Inferno Wolves: The Complete Tale: Werewolf Paranormal Romance

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Inferno Wolves: The Complete Tale: Werewolf Paranormal Romance Page 2

by Lyra Valentine

  “Lie back,” Xander ordered.

  He wrapped an arm around her legs and pinned her in place. She gasped when the tip of his tongue gently brushed against her clit. He slid a finger down her lips and her hips bucked skyward to accept more. She moaned when he slid his finger inside.

  He teased her like that, sliding a single finger around then inside, and back around her slickness. His tongue and mouth alternated with licking and sucking while she grew wetter by the second.

  Stella shivered underneath him. Her breath came faster. Her hips jumped again. Her hands grabbed handfuls of the sheets. She buried her hands in his hair. Still, he worked at her with his tongue and fingers and held her from backing away.

  Soon, her hips bucked every time his talented tongue touched her sensitive clit. Xander gripped her closer. She couldn’t escape even if she wanted.

  “Xander!” She cried out as the orgasm hit her. Waves of warmth flowed through her from head to toe. Three deep breaths and she felt steady enough to lean up on her elbows. Xander had rolled to her side. He stared at her starkly, stroking himself.

  An aftershock from the orgasm rolled over her. He found her sexy enough to touch himself over. It made her feel invincible.

  She crawled her way toward him and licked the tip of his cock. She turned dark eyes up at him. “May I?” she asked sweetly. She chuckled throatily at his moaned response.

  She teased him at first. She licked up his long shaft, and danced her tongue across the head of his cock. His hand moved to cup her cheek, then into her hair. He wanted more.

  She wet her full lips and took him in her mouth slowly. She could hardly fit her mouth around him. The thought of stretching to fit him earlier sent tingles running through her body.

  She stroked the bottom of his cock with her hand. Her tongue undulated against him. His hand in her hair tightened and gently urged her down.

  She felt so accomplished to take in as much as she did. She fought down a gag, feeling utterly in control of her body and this man’s pleasure. Another moan from him made her look upward, and his stare made her feel like the sexiest woman in the world.

  He bit his lip and let his head roll back. His other hand clenched into a ball. He gasped for air more often than not, and tried to restrain his noisy appreciation. Her clit jumped with need at every new sound.

  She dropped her hand from around his shaft to brace herself. She let him take control, his hand in her hair pushing her down while his hips lifted to fill her mouth. Her other hand moved down her body. She was sopping wet when her fingers brushed against herself. She kept her eyes on Xander and rubbed her clit slowly.

  “Keep doing that. You look so sexy.” He commanded her. He was looking at her again, eyes stopping for long moments on her full lips wrapped around his cock, her heaving breasts, her brining herself close to another climax.

  Stella felt him twitch in her mouth and smiled around him. He was so close. Her breath came in hot bursts through her nose. He kept her locked to him. Her muscles tightened and her fingers sped their motions. Black spots danced in her eyes as another wave of pleasure rocked through her limbs.

  She moaned as she came, and let her tongue vibrate against him. The vibration made eyes snap shut and his hips lurch upward as he came. She swallowed the salty mouthful with a purr, and licked clean his head.

  Stella moved to where Xander had fallen back against the bed. She curled up with her head on his shoulder. An arm snaked around her to cup a breast.

  “You are, without a doubt, the best at oral.” He told her and cracked a yawn.

  “That title belongs to you. I’ve never been held down like that.”

  He stroked slow circles around her nipple. “I’ll be more than happy to do that again sometime.”

  “I’m all yours.” She knew they were taking more and more time to respond to each other. She yawned. He ran hot, and she cuddled closer to his warmth.

  Chapter Two

  Stella didn’t know when she’d drifted off to sleep. She unwrapped herself from Xander, who continued to lightly snore. Her throat was dry, and she didn’t think she’d get back to sleep anytime soon. She eased off the bed to not wake Xander.

  The first garment her foot came into contact with turned out to be his shirt. She held back a giggle. Check “wearing a man’s shirt as a dress” off the box, she thought. He was so much taller than her that the shirt easily hung to her mid-thighs. She didn’t bother finding her panties.

  The bedroom door had swung partially shut while they slept. It opened with a tiny creak. Xander stirred in his sleep, but didn’t wake. Stella stepped out into the hallway and let her eyes adjust to the darkness.

  It didn’t take her long to find the kitchen once she hit the stairs. She sighed with relief at seeing clean dishes in a rack next to the sink; she hated going through someone’s cabinets without permission.

  Xander was a clean, solid man. Only a coffee mug and spoon were in the sink, and she’d already helped herself to the clean glasses he left out. She almost missed the chairs for the center island at first, as they were neatly tucked under the tabletop.

  She flicked back a curtain over the sink, but couldn’t see much. Faint moonlight waved with windy shadows on the ground. A motion detector lit the entire backyard with almost blindingly bright light, including the bunny that triggered it. Stella could see the yard ran toward a patch of woods not far from Xander’s back porch. Trees thickly lined what she imaged was the end of his property.

  Stella watched the rabbit bounce around the yard while considering her options. She didn’t know if she should try waking Xander, call a cab, or stay the night.

  Stella had turned to go upstairs and curl up against Xander again when she saw it. Light from outside the disturbed curtain hit the door across from the sink. The shape she’d seen dreaming and awake for the last month had been burned into the wood of the door. Just off the kitchen, where she expected a door to the basement might be, that damnable symbol.

  Her reservations about prying were quickly cast aside. She opened the door, and caught it before it banged into the wall on the other side. She’d been correct to assume a basement might be behind the door, and took the steps leading down.

  She felt at the wall as she journeyed into the belly of her beast, and flipped the switch she found at the bottom. She didn’t expect to see an upper crust dungeon.

  On top of the wood floors, and nestled between a couple bookcases, stood a floor-to-ceiling cage. The bars were as thick as her wrist. Large chain links ended with cuffs trailing at the floor. She couldn’t imagine what would need cuffs bigger than the circle she could make with two hands.

  A creak made her look toward the stairs. Xander clunked down slowly. “So, you found my basement,” he said flatly.

  She didn’t know if she should begin with an “I know” and an “I’m sorry” or a demand to know why he had an apparent sex dungeon for giants in his basement. She stared blankly at him while trying to concentrate on a decision and not on his distractingly gorgeous body. He’d put on briefs and the sight of his bulge made something inside her quiver.

  “I want you to handcuff me,” she whispered.

  His eyes darkened with heat, and he stepped closer to her. “You’re sure?”

  Stella nodded. Her mouth had gone dry again. She needed to feel him closer. She reached her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss that threatened to eat them both alive.

  His fingers worked open the few buttons she’d bothered to do up. Xander broke their kiss with a groan. He wound his shirt up like a towel he was about to crack and strung it through one of the chain loops mounted to the wall. He held out a hand toward her, palm up.

  Feeling like a princess accepting a dance, Stella put her small hand in his large one. She’d never fit in those cuffs. She didn’t think he could fit those cuffs.

  He led her around to put her back against the wall. He looped the shirt ends around her wrists, then brought them up to the moun
t. After a little struggle, he managed to secure her to the wall. She stood on tiptoes, but only by choice. Should she put her feet flat on the ground, she’d slip from her bonds.

  “It’s the thought that counts?” Xander shrugged.

  “Bondage in spirit!” Stella nodded once.

  “You’re sure?” Xander stroked the back of his hand down her face and neck. He pinched a nipple between his knuckles and watched her bite her lower lip.

  Stella nodded. Pink, fuzzy handcuffs used exactly once was her only foray into being tied down. Xander had held her down until she came, then MacGyvered a rope to tie her, completely naked, to a wall, in one night. With Xander so close, the smell of petrichor made her sigh in comfort. She loved how free he made her feel.

  He brought her back in the moment when he grabbed a rough handful of her ass. “So perfect,” he breathed into her mouth when he kissed her.

  She felt herself getting wetter by the moment. She shook with how much she wanted him to fill her.

  “Turn around and face the wall.”

  Stella did as she was told. She flashed a smile over her shoulder.

  Xander moved behind her and put his hand on her ass again. “Step back, but keep your hands on the wall. Like you’re getting frisked.”

  Her hair fell in her face at that angle. She shook the blonde locks out of her face. “Like this?” Stella cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “Perfect.” Xander smacked her ass lightly. “Do you like that?”

  She jumped at the hit, then grinned wider at him. She had zero doubts in her mind about what she wanted. “More.”

  Xander stripped himself from his briefs and sprang hard into the open. She bit her lower lip in anticipation.

  He stood behind her with one hand resting on her bottom, and the other stroking himself slowly. He eyed her up and down. His hand trailed up her spine and his fingers raked back down. He smacked her slightly harder than before.

  Stella leaned back into him. She wanted to feel him touch her everywhere. Her nipples ached and she felt her lower half almost quivering. She was already sopping when he finally slid his hand between her legs. “Please,” she whimpered.

  “Please what?” He asked innocently. His fingers expertly parted her lips and found her clit.

  “Please fuck me,” she begged. She craned her neck to see him better. She needed him. “Please.”

  Xander took only a second to bury himself inside her. He stilled for a moment, and his hands tightened on her waist. She thought she heard him mutter “Wonderful” under his breath, but she could barely hear over the sound of pounding blood in her ears.

  She nearly came when he pulled out and thrusted again. He fit her perfectly and hit a magical combination of places. Her knees buckled as he started moving faster. He smacked her ass back into position.

  It wasn’t enough, though. She couldn’t keep balanced and bent against the wall on her tiptoes as her climax built inside her like an oncoming train. She danced from foot to foot as Xander slammed into her.

  She howled when he stopped and pulled out.

  He didn’t wait for her to protest. He spun her around again, and picked her up in his arms. He backed her against the wall, and entered her again. One hand snaked upward to pin her hands to the wall, keeping them bound in the shirt.

  He pinned her to the wall, but she pinned him to herself. She wrapped her legs firmly around him. She couldn’t remember ever feeling like someone’s plaything, but she loved it. There was no insecurity at his performance; he knew she would enjoy herself.

  “Come for me.” He commanded.

  The pressure built inside her faster than before his sudden change of position. She watched him taking her in, from her breasts to her collarbone, then finally her face. His eyes locked with hers and she obeyed.

  Stella clung to the shirt bonds as she came. As in the bedroom, he didn’t take any heed to the beginnings of her orgasm. He didn’t pay any attention to the end, either. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and wrapped her legs more firmly around him. A second orgasm was quickly building on the tail end of the first. Stella threw back her head and screamed him name.

  Something inside her snapped and she felt like she was looking from the outside in. Something was happening to the bodies of Xander and Stella. They had parted and moved to separate corners of the cage.

  They were elongating, and growing bulkier. Hair sprouted from all over their long faces and thick paws. Both paced in their corner, looking warily at the other. Stella’s awareness became that other self, that oddly shaped half wolf with the dusky yellow fur. Her awareness of Stella ended when all four paws hit the floor.

  Chapter Three

  Stella knew she was being fired. She had missed more than a few days in the couple weeks since her birthday. When she was at work, she made mistake upon mistake. Even her closest friends were tired of redoing her efforts. Sitting in the waiting area for the HR department, she knew what was ahead.

  The night with Xander had been a blur, and the next morning was nothing but confusing. She’d awoken naked in his basement, him passed out by her side. Some clumps of fur were in the cage, and what she considered the most ridiculous detail, a collection of stuffed dog toys.

  She couldn’t tell anyone, of course. How would anyone approach the conversion? “I think I slept with, and might now be, a werewolf” would get her sent to the psych ward immediately. She ignored and misdirected all the hooks for gossip the office girls tried on her. Denying gossip and being a drain on the team left her with no friends.

  Xander had tried contacting her, and she’d blocked him in every way possible. He tracked her down to the office within a week of their encounter. She’d loudly told him in front of the entire staff to never speak to her again, or she’d call the police. She didn’t trust herself around him. She had gone willingly into everything they did, but she still shied away. She couldn’t date a werewolf, could she? She was horrified that her mind had accepted their existence and jumped straight to dating potential.

  The symbol stood out in her mind as the only thing she cared to know about that night. She chastised herself over and over for not asking why he had the same shape she’d been seeing night and day etched into a door in his home. Instead she had asked for him to bang her. She felt like a childish, horny teenager who couldn’t go one second without thinking about sex.

  How much time she spent thinking about Xander made her uneasy, she had to admit. She tried hard to push away those thoughts, but back in they crept. She wanted to brush those dark waves of hair out of his eyes and fall asleep wrapped in the smell of rain and grass.

  Stella grimaced when she found the girls had taken an unusually early lunch to avoid seeing her pack the belongings at her desk. The traitors.

  Between the office door and her car, Stella had made up her mind. She could survive for a couple months on her savings. She needed to know what the symbol meant, and what was to happen come the full moon.

  Her days after became devoted to the mysterious shape. Without a job or motivation to find a new one, Stella spent her waking moments researching online before the library opened. Her nights saw her curled up with a newly loaned book, and glancing at the calendar she hung on the bedroom wall. Each night she marked an X. They were quickly approaching the large circle she drew to mark the full moon.

  It made her sick and scared to think she could be changing into some other creature in just a few nights. She didn’t know what to expect. Her reading included descriptions of werewolves howling at the moon before sticking blood-soaked muzzles back into stomach cavities of their — sometimes, human — prey. Other sources claimed she could control the change from happening, or bring it on at will. The only consistency she found were contradictions.

  The night of the full moon found her no closer to answers. Stella paced her apartment, going from small room to small room like a trapped animal. She cleaned the kitchen from ceiling to floorboard, and every dish in between. She couldn’t stand
still and she couldn’t stop thinking about Xander. His smell, the way he tasted when he kissed her, even how warm his skin felt to the touch, none of those details would leave her in peace.

  She drove to his house, taking a few wrong streets before she found it. Cars were lined up on the street. A party, in the middle of the week? Confused, she parked and approached the house.

  The door stood open, and people wandered inside and out. Even a couple teenagers sat moodily in corners together. The energy in the room was expectant. They were gathered here and waiting for something.

  “I wondered if you’d come.”

  The sound of his voice felt like a calming touch stroking down her neck and spine. Her nerves settled immediately. She turned. “Xander.” She didn’t know what to say.

  “Come with me. We can talk.” He nodded toward the stairs.

  “What is this?” She watched the people over the railing as they went upstairs.

  “This is my pack.” Xander explained simply.

  Pack. So, he was some sort of shape shifter. Stella sighed. She was some sort of shape shifter.

  He led her into a room across from his own. Her cheeks grew red remembering their night together. She swallowed hard thinking of his eyes looking into hers from over her pubic bone.

  She took a seat across from a desk he had situated against the middle of the wall. She crossed her legs and could feel the heat rising from her inner thighs.

  Photographs hung from the wall and decorated shelves. Smiling faces looked back at her in what looked like pictures from summer camp. All stages of life were present, and the photos themselves ranged as widely in age.

  Xander sat on the other side, and folded his hands. “I take it from your reaction that you weren’t born into this. You were bitten, and that was the first time you shifted.”

  He waited for her nod before continuing. “It can happen sporadically at first. Intimate relations can trigger it. I think something about feeling desire puts us close with the primal thing inside. Controlling it comes easier with time.”


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