The Blood and Light Series (Six Books Boxed Set)

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The Blood and Light Series (Six Books Boxed Set) Page 276

by Rue Volley

  “How about you go and get some candy from the store in town love?” he said and Jonah ran up and he gave a coin to Lily and one to Jonah. They both smiled and he rubbed Jonah’s hair, attempting to mess it up but as always, both children looked unnaturally kept.

  “I will mind them closely.”

  “Best be.” Caleb said and ran off towards the exit. The clown adjusted Lily and looked down at Jonah and grinned.

  “I will insist you be on your best behavior.”

  He nodded and as the clown started to walk, Jonah stuck his tongue out and Lily giggled again as she stared at him over the clowns shoulder.

  The carriage came to stop and the clown stepped out and then held his hand out to Lily, who took it and stepped down like a little lady. Jonah jumped from the front seat by the driver and landed easily on the ground, doing one roll and standing up quickly. Some noticed but the clown was not upset about it, this would be a nice way to get some interested in the show tonight and everyone knew that Jonah and Lily had a way with people, one not quite understood, but almost a trace like quality that would cause the seats to swell with those who could not resist the pair. The clown stopped and clapped his hands and Jonah smiled as Lily climbed up him and was easily standing on his shoulders before any normal person could have. She stood up straight acting as if she lost her balance a bit as a woman covered her mouth and pointed, then she stood up tall and proud, lifting one leg and holding out to her side, then grabbing it and pulling it up straight beside her, balancing on the clowns one shoulder. People began to gather as the clown smiled and then took a staggered step and people gasped as Lily pretended to almost fall, she regained quickly and people clapped as she smiled at everyone showing off her charm that was in fact irresistible. Jonah then grinned as the clown reached up and Lily flipped over and landed gently as he held her hands. People clapped again and Jonah took off his hat and stepped back, cracked his small fingers and then started to run, he did one flip, then many over and over again and at the end he flipped into the air in a ball over the clown who suddenly made a bouquet of flowers appear out of nowhere and he bent over and handed them to Lily who smelled them and smiled. The crowd clapped louder and more people gathered as the show continued on for a few more minutes until Jonah threw his hat down and coins dropped into it. As always the simple show gained interest and money and the clown pulled tickets from his large coat and waved them to people as they stepped up and started to buy them. Jonah and Lily slipped off into the candy shop as the clown handled the business at hand.

  Lily looked around with wide eyes as huge glass candy jars filled the store. All colors, all looking too yummy to ignore. Jonah took her hand and they walked up to one of the counters and Lily climbed onto his shoulders, took the lid off and started to pull some out when a man with a thin pointed mustache appeared and tapped her hand. She dropped dome candy and stared him down like death would a terminally ill patient. Jonah looked up and Lily looked down at him.

  “What is this?” he asked and Jonah held his hand up with coins in it. The man looked over the counter and raised an eyebrow.

  “And who did you steal that from?”

  Jonah took a breath and Lily climbed down, somewhat teary eyed and this was unacceptable to Jonah who suddenly felt a slight rage in him.

  “Our parents run the circus and we are here to get candy.” Jonah said and the man leaned forward on the counter.

  “Is that so? So you are with the freaks then?”

  Jonah looked to Lily and she looked down.

  “We are not freaks, just special.”

  He laughed. “Is that what they tell you then? I see… well know this, I am not taking too kindly to the strange business you and your kind bring, thieving and whatnots, all liars you are and the things you do… unnatural I say, I don’t need the business…” he said as he waved his hand and Jonah reached forward, his nails scratching the wood a bit as he clawed into it.

  “Father… we do too need the business… get on now.” A girl said and the man mumbled and left the counter as a beautiful girl leaned over and looked at Jonah and Lily.

  “Well now, we have two beautiful creatures here wanting to get them some sweets, you have at the store you here.” She said and they both smiled at her.

  Jonah let Lily climb back up and she grabbed a handful of hard candy and almost dropped a bit as the girl placed a white bag under it to catch it, she grinned as Lily dropped the candy in. Once Lily had what she wanted, Jonah placed the coins on the counter and the girl slid them back to him and grinned.

  “You keep it, I am damn sure you need it more than we do.” She whispered. Jonah smiled as did Lily and he pulled a ticket out for her and she took it and grinned.

  Jonah nodded to her and they ran out to meet the clown as he stood by the carriage and waited. Lily jumped into his arms and he laughed as he pulled the bag from her and smiled.

  “I would assume free again?” he asked and she nodded. Jonah climbed up quickly and the clown placed Lily in the carriage and followed her, closing the door behind them.

  Mikah and Joshua sat at an elaborate table, flanked with what seemed to be a million candles and both glanced towards the doors as Sophia entered. She had let her hair relax as she often did not and had it braided, long and shiny over her shoulder. It was still adorned with pearls, woven in by a human no less, probably took hours but to Sophia appearance was important and time irrelevant. She walked to the end of the table and waited until Joshua stood up, walked to her and pulled her chair out, she sat down and smiled up at him as he walked back to his seat and adjusted in in, glancing at Mikah who had been staring a hole through him since he arrived. He tilted his head and opened his mouth just as Sophia opened hers to speak.

  “Father will not be joining us this evening, it seems he has business with that wretched tree.”

  “Oh?” Mikah said as she leaned forward.

  “Yes, well…it has grown one leaf and to Father it is a sign of something so he is up there sitting with it as if it is alive.”

  “The tree is alive Sophia.” Joshua said as she looked to him quickly.

  “As much so as we are.” She said sarcastically.

  Three guards stepped in in white robes, hood up and placed bowls in front of each one of them. Mikah and Joshua looked down at the bowls with blood in them and paused.

  “Is this human?” Joshua asked and Sophia smiled.

  “Well of course it is and given freely as Father would prefer it.”

  “I have been trying to cut back.” Joshua said and Mikah shook her head ‘no’ at him and Sophia raised her silver spoon, engraved with symbols.

  “Oh do tell, how is that working out for you Joshua? I did not know that the Lord of Valon was practicing vegetarianism.”

  “No, I just try to drink when needed, it sharpens my ability it seems, to battle.”

  “Oh…how interesting, you should most definitely share that with Father, he seems to think that sucking on a leaf or rock does the same.” She said and Mikah laughed, Joshua did not.

  Joshua adjusted in his chair and Mikah watched him making him ever more uncomfortable. He turned to Sophia and grinned.

  “So, what is the mission?” he asked her and she grinned and looked to Mikah. Mikah leaned back and played with her spoon, skimming the top of the blood in the bowl.

  “Well, the mission is to retrieve the children of course.”

  “That is it?”

  “Of course, what else would there be Joshua?”

  “With you, always more Sophia.”

  “Oh Joshua, that hurts my feelings… honestly, can I not ask something of you and not have this attitude ruin everything?”

  Joshua smiled and looked down at his bowl, he knew he was annoying her and it was a game as it had been forever. Truth was he never liked her much and although he was to be the next Lord of Valon and great protector of its people he could not help feeling as if there was supposed to more.

  “If you trusted me more I
would be going alone.” He said as he glanced at Mikah. She took a sip from her spoon and smiled with blood on her teeth as Joshua shook his head at her.

  “Well Mikah knows you well from what I understand and I do believe together you will ensure they are returned to me.”

  “To you?” Joshua said as he stared Sophia down.

  “To us, all of us of course… to Valon. I mean what you seek may in fact be the future Joshua.” She said and Mikah took another drink from her bowl, forgoing the spoon and just picking it up and drinking it down. Joshua watched as a bit dribbled on her chin and she caught it, and licked her finger clean. The smell of the blood made his stomach growl and he stood up quickly.

  “I would like to return to practice Sophia, with permission of course.”

  Sophia smiled and waved a hand to him.

  “Be sure to drink blood tonight Joshua, be prepared for your journey.”

  Joshua closed the door and Sophia looked to Mikah.

  “I do know you hate him Mikah and nothing has more fury than a vampire female scorned but I need you to be focused and do as I asked of you. Whatever has been between you and Joshua Barrington cannot cloud your judgment.” Sophia said and Mikah stood and nodded to her.

  “I will not fail you.” She said and with that she left the room.

  Joshua stood outside and stared up at the moon as it passed over slowly. A vampire eye can notice the subtle changes of the planets, especially of the earth and one thing he did notice was a slight vibration in his fingertips, as if something was happening…something new, something he did not understand quite yet but he would he had to guess. The thought of rogue children born of a union of vampire and human did not disgust him, in fact he was intrigued as to what they would be like and almost excited to meet them, a new species, something similar yet foreign. He had lived for quite some time so something like this was completely new and caused him to actually have a slight knot in his stomach at the thought of it. Not fear of course, Joshua knew no fear of anything, a Lord would not. A Lord in the vampire world is a creature that can hold its own in any situation and is the first and only line of defense to Valon and their security in this world. He looked down at his hands as he thought about the possibility of a newness coming to light in this world…one of a union between the animal (of which he considered himself) and of humans (who he was envious of for their ability to be so passionate about everything.) He longed for that, just one day where he could feel passion and not be training for battle. He was trying his best to become more by not drinking blood but it was a battle far greater than any he would be in with a sword. His kind, by nature, long to drink and feed. It is genetically engrained in them to do so and although some tried their best to sway from it (his parents included, but it was not known to any in Valon) the need to feed upon the fresh blood was a war that would have to be one internally.

  Joshua turned as a shadow came near him and stopped, looking up at the moon as it hung brightly in the sky.

  “So, you get to go and get the new pets then?” she asked. Joshua grinned and looked at her.

  “Samantha, you would never know you are my sister, swear to God.”

  “I just find it funny that Sophia chose you to go get them, I mean they are children… wouldn’t a few guards be fine for that type of thing?”

  “I am the Lord of…”

  “Will be and the word “Lord” does not change the fact that I can kick your ass at random.”

  “Oh yea?”

  “Well yea, you idiot. I am older.” She said and he laughed at her and slowly pulled his Katana’s from his back as she stepped back and pulled hers.

  “I think not.” A voice said from the darkness and they both rolled their eyes.

  “Dad… seriously, I am the Lord of…”

  “Will be Joshua, get some rest.” He said as he stepped from the shadows.

  “Besides it will be at least another 100 years before you even go into trial for Lordship, so just relax and stop looking like you have a stick in your ass.” He added.

  Samantha laughed and he shot her a look. “And you can just settle down too and stop antagonizing your brother.”

  “Dad?” Samantha said and Joshua laughed and stared her down as he mocked her.

  “House.” He added and they both followed him, bumping each other along the way.

  Caleb sat at Maggie’s bedside and dabbed her forehead with a cold cloth as the clown stepped in and Lily slid down and ran to his side. Jonah looked up and the clown pushed him along as he hesitated. One thing Jonah and Lily both knew is that everything with a scent was heightened around them. They could smell the people around them as if it was set on overdrive and sometimes the smells coming from the world could be overbearing. Jonah stumbled as he approached the bed and smelled something he had experienced before when an animal was dying at the circus. It lingered in the air so heavy it was almost as if he could reach up and grab it, a tangible thing to him and he could not understand it. He stopped by the bed and leaned in, past Caleb, to see Maggie lying there, her skin pale and shimmering. She had been like this before, a few times actually the past few months but it seemed this time the smell of her had shifted and Jonah almost covered his mouth to stop it from saturating his nostrils. Lily reached out and placed her small hand on top of Maggie’s and Maggie smiled, the best she could but she was sick…sicker than she had been before. Lily looked to Jonah and he swallowed hard and reached out too, touching her hand too and it was then that he felt it, a strange vibration, something low and churning. He started to breath harder as the vibration sent a wave through him, something animalistic in nature, something he had never had happen around Caleb. It was almost as if his instinct was kicking in as it does in wild when an animal is sick and dying, and either out of compassion or survival, others eat it and put it out of its misery. Jonah’s stomach growled loudly and Maggie grinned and shook her head at Caleb.

  “Feed these babies.” She said as her voice cracked.

  Caleb sighed and touched her face, cold and clammy to the touch.


  “Go.” She said as she closed her eyes and Caleb lifted Lily who buried her face in his shoulder and Jonah lingered for a moment more, wondering what, if anything, he could do.

  “Come Jonah.” Caleb said and Jonah followed as his teeth ached in his mouth and his stomach churned.

  The big top filled up as always and Jonah and Lily stood still behind the scenes as Caleb ran around and organized as always. Maggie always helps him as it is their Circus they run together but of course she is still in her bed and unable to…

  “Maggie.” Caleb said as he looked behind the children and they turned to see her there. She held onto a clown as she swayed a bit on her feet but then out of sheer will she straightened up and rubbed her hands along her red corset. She adjusted her hat on her head and looked amazing as always despite what churned below the surface. Caleb ran to her shaking his head at her.

  “You need to lie down woman.”

  “Oh please, don’t be a shit Caleb.” She said and Jonah and Lily laughed as she slapped his hands away from her.

  “I most certainly will not miss a show, we do this as a family… always.” She said as she winked at Jonah and Lily and they both smiled back at her.

  “Now go out there and get them all excited, I have a feeling tonight is going to be the best show we have ever done!” she said and Caleb placed his top hat on and ran to the opening, pausing only to look back at her and blow a kiss.

  “I love you Maggie.”

  “I know… go… go!” she said as she waved her hands at him and then looked at Jonah and Lily.

  “Best be going now, get them people all excited to see the show, lovies.” She said. Jonah and Lily nodded and stepped out and ran either direction opposite of each other and started to do flips and what not in front the sold out crowd.

  Maggie sighed and relaxed a bit as the clown held her up right.

  “Perhaps you shou

  “Shush now, the show must go on.” She said and the clown walked her to a chair by the opening and she sat down slowly, hissing a bit as her stomach hurt her, but she settled in and pulled the curtain a part slightly to see Caleb as he began his routine, one she knew all too well but would not miss this night.

  “I would be a liar if I told any of you that what you were about to see was anything less than a miracle… not trickery, not a slight of hand… but true magic.” Caleb said, getting everyone in the crowd to lean forward as he tapped his top hat and adjusted his black and white striped coat. Jonah and Lily stopped and looked at him as he slowly raised his hands and the lights suddenly went up and the tarp behind him was lifted as people started to file out and go both ways in the center ring, woman dressed in corsets and beautiful hats and feather skirts, men in red black and white outfits, suspenders and all and painted faces, elephants paraded out one by one, monkey ran in between their feet and the show had begun.

  People watched with wide eyes as Jonah and Lily ran back and forth with small top hats out in front of them, collecting even more money than what had already been taken at the ticket booth. Caleb smiled and looked around as everything fell into place as it always did and then he held his hands up, to stop everything and cause a bit of drama. The crowd became quiet as did the animals as everyone held their eyes on him. Then a white tiger was led out and the crowd stood to see better as Caleb covered his mouth and shook his head ‘no’ as the tiger approached him. He held his hands up and the tiger lunged at him, knocked him back and it was then that a women screamed and Jonah and Lily did their best to not laugh knowing he was in no danger. Caleb “fought” with the large beast and then rolled him over and sat on his belly and leaned in and blew on it as the tiger kicked his legs and appeared to love it. The crowd started to clap, small at first and then the tiger rolled back over and Caleb climbed onto his back and stood up as the tiger walked around the ring and he took his top hat off and winked at the crowd…at this point they owned them and the money came in faster than what Jonah and Lily could collect it. The show continued on and Maggie grinned as she coughed into a rag behind the scenes.


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