

  Ryder thanked and hugged Kimmy and Auntie Jannie. Kimmy took a photo of Diamond and Ryder in front of the cake and then set the automatic timer so they all could be in the photo.

  “But wait there’s more!” Kimmy raced into the back of the apartment.

  “She's so freaking dramatic,” Auntie Jannie said.

  Kimmy returned with her 17 inch MacBook Pro laptop. She placed it on the counter with the top down so we couldn’t see what was on the screen.

  “Ryder, we all just want you to know how special you are to all of us. We’re not the only ones who wanted to share this special day with you,” Diamond said.

  Kimmy opened the laptop. Two Skype windows were on the screen.

  “Oh my gosh!” Ryder walked over to the counter. “Are you serious?” His parents and brother were in one screen and Daniel’s parents and Pamela were in the other screen.

  “Happy Birthday, Ryder!” they all screamed.

  And that’s when it happened. Ryder dropped down to one knee and covered his face with his hand. His body shook hard. Kimmy covered her mouth with both hands and looked at her. Diamond walked up behind Ryder and soothed his back. Everybody was in tears. She had no idea he would react this way. She knew they were tears of joy so she was happy to see him cry.

  He was reminded that he was loved and held high in the eyes of his family and friends. He needed that reminder. And she was grateful that she could take part in that special moment. After a few minutes, Ryder pulled himself together. He showed his family the cake and they continued to share their best wishes for him. They chilled out at Auntie Jannie’s for about two hours before heading back to her apartment.

  Diamond put her arm through Ryder’s as he carried two slices of cake. He decided to leave the majority for Kimmy and Auntie Jannie since they would be leaving for Atlanta soon.

  “Thank you for this. Another special moment. How many of these do you have left in you?” He laughed.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. You didn’t even know I knew it was your birthday. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I stopped celebrating my birthday a long time ago. It’s easy to forget about it when all your days start running into each other.”

  Diamond unlocked the front door to her building. “Well I didn’t forget and I wanted to do something for your special day that you wouldn’t forget.” She stopped in the lobby. “I wanted to remind you that you are special. Your family has forgiven you for the wrong choice that you made five years ago. Now it’s time for you to forgive yourself.”

  Ryder held the cake off to the side. “You know, experts say that the one thing a man needs to begin the forgiving process is a kiss from a very beautiful woman.”

  A slow smile spread across her face. She draped her arms around his neck. “Well we can’t argue with the experts, now can we?”

  “No ma’am.” He pressed his lips against hers. He pulled back. “They also said that a man needs a nice full body massage especially on his birthday. It helps with the healing process.”

  “What?” She slapped him on the arm playfully.

  “Hey, we can’t argue with the experts now, can we?” He flashed a sexy grin.


  Diamond pulled the yellow drawstrings to tighten the white Hefty trash bag. She looked around the empty kitchen. She couldn’t believe that she was saying goodbye to the place she’d called home for the past few months. Her very first apartment.

  “On to bigger and better things,” she whispered.

  She grabbed the neck of the trash bag. ”Oh wow.”

  The bag was heavier than expected. She’d spent the last two hours emptying the contents from her fridge and cabinets. The only items left were a few bottles of water, a bottle wine, and a large pizza. The movers had come earlier that day to get her furniture, boxes and all the large items. She was hopping a plane back to Georgia after giving her landlord the keys tomorrow.

  “You need help with that?” Ryder touched the back of her arm

  “No, sweetie, I got it,” she said. She opened the front door.

  “You want me to go down with you? It is pretty late.”

  She looked into his concerned eyes. “I’ll be fine.” She kissed his cheek. “You can watch me out the window if that makes you feel better.” Diamond walked down the three flights of stairs and out the building. She looked up to her living room window and waved.

  She checked out her surroundings. The sidewalk was covered with broken down furniture, an old TV, and a wooden baseball bat. Her neighbors on the second floor were moving out also. Although she tried to put on a strong front for everyone else, she was still shaken up over the events that had taken place over the last few weeks.

  An unexpected chill went through her body as she rounded the corner, out of eyesight, to the trash cans. She opened the plastic lid and dropped the heavy bag inside. The hairs on the back of her neck rose. A shadow appeared against the brick wall.


  The sound of his voice paralyzed her.

  “Diamond, we need to talk.”

  Her pace quickened. What was he doing here? She gripped the lid with shaky fingers.

  His shadow moved closer and she quickly turned around.

  “What are you doing here? I have a restraining order. You know that.”

  “We need to talk. I still love you and I want you to give me another chance. I’m sorry for what I put you through.”

  “You had your chance. I’ve moved on. Now leave before I call the cops.” Her voice was firm although her heart pounded violently against her chest.

  “How can you say you loved someone and then move on that fast? I saw you with him.”

  He’d been watching her. She stared into his eyes. They seemed to glow in the dark. Like he was part human and part animal. He bit into his bottom lip and breathed heavily. She was trapped. She couldn’t go around him.

  He balled his hands into fists by his side and stared at her with intensity. A leopard ready to pounce on his prey.


  He took a step closer before she could finish her sentence. She swung the trash lid and tried to run past him. He grabbed her from the back and covered her mouth with his hand. A cold piece of metal rested slightly against her throat.

  “If you fight me I will slice your fucking neck,
bitch. You understand me?”

  Diamond didn’t respond. Tears welled in her eyes as he threw her down onto the concrete and straddled her.

  “If you scream, you die,” he whispered in her ear.

  He held the knife at her throat. She could barely breathe with the weight of his body on her belly. She tried to lay as still as possible afraid his hand would slip if she didn’t. Hot tears streamed down her face as the cold tip of the knife followed an imaginary trail from her lips, to her chin, to her chest.


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