Christmas Congratulations

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Christmas Congratulations Page 2

by Cat Summerfield

  Fen is a wood elf, with like brown skin and darker brown curls on his head and probably under his trousers too. His eyes are green like Nick's, but a much deeper shade, and when you look into them it's like looking into the heart of the forest.

  I don't know which of them I want first. Or most.

  I wonder if Nick's told them what he wants of them, or if I'm supposed to seduce them somehow. I hope not. Despite the spell that gives me longevity, I'm only human, and there's nothing that's special enough about me to interest these incredible beings.

  "You're ready to go," Tenar says after their final checks, and hands the tablet over to Nick. Nick nods, and then smiles at them all.

  "Thank you, all of you. You've been a great help, as you always have. I have something very special for you as a thank you: a night with my wife."

  There's a moment of silence and stillness, and then all of them turn to me. I'm surprised by their expressions. It looks like they might want me after all. Fen looks merely curious, but the twins are grinning widely, hungrily. Tenar has a small smile, which is all you ever get from him, and Mabb's eyes are bright with desire.

  "This is a mighty gift you're giving to us," Tenar tells the both of us, and Nick nods.

  "You deserve it. For tonight, until I return home, she will pleasure you - and you will pleasure her. I want it recorded, so that I can watch it."

  Tenar nods. "Wise, Nick. As always."

  "As always," Nick agrees, and comes over to me. He takes both of my hands in his. "You still want to go ahead with this?"

  "Yes," I say, and my body is already responding, my nipples hard beneath my shirt and I'm already starting to get wet.

  "Wonderful," he says and gives me a kiss that takes my breath away. "I love you. Have fun," he adds as he strides over to the sleigh, and gives one final wave before he cracks the reins. He gives a roar and the reindeers race forward and leap into the air.

  I watch him go until he's no more than a dot in the sky, but I'm very aware that the others aren't watching Nick.

  They're watching me.

  I swallow and look at Tenar. It feels odd to be so nervous around them when I've known all of them for years, but then I've never planned an orgy with them before.

  "So,” I say, my voice shaky with nervousness. “How should we do this?"

  "We should set up the camera first, before we forget," Tenar says in his cool voice.

  I'd already forgotten about that bit, so it's probably a good idea.

  "This is going to be so awesome," Py says, grinning at his brother.

  "It's going to be fucking-a," Ry says. They sound like frat boys, and I bite my lip to hide a smile.

  "It is," I agree, and lead the way to my bedroom.

  Tenar takes charge of the camera, putting it at the side of the room on a tripod so that it'll catch everything that happens. The flashing red light shows that it's ready to go, and as I look around at the elves, it looks like they are too.

  Mabb is standing close to Fen - those two are always together, I'd actually assumed they were a couple. Maybe they are. It's not like I can judge; I'm married and I'm doing this, after all.

  Ry and Py are grinning at me, and I can see how hard they already are through their trousers. Clearly they're ready and raring to go.

  Tenar stands at the side of the camera, arms folded, looking at me. It makes me nervous to be in the middle of the five of them like this. Not nervous that they'll hurt me or anything like that. More nervous that I'll make a fool of myself. It's a fairly common habit of mine, unfortunately.

  "Okay," I say. "What now?" I look around at all of them, but they look to Tenar so I do too.

  He doesn't answer, but he does stride over and take me in his arms, kissing me firmly.

  At first I'm too startled to react. Partly it's my surprise that Tenar would make the first move like that - out of all of them I would have expected the twins to be the ones who broke first. But then again, Tenar is their leader. They follow what he does.

  Finally I get my act together enough to respond, and I wrap my arms around his neck. Tenar is cool to the touch - a reminder that he's not quite human. I can feel his hair under my fingers and it's incredibly soft, like cat's fur. His body is slender but hard, all of his muscles in top condition under his tunic and trousers. Suddenly I'm filled with a crazy desire to see him naked, to see all of them naked.

  Tenar's hands move down my back, over the curve of my ass, but I don't think it's out of desire, not exactly. It's more like he's exploring. I can deal with that; I want to do a little exploring of my own. And I do: I run my fingers through his hair, over his slim waist, over his own pert ass. I gasp when there's suddenly something behind me and pull my lips away from Tenar's so that I can look over my shoulder.

  It's Py and Ry, pressed up against my ass.

  "Don't mind us," Ry says with a grin, and he grabs one breast while his brother grabs the other. I moan and Tenar grasps my chin, pulling me in for another kiss. His hands stay on my waist, almost gentleman-like if not for the way his tongue is ravishing my mouth. There's nothing clincal about it now; it seems like his passion has been inflamed, and I can feel his hard cock pressing against my belly. I can feel Py and Ry, too, their cocks pressing against my ass.

  Vaguely my mind wonders about Mabb and Fen, about what they're doing, but three elves are more than enough to keep my attention for now. Especially when one of the twins pushes my skirt up and slips his hand between my legs, sliding a finger under my panties and against my wetness. I moan and one of the twins gives a breathy laugh. The other - or maybe it's the same one - tugs open my shirt so that he can grab my breast skin-to-skin, and starts tweaking my nipple. Pleasure is already spiralling up inside me, and my panties are already soaking. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to cope.

  Tenar continues to kiss me for another few breathless moments, but then he stands back, watching as one of the twins gropes me, the other one fingering me. I watch him, and he smiles, gesturing at the camera.

  "Perhaps you should start this little show by using your mouth on our top performer this year: Pyatt."

  "Aw, yeah," Py says.

  "Aw, man," Ry says, disappointed, but then he nudges his brother. "Good going."

  Ry steps away, and with him goes the fingers that had been inside me. I bite my lip, missing them, but I don't say anything. Instead I turn to Py, who's grinning widely, his eyes bright with excitement. I wonder how many blowjobs he's had before, if any. He seems like the type of guy that all the pretty young she-elves would be after, but this job doesn't allow for a lot of holiday. Well. However many he's had, it's time for him to find out how a human blowjob compares.

  "Get naked," I tell him. "Better for the camera."

  It's kind of sweet how quickly he moves to comply. He throws his clothes aside with abandon, and I try not to stare at his cock. It looks mostly human, just like the rest of him, but it's longer than you'd expect, and slightly tapered so it's wider at the bottom than most human guys are. I don't know whether he's circumcised or maybe elves just don't have foreskins. It's incredibly pale, it looks almost like it's carved out of marble.

  I manage to break my gaze away from it and I smile at Py.

  "Congratulations on being employee of the year," I tell him as I sink down to my knees before him. "Now for your reward."

  I try not to think of the camera, or the other elves watching. This is just him and me.

  I start by wrapping my hand around his cock, stroking up the length of it. It's cooler than a human cock, and there are less veins. It really does look like marble. As I run my fingers over the head, he groans. I smile up at him.

  "You like that, Py?"

  "Hell yeah," he breathes, and I lean in to lick at it. Up close, he smells faintly of sex, but it's more than that; it's not like anything else I've ever smelled. That more than anything else reminds me of how weird this is. A lick adds to the weirdness; it doesn't taste anything like Nick, or like the other men I've done this to
. There's something almost - floral about it. It almost takes me out of the moment, but I force myself to concentrate on what I'm doing. I lick at the ridge under the head, which makes him moan, as does taking the head in my mouth. It feels strangely weighty, but as I take him deeper, it feels less weird and more incredibly hot. I've always loved having the weight of a cock on my tongue, this just makes it all the better. Especially when I start to deep throat him, taking him in deeper and deeper.

  I can hear his brother call out words of encouragement from the side of the room, I can hear Py's own breathing get heavier and heavier. I love it, all of it. I even love being watched, and I really love knowing that Nick is going to watch this later.

  I pull back and take Py in all the way again, hungry for him. My hand reaches under my panties and I start to touch myself, my index finger rubbing my clit. The feeling of that along with Py's cock choking me feels so good and I feel myself unravelling-

  "Don't come yet," Tenar says, and I think he's talking to me until Py gives a disappointed moan. "We have the whole night ahead of us, and there will be many pleasures yet to come."

  Reluctantly, Py steps backwards and I wipe at my lips with the back of my hand.

  "You, though," Tenar says. "You can come."

  I raise an eyebrow at him. I want to remind him that he's not my leader - he doesn't get to give orders.

  "Now I will use my mouth on you," he says, and I think to myself that maybe I will follow his orders after all.

  He offers me a hand and helps me to my feet, and I notice that Py and Ry are at the side of the room, Py's cock still out and in his hand. Mabb and Fen are kissing, and I congratulate myself on my Sherlock Holmes skills: they are a couple! I wonder where that leaves me, though.

  But then Tenar is pushing me down onto the bed, glancing over at the camera to make sure it's going to have a good view of what's about to happen. When he's satisfied he pulls my skirt and then my panties down my legs and off, and strokes my thighs.

  "Beautiful," he murmurs, and I blush. It's not every day that an ethereally gorgeous elf calls you beautiful.. Then he gets to his knees between my legs and slides his tongue against my slick pussy lips, and, well, that's a whole lot better than any mere words.

  All thought is instantly seared from my brain. His tongue is cool and talented - he knows exactly what he's doing. He thrusts his tongue inside me and I start to shiver uncontrollably. He has perfect timing, perfect everything. The pleasure that had been building when I was blowing Py spikes exponentially and incredibly, I'm moments away from coming, just like that. I reach behind me to grab handfuls of bedsheet, trying to hold on at least a little longer, but it's useless. Tenar uses his long fingers to spread my lips and he licks up to my clit, licking at it firmly, quickly, and within seconds I'm shivering under him, making little whimpering noises as he coaxes my first slow, shuddering orgasm from me.

  He pulls back with a satisfied smile and he licks his lips.

  "I've never done that to a human before," he tells me. "Thank you for the opportunity."

  "A-anytime," I tell him, collapsing back onto the bed. "Hope you liked it."

  "Very much so-"

  "Come on, stop with the chit-chat, I want a go!" Ry says, and I can't help but grin at the eagerness in his voice. I push up onto me elbows to grin at him.

  "You know what, I've always wondered what it would be like to have sex with twins," I tell him. "Why don't you both come over here?"

  They look at each other with wide grins and then practically run over to me. Tenar clicks his tongue at them and tells them that they need to be in a good position for the camera. I let him play at being a Hollywood director while I get naked and reach into the bedside cabinet for the bottle of lube we keep in there. Nerves lap at me but I ignore them. This is far from the first time I've taken it in the ass - I like it, quite a bit, and Nick likes doing it to me even more - but I'm still a bit nervous. This will be the first time I've been with two guys and I can't help but wonder how different it will feel.

  Tenar is still getting the twins ready, ordering them naked, so I take the time to prepare myself. Dripping some lube onto my fingers I push one into my ass. I'm already so damned turned on that it slides in fairly easily, with only the tiniest resistance. I push in another and there's the whisper of pain. I bite my lip against it and keep fingering myself until it melts away. I think of what Py's cock was like as I was sucking it and add another, with a yelp this time. It hurts, but I ignore it, you have to. I realise then that Py and Ry are watching me - Tenar too - and I smile at them, turning it into a bit of a show for them. By the time I judge myself to be ready, they're definitely ready. I drop my hand and gasp, missing being filled like that.

  You'll be more filled than you've ever been in a minute, I tell myself, and go over to the twins with the lube still in my hand. They're almost completely identical, right down to their twin cocks. The only difference is a scar over Py's lip.

  "Now," I say. "You decided who's going where?"

  "Ry's never done anyone in the ass before," Py says. "So I said he could try it."

  "That's very generous," I tell him, and give him a kiss as a reward. I stroke his cock at the same time, making him groan against my lips. "You're a kind brother." I turn to Ry and give him the same treatment, but for him I use the moment to slather his cock in lube.

  Tenar gestures at the trunk at the foot of the bed, and tells Py to lie on it. I get on top of him, but don't ride him just yet. Let's get the difficult bit done first. I balance with one hand on the footboard of the bed and look over my shoulder at Ry.

  "I'm looking forward to this," I say.

  "Me too," he whispers. His eyes are already glazed, and I hope he's not going to spoil it all by coming early. He steps forward, and squeezes my ass cheeks. "You're gorgeous," he whispers, and I feel his cold, slick cock press against my hole.

  "Do it," I tell him, and then gasp as he does. He's tentative at first, and I'm glad of that. It helps me get used to his girth. The first few inches are always the most painful and I wince through them, feeling like I'm being torn in two. I reach for my clit and stroke it, distracting myself from the pain. Py helps, playing with my breasts, and I groan, throwing my head back, there's so much sensation that I can barely stand it. Ry keeps pushing in, deeper and deeper, and that's when I remember how tapered their cocks are. What didn't feel all that big at the beginning sure as hell does now, stretching my tight little hole, and I cry out, pain almost overcoming the pleasure. Because of that tapering, they're bigger than even Nick is, and my eyes are filled with tears. "Hold - hold it there," I tell him, maybe about halfway in. "Pull out, then back into me. Let me get used to how big you are."

  "Am I bigger than Nick?" He asks breathlessly, doing as he's told, and I gasp, holding onto the footboard so tightly that it hurts my hand. "Am I the biggest you've ever had?"

  "Yes," I whisper, taking him a little deeper this time. Oh god, how am I going to take all of him, how? But each time I do, my body knowing what it wants with no reservations. Yes, Ry is big, yes, it hurts, but it feels incredibly good at the same time. To be stretched like this, beyond imagining - tears are rolling down my cheeks now but I don't want him to stop, that's the last thing I want, I need to be filled, I need to take all of him. That feels like the most important thing in all the world.

  And then finally his hips are against my ass and I give a little victorious laugh. It still painful but it definitely feels good, too, and my pussy is dripping down my thighs. I look down at Py - I'd almost forgotten about him, I'd been so focused on getting his brother's cock all the way in my ass. I lick my lips. Is there any possible way I can fit Py in me too? Surely not - surely there's not any more room inside of me.

  He doesn't give me chance to say no. He grabs my hips and then pushes into me, his cock sliding into me. I can't even cry out. It's not even pain, it's just - fullness. He starts as slowly as his brother, and I hear Ry whimper behind me.

  "Oh gods, I - I can
feel you, brother. I can feel you inside of her."

  "And I can feel you," Py whispers. "She's so tight - so tight. Because you're filling her up already. Oh gods."

  I'm thinking oh gods too but I can't even speak. Py's still sinking into me, filling me, stretching me, and my whole word seems focused on it. Deeper and deeper, impossibly full, I can't take any more, I can't - but I do. A little more, a little more- and then he's all the way in. I'm shaking, I don't even know how I feel about this, only that it feels good, insanely good, and I feel a little insane that I like this, that I like being fucked by these two huge cocks in front of other elves, in front of a camera, but I don't even care about any of that. All I care about it the joy of being filled like this-

  And then they start to move and all thought is wiped out. They're perfectly in sync with each other - they're elves, of course they are - and all I can do is lie on top of Py, whimpering, and let them do what they want to me. I feel like I'm a vessel for their pleasure - they're calling each other's names as much as they're calling mine - but my own pleasure is building too until it fills me as much as their cocks are more so, it's spilling out of me and I scream as I come again, scream louder as my pussy and ass squeeze on their cocks. They cry out too and their thrusts become more erratic, until they're coming too, grunting, spilling inside of me.

  Ry collapses on top of me, and I'm sandwiched between the twins, all three of us breathless and our minds blown by the pleasure we've wrung from each other.

  But Tenar is a long way from finished with me.

  His voice sounds like it's coming from a long way away. "Now I want her to use her mouth on Mabb."

  "Only if he also uses his mouth on me," Fen says, and I smile dreamily, thinking that I hear a bit of jealousy in his voice.

  "Very well," Tenar says. "Clothes off, both of you. Ry and Py - time to move."

  Ry pulls out of me first and I cry out, feeling desperately empty after having been so very full. And then Py sits up, his now soft cock sliding out of me.


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