Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 71

by Selena Kitt

  “Yes, I killed them,” he said bluntly, pride evident in his voice. “I am an Ekali warrior and the leader of my tribe. The skulls prove my victory in battle when leaders of other tribes try to kill me. You do not do the same on your planet?”

  “No, not really. Not in my time, anyway. Though Earth is vast and filled with so many different kinds of people. It’s a possibility.”

  He regarded her with a look as though the idea of not beheading one’s enemy was a foreign and disturbing thought.

  “How do your leaders protect you?” he asked. “And your mate? He does not fight if he is challenged?”

  “I don’t have a mate.” The words flew right out of her mouth, followed by the rapid reddening of her cheeks. Might as well have stuck a sign to her forehead that said ‘I’M SINGLE!!!’ Still, there was a quiver of excitement beginning in her lower stomach that went all the way down to between her legs when Aizak smiled, the heat of his gaze liable to melt her panties straight from her body.

  He rose to his feet, stepping free of the bench. Marissa arched her neck to look up at him as he gazed down at her with an unreadable expression on his face.

  “Come,” he said, extending his hand for her to take and Marissa grasped it without hesitation. Her heart pounded in her chest, the sound loud in her ears. What was he going to do to her? Her brain immediately supplied filthy visions of Aizak bending her over his table and fucking her into a brainless stupor. And dear god she wanted that right now. Maybe even more than going back to Earth.

  “What...” Marissa didn’t know what to say. Or maybe she was just too ashamed to ask him bluntly whether she should take her panties off first or if he preferred to rip them from her and have his way with her however he pleased.

  “The servants prepared a bath,” Aizak said. He held her hand in his larger one as he guided her to one of the arched entryways. “We will bathe and then we will rest.”

  “Together?” She tried to sound more appalled than hopeful.

  His gaze roved her body, the look so heated Marissa was sure she actually felt it.

  “Not if it bothers you. But there is only one bed. That alone we will share.”

  ‘That bothers me too’ she ought to have said but Marissa didn’t waste her breath because she knew there wouldn’t be much conviction behind the words. Sharing a bed with Aizak didn’t mean anything was going to happen. OK, yes. The sexual tension between them was as heavy and thick as a billion woolly blankets but that didn’t mean she was going to act on that feeling. And if he did? Well, she’d cross that bridge when she came to it.

  The two servant girls who’d drawn the bath bowed their heads and pressed their fingers to their foreheads at Aizak’s entrance. Marissa quelled the low hum of jealousy and slight feelings of inadequacy at their nubile bodies. She liked to call herself ‘comfortably plump’. There was a roundness to her face, heaviness to her breasts, softness to her tummy and wideness to her hips and ass, but she often dressed in clothing that flattered her form.

  Aizak spoke to the girls then left after a parting squeeze of her hand. When the servant girls approached with gentle, sincere smiles, Marissa stared back at them with uncertainty.

  “Danaii,” said one in a sweet, lyrical voice, pressing a hand to her chest over her left breast.

  “Ashtaii,” said the other, doing the same thing.

  Oh, they were introducing themselves. Marissa smiled, placing her hand over her heart in a similar manner as she told them her name. They helped her free of her dress and underwear. Marissa’s momentary grip of self-consciousness was soothed when they guided her into the wide circular bath of water.

  Perfumed flower petals floated on the surface of the water, dancing around her every so often as Danaii and Ashtaii bathed her. She seesawed between reveling in being treated like a queen and irritation that these pretty young women—sisters, if she judged by their resemblance—probably paid Aizak similar attention... if not more.

  Ugh. She was not a jealous person. Never had been in all her life. But one day with one alien man—who wasn’t even hers!—and she was already flipping tables over assumptions. She was going home tomorrow, anyway, once she found that damn watch. Nothing was ever going to happen between her and Aizak so there was no need for her to be jealous over who he did or did not touch.

  She continued to tell herself this as Ashtaii’s magical fingers massaged her scalp and the sweet scent of the water filled her with calm. Soon, Marissa forgot all about her troubles and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Six


  Even in sleep, the human’s beauty captivated Aizak.

  Marissa. Her namesake. As exotic as its owner. He liked the way her dark hair curled against her pale skin and how her full lips pouted as though they demanded to be kissed. It was exactly what he wanted to do as he lay in his bed beside her. After collecting her from the bath the night before, he’d laid next to her for what felt like eons as he fought not to touch her. Somehow he’d found rest. Now he was awake and the battle had started all over again.

  It did not help that beneath his covers, she lay completely bare. When he’d carried her in his arms from the bath to his bed, the sight of her naked body had stirred him to painful arousal. Aizak was a man of honor and would never lay a hand on a woman if she did not wish it, but the yearning to at least feel the suppleness of her skin hammered his willpower into submission.

  She lay on her side facing him. Reaching out, he curved his fingers against the side of her face and watched with interest as she shifted in her sleep to get closer to his touch. Her desire for him the night before had been so acute, resisting the urge to take her had employed heroic strength. Perhaps that was why he could not stop himself from caressing her neck and then her bare shoulders. Willpower was a limited energy source and to expend it all in one area left one weak in another.

  Her skin was as smooth as it looked. He kept his hand on her arm and rubbed gentle circles on her flesh with his thumb. He watched her, feeling conflicted.

  He should not be touching her or wanting her. She was his fated mate and she would grow to something of immense importance in his life if he engaged in anything intimate with her. That would be unwise for he had time and attention only for the protection of his people. Her presence here was by happenstance, and in a short time she would leave.

  Still, Aizak pushed his hands lower down her arm so that the cover slid away from her front to reveal the fleshy tops of her breasts. She released a quiet hum and blinked her eyes open. Confusion filled her eyes before it flitted away and remembrance took its place.

  “Aizak,” she said, her voice light and thick with sleep. When she lowered her gaze and found his hand on her arm, she looked to him again, her face growing pink. “What are you doing?”

  “I wanted to touch you. Your skin is soft.”

  The pink in her face deepened. “I... thanks, I guess. But what if I didn’t want to be touched?”

  “You do not want me to touch you?” Flattening his hand on her back, he hauled her in closer against him. Her gasp made his hard member twitch, and he enjoyed the heat of her small hands against his chest.

  “You’re naked,” she said, eyes wide. “And I’m naked.”

  “You fell asleep in the bath. Ashtaii and Danaii took your clothing to wash them.”

  “That still doesn’t explain why you’re naked.” She squirmed to get away from him then grew still when she rubbed up against his length. “Oh my god... and you’re...”

  When she could not finish her sentence, Aizak regarded her with a smirk.

  “I sleep best when I am bare, human.” His gaze dipped to her lips and he brought his hand away from her back to touch them with his thumb. “Though I found little rest with your tempting body next to mine.”

  Her fingers curled against his chest, her eyes darkening with desire. Gods, there was something powerful and instantaneous between them. He’d only known her for one day and yet the fiery need he felt for this human
woman was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. He knew he shouldn’t, but no amount of rationalization on the wisdom of his actions could stop him from sinking his fingers into her hair and kissing her.

  Her pliancy was immediate and gratifying, her lips as soft and sweet as he’d imagined them to be. A quick swipe across her lower lip with his tongue gained him access to the warmth of her mouth, and he growled in response to her whimper when their kiss deepened. His hands roamed her arms, her back, and then cupped her backside possessively.

  The conqueror in him roared for him to take her and claim her as his. He rolled her onto her back, climbing atop her to nestle his body between her soft thighs. All he needed to do was angle himself properly and he’d be buried in her wet depths—

  “Nii Aizak!”

  Marissa jerked beneath him, twisting her mouth away from his.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “Nii Aizak!” A few loud raps on his main door followed the shout.

  Aizak swore as he climbed off Marissa and got to his feet. She sat up, her eyes widened and her succulent lips parted when she looked at his manhood. Her awe soothed his irritation as he dressed and a deep sense of satisfaction filled him with the arousal still burning in her eyes.

  “I will return soon,” he said, and beneath his words was a promise he would continue where they were interrupted.

  She nodded, her gaze shy. “Yes... OK.”

  Outside, he glared at his cousin, Dyen, who glared right back. There once was a time when they were as close as brothers but all that changed when Dyen’s father appointed Aizak as the new leader of the Ekali tribe instead of his own son. A deep well of animosity had sprung up between them and no matter how much Aizak tried to cover it, Dyen sought ways of digging it deeper with insubordination and blatant disrespect.

  “What is it?” demanded Aizak.

  Dyen sniffed. “You stink of the human.” Then he sneered. “Is that why you wanted to keep her here instead of disposing of her as you should?”

  When Aizak settled his hand on the hilt of his sword, Dyen took a cautious step back as he pulled on the hilts of his hanging on either sides of his hips.

  “If you take them out be prepared to use them,” threatened Aizak. “Why have you called me?”

  Dyen’s dark eyes glinted malevolently. “Oidien footprints past the southern barrier. I advise you be the leader my father believed you to be, Nii Aizak, and think first of the protection of our people and not of your little trinket hiding away in your dwelling.”

  “And I advise you to keep your mouth shut on matters that do not concern you, cousin,” said Aizak as he hid his satisfaction behind a stony glare. Lifting into the air, he scowled down at Dyen. His heart pounded harder as he thought on the Oidien and avenging the deaths of his family. “Gather the men and let us put an end to this problem.”

  Chapter Seven


  Holy shit.

  Marissa touched her fingers to her lips, her heart still slamming in her chest from Aizak’s passionate kiss. Left alone in Aizak’s bed, she squeezed her thighs together as she relived the heat of his touch and lips on her skin. Her body ached for him to finish what he’d started, to fulfil that quiet promise he’d made before he left.

  Dear god, this was bad. She was wildly attracted to a man—an alien man!—she’d only known for one day. Worse yet, at a moment’s notice, she could never see him again.

  Not if I don’t go back.

  The thought was so shocking, she flung the bed sheet aside and scampered from the bed. She searched around for something to wear but only found various pairs of pants belonging to Aizak. She was ready to use the thick bed sheet as a makeshift covering when one of the alien sisters called her name.

  Relief swept over Marissa when Ashtaii offered up her clothing. The sisters watched her curiously as she dressed and Marissa tried not to feel too self-aware by their blatant staring. Her stomach rumbled when she finally smoothed down the front of her dress and Danaii smiled as she indicated Marissa follow them out into the dining area.

  There was food already prepared sitting on the table, a spread of dishes too many for one person to consume.

  “Wow,” said Marissa as she sat down at the table. She really could get accustomed to this kind of lifestyle. An orphan since she was twelve, she’d grown up taking care of herself. It felt a little strange now to be waited on hand and foot, but it was surprisingly freeing too.

  “You two are going to help me eat this, right?” she said. They regarded her with confusion so she beckoned them over and patted the seat beside her. When they sat, she pushed a plate in front of each of them then waved her hands over the other dishes. “We share.”

  They beamed at her then joined her in the meal. As they ate, Marissa caressed the grooves of the map. Its division into four sections by colors and drawings intrigued her. Judging from the forest drawings in the green section, she assumed that part was where they currently inhabited, but she pointed at it for confirmation.

  “Ekalon,” said Ashtaii with a smile. Marissa frowned. Aizak had said they were in ‘Fisoar’.

  “I thought we were in Fisoar?” Marissa asked, hoping they recognized the word. Danaii nodded as she waved her hands in a wide arc as if to say ‘everything’.

  “Fisoar,” she said. Then she touched the forested area on the map and indicated the room. “Ekalon.”

  “Oh.” Marissa nodded with understanding. They were on the planet Fisoar but resided in an area called Ekalon. Smiling, she pointed at the red division with the image of sand dunes.

  “What about this one?”

  “Aridin,” said Danaii.

  “Freize,” said Ashtaii when she pointed at the white section with mountains. Then Ashtaii pointed at the blue division with the image of oceans. “Aqueter.”

  Marissa smiled her thanks as she studied the map some more. What did those places look like? Pity she’d never find out because she would be leaving this planet soon anyway.

  After they ate, the sisters led her outside on a tour of their village. Though their language barrier prevented them from communicating much, Marissa still learnt some things about the Ekali culture. They were powerful and intelligent beings, reserved yet polite. She reminded herself that she had no intention of staying there, but she still pointed at various objects so that Ashtaii and Danaii could tell her what it meant in their language and she shared what it meant in hers.

  It was not until the sky darkened that Marissa remembered she’d wanted to search for the watch. She’d been too caught up in the excitement of living an anthropologist’s dream—being immersed in a fascinating culture. As Ashtaii and Danaii led her back to Aizak’s home, she was anxious at the thought of never finding the watch again. She’d be stuck in this place forever. So far staying here wasn’t a horrible fate, but she disliked the idea of being forced to live in a place not of her own choosing. Tomorrow, she would do better. As soon as she was up, she would demand Aizak take her to find her watch.

  Inside the dwelling, they found Aizak cleaning his sword. With a quick bow, the sisters hastened away to attend to their duties. Left alone with him, the memories of this morning came rushing back to Marissa. His silver-eyed gaze found hers and her face was warm when she remembered his unspoken promise to finish where they’d left off.

  He stood and Marissa marveled at his height and the breadth of his shoulders. Sweet heavens, they just didn’t make men like him on Earth at all. Furthermore, it amazed her that a guy like him, incredibly attractive and a leader of an entire village of powerful beings, would go for a girl like her.

  She had enough self-confidence in herself to know she was attractive too, but in her experience, men like Aizak went after women like Ashtaii and Danaii. In her tour today, she discovered that most of the women looked like the sisters—slim, olive-skinned and gorgeous. Aizak could have his pick of any of them, she was sure, yet he was interested in her.

  “You were outside,” he said with a fro

  “I went on a tour of the village.”

  “And to find what you have lost?”

  “No, only you know where we were yesterday so you’re the one who has to help me with that.”

  His features were cold, his voice even chillier. “I cannot.”

  She stared at him in confusion, at a loss for his shift in mood. Earlier today, he was all sexy smiles and grabby hands. Then he was called away and now this?

  “Why not?” She settled her hands on her hips. “You said you would help me.”


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