Tiara- Part Two

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Tiara- Part Two Page 23

by Robin Roseau


  “I’d have to count. About. Renalla beat her, but it was stray luck, the sort you couldn’t bank on.”

  “What happened.”

  “One of the lattice walls crashed, taking them both down, Gionna on the bottom. Renalla had been tied to it, but she pulled free, and Gionna got tangled while bathing in the resin besides. It was everywhere. Her hair was coated, and Renalla had to help it from her eyes.”

  “Was she hurt?”

  “They both took a few bruises, but nothing serious. Olivia told me later I should have restarted the event, but as soon as I was sure they weren’t hurt, I was laughing too hard to even think about it. Renalla made sure Gionna was okay and then took advantage of the situation.”

  “I like Renalla,” I said.

  “So that’s one name,” Allium said with a smile. “Keep going.”

  “Corale,” I said. “Liessa. Gionna. Bee and Dee.” I paused. “You,” I whispered. “But you’re right. That would leave me confused.”

  She nodded. “I don’t think you should challenge Gionna.”

  “I won’t be challenging anyone,” I replied. “But why not?”

  “Just trust me and please don’t ask. If she approaches you, then you forget I said anything.”

  “You know something.”

  “Please, Darfelsa.”

  I nodded. “All right.”

  “Anyone else?”

  “If they approached me, and I’d had practice, I probably wouldn’t turn down anyone else from the house. And there are people around town.” I sighed. “I suppose I could admit I’ve had a lot of fantasies.”

  She smiled again. “We all have. Tell me one?”

  “Letting someone trick me into signing up for the monthly event.”

  She laughed. “Sure.”

  “Group events.”

  “Which can be fun.”

  “Claary once told us about that plant thing Jessla did with her. I’d do that. I think that would be really quite relaxing.”

  “I actually approached Jessla for that.”

  “How was it?”

  “She turned me down.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “She doesn’t do challenges if she’s not confident she can win, not even practice challenges, and she wasn’t sure she could beat me. And it’s not like I was going to give her more advantage than doing it in her own home.”

  “I think that’s too bad.”

  “I don’t know if I blame her. My duties here aren’t terribly challenging most of the time, and I had room in my schedule, but she’s busier.”

  “And old.”

  “Tell her that. I dare you.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think so.” I sighed and squirmed a little. “When I left two years ago, I was sure I was never coming back.”

  “I know, and that broke my heart.”

  “You do love me.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I do. I am so, so proud of you, Darfelsa.”

  “I think you’ve taught me more than anyone else.”

  “I’ve learned from you, too.”

  “If Shalendra doesn’t work out, maybe I could come here, at least for a while.”

  She laughed. “A little debauchery never hurt anyone.”

  “Or maybe more than a little.”

  * * * *

  Dinner was relaxed. The slaves served and then sat with us, interspersed. I didn’t have one beside me, but nearly everyone here for her First did. I watched all of this and realized I’d have to talk to my cousin, once she was herself again.

  She’d been brilliant, and I thought she deserved to hear that directly from me.

  It was halfway through the meal before First came up, which was about a half a meal longer than I thought it would. It was Lyeneru who asked, “What is the plan?”

  “That is a good question,” Olivia said. “Allium and Darfelsa have asked me to manage it, but I suspect some of you have ideas.”

  “Before anyone responds to that,” Allium said, “I am going to caution all of you to take to heart any advice Olivia offers and to tell you that you can trust her.”

  There were nods, then Lyeneru said, “I understand the basics. Darfelsa explained. But she also only has had her First, and no more.”

  “I imagine Darfelsa offered good explanations,” Olivia replied.

  “But she admitted flat out that handling Firsts for Flarvorians has been awkward.”

  “It has been.”

  “It doesn’t feel awkward so far.” She leaned over to Dee and brushed her arm, making a point, or maybe about twenty points.

  As I said, Valsine had been brilliant.

  “I want to see everything first,” Shalendra said. “Is that wrong?”

  “No,” Olivia said. “But that may depend on what you mean by ‘everything’.”

  “I want to see a practice challenge,” she said. “And I think I want to see this Saturday thing.”

  “That can be shocking,” Olivia replied. “For us, it’s a sporting event.”

  “Darfelsa explained that.” She gestured. “Maybe not everyone wants to see that first.”

  “I will be blunt,” Olivia said. “The last time this came up, it was Princess Ahlianna, and the only reason I allowed it was because it would have been an international incident if I handled things the way I wanted.”

  “It worked out,” I offered.

  “I know for a fact she admits she made mistakes,” Olivia countered. “I’m not sure attending the Saturday event was something she feels is a mistake, but it fed at least two.”

  “Are you going to say more than that?”

  “Her First happened sooner than she really wanted it to,” Gionna said. “And was done in a fashion we don’t normally do, but she demanded it quite publicly, and we didn’t really have much of a choice.”

  “She told me that she loved her first.”

  “She did,” Gionna said. “But did you talk to her about how it came about?”

  “Only that it was at the Saturday event.”

  Gionna nodded. “Well, it’s hers to tell. I am not speaking with a voice of authority, but I have counselled Olivia not to do it that way again.”

  “And I agree with her. We occasionally sentence criminals to permanent enslavement, and that is nearly always done publicly, but I haven’t had to do that in several years, and it was a matter of cross-border banditry.”

  “My apologies,” I said.

  “From Gandeet.”

  “Oh.” I laughed.

  “Which isn’t to say we don’t get some from the south, but that was the last woman we caught.”

  “Oh. We’re getting sidetracked. What is your answer to Shalendra?”

  “I want to know more about Ahlianna,” Shalendra said. “Gionna, you said she ended up doing it sooner than she wanted.”

  “She wanted a few more days,” Gionna said. “Maybe a week. And it should have been done in relative privacy, not in front of the entire town.”

  “That’s not what she told me,” I said. “She told me that it was hard, but she was, in effect, signing a treaty between both countries, and such a thing shouldn’t be done behind closed doors.”

  “Well, that part is true,” Olivia said. “But that does not apply to this group.”

  “I want to understand how I’m going to do my duty, once this is over,” Lyeneru said.

  “Me, too,” Rosaniya agreed. “Darfelsa explained how she needed nearly six months to recover.”

  “Recovery is in stages,” Olivia explained. “It typically takes one to two weeks before one recovers emotionally to a level she can function. But she tends to remain deeply submissive for a much longer period and may only be around people she can safely trust.”

  “It took me nearly four months before I could say ‘no’,” I explained.

  “Three,” Allium corrected. “Four before you could say ‘no’ to me or anyone else you considered in a position of authority, and almost five before
I was confident I couldn’t pressure you into poor choices.”

  “I should have come early,” Mariya said. “And gotten this out of the way.”

  “Perhaps,” Olivia replied. “But we’ll take care of all of you. Our basic plan is fairly simple. Sometime in the next two weeks, you will all begin your Firsts, unless you choose to return to Flarvor. You will have a two-month First, and then you will spend probably two more weeks with the woman who has owned you. You will then return here in an organized fashion. Some of you will live here, some will live with me. We’ll use Allium’s staff to help see to all of you. You won’t remotely be recovered, but we’re then going to take a significant squad of my guards as we begin the trip to Ressaline City. You will be largely back to normal by the time we reach the mountains, although you will probably remain somewhat susceptible even by the time we reach the capital. We’ll take care of you, and the queen knows we’re coming. She’ll have arrangements for us. We’ll return here by early autumn.”

  “We may linger for a while, but I intend to be home for my 21st birthday,” I said. “However, anyone who wishes to remain in Charth for a time may do so.”

  “You intend to let people have practice challenges,” Shalendra said.

  “If they so choose,” I confirmed. “My recommendation will be that all of you take at least one, but to let Olivia choose your challengers.”

  There were nods, then Shalendra said, “Lady Olivia, I would like to meet the woman who will be my First, and I would like to attend the Saturday event. I would also like to see a practice challenge done in a less public fashion. Is all that possible?”

  Olivia looked at her. “Yes, but we will have our plan determined before the Saturday event, and we won’t deviate.”

  “Does that mean I’m committed?”

  “No. It means you aren’t going to do what Ahlianna did and walk down on the stands, making demands to do your First in front of the entire town.”

  Shalendra laughed. “I think we can rest assured I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Shalendra, I consider this a mistake, and I am advising you to consider other plans.”

  “You think I’m going to change my mind.”

  “Yes, and furthermore, if you do, I am fairly certain that ends your courtship of the princess.”

  Shalendra gestured at me. “I don’t want you to confirm or deny what she just said.” I inclined my head. “Olivia, I failed one test. Maybe this is another one, and I’m failing it by not taking your advice. Or maybe the test I need to pass is the one on Saturday.”

  “You’re intentionally choosing the hard path?”

  “Yes, and because I don’t know what shape I’m going to be in after we come back.”

  “If you panic, Shalendra, I’m going to let you.”

  “So be it.”

  “So be it,” Olivia said. “How about the rest of you?”

  “Not me,” Lyeneru said. “We can do mine right now if you have someone available.”

  “If you’re serious, I can make that happen. Two hours after dinner, in my home.”

  “Are we all invited?” Shalendra asked.

  “No. Lyeneru may invite up to four people. I will also invite a few others. Allium, Darfelsa, Gionna.”

  “You know, I think I’m serious,” Lyeneru said. “But.”

  “Ask, Lyeneru,” I said.

  She laid her head on Dee’s shoulder. “Could I keep Dee with me until then?”

  “Yes,” Olivia said. “Dee, you may offer Lyeneru any comfort you feel is appropriate.”

  “I’ll take care of her,” Dee promised.

  “Olivia,” Tess said, “How many could you do tonight?”

  “I couldn’t do everyone,” she said. “But I could do a few more.”

  “I’d like mine. I can invite a guest, and do I get a slave until then, too?”

  “Do you like Va?” Gionna asked.

  Tess turned to my cousin and smiled. “She’s very sweet.”

  “She is,” Gionna said. “Va, will you help Tess?”

  “Yes, Gionna.”

  “You may offer her appropriate comfort. You may take hints from Dee if you’re not sure.”

  “Dee,” Olivia said,

  “I can help,” Dee said. “But Va knows what to do.”

  “I think you’re right,” Olivia replied. “Who did you want to invite, Tess?”

  “I presume the ones you invited will be there for mine.”


  “Then my sister. Rosaniya, do you want to see your little sister take her First?”

  “I might have to close my eyes.” She nodded. “Olivia, can you handle one more?”

  “Yes, and maybe one or two others. Bee, switch with Ta-lee and take care of Rosaniya.”

  No one else spoke until Mariya asked, “Olivia, are you hoping for one or two more, to spread it out?”

  “Are you asking for yourself?”

  “I’ll be watching over my squad,” she said. “But if you need volunteers, say so, and we’ll see what happens.”

  “I don’t need volunteers,” Olivia replied. “We have time.”

  “Darfelsa, do you need us to see to you?” Renishta asked me.

  “No,” I said gently.

  “I’m dead tired,” she said. “I really could use a good night’s sleep. I brought some of my night tea, and I should sleep. Could we do mine tomorrow?”

  “Yes, Renishta.”

  “Terla and Selzen, will you be with me?”

  “Can we do ours tomorrow, too?” Terla asked. Selzen nodded agreement.

  “Yes,” Olivia said.

  “In the morning?”

  “If Allium invites me, I’ll come to breakfast, and we can go over afterwards.”

  “You know you have an open invitation,” Allium replied.

  “I’ll send Va back over later, if anyone wants to hold her tonight.”

  “And Bee and Dee,” Olivia said.

  “Va,” Gionna said. “I am obligated to release you in the morning, but I think that should be after we see to Tess, Terla, and Selzen.”

  “Yes, Gionna.”

  “How do you free a slave?” Tess asked.

  “We’ll show you tomorrow morning,” Allium said. “After breakfast.”

  “I don’t want to commit to any more than this before tomorrow evening,” Olivia said.

  “Lady Olivia,” said one of the guards. “Please schedule me as fits your needs.”

  “Me, too,”

  All the other guards repeated that. I wasn’t all that surprised.

  And that was our plan, but then Shalendra looked around and said, “None of you want to meet her first?”

  “I trust Olivia,” Tess said. “And do you really think it’s going to matter? Olivia isn’t going to pick anyone who would mistreat us, but do you think you could tell that during a first meeting?”

  “I’m being the problem again.”

  “Not really,” Olivia said. “Someone has to go first. Someone has to go last.”

  Shalendra thrust out her chin. “I take back everything I said earlier. You may schedule me as you think best.”

  “No, no,” Olivia said. “I’m comfortable with the current plan. In fact, I insist on no changes at all.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes,” Olivia said.

  Shalendra offered another chin thrust. “All right, then.”

  “Darfelsa, I require you to help host on Saturday.”

  I laughed. “Not giving Shalendra a hand to hold?”

  “That’s right.”

  I looked at Shalendra, seated across the table from me. She didn’t say a word. “I’d love to help host,” I said. “In fact, I think I want to host a few times while we’re here.”

  “Allium? Gionna?”

  “Sure,” they said. “You, too, Olivia. We’ll rotate about. Who is co-hosting with Darfelsa this week?”

  “You pick, Princess Gionna.”

  Gionna looked at me, then Shalendra, a
nd I could see her deciding whether she wanted to watch Shalendra lose it or have the fun of helping me the first time I hosted. “I’ll help host this time, and you can help Darfelsa next time.”

  “Perfect,” Olivia said. “You’ll sit with me, Shalendra.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  * * * *

  Olivia and Gionna left immediately after dinner. The rest of us waited for a while, but then Allium got us going.

  We walked. It wasn’t that far, and while it was cool, perhaps even cold for someone from Barrish, it was a nice night. Allium sniffed. “It’s going to snow.”


  “Yes. It will be wet.”

  We walked in twos, Va, Dee, and Bee holding hands with their charges, and they were doing a good job keeping Lyeneru, Tess, and Rosaniya calm. Lyeneru leaned over and kissed Dee’s shoulder. “I think we’ve finally found the right way to do this,” I said.

  “I think you might be right.”

  We reached Olivia’s. One of her clerk slaves was at the door, and she led us through the house to the parlor. Olivia, Gionna, Jessla, and several other women were there. They stood as we entered. I stepped forward. “Colonel Melstie.” We brushed cheeks. Mellta was next, and then Melistara, one of Olivia’s aides. I didn’t recognize the others.

  Olivia provided introductions. It was Lyeneru who said, “There are a lot of people here. I thought this would be more intimate.”

  “We’ll talk for a few minutes,” Olivia said. We got settled, and then Olivia said. “Jessla is here for the paperwork. This is a legal obligation. I would prefer she remain as a witness, but we can scale back as necessary. Colonel Melstie is also here as a witness. I have her in mind for someone else. I assembled the others, as it would be very strange to offer a blind First.”

  “Olivia,” Mellta said. “You know I’ll help however you need.”

  “Thank you, Mellta.”

  “I’ve never done a First,” Melistara said. “Can you afford for me to be away?”

  “Yes, and I think it’s time, Melistara. But you are under no obligation.”

  “I would be deeply honored,” she said. “If you’re sure.”

  Olivia nodded. “Melistara, I believe you would be an excellent First for Tess.”

  “I’d be honored,” Melistara repeated.

  Tess didn’t say anything. Instead, she stood up, pulling Va with her. She stepped to stand in front of Melistara. “Please stand up.” Smiling, Melistara did as asked. Tess offered a warmer greeting than earlier, ending with a sweet kiss. “Please take me for my First,” she whispered.


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