Named and Shamed: Pony girl training begins... (Pony Tales Book 4)

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Named and Shamed: Pony girl training begins... (Pony Tales Book 4) Page 16

by C. P. Mandara

  'I want...' She couldn't help but let out another groan of frustration as his fingers moved faster around her most sensitive sexual organ. 'I want...' Again they increased in speed and Jenny found it nearly impossible to catch her breath. 'I want to get...' Yet another cry of torment was wrenched from her.

  'Laid?' Mark laughed and the sound echoed around the rafters of the cold, brick barn.

  'Out of here,' Jenny finished, inordinately pleased that she'd managed to finish her sentence.

  The fingers stopped. They hovered, motionless, a few millimetres above her clitoris. She mewled in protest.

  'You are a stubborn one, aren't you?' Mark rolled his eyes.

  'I might have heard that mentioned before, yes.' A series of complaining squeaks left her lips.

  'And just what would you offer me, to get that little butt out of here?'

  Jenny swung her head around, wondering if he was serious or not. When her eyes connected with his face there was no smile in sight. She managed to whisper, 'What do you want?' Whilst she still fully expected to be rescued, it wasn't a bad idea to have a reserve plan in place. Besides, curiosity had gotten the better of her. What did he want?

  The fingers started again, slowly but surely. They meandered over the hills and valleys of her sex and pressed, dipped, plunged and stroked. Sublime did not even begin to describe their expertise. Squirming once more, she could do little but listen to his response in a lust-filled haze.

  'I want everything,' he replied with quiet conviction. 'Everything you have to give. Your body. Your mind. Your self-control. Your thoughts. Your will. You would give it all up to me. I would have you as my slave, at my permanent beck and call, to do whatever I wished with. One moment you might dance on my fingers and in the next you might find yourself suspended from my dungeon ceiling. You would accompany me to dinner and talk pleasantries one day, and service the whims of my guests at my home on another. Would you like that? Obeying my every order? Experiencing more pleasure than you ever thought yourself capable of?' Picking up the paddle again he began to spank her ass in earnest, while his fingers continued their frenzied exploration.

  Jenny was fighting two things at once; a turbulent anger that threatened to implode from her chest and her near impending orgasm, which would explode from a lower part of her anatomy. 'I would rather rot in hell, here,' she bit out. The sound of laughter only served to infuriate her further.

  'That's what I thought. The good news is that I can do virtually all the same things to you here. No escape is needed.' His fingers hummed across her swollen clit with the speed of lightning. Her body desperately craved the release his fingers could provide. She had fallen under his spell with little effort on his part. Jenny ached to be filled. Already imagining his cock, plunging back and forth inside her body, she nearly came on the spot, but his fingers stiffened and held back as soon as they realised how close she was. Jenny screamed and heard her pain ricochet off the walls, mixed with the annoying sound of his laughter.

  'You may come for me, Pet. Now.' He pulled on the wires that held the dildos embedded inside her and each popped free as she began to scream out her pleasure.

  Jenny's heart was beating fast. It had nothing to do with the orgasm now ripping its way through her body. Her eyes had hardened into thin slits, and though she rode on a blissful pane of heaven her mind was a separate entity to her body. Equal parts of fear and adrenaline flowed through her and she warred with them. A flash of gold pierced her brain. Its light was blinding. She had waited, under his hands, like a perfect prefect would wait for a pat on the back. Biding her time with patience she hadn't know she possessed. Breathing in and out, though the effort required was great and the feel of air in her lungs painful. Could she do this? He would never know what hit him. Her heartbeat thundered in her chest. What if rescue never arrived? What if she was stuck here and forced to be a sexual plaything for an eternity of mean Masters and cruel games. What if. Her body was a sea of delicious waves, but she barely felt them.

  Rolling onto her back she used the momentum of her movement to push through her lower body and set herself in front of Mark, on her knees. In a single beat of her pounding heart she snatched the gold pen from his pocket and tore the lid off. She was rewarded with success. It was a fountain pen with a sharply pointed nib. Oh, there was a God. Holding the slim object tightly in her fist she aimed for his jugular and gave an almighty stab forward.

  Naughty Lessons

  It had been a long time since Mark had felt pain anywhere near the level just thrust upon him. His first action was to subdue the threat in front of him, which he did by giving her a brutal shove. Although it was an automatic retaliation that he had little control over, it was a low blow. The guilt hit him instantly, hard as a sucker punch, when he watched her hit the floor hard and flail around like an overturned ladybird.

  Pulling the pen from his neck and letting it drop to the floor, he rubbed his eyes and clenched his jaw. There was a moment of silence before he spoke. 'Shit. I'm sorry.' Coming around to her side he offered his hand to help her up. She backed away from him like a frightened mouse and scrabbled to right herself to her knees.

  'What are you going to do to me?' she whispered, watching as a slow red stain began to spread across the bleached white collar of his shirt.

  Mark did not like the fear her luminous blue eyes were now projecting at him. 'Nothing, except send you on your way, which is probably what I should have done in the first place.' He sighed. 'There's a reason we keep you guys restrained.' He picked up the arm-binder and moved behind her. 'Arms together and clasp your wrists.' She immediately did as told. He guessed she figured she was in enough trouble already. 'Are you hurt?'

  'Do you care?'

  Another sigh. 'If you pull that stunt with anyone here but me, you'll probably end up in the dungeon for a week and you won't be a pretty sight at the end of it. What were you thinking? Daniel is waiting just outside the door so it isn't likely you were going to get very far. If you do get the chance to escape, for God's sake use your weapon wisely. You don't have enough weight or force behind you to do much damage with a pen - enough that would debilitate an attacker of my size, at any rate. Go for the eyes or groin. You might gain a few minutes if you're lucky, but it's a big risk.'

  She remained silent as he fastened the last of her ties, pulling her posture fiercely upright once more. 'Are you OK?'

  A tiny sound which was probably 'yes' was mumbled in front of him. He didn't let her get away with it and repeated his question, adding more volume and bite.

  'I've had worse.' She cracked her jaw and loosened her neck, swinging it from side to side. There was nothing much to worry about.

  'From who?' Mark narrowed his eyes and gave her a disbelieving look.

  'Never mind.' Her jaw hardened and her body stiffened.

  Mark's brain whirred at that little snippet of information. Who? What? When? Where? Watching as her eyes remained glued to his neck, he realised that now was not a particularly good time to prize information out of her. There was no rush, he supposed. They would have all the time in the world very shortly. Placing two fingers over the puncture wound in his neck and pressing hard to stem the blood flow, he changed the direction of the conversation. Inveigling information out of Miss Redcliff would not be a chore. She would tell him everything he wanted to know shortly, regardless.

  Taking her chin in his hand, he waited until her eyes had connected with his before he spoke. His voice was soft and his dark brown eyes hypnotic as he laid his plans bare before her. 'You get auctioned tomorrow. I'm going to be bidding for the place of your trainer. Ask the other ponies in the stables for advice on whom to pick. Choose wisely because whoever you end up with, it's for the duration of your stay at Albrecht and in your case, it's going to be a long stay. I'll do my best to help you get out of here as fast as possible. I can't promise any more than that.' She nodded softly. 'Want to say anything else before I fit your bridle?' There was a slow shake of her head. He noticed h
er hands were shaking. 'You'd better be on your way then. Remember what I said.' Helping her to stand upright and replacing both bit and bridle, she was in Daniel's hands and being sped towards the training room in a matter of moments. Her head was still spinning.

  Daniel was none too gentle with the reins on her fast trot to join her classmates. Pulling her along as if she were an express train, Jenny knew that this was his way of saying he was not impressed. He couldn't have failed to miss the bloody mess she had made of Mark's neck, not that the man had made even a whimper of complaint. What was with that, anyway? Was he immune to pain? She had stuck a pointed metal nib in his neck and he hadn't even cried out. It was official: the man was made of stone.

  The metal horseshoes on her feet plodded and scuffed at the cobblestones and her whole body felt weary beyond belief. The boots were incredibly heavy, her arms felt like lead and the corset was beginning to squeeze vital organs into shapes that were not at all natural. A sharp yank of her leash sent her tumbling forwards. Daniel didn't even have the grace to look backwards. Struggling to maintain her balance, Jenny barely noticed as the outbuildings ended and they entered a familiar, dimly-lit corridor. She had been here before. Even though the innards of the building were far warmer than the air temperature outside, as soon as she spotted the long stone steps veering down to her left, she shivered. Thankfully, they walked straight past them.

  Then the Red Room loomed into view and though the door was firmly shut it was clear that the room was in use. Jenny tried her best to block out the noises from within, but the low moans of erotic torment and loud 'cracks' were impossible to ignore.

  With her shoes scraping along the concrete, they passed the grooming room and then came to an abrupt halt. Jenny did not need to look up at the words written in black and red script to know where they were. A single knock later and the imperious word 'Enter' sounded from a harsh and unforgiving female voice. Jenny found herself almost thrown inside, before the door slammed behind her.

  It was fortunate that Jenny's jaw was glued neatly shut with her bridle and bit, because if it hadn't been she might have dislocated it. The training room looked just as daunting now as it had when she first set eyes on it, perhaps more so. Around ten ponies were in the training room, on all fours and sucking madly at the dildo's that protruded from a low height along the north wall. They each had a pony boy at their rear, doing his best to press his nose as intimately as possible within the folds of their sex. There was plenty of squirming and lots of moaning.

  'I am Mistress Lupine and you are late.' Large grey eyes centred on Jenny and a nose wrinkled in distaste, as if she was an awful smell that could not be eradicated. 'I am not pleased.' The words were spoken in a very prim and proper accent and the young lady, whose blonde hair was tied severely back in a sharp ponytail, pressed an elegantly long pink fingernail to her lips before indicating that her newest novice should find a place among her colleagues. She was dressed from head to toe in bands of black rubber and it looked like someone had unwound a large reel of duct tape around her person. Tall and lithe, with thigh-high boots to elongate her shapely calves and thighs, she was a knockout - a very intimidating knockout.

  Sinking to her knees, Jenny immediately got on all fours and began crawling. She didn't even question her subservience. The only thought going through her head was how quickly she could find a dildo that didn't look like an absolute monster. If there had been a smaller size mounted on the wall it had obviously been taken by her slurping friends, for all Jenny could find was an array of impressively long plastic protrusions and all of them looked impossibly large.

  'Quickly, Petal, before I decide to pick one for you myself.' Mistress Lupine's eyes strayed to the largest of the bunch, a ridiculously fat pink aberration. It served to spur Jenny in motion and she quickly settled on a plastic purple number, which looked almost manageable. 'Good choice. Here, let me help you with that bridle.'

  As the leather straps clattered to the floor she crawled forward and began to slowly slide the large dildo inside her mouth. She didn't manage to get further than the halfway mark before it was lodged uncomfortably tightly in her throat. Letting out a squeak of panic she began to back away, realising she could barely breathe with the thing packed inside her so snugly. Trying to back away to ease some of the tension within her jaw, she didn't get far.

  'That's right, Dusty. Make sure that mouth stays exactly where it's supposed to.' Mistress Lupine swatted Jenny's backside with a red leather riding crop and raised her eyebrows when a choked spluttering could be heard. Another harsh swat followed. 'Manners, pony. Manners! You make noises like that when you're fellating and you're going to be in lots of trouble. Now start sucking.'

  Jenny's eyes were watering from the glowing lines Mistress Lupine had just imparted to her already sore behind, so she did her best to comply. 'Inject a little enthusiasm, Petal. The men here like to feel loved. They want to see those eyes bright and that mouth greedy for all they have to offer.' Jenny was trying not to think about that part, although thinking was becoming rather difficult now that Dusty's tongue had set to swirling about her sex. Considering she'd climaxed not ten minutes ago, her body was ridiculously eager for more. What was with this place? More to the point: what were they doing to her body?

  'Oh good heavens, I almost forgot, Petal. The rules of the game go like this: Your dildo has a pressure sensor which will detect how tightly your mouth clamps around it. You'll need to exert around two pounds of pressure per square inch in order to earn an orgasm. That's only one of the things you'll need to achieve. You'll also need to get it right to the back of that throat, which means you'll need to fight through your gag reflex. We're going to be practising this every day until you get it just right. Then we'll up the pressure again.' Bending down, Mistress Lupine's fingers ran down Jenny's cheek and around her chin. Her fuchsia-pink lips blew in her ear as another hand snaked behind Jenny's head to spear her further along the dildo's frame. 'We do not tolerate failure in this class. Now suck. Let me see those acting skills, darling. Show me with that beautiful throat exactly how much you are enjoying yourself.'

  Her nails dug into the tender flesh at the top of her lips. Jenny winced, but began to bounce back and forth upon the dildo with vigour. She was rewarded with a pat on the head. 'Good start, Petal. We'll have you mastering this class in no time, especially as I hear you're going to be spending lots of it with me in the next few days.'

  Mistress Lupine's boots could be heard clicking along the highly-polished parquet floor, and if Jenny could have breathed a sigh of relief she would have. But her mouth was far too full to do little more than scrape together what oxygen she could, whilst accommodating the massive beast deep inside her gullet. Applying herself to the task, she worked her saliva into the monster and pushed with all her might. It didn't take long before her jaw became stiff and sore. No matter how hard she tried to sink the beast to the back of her throat, her mouth refused to cooperate. It was too big - way too big.

  Mistress Lupine filed her nails and watched the trainees with a keen eye. She had been advised to keep a special eye on Petal, but as yet the novice had given her no cause for complaint. When all the tight little mouths in front of her slowed and the bobbing actions of their heads became stiff and forced, she called a halt to the proceedings by clapping her hands.

  'Not bad. We have plenty of work to do in that department, but you'll have time enough for that later. It's a shame that not one of you has managed to earn an orgasm, but let's hope that in a few days' time we'll have our first success story. Boys, you may leave us.' She clapped her hands loudly and the door to the training room mysteriously opened. The pony boys crawled out neatly in single file and not a sound could be heard until Mistress Lupine clucked her tongue.

  'Now we will try something different. Find a dildo in the centre of the room and start bouncing. I think you should all be wet enough by now. Go gently at first, but each time you slide up and down squeeze a little tighter with your pelvic floor
muscles. There's a monitor in each dildo, and today it will play a tune if each consecutive squeeze is not harder than the last. Every time I hear music your backside will hear a crack from my crop. In a few days' time we'll migrate to an electric shock, so use your practice time wisely, girls.'

  When Jenny arrived back at the stables that evening she ached all over. Her thighs were not used to the kind of exertion needed to thrust her body weight up and down several hundred times over. The hoof-boots had made the exercise even harder and coupled with her tight, ribbed corset and biting leather strapping, she was a mess all over; a throbbing, aching, frustrated, weary, annoyed and upset bag of nerves. She was anxious because her rescue had not appeared. No one had come for her and not a whisper of any type of rescue vehicle had been heard since Mark's helicopter had arrived that morning. It was worrying.

  Tears threatened to spill down her face as she contemplated a life of servitude amongst these people. Could she withstand their mean attentions every day? For how long? How long would it take before they snapped her in two? Not physically of course, but mentally she figured it would probably be a matter of days, rather than months. They had a whole arsenal of things in that dungeon that could be used against her. She suspected they'd stop at nothing to make sure she ticked every single box on their sex-slave list. She already knew it would be a lengthy list. If ponies were stabled here for years at a time, then the owners of this facility would have lots of practice in perfecting their trainees. If rescue didn't come for her, she wouldn't last. Even though her body longed for the subjugation they doled out, her mind would be crippled. She would be a beast of burden. They would send her crazy.


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