Fight 4 Us (Book 1): The Beginning

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Fight 4 Us (Book 1): The Beginning Page 2

by Grenda, Brian

  "Hey honey, how are you? Where are you at?" asks Lauren over the Bluetooth speaker in my car.

  I ask Lauren, "Is everything ok back home in Tampa?"

  Lauren replies, “The news is talking about all these strange cases of people getting sick by some virus. The virus has been reported in a bunch of cities over the East Coast. Nothing is happening around here yet, but the virus was reported in Miami and Jacksonville.”

  I’m only half listening to Lauren as I must concentrate on driving first then the conversation. More and more emergency vehicles, police cars, and fire trucks are passing me on the highway. I feel that Lauren is nervous about the news and I try to make her feel better about it.

  I say to Lauren, “I'm sure it's just another virus that the news likes us to get vaccinated for. It's probably nothing. The news reports on a new virus almost every year now.”

  Lauren replies, “I know but it’s scary to think about this virus spreading so fast. It looks to be some sort of super virus. They aren’t sure what is going on with it or how it started but it’s not good.”

  As I’m driving down the highway, I pass a car wreck that has been pushed off to the side. Emergency vehicles are there and a lane is blocked off for the accident. The car wreck was bad, as it involved several cars. Several people must have been injured in the accident as several emergency medical technicians where escorting bodies into ambulances.

  As I pass by the car accident I say to Lauren over the Bluetooth speaker in my car, “Please be careful sweetie. I just passed a bad car accident. I’ll be home in a couple days. I love you and be safe.”

  Lauren replies, “I love you too, be careful and tell the guys I say hello.”

  My cell phone notification goes off as I’m sitting in Shaun’s back seat next to Phil. It’s a text message from Lauren.

  It reads, “Hope you are safe. Call me later. I love you.”

  I read the message and reply, “Love you too. Call you later.”

  As we arrive into town, Phil shakes my right shoulder and asks, “You okay man?”

  I reply, “Yeah man. I am ok. Just still getting my mind right after this morning.”

  We pull into the small-town grocery store and it's quiet. Almost too quiet and weird for us, since we are all used to living around bigger cities.

  I wonder what it is like to live in a small town. It's way too quiet for me here. We stopped at the local grocery store to get some breakfast food and anything else the guys might need.

  We enter the store and see that it has one customer and a couple employees in it. We split up and walk into different aisles to get various items. While looking at a product on a shelf, I hear two employees of the grocery store having a conversation about recent happenings in the area that sound familiar to what I had experienced this morning.

  "Did you hear what happened over by the lake? Some weird stuff has been going on around here lately. I heard about some recent reports of hunters being attacked in the woods while deer hunting. I haven't seen Jay or Gary for a couple days and they come here every day before they go out hunting" says the grocery store employee.

  I walk over to the employees and ask, "Excuse me, did you say something happened by the lake recently with a couple of guys?"

  The employee responds, "Yes sir, Jay and Gary reported seeing some crazy things lately. Talking about zombies in the woods, and that they saw a guy eating a deer that was just shot in the woods."

  I ask the employees, "Did Jay or Gary have a beard, red hair, and are heavy-set?"

  The employee responds, "Yeah, that sounds like Jay. Did you see him or something?"

  I want to tell them exactly what I saw this morning but only respond with, "Yeah, I just saw two guys hunting in the woods this morning."

  "Was everything ok?" asked the employee.

  I hesitate to respond for fear of them not believing me, but respond to the employee, "Yeah, they were hunting and I believe they got a deer or two. Have a good day."

  I grab a couple things from the aisle and find the guys at the register. The lady at the checkout rings up our food, supplies, and other items. We pay for the groceries and then go outside to Shaun's jeep.

  While walking back to the jeep. We over hear a group of people talking about what has been going on around the area and in the news.

  "Can you believe what happened in Miami? A guy ate another person or something. In South Carolina, they had a bunch of people sick with some virus. I heard that a virus is spreading quickly. More and more reports are saying it's a virus, and that they aren't sure why or how it started. This little town is pretty isolated from things so hopefully nothing bad happens here," says a local woman.

  We were about to get into the jeep when we hear a loud siren coming down the street. Police cars, fire trucks, and an ambulance are coming down main street.

  "What the hell is going on in this little town. I have never seen so many emergency vehicles in such a short time," says Phil.

  We finally get into the jeep and head back to the cabin. During the drive home, Matt says "Do you think something is going on? You heard those women talking about the news and the possible virus or zombie thing? You don't think we are having a zombie outbreak or something?"

  Shaun replies, "Could be, and the government has a plan for a zombie outbreak. I have food, water, and some supplies. My neighbor has a shelter and supplies that could last for years."

  “You would,” shouts Matt.

  We all have a good laugh but are concerned about what is going on. I don’t believe in zombies. I watch the zombie shows and movies, but don’t think of them as real. They aren’t anything more than science fiction or something made up for a horror movie. Shaun is the type of the guy that would be prepared for a zombie apocalypse. I can only imagine what type of supplies he has at his house and how prepared he would be to survive a zombie apocalypse.

  We get back to the cabin and start talking about everything that is going on and what we have heard. I am freaked out but hiding it well. Shaun is worried about his pancakes. Phil is trying to get the TV to work. Matt is worried about his wife back home in North Carolina and his sister in Orlando.

  "I don't know guys, sounds like the world might be falling apart. What the hell, my cell phone doesn't work and we have no Wi-Fi here. I haven't been able to get a hold of Kylie. I hope Kylie is doing ok and my sister Nicole is doing well. You guys know she is pregnant right," says Matt.

  Phil replies, "That's great for Nicole. I'm sure they are doing just fine."

  The TV picture starts working and is on an emergency broadcast from a local news station.

  The TV reporter says, "Remain calm everyone, but if you live in the following states, please be advised that the military and local law enforcement are in control and please listen to them. New York, North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. More cities and states are about be declared under the control of the state due to recent happenings. If your state is not on our list, but you are told to evacuate your homes, please listen to your local law enforcement and military. The safety and protection of all US citizens is our main priority."

  As the TV emergency broadcast is airing, a knock at the front door is heard. I open the door to see two police officers standing in the doorway.

  "Good morning sir. Can we talk to you guys for a second?" asks the police officer.

  I reply, "Is there a problem officers?"

  “No problem, just want to ask you guys a couple questions,” replies an officer as the officers come inside the cabin.

  “Did anyone of you guys hear gunshots this morning? Anything unusual this morning? We have heard some reports of gunshots and strange things over the past couple days,” says the officer.

  "I heard two gunshots in the woods during my morning run. I saw two men hunting but wasn't sure if they shot a deer or bear or anything. We have been here for 2 days now and haven't heard anything strange other than that. We don't live here, so we aren't sure
what is strange for the area."

  The officers reply, “This is usually a quiet area and not much happens around here. If you can guys, please keep an eye out for anything strange or something that we should check out. Here is my card and please call or come by the office on main street."

  "No problem sir, we will report any findings if they occur," says Phil.

  The cops leave the cabin and we all look at each other with a concerned look.

  "Whose idea was it to come here," jokes Matt.

  "Yours Matt!"

  I go outside to get some fresh air and clear my head. I look at my cell phone and try to send Lauren a quick text message.

  The text reads, “I hope you are doing well. Love you and miss you."

  I tried to send the text message to Lauren but it won’t send. I decide to go to my trunk and get the bag that has the guys presents in it. I'm about to open the trunk when I get a phone call.

  I answer the phone, "Hello? Hey Lauren how are you? Everything ok?"

  The phone is crackly and struggling to connect but I can hear Lauren.

  "Honey? Are you ok?" asks Lauren.

  I reply, "I can barely hear you sweetie.” The phone is going in and out. The cell service sucks here in Tennessee.”

  “The neighbors have been acting weird. Martha from next door keeps walking around outside. She has been outside for two days," says Lauren.

  I’m am concerned about Lauren and ask, "Is everything ok back home Lauren? I'm hearing a lot of crazy things on the news about a virus and people attacking people."

  Lauren says, “I keep hearing police and ambulance sirens.”

  Just as Lauren finishes the word of sirens, my cell phone cuts out and won't connect to call Lauren back. I try several times but the cell service isn't working now. I open the trunk to my car and see the bag of guns that I brought for the guys. I feel better knowing that we have these guns and can defend ourselves if we need to. I go back into the cabin to talk to the guys and give them their presents.

  I enter the cabin and tell the guys, "I just talked with Lauren and I'm definitely worried about things. She said something about police and ambulances in the area and that our old pain in the ass neighbor is acting weird and just keeps walking around outside."

  "Maybe, she is a zombie!" says Shaun.

  I replay, "Shut up man, zombies don't exist. This isn't a show or a comic book. This is real life. Zombies don't exist."

  "Dude, relax and eat some breakfast. I just made some blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs," says Shaun.

  "Your pancakes suck! I'm kidding bro. Relax," jokes Matt.

  Before I sit down for breakfast I decide to give the guys their presents. I place the bag on the kitchen counter and say, "Here ya go guys, I thought these would be a great gift for you guys and looks to be the best present for what the world is going through right now."

  Shaun opens the bag and smiles.

  "Yes sir!" says Phil.

  Matt says, "Where did you get those?"

  I look at Matt and say, "I got a guy back home who is my neighbor and helped me get these guns."

  Shaun says, “This definitely is a great gift for the possible end of the world."

  I can’t help to think what Shaun says and agree with his statement. The guys each take a gun and are very excited about it. They each put a gun up to their shoulder and point it at something.

  "Thanks Ry," says Matt, Shaun, and Phil.

  I look at the guys and say, "No problem. You guys are worth it. Well maybe not Matt."

  I joking slap Matt on the right shoulder. "We all remember your bachelor party in Texas. Our time at the gun range."

  We sit around the kitchen table eating breakfast together and remember funny times from high school, college, and Matt's bachelor party in Texas.

  "Matt, did you even hit any clays at the shooting range?"

  Matt replies, "Yeah, I think I hit one or two."

  "Out of 50," interrupts Shaun.

  "I had to get use to the shotgun, but I got the hang of it towards the end," says Matt.

  I reply, “I hope you have practiced at the gun range lately.”

  Shaun interrupts with, “I tried to get Matt to come with Phil and I when we went shooting back home, but he never came.”

  Matt picks up the shotgun and says, “To the right!" We have a good laugh at the movie quote. No matter the circumstance or reason, any time I’m around these 3 guys we always have fun. We can always have fun just being around each other and enjoying each other’s company. I remember the time in high school when Matt and I played basketball on my driveway home court at my dad's house.

  I turn to Matt and ask, "Remember the time I beat you in basketball Matt? Not once but twice."

  "You poisoned my soda. You cheated," argues Matt.

  Matt has always been the guy to have an excuse when he doesn’t win or something doesn’t go his way. He never sees anything bad happening to him as it being his fault. Matt is a great guy but can have a funny perspective of things.

  I laugh and say, "No, no, you just sucked. Why you drinking soda when you’re playing basketball anyway? I’m just better than you in things Matt."

  "I'll get even with you. Don't worry about that. I'll beat you in something," says Matt.

  We share a couple more stories and laughs as the stories provide a nice escape from the worry of what's going on around us for a couple minutes.

  Phil says, “Awesome gift bro with the guns. I got a whole arsenal at home but I only have my pistol on me now. Never off duty right.”

  "Nice, buck shot and bird shot shells," says Shaun as he finds the shotgun ammo in the bag.

  I reply, "Only the best for you guys."

  We focus our attention to the TV as breaking news is put on the TV about a situation occurring live.

  "As you can see on the screen, it appears that people are rioting in the streets of New York after several people were attacked and bitten. Similar rioting has been reporting in Philadelphia, and Atlanta. It's a crazy situation that is happening in several large cities along the east coast of the United States. People are reporting several different incidences of people being attacked, bitten, and many fatalities. We aren't exactly sure what is happening and the cause of the attacks, deaths, and riots but we will keep you posted as long as we stay on the air," says a TV reporter. As the TV reporter finishes the story, Phil gets up and turns the TV off. We all look at each other with concerned looks and are waiting for someone to decide about the trip.

  I turn towards the guys and ask, "What should we do guys? Call it a trip and head back home or stay? We have 2 more days here."

  "Aren't we playing golf today?" asks Phil.

  Shaun says, "Yeah, let's play our round of golf today and hopefully one of our phones will work out on the golf course. If anything is weird or happens, we can be done with the trip today and head back home."

  We finish up breakfast and get ready to go play golf. It's a nice sunny day and great weather for golf. Shaun clears out room in his jeep for his golf clubs but decides to keep the shotgun I just gave him in his jeep.

  "You never know, hopefully we won't need it," Shaun whispers to himself as he looks at his shotgun.

  I head to my car and to pack up my golf clubs as well as Phil’s golf clubs. Phil opens the trunk to my car. I put in my set of golf clubs. Phil puts his right next to mine. We close the trunk and wait for Matt to come out of the cabin. We are usually waiting on either Matt or Shaun during our trips.

  "I hope you ladies are ready to lose today, " yells Matt as he locks the cabin front door.

  We all look at each other and laugh at Matt's comment. We finish loading up the vehicles and head out to the golf course. Phil and I are in my car. Matt and Shaun are in Shaun's jeep.

  As I’m driving down the road I ask Phil, "It's been too long bro. When was the last time I saw you Phil? What you been up to?"

  Phil replies, "Nothing much, just working a lot. I love being a cop and since Amber l
eft me, I have felt a sense of belonging on the force and not in our empty home. She took everything bro, even stuff that was mine before I met her. Divorce sucks, and I don't recommend it for anyone."

  I didn’t know Phil got divorced. I thought he had a good relationship and was shocked to hear the bad news.

  I feel bad for Phil and say, "I'm sorry man, I know it's tough but everything happens for a reason. It will all work out for you. One way or another."

  We pull up to the golf course. Whispering Pines Country Club, now open to the public reads the sign.

  The golf course already has some people playing golf and is not empty by any means.

  "I'll go check us in and get our golf cart keys," says Matt.

  We unload the vehicles and talk some friendly trash. "Shaun, did you bring a lift jacket today, as your ball usually ends up in the water more than the green?"

  "Very funny, actually I have improved a lot and you'll see. I bet you that I beat you this round," says Shaun. I reply, "What do you want to bet?"

  "Loser gets punched in the ass by the winner," says Shaun.

  I have a big smile on my face and say, "Done! Hope you brought a rubber donut to sit on after you get ass punched."

  We grab our clubs, lock up the vehicles and walk towards the golf carts.

  Matt comes around the cart stand and says, "Whose ready to lose?"

  The guys and I have done a couple golf trips and they are always a good time. No one in the group is that great at golf but it’s a fun time to spend 4 hours with each other. We always find ways to be competitive with each other and playing golf makes for good competition. I usually beat the guys during most rounds of golf but we always make good memories when we play that I love to think about from time to time.

  The round of golf is going well. It’s a beautiful day and we are all playing well this round. We are in the middle of our round of golf. We tee off from the 10th hole. Matt is the last one to hit his tee shot.

  "Four," shouts Phil after Matt hits a drive that slices into the woods.


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