Tiara- Part Two

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Tiara- Part Two Page 28

by Robin Roseau

  “I wouldn’t,” I whispered.

  “I know. I was being clear. But…”


  “But you’re going to tell me about them.”


  “Or no deal. It’s your choice.”

  I nodded. I’d decide another time. I could barely think straight.

  “Good.” She patted my cheek again and stepped away. “Who thinks she’s going to get free?” The audience laughed, but no one seemed to think I had a chance. “Yeah, I don’t think so, either.” Then she turned. “Oh, and Darfelsa, there’s one more rule.”

  “Hey!” I complained.

  “Any of the six contestants of this next event may tease you, if she wants.”

  The audience laughed at that.

  “However!” Shalendra said. “If any of them spend too much time at it, I get to send my new friends down. They’ll catch her and tie her beside you. So if they decide to play with you, they’re risking how long is ‘too long’.”

  The audience roared. The six contestants laughed. Heck, even I laughed.

  Then she turned and pointed to the contestants. “No one uses one of those things on her,” she said. “And no one touches the ropes. Or else. But you may do anything else to her you want, within the normal rules of your games here. Anyone who breaks my rules will be turned into a stable slave, and we brought a lot of horses with us.”

  The audience didn’t hear that, but the contestants laughed. There was plenty of teasing they could do within those rules.

  Then Shalendra strode from the arena, head high, and still laughing.

  * * * *

  Gionna called begin. The six looked at each other, then one of them tossed her head to me. The six all seemed to agree; as a group, they walked over to me. Then one broke away and approached Olivia’s box. “Shalendra, a clarification.”

  “My mental timer on ‘too long’ starts with any sort of physical contact,” Shalendra said. “And I have help keeping track of each of you. I do hope between the six of you, you can tease her to no end.”

  “Count on it,” said the woman.

  “Good golly,” I said.

  They were all grinning. “You weren’t expecting this, were you?” I didn’t remember any of their names, so we’ll call her Red, for her hair. I’ll call them Red, Pixie, Curls, Blonde, Midnight, and Braids.

  “Nope,” I said. “She seems to be fitting in.”

  “I’ll say,” said Pixie. “Have you had any challenges at all?”


  “Oh, and she did this to you?” Curls asked. “Okay, that makes it twice as funny. How long do you think we each get to tease you?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, but I bet they’re up there, hoping some of you go too long.”

  “It might be worth it,” Blonde said. She knelt down, scooped up some of the resin, then reached under my tunic and began brushing my breast with it.

  It felt really nice. “Go right for it,” I whispered.

  “All’s fair,” she whispered back. “But not if I’m offending you.”

  “You’re not.” I looked into her eyes. “I dare you to do that until they come catch you.”

  “I might,” she said. She reached down for more resin.

  Braids stepped over. She did something interesting. She dipped one of her long braids into the resin, and then she stood and began using it to paint my face. I closed my eyes.

  “I’ve never seen someone do that,” I whispered. “That really feels nice.”

  “It’s my signature,” Braids said. “You must not have attended many events.”

  “No,” I replied.

  “It probably won’t stay,” she said. “Pity. I’d come tease you later, when you’re more worked up, but I don’t think I’m going to be free very long, once someone gets tired of teasing you. I’m not good at this style.” She dipped her braid and continued to paint my face and neck.

  They teased me, and I didn’t mind at all. I got lost to it, really. “Someone tell me what the resin is doing.”

  “It’s to your knees,” said Curls. She bent down and stroked a leg. I could feel the difference.

  “Oh,” I whispered. “Do that some more. Please.”

  “If you like.”

  Then there was a squeak, several squeaks, and all the hands dropped from me. “What?” No one actually tried to run, but when I opened my eyes, I saw four members of the embassy staff stepping onto the grass. The four walked abreast, heading straight for us, and my teasers waited. At first, I thought they were heading for Blonde, but it was actually Pixie they grabbed.

  She gave a new squeak, but she didn’t struggle as they tied her beside me, her fingertips just touching mine.

  “She barely touched me.”

  “What are you saying?” she asked. “Who do you think has been rubbing your bottom?”

  “Oh. It felt really nice,” I admitted. “I’m sorry, I lost track of whose hands were where.”

  Renalla tested all the knots and then said, “Two of you are nearly out of time.” She pointed at Braids. “You’re one of them, but Shalendra loves what you’re doing, and we’re resetting your time.”

  “Yes!” said the woman.

  “She wants you to do her ears,” Renalla added.

  “I can do that.”

  “The same rules apply to this one,” Renalla said. “Tease her all you want. Touching her is a separate timer.”

  “Are they going to make me a stable slave?”

  “No,” Renalla said. “That’s only for breaking rules. You, lovely one, are going to become someone’s pleasure slave.”

  “Excellent. Whose?”

  “Shalendra will decide. It will be someone from the embassy.”

  “Excellent,” she said again. “Kiss me.”

  “So demanding,” Renalla said with a laugh. But she stepped over and offered a lovely kiss. And then the other three kissed her before heading from the arena again.

  I completely lost track of who had done what to me, but when Braids came after me, I let her turn my head. She painted both ears and my neck. And then she kissed me, a sweet kiss.

  Other hands touched me. Someone pulled my shift from me. I was beyond caring. “You’re red to your waist,” someone said.

  I moaned a response.

  Renalla and her group came back. They took someone and tied her on my other side. Then she said, “You each get one more minute of touching her, but you really need to have your group event.”

  They went away. I received more touches, but I was largely zoned out. The resin felt so good.

  “It’s sticking wherever we put it now,” someone said. I felt someone brush my face. Then a kiss, and another.

  “She’s entirely gone.”

  “Her first experience with the resin. I am so jealous. I barely remember my first with resin. Darfelsa, can you hear us?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Someone paint my lips, then go.”

  I heard a splash, then fingers.

  And then they were gone.

  I have no idea what happened with their event. I felt fingers touching mine on both sides, and even that touch was deeply erotic. And the resin, oh, the resin. It felt so good.

  I heard the audience, but it didn’t register.

  * * * *

  Someone said my name. It registered, but…

  “She’s lost to the resin,” said another voice. “She may not be aware of anything.”

  “Should we stop?”

  “She wouldn’t thank you for that.”

  “Who?” I managed to say.

  “Darling.” I felt breath on my ear. “Do you know my voice?”

  “Shalendra,” I whispered. “Please touch me.”

  “Only a little, Darling,” she said. “What was your slave name?”

  “Sa,” I replied. “Who?”

  “I asked Allium to whisper the right name to me. Do you trust her?”


o you like my game?”


  “Good. Your lips are red.”

  “Resin,” I whispered.

  “I know.” Then she kissed me deeply, and I grew more lost.

  People spoke. There were hands on me, and other sounds around me, then a new voice. “Hello, Sa.”

  “Renalla,” I whispered. I managed to open my eyes and smile.

  “Hello, you,” she said. “Disappointed?”

  “No. Renalla.”

  She caressed my cheek. “You’re out of it,” she said.

  “Slow,” I whispered. “Make it last. My first.”

  “I will, Sa. Promise.”

  She began touching, and I don’t really remember much more, but the pleasure built, and built, and built. And I know Renalla was whispering to me, promises, encouragement, and maybe it registered at the time, but all I knew was I didn’t want this to end.

  I know what happened, but I don’t remember most of it. And then, for a while, I remembered nothing at all.

  * * * *

  I remember somewhat later. Someone was calling me. Then I heard someone say, “We should just let her sleep.”

  “She’ll want to remember this,” said the other voice. “Wouldn’t you?”

  “I suppose I would.”

  “Sa, my darling. Wake up just a little more. I know it’s hard. Just a little more.”

  I opened my eyes. I was in bed. Someone was in front of me. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

  She caressed me. “It’s okay,” she said. “Do you know my name?”

  “Renalla,” I mouthed. I smiled.

  There were arms around me. “Is she awake?”

  I turned my head. Shalendra was holding me. I smiled then turned back to Renalla.

  “Darling Sa,” she said. She caressed my cheek, then leaned in and kissed me, a sweet, gentle kiss.

  I lifted my hand to touch her, then stared at it, cased in red. Renalla let me look at it for a minute, but then she took it in both of hers. She stroked my arm, and I nearly blissed out, just from that. “It feels good, doesn’t it, Sa?”

  I nodded, just a tiny nod.

  “I’m sharing you with Shalendra,” she said. “That was my bribe, to pick me. Do you understand?” I didn’t know what she was taking about. “It’s all right, Sa,” Renalla said. “We’re going to both touch you. It’s okay if you simply enjoy the pleasure.”

  And then they were both touching me, and I don’t remember more that night.

  * * * *

  They managed to wake me again. We were… somewhere else. There were other people. I was sitting. Someone was pressed against my back. Renalla was calling me.

  I think she’d been doing it for a while.

  “Renalla,” I mouthed.

  “Open your eyes, Sa. Obey me now.”

  My eyes opened. I smiled. She was looking at me, smiling. “So pretty,” I whispered.

  “Thank you,” she said. “Shalendra is holding you. Do you feel her?” I nodded. “Do you know where you are?”

  I didn’t even look around. I just shook my head a little.

  “We’re at Lady Olivia’s. Shalendra is going to have her First, and she really hoped you could watch. Would you like to help?”

  I thought about it. I couldn’t stop smiling. It took time, but I nodded.

  “Good,” she said. “Sa, you’re going to do what I tell you, aren’t you?” I nodded again. “We’re going to help Shalendra, and then I’ll take you home and have you all to myself. Would you like that?” A bigger nod.

  “Stand up with me,” she said. We both stood, but I looked down at myself. I was all red, and it felt so good. “It’s beautiful, Sa, but we’re going to focus on helping Shalendra. She wants us to do this traditionally, so you and I are going to help get her ready.”

  It took quite a bit of coaxing from Renalla. Shalendra was already wearing a shift, but I helped with the blindfold. It had so many buckles, and Renalla had to point out which ones to do. I kept stroking Shalendra instead, and it felt so amazingly good to touch her.

  And she didn’t stop smiling, and she moaned a few times, and that was music to my ears.

  It was probably about three times harder to let me help. I wasn’t really any help at all, really, so I presume my involvement was really for Shalendra. But eventually Renalla told me to kiss her, and to touch her however I wanted, and I don’t remember more than doing that.

  * * * *

  I remember moments after that, here and there. Renalla made sweet love to me, and she let me touch her. She held me, and I remember more of that. And when we ate, I knelt with my head in her lap. I remember that, and thinking how wonderful it was.

  The rest… is a blur. I know something was there. And I know I was in complete bliss, without a single care.

  And then, a little at a time, I returned to normal. I remember staring at my hand, no longer red, and then turning to Renalla and burrowing into her.

  I remember her holding me, stroking me, whispering to me.

  I remember crying once, but I don't remember why.

  Then I woke. From the light, I thought it might be early morning. I was holding someone, and someone else was holding me. I stared straight ahead, but then I lifted a hand and began stroking an arm, a side, the woman’s bottom.

  “Good morning, Darfelsa,” she whispered.

  “Renalla,” I whispered back.

  “And me,” Allium said from behind me. “You’re with us now.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered. I started crying and I couldn’t stop thanking them. I held tightly to Renalla and cried in her hair.

  I think I fell asleep like that. When I woke, things had shifted, and I was cuddled with Allium, Renalla against my back. Allium was dressed in night clothes. I wasn’t sure if I was wearing anything or not. “Renalla,” I whispered.

  “I’m here,” she said.

  “How long?”

  “Three days,” she said. “And then two more.”


  “Do you remember?”

  “Her First. I think. I helped.” I gave a little laugh. “Some help.”

  They both chuckled. “She was so happy,” Allium said. “I’ve never seen someone have an easier First, unless she was pacified.”


  “Yes, she helped, too.”

  “Is it still morning?”

  “Yes, mid-morning. We fed you a little bit about an hour ago.”

  “I don’t remember.” I thought some more. “Renalla, thank you.”

  “Oh, Darfelsa, you don’t know how much I wanted this. I got to be your first challenge.” She laughed. “Challenge. Oh, that was so much fun.”

  “I barely remember. I just remember… Fence. Others.” I thought about it. “They teased me.”

  “They sure did.”

  “Did I do anything nice for you at all?”

  “Oh, Darling,” she said. “Yes. I didn’t think you would remember, but you couldn’t stop touching.”

  “Allium, did anyone pressure Shalendra?”

  “Are you kidding?” Allium said. “They were all taunting her, but it was good taunting.”

  “She gave as good as she got,” Renalla replied.

  “I’m still confused. Shalendra told me she asked you to pick a name, Allium. But Renalla said she offered a bribe.”

  “It was both,” Allium said. “I whispered a name, and then she asked Renalla for a bribe.”

  “And I said I’d share with her until her First. And she told me it wasn’t possible to offer a better bribe.”

  I cuddled into Allium a little more. “I’m not wearing any clothes.”

  “Neither am I,” said Renalla.

  “Then why is Allium?”

  “Because I’m not here for sex,” Allium replied, laughing. “Darfelsa, you’re going to need attention for a few more days, maybe a week. It won’t be months. The rules are simple. You do not leave the embassy without permission from
me or Renalla. If you do leave, it will be in the care of at least two other people, and you will stick with both of them. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Allium.”

  “This lasts until you’re able to stand up to your friends when they try to trick you into obeying them. They won’t even begin testing you for another few days.”

  “All right.”

  “You’ll probably drift away a few more times, but you’ll be easier to bring back,” Allium added. “I’m going to go now.”

  “I love you, Allium.”

  “I love you, too.”

  She kissed my cheek before slipping from the bed. I missed her immediately, but as soon as the door closed behind Allium, Renalla pulled me to her, and we cuddled. “Darfelsa, do you know what you want?”

  “I want to be with you,” I said. “Renalla, will you let me stay with you?”

  “Yes, Darling,” she said. “But we’re in your room, so technically, I’m staying with you. When you’re ready to make other decisions, tell me. We’re going to cuddle a while longer, then we’re going to go take a bath.”

  “Will you let me bathe you?”

  “Yes, Darling.”

  * * * *

  I remained deeply submissive for a few more days, and I couldn’t stand to be away from Renalla for more than the utter necessities. She didn’t mind, and she kept me with her.

  We made love a few more times, slow and sweet, and I cried out her name each time, and she mine a few times, too. And that filled me with such pleasure.

  And then, a little at a time, I grew more independent, in that it didn’t need to be Renalla who watched over me. I could help in the kitchen, or assist with tasks around the house, nothing too complicated.

  At night, though, I needed Renalla. She didn’t mind at all, and she shared my bed. We shared bodies as well.

  But then I woke up one morning. I was holding her, and it felt good, but I felt reasonably alert. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Mmm,” she replied. It took a moment, but she rolled to me. “How are you doing?”

  “I want to take a walk outside.”

  “Not alone.”

  “Could we have breakfast at the Baby Blanket?”

  “If you can resist this order I’m going to give you. Are you ready?” I nodded. “Crawl under the covers and kiss my feet.”

  I almost did it. But I smiled. She tried again, more forcefully, and then a third time. That was actually the easiest, and I smiled. “But it’s hard,” I admitted. “Please tell me to do something else.”


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