Satin Chamber

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Satin Chamber Page 8

by Alyna Lachlan

  McLain raised his hand and pointed a finger over each of the man’s eyes. “Close your eyes, you grow tired. Listen will not warn Jayce. You will forget all about the cult and me. You came out here to relieve yourself, then return back to the tavern.” He leaned closer, putting a push behind his command. “Heed my words well.”

  The bartender’s gaze fixed, and his shoulders sagged. He nodded and turned to walk back the way he had come on stiff legs.

  McLain was about to leap into the air when he spotted Brom leaning against the wall, watching him. Once the bartender passed Brom, he pushed away from the wall and strode toward him. Something in his gaze must have prompted Brom to speak. “I saw the bartender slip out so I followed.” Brom shrugged his shoulders. “Just curious.”

  The left side of McLain’s lips curled up. “We need to go.”

  Brom lifted a brow. “You have something?”

  McLain nodded. “Jayce has Carmen in the crypt of Lord Charles Montgomery. She is to be sacrificed.”

  Chapter Nine

  As McLain and Brom passed through the cemetery, they heard an eerie chanting on the night air. A stone building pushed up through the fog covered ground between two large oaks. The iron door stood ajar on a large crypt. Its stone walls were covered in ivy and where it lie bare, the rock was stained black with mildew. McLain waved Brom over. “It’s coming from within.”

  “Leave it to your good ears. In this thick fog I have no sense of direction.”

  “Jayce is cocky not to have placed guards.”

  McLain opened the door wide enough to pass through into a chamber with nameplates on one wall. The largest of them read, Lord Charles Montgomery. There were other names of those laid to rest inside the stone walls, no doubt family that followed. To the left lay another iron door, at the top were rusted steel bars, opening into the darkness beyond. The chanting poured in passed the bars a teasing of what lay within.

  McLain lifted the handle and pulled on the door. It swung open on well-oiled hinges, telling that someone had greased them recently. McLain nodded toward the dark passage. “Are you ready?”

  “Lead on.”

  McLain descended the steep stairs. The smell of mildew and dust filled his senses and tickled his throat. He moved lower into the dark abyss, hearing Brom close behind until they reached the bottom. Down the long underground passage, he saw a faint glow.

  Both men moved silently up to the door where the light poured from its opening and pressed back against the damp wall. Cautiously, McLain peered around the doorframe, taking a quick view of the happenings in the lit room.

  Open crypts surrounded the circular room in every wall space. Wherein laid coffins of those Montgomery’s that died long ago. However, what was happening in the middle of that room held his attention.

  He spotted Carmen stretched out over a cross-shaped stone alter. Her arms and legs were spread wide and chained to the stone’s surface. She appeared naked except for a red satin shroud with golden symbols that lie across her torso. Her shoulders and legs were bare to every eye, and the fabric was thin enough to see the outline of her breasts and juncture of the thighs.

  McLain’s hands balled into fists at his side as fury worked up the back of his neck.

  Men with dark blood-red robes and cloaked hoods circled the area, standing closer to Carmen than to the crypt’s outer walls.

  Wood carved ram’s heads decorated the armrests of a large throne, sitting on a raised platform at the head of the table. Upon that throne sat a red-cloaked man, his face revealed for all to see. McLain swung back into the darkness, pressing against the cold wall in hopes of cooling his anger. He leaned toward Brom to whisper. “She’s in there and chained to a stone table. A group of around fifteen surrounds her. Change places with me and take a look.”

  Brom crept around McLain and took a glance inside, then swung back. “That’s Jayce on the throne. He has quite a following, the demented fool. What’s your plan?”

  “By all the powers of hell, the bastards are going to wish they were dead once I cut their rods off and slice their throats.” McLain snarled then indicated with a nod of his head back down the dark passage. “We passed another room back a-ways. I wonder if there is another way into the crypt.”

  As they searched through the small storage room, McLain picked up some dark red material. “If I’m not mistaken, these are some of their ceremonial cloaks. I think I have a plan.” McLain smiled.

  “And I think I’m going to like it.” Brom returned the smile

  * * *

  Carmen lay on the cold table. The stone stole the warmth from her body until she lay shivering. Her heart beat rapidly and she pleaded in her thoughts for McLain’s safety, hoping they hadn’t found him, and that he was even now looking for her. She wanted to feel his presence next to her.

  She opened her eyes to meet Jayce’s cold, hard stare. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I deserve the power. I’m tired of working to keep up my lifestyle, tired of society’s dictates and rules. My blood is blue and true, and as good as any of them. They will see. I will have power. I will rule and make others bow to my wishes. I want the choice over life and death. Nothing could be more powerful. And with your help, sweet Carmen, I shall have all that and more.”

  He pulled his dagger from the waistband and placed the blade against the flesh of her shackled wrist.

  “No, Jayce! You cannot.” She froze in fear that any movement and the sharp edge would cut into her, releasing the poison she held within. “It is a curse I must hold.”

  “Not this time, beautiful.” He ran a finger across one hardened nipple, puckered from the cold beneath the satin. “I will have the gift from the gods. It should have been mine, but the gods ignored my cries.”

  He grabbed a golden goblet that sat near her waist, and moved it under her wrist. Without hesitation, he pulled the blade across her flesh, slicing into the soft, white skin. Blood boiled up, the liquid tickled along her flesh to drop in a steady stream filling the golden goblet.

  She hissed and tightened her fist. A deep moan pushed past her lips. The burn of the slice was intense.

  He was taking her blood. Any one who touched or drank of it would reap death. There was no cure.

  Carmen pulled upon her powers and centered them upon her injury, pushing the skin together, closing the wound. She watched the expression on Jayce’s face. His mouth sagged opened and his brow lifted in surprise; as her flesh sealed together.

  “How did you learn of my secret, Jayce? How did you find out about the blood in my veins?”

  He snickered. “Your mother told me. Right after we had sex, she was feeling content and shared with me that the Celtic god, Cocidius, found her appealing and worshiped her body one night. A month later, she found herself breeding with his child. I asked her to go on and her vanity caused her to finish the tale, sharing your secrets, your gift of life and death. She thought it would arouse my interest in her, to know she had a powerful daughter. She told me about the time you grew a berry bush in a matter of minutes and plucked the fruit, eating them. Of you, touching a wound and it closed just like your wrist. It was then I realized I had the wrong woman. No money would equal the power you could give me.”

  A sick heaviness cramped Carmen’s stomach. “It was you that killed my mother.”

  His wicked laughter raised above the soft chanting of his followers. “Did you think it was that sniveling cowered Brom? He was forever putting his nose where it didn’t belong. The bastard wouldn’t know his mouth from his ass. Soon he will reap his reward. I shall see to it.” An evil smile twisted his lips. “I was standing behind you that day in the hall when you found Brom holding the knife I used to slice your mother’s throat. Brom looked up and saw me before I left. It was me he threatened to kill, but as you turned to flee, I realized you thought he meant the threat for you.” A high-pitched cackle rose from his throat.

  “You’ve made it so easy for me, Carmen. You have been running
from Brom all this time. And he has run after you, trying to save you from me, thus pushing you right into my arms.

  “I tried on many occasions to eliminate you, but Brom always interfered, causing you to slip through my fingers. But not this time. Once I take what I need, you are no longer of value.”

  He walked away from her over to the throne. “Gather around, followers. I have the power we seek in this goblet. Once I drink and feel the power flowing through my veins, she is to be sacrificed. Use your blades anywhere you wish upon her flesh. I want no evidence that will lead Brom to me or competition to my reign.

  The cult followers moved in around the table. Carmen found herself closed in by men in masks, red cloaks, their eyes dead and empty, others full of lustful fire, glanced down upon her. Each man pulled a blade from their cloaks; the steel reflected the light from the burning torches set about the room.

  Terror constricted her chest, nausea rolled in her stomach. A death chant brought a thick cloak of malevolence to blanket them all.

  “Jayce.” She turned to him. “Do not do this. That blood is not meant for you. Dispose of it and let me go. Cease this madness before all is stripped away and you are destroyed.”

  He laughed. “What motivation is there for me? I now have everything within my grasp.” He lifted the golden goblet and swung his hand across his followers. “And men to do my every bidding. We will take what we want. Do you think because you tell me to that I would just throw it all away?”

  “But I speak the truth, Jayce. Take that blood and you will die.”

  His over-bright gaze moved to the goblet. “I have seen what you can do with this blood. You command and even nature obeys. It is mine, now. You speak falsely in hopes of keeping the authority all to yourself.”

  With both hands, he raised the goblet overhead. “See here, followers, I will now be your god.”

  He tipped the goblet to his lips and swallowed deeply, blood trickling from one corner of his mouth. Jayce swallowed again until the contents were gone. Throwing the goblet on the floor, he swiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “All is mine to command.”

  He pointed to Carmen with one long finger. “Sacrifice her.”

  Then his face twisted, the smile turned to a grimace.

  Carmen closed her eyes, pulling together her strength. Words fell softly from her lips as she fell into a deep trance. A blue glow encased her body. The brilliant light grew intense, causing several of the cult members to cover their eyes and stumble back. Others shaded their gazes and struck with blades that bounced off the shield of light.

  It was then that McLain and Brom threw off their cloaks used to conceal themselves among the cult followers. They knocked several men to the floor with a shoulder slam. The remainder stood as if surprised they were under attack.

  Suddenly, Jayce’s scream drew every gaze. He had gone pale and beads of sweat dotted his forehead. He bent over, losing the contents in his stomach. Boils rose on his skin to oozed yellow puss. His hair fell out in large clumps leaving whole sections of bare scalp.

  “What have you done to me?” he cried, glancing at an unreachable Carmen.

  Jayce screamed again as his fingers turned wrinkled and black then dropped off, leaving stumps. His body shook and jerked. His legs gave out and he fell to the floor, cracking bones that had grown soft. Once strong arms shriveled and his chest sunk in.

  One by one, McLain saw cult followers quietly sneak away, leaving Jayce to his fate.

  “Carmen, Carmen save me.” There came a gurgling from Jayce’s throat, then his eyes rolled back into his head as he exhaled his last breath.

  McLain gave no thought to Jayce, as he became a blood spot on the rocky floor. His concern centered on Carmen. She had gone into a trance, holding the shield around her body. Carmen was in to a place he couldn’t follow. He had to find a way to reach her.

  “Carmen, hear me. You are safe. I am here to take you home.”

  Brom walked up beside him. “Is she responding?”


  “Perhaps you are not saying what she needs to hear.” Brom frowned. “All the others are seen to. Share your heart, McLain. I will wait outside, giving you privacy.”

  McLain’s gaze never left Carmen’s face. She had sealed herself away where no one could reach. “Carmen, come back to me. I have a need for you to be with me.” He reached out, placing his hand on the shield and felt the sharp tingle along his arm. The energy was pure and familiar. It was part of who she was. The energy recognized his touch and the shield softened where his hand lay. He could insert his hand but the sharp sting grew to a painful burn. McLain gritted his teeth and pushed farther until he could touch her face. Intense white-hot pain, like flames charring his flesh from his bones, tortured his mind, but even that wouldn’t hold him from her. He was nothing without the breath of spring air that Carmen had become. She was the home he had wandered the centuries searching for.

  “Awake, Carmen, and end my pain. I will not be parted from you.”

  At his first touch, her eyes opened to meet his. Then the shield disappeared and she was reaching for him. He pulled her up into his arms, holding tightly as she wept softy into the curve of his neck.

  “By all that is holy, you scared me through.” When she didn’t respond, he pulled the red satin material about her, then lifted her into his arms and carried her from the crypt. He wanted her out of this place and back in his home with him. Brom stood guard outside in the night air. He turned to them as they exited.

  “She is well?”

  Carmen lifted her head and turned to face her brother. “Oh, Brom, can you ever forgive me?”

  “In your place I would have thought the same. There is nothing to forgive. I’m glad to see you hale and healthy with a strong man at your side.” He placed a hand on her cheek. The sparkle of love and respect shone in his gaze. Then he let his hand fall.

  “Care for her well, McLain, or we will meet again some dark night.”

  McLain smiled as Brom turned and walked alone into the fog. Unwilling to let Carmen out of his reach, he carried her home. With every step, her breasts pressed into his chest, while the sweet scent of her skin warmed his senses. When she started to nibble the flesh along his neck, he growled and leaped into the air with her.

  In moments, he entered the manor and took the stairs to the second floor, two at a time. He pushed the first door open and carried her inside. He examined her for wounds but found none.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “No, I am well now that I’m here with you.”

  “I will have you, Carmen.” His need was evident in the husky demand.

  Chapter Ten

  McLain pushed her up against the wall, his fingers woven between hers as he raised her hands overhead. The red satin fabric slid along her body to fall forgotten on the floor. He lowered his head, running his bottom lip along the soft curve of her throat, feeling the beat of her heart. Then his teeth grazed an ear lobe. The satin flesh tasted sweet. Her leg circled around his and her foot slid up the back of his calf. Rocking his hips forward, he pressed his hard rod into her soft woman’s curls. Her breasts crushed against his chest.

  While holding her hands with one of his, he unfastened his pants with the other to free himself so he could feel flesh on flesh. Then he ripped his shirt off, the fabric hanging from his one arm as he slid his body along hers.

  He was desperate to have her. She was his alone. He wanted to wipe away the taint of Jayce’s touch and reach a heaven only she could give.

  One hand came over to cup and fondled her breast as his lips fed on hers. His tongue slid along hers, coaching her to respond. She pressed her hips forward, bringing her damp curls along his hard shaft. Her little moans were driving him to a heated frenzy. But he demanded more than just a joining of body. He hungered for the sharing of blood, a bonding like none other. And somehow, she knew.

  “Take from me, McLain. I freely give my blood to you, sharing the force within me. Drink and rece
ive my gift and my body.”

  McLain only hesitated a moment. He might die this night anyway, what better way than in the arms of the woman he loved. He hungered for her now, and would have his moment of deep satisfaction before his end came. He scraped his fangs along the column of her throat. Her head fell to one side in offering, a sigh on her lips. Her fingers raked into his hair as she slid her body against him. The moonlight fell over her unmarked pale throat and he felt the calling of the beast.

  Need pushed him to take what he wanted and his lips slid over her skin before he extended his fangs and bit down. She stiffened slightly and his arms tightened around her, holding her to him. Hot sweet blood filled his mouth and he swallowed, taking her essence. A hum of energy came with the next swallow to burn in his stomach, yet he didn’t fight it, he embraced it. The next swallow pushed the white-hot pain to his very fingers and toes. The beast curled its claws. McLain raised his head and cried out. Fire flamed behind his eyes.

  Her cool palms framed his jaw as he swam in a lake of fire. “Accept me, McLain.”

  Yes, she was his. His eyes snapped open and he pushed himself against her. He grabbed her hips, opening her up to slide down upon his hard rod.

  He thrust into her. “You are mine, Carmen!”

  The energy in him grew, demanded, and he carried her with the tide. The force spiraled stronger with each thrust. The sound of their pants and groans disturbed the unnatural silence, as all nature seem to wait for the explosion.

  He palmed her breast, teasing her hard nipple to a straining point. On the brink of ecstasy, the pinnacle of burning need as his body changed, he met her, pushing her with each thrust to join him in cascading over the cliff of pleasure. The passion escalated to a sharp point until her cry of ecstasy drove him over the edge.

  McLain’s head fell back. His cry of pain and release shattered the windows. The glass crackled as thousands of zigzag lines ran through the panes then exploded outward, raining down to crush across the stone walkway below. His seed poured from him to rest within her welcoming core and he shook from the power he had released.


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