Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 78

by Selena Kitt

  Just as she thought she would go mad, one of the tentacles began to trail down from her breast and made its way to her aching sex. It trailed across the tender flesh of her outer lips, teasing and tormenting her further. As it touched the sensitive nub of her clit, she felt the beginnings of an orgasm build deep inside her. It didn’t take long until she found herself right on the edge of coming.

  As if knowing she was about to be thrown over the edge of release, the tentacles pulled away and stopped toying with her sensitive bits. A frustrated moan escaped from her lips as the voice of promise whispered in her ear... Soon.

  Not again, Rey thought as she came awake still laid out on the couch, the credits of the movie she had fallen asleep to still scrolling across the screen.

  Frustration rolled through her body. She was tired of having such tormenting dreams. Every night they’d invaded her sleep leaving her more frustrated than ever.

  The sound of that voice would echo in her ears long after she woke up. It held such promise within its whispered words. Promise that filled her body with aching desire.

  If only dreams could be a reality.

  Getting up from the couch, she turned off the TV and began to head to her bedroom. Sound no longer coming from the TV set, the house was filled with an eerie silence.

  Rey couldn’t help but feel as though something was meant to happen tonight; the overwhelming feeling of the sounds of the night holding its breath in anticipation; waiting for something to happen.

  The peculiar feeling washing over her body, Rey moved to the front door to make sure that she had locked it earlier. Relief flooded through her as she checked and found the lock firmly in place.

  With a shake of her head, she moved to the kitchen for a glass of water before getting in the bed.

  To her surprise, she found the curtain of the patio door, blowing in the night air. Rey didn’t recall opening the door before falling asleep and a feeling of unease ran down her spine. In fact, she was quite sure that she had shut all the windows and curtains of the room. Nothing else seemed out of place and Rey didn’t know what to think.

  Moving quickly to the patio door, Rey pushed against and it clicked it shut. Moving the lock into place, Rey turned around and found a figure standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

  Letting out a gasp of surprise, Rey scrambled for the light switch next to the door. Light flooded the kitchen and she let out a small sigh of relief.

  “Oh my gosh, Ryan! You scared the shit out of me!” A relieved smile crossing her face, Rey moved over and stood next to her boyfriend. She gave him a small push on the arm “I thought you were staying at your friends like you normally do? Everything okay?”

  Ryan grabbed her by the waist in response and brought his lips down against hers, crushing her in a kiss. The forcefulness of his actions caused a rush of lust to shoot down her body; he was normally much timider in his advances.

  “Miss me did you?” Rey purred, pulling away from his kiss slightly before leaning back in for more.

  A low growl rumbled deep within his throat in response, before he pulled her body closer to his and pinned Rey against the lean muscles of his body.

  Excitement sang throughout Rey’s body at his forcefulness. He ran his hands over the curves of her body, teasing and playing with the flesh of her nipples through the thin cotton tank.

  Taking her in his arms, he picked her up and placed her on top of one of the dining room chairs. Staying where he placed her, Rey watched as he moved to the light switch and dimmed the lights in the room.

  Kneeling down next to her, he took her arms in his and said “I want to fulfill your deepest desires. I know just what you need?”

  “Oh do you?” Rey said with a smile, “And just what might that be?”

  “You’ll see...” he said, promise of fulfillment coating his voice. Rey didn’t know what had gotten into him tonight, but he was acting like he never had before.

  A smile stretched across her face, she had a feeling that tonight was going to end up much differently that the last few times they’d slept together. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Standing to move beside her, Rey felt Ryan pull her arms back and tie them together behind her. The soft fabric of the ropes he used brushing against her skin.

  She felt the warmth of his body as he stood behind her, Rey tried to turn around to see what he was doing, but with her hands bound she was unable to move.

  Wriggling in her seat, she could feel wetness pool in her panties. Being so bound and helpless turned her on and made her pussy begin to ache.

  Rey felt his hands graze the back of her neck and push forward and down, caressing the skin of her breasts beneath the thin cotton of her tank top.

  She moaned in pleasure as he tweaked and teased at her nipple, paying attention to first one and then the other.

  The ache in her pussy grew at his ministrations and she tried pressing her legs together to help ease the pressure she felt.

  “None of that,” he said from behind her. She felt movement behind her as he grabbed her legs from behind and spread them open before tying them to the legs of the chair with additional rope.

  Standing up behind her, his hands continued to caress and stroke at her breasts; teasing the sensitive nipples beneath the fabric.

  Rey let out a moan of desire and felt his hand come down and around trailing up the inside of her thigh.

  “Oh my god, how are you doing that?!” Shock ran through her body as she realized that he was still behind her and still touching her breasts as he was caressing between her legs. There was no way he could be doing both at once, not unless he had unusually long hands and more than two of them.

  “I heard your call and I’ve come to serve.” The voice from her dreams whispered in her ear.

  Looking down between her legs, she was shocked to find that what was between her legs and caressing her breasts weren’t hands at all; instead, they were the thick flesh of something tentacle-like.

  “What call? I never asked of anything from you.”

  “You are mistaken. As I passed through the sky above, I heard the wish you whispered to the sky.”

  Rey recalled the wish she had made when she had seen the falling star. That must be what the creature was referring to. If it had come from space, it must be some type of alien.

  “You want what no man can give,” the voice continued its whispers in her ear. “Only I can give you what you need.”

  Knowing she should scream and fight off whatever creature was touching her, Rey was too turned on and too horny to do anything more than beg for more. Flashes of the dreams she was having moved through her mind.

  “Oh yes, please,” Rey moaned as the man she now knew was not her boyfriend continued to stroke at the juicy valley between her legs.

  The tentacles on her chest stopped their caressing motions and moved towards the top of her shirt. A loud rip filled Rey’s ears as they gripped the fabric of her tank and pulled apart, shredding the thin white material into two.

  Her breasts exposed, the already hard nipples tightened further in the cool night air.

  Focusing their attention back on her nipples they continued to work and pluck at her hardened peaks. The skin of the tentacles giving off the feel of tiny mouths suckling at her skin. Rey moaned in delight at every motion of the tentacles rubbing across her tender skin.

  Relentless in his motions, the alien continued to caress her chest until Rey thought she could no longer take it. She could feel the beginnings of orgasm

  Playing her chest like a harp, the alien knew all the right spots to touch to make her sing as the rush of orgasm flowed over her.

  Slumped back in the chair, Rey enjoyed the pleasure rushing through her body and enjoyed the pulsing of her pussy. Her panties soaked now, they stuck to her lower body.

  “Wherever you are from, you definitely know what you are doing,” Rey whispered.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he responded.

>   Continuing to stroke at her breasts, the tentacles between her legs rubbed against her wet panties teasing her swollen flesh through the damp fabric.

  “I want you in me,” she moaned, wanting to feel the thick width of the tentacles deep inside her.

  “Not until you beg,” the raspy voice stated. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll want me in every hole you have to offer.”

  Rey’s pussy clenched at his words, already fantasizing about how it would feel to be stretched and penetrated everywhere by his thick tentacles.

  The tentacle between her legs began to work harder at her clit, rubbing and caressing it until it was throbbing with near pain.

  “Fuck me, please,” She begged, desperate for another release. Rey didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

  Rey squirmed beneath its ministrations and tried to squeeze her legs closer together, desperate to ease the ache she felt. She thought she’d go mad if she didn’t get to come soon.

  The alien gripped her panties with its tentacle in response and tore the wet fabric from her body. Rey watched the white material fly in front of her and land on the floor.

  Still playing at her nipples and clit, the alien brought forth another tentacle and began to tease at Rey’s exposed lips.

  How many tentacles did this thing have? The thought flitted through her mind before she was seized in another mind blowing orgasm. The extra attention to her swollen pussy pushing her right over the edge.

  “Fill me please, I need it so bad,” she begged. Surely the alien wouldn’t torture her for much longer.

  The bonds holding her to the chair fell from her arms and legs as the alien scooped Rey into a mass of tentacles and carried her to the bedroom. The swarm of tentacles drifted and explored every inch of her body as it glided through the room.

  Tossing her face first onto the bed, Rey was exposed completely to the alien behind her. She wished she could get a glimpse of what the alien looked like, but couldn’t see anything in the pitch black. Turning her head to face the mirror, not even a hint of it could be seen.

  The tentacles swarmed over her body, teasing and touching every inch of her. Rey could feel a warm liquid seeping out of its ends, lubing up valley of her ass.

  Slowly the tentacle began to work its way into her tight hole and she could feel herself stretch over its width as it moved deeper and deeper.

  Rey let out a low moan as it began to plunge in and out, smoothly sliding deep within her.

  As the tentacle in her ass continued to pound into her, she felt another tentacle tease at the entrance of her throbbing pussy. Already wet from her earlier orgasms, the alien had no need to lube her up further.

  Slamming itself into her, the tentacle pounded her pussy matching the movement of the one in her ass.

  Her two holes never filled at the same time before, Rey exalted in the pleasure of being so full. Its tentacles were thick and stretched her to the point of tearing. Each thrust of the tentacles riding on the thin line between pleasure and pain.

  Rey could feel another orgasm building deep inside her as the alien reached forward another tentacle and ran it up the length of her back heading towards her face.

  Caressing her cheek, it slid the tip of itself in between her lips and she opened her mouth wide to take it in. The tentacle long and thin, she felt it grow between her lips until she thought it would choke her.

  Using her for its own pleasure now, the alien continued plunging in and out of all her holes.

  Its tentacle filled her mouth and shoved itself as far back as her throat would allow making Rey never more grateful for her lack of gag reflex.

  Plunging deeper and deeper, Rey felt all three of the tentacles grow stiff and hard inside her until it shot its warm liquid deep within her.

  Her own orgasm followed shortly after, the feel of its warm seed fulfilling something deep within her.

  Rey drank down every bit of the warm liquid that shot in her mouth, enjoy the salty-sweetness of its alien seed.

  As it slipped its tentacles out of her used holes, Rey could feel its warm liquid seeping out of her.

  Rey collapsed to the bed exhausted and used. Fulfilled for the first time as she had never been before. Now she knew just what is was that her body needed and clamored for.

  Reaching over to the bedside table she turned the light on and turned to face the alien who had given her so much pleasure.

  Disappointment ran through her body as she discovered she was now alone. The alien gone without a word.

  A chill ran through her body as she saw that the window to her bedroom was now wide open; the cool air drifting through the sex-soaked room.

  Getting up from the bed, Rey moved to close it. As she did so, a movement in the sky caught her attention. The bright light of a falling star moving upwards through the air.

  Come back to me, she thought. Never before had she been so thoroughly used and pleasured; so completely fulfilled. She wanted more. She didn’t want just one experience of complete pleasure.

  Turning away from the window, she knew in her heart that her alien was gone.

  The only evidence that the alien had been there was the glowing cum it left behind. Knowing that she couldn’t leave the room like this before her real boyfriend came home from his friends, Rey began to clean up any evidence of her erotic alien encounter.

  It didn’t take long until all evidence of what had happened was gone, save for the torn undies and tank top Rey hid in her night stand. She’d keep those as a memento of this amazing night.

  Climbing into her bed, Rey’s thoughts were on the alien and the pleasure it gave her until she drifted off to sleep.

  Waking up the next morning, Rey was almost disappointed to find that she didn’t have those plaguing dreams anymore. The promise of pleasure and her wish having been fulfilled.

  Every night following her encounter with the tentacle alien, Rey would look to the sky and hope to see another falling star for her to wish for her alien to come back to her.

  The End


  Want to know when Minella releases her newest book? Sign up for her mailing list here.

  To read other books by Minella check out her author page on Amazon or check out her books below:





  Taken By The Tentacle Alien

  Goldi & the 3 Aliens

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  Aboard the Mother Ship by Sophie Stern

  Chapter One

  The front door slams shut as Evan storms out of the house.

  I stand silently, for once, just watching him march down the sidewalk to the driveway. It’s not like there’s anything I can do. After all, we’ve had this fight before. We’ve had this problem before. We’ve had this solution before. It’s all very trite, of course, but that doesn’t change the way that things are.

  I piss him off: he goes to Cory’s.

  End of story.

  It’s not that I’m trying to be a bad girlfriend. I’m not, really. I’m just so damn bored with my life and tired of everything. Everyone does the same thing every day. My friends go to the same restaurants every weekend. My boss wants me to file the same paperwork every Friday. It’s old, and I’m tired of it.

  I need something different.

  I slump onto the couch and pick up my glass of wine, wondering if it’s time for me to make some changes in my life. I could. There’s plenty that I could do. It wouldn’t be so bad. I could get a new job, move to a new place, find some new girlfriends, and maybe even get a new guy. I could do anything. Hell, I’m only 23. That’s much too young to be tethered down anywhere for long.

  At least, that’s what I tell myself.

  The problem is that I’m lazy. I’m stuck in a rut. I’m comfortable where I’m at and I have li
ttle motivation to change. How bored do I have to get before I actually do something to improve my situation? I don’t like the routine and monotony of my life, but is that enough to get me out of my comfort zone?

  I glance at the clock and realize that it’s only 9:30. It’s too early for bed, but too late to call anyone. All of my coworkers are undoubtedly soaking up their favorite shows on Netflix and my girlfriends are either putting their kids to bed or blowing their boyfriends.


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