Young Mutants in Love

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Young Mutants in Love Page 11

by William D. Dickerson

  Diz crept into the opening keeping an eye out for the vines. Inside it was dark, but there were rays of light poking their way through the shell of the automaton. There wasn't much inside the head, just a few stray wires leading to the ocular and auditory units of the machine. Diz was able to spot a panel on the floor under him, and pulling back the panel he went down into the body of the robot.

  Would you hurry up Diz sensed Karis shouting in his mind. This isn't as comfortable as you might think.

  Diz didn't respond, but focused on figuring out a way to free his partner, and his body from the grasp of the robot's metal vines. In the compartment for the body there were plenty of gears and wires, but at the center of it all, Diz found a woman strapped to a wall with a helmet on her head.

  "Aren't you that woman from the news?" Diz asked. "What was her name? Anna something."

  "I am Anna Lisa Dillinger," she shouted as the voice reverberated from outside of the robot as well. "You cannot stop me from saving the world."

  "You've got a strange plan," Diz commented. "I think you've done more damage to the city than any of the things Karis and I have done since we got here."

  "Stopping you will end all of this chaos," Anna Lisa insisted.

  "Why do you think that?" Diz inquired.

  "A strange man told me all about it," she muttered. "He just made so much sense."

  "Let me guess," Diz suggested, "he had a large metal helmet."

  "I really can't remember," Anna Lisa started, "Why are you bringing tanks here? I'm here to save the planet!"

  Diz couldn't tell what was happening outside of the robot, but he knew he had to bring this to an end now. He sensed that it wasn't safe to mess with the connections between the woman and the robot, but he also knew that he had act fast. He decided to remove the helmet and the woman before anything else could go wrong.

  Lifting the helmet started the machine shaking. Diz dropped the helmet and it shattered. The framework was stumbling around while Diz struggled to undo the straps securing Anna Lisa while trying to keep his feet. Once she was free, she collapsed into his arms. He grabbed her and made his way out of the robot striving to maintain his footing.

  Once outside of the robot, he could see Karis flying free from the metal vines. She swooped down and collected Diz and a woman and flew them to the ground near several tanks. A soldier opened the lid of one of the tanks and turned towards them.

  "What the hell is going on with that thing?" the soldier demanded as he tipped back his helmet to get a better look.

  "We took away the driver so it should stop soon," Diz replied.

  "Are you sure we can't shoot it a couple of times?" the soldier pressed. “We did drive these tanks all the way out here.”

  Before either of them could answer, the robot rocked forward and backward and fell to the ground crushing a building. The robot twitched a couple of times, and then came to a halt.

  "I think it's over," Diz observed.

  "I think we just lost our jobs," Karis added pointing to the building the robot had just crushed, the building where their restaurant used to operate.

  Chapter 25

  As the tanks were rolling away, and the police were figuring out what to do with the giant robot, Officer Jones approached the duo.

  "That's quite a mess you two made," Karl muttered in amazement.

  "Indeed it is," Karis mused. "Maybe that woman makes a bit of sense."

  "That you're killing the planet?" Karl asked. "I don't believe that for a minute. It's just that what you do is a bit messy."

  I guess you're right," Karis agreed.

  "At least it will look good on the news," Diz mentioned.

  "I can't wait to see what they have to say now," Karis muttered.

  "Speaking of the news," Diz said. "I thought of something when I saw that woman strapped into the machine."

  "What was that?" Karis asked.

  "First the guy from the restaurant, and now that woman that was complaining about the Komodo dragon," he started pointing in opposite directions as the mentioned them, "they both were on the news before they started causing trouble."

  That's a good point," Karis admitted. "We'd better keep our eyes on the news."

  "There's something you need to do first," Karl injected remembering why he was there in the first place. "The Mayor has asked for a meeting with the two of you.”He has something he wants to discuss.

  "I hope he doesn't hand us a bill for the damages," Diz grumbled.

  * * *

  Traditionally speaking, the Mayor of New York City is a very busy man, and it can take months to meet with him even if you have very important business, and an appointment. Yet Karis and Diz were sitting outside of his office waiting for him to finish other business before their meeting, just ten minutes after their conversation with Officer Jones.

  The office was a simple affair with the secretary’s desk surrounded by a dozen chairs that were backed against the walls. There was one potted plant by her desk that was in desperate need of water. The secretary was an older woman with her white hair pinned up in a tight little bun.

  The doors to the Mayor’s office opened, and several people in business attire left the room. Karis thought about how silly she must look compared to them in her costume. The secretary stood and went to file some papers as the Mayor walked out of his office.

  "Karis and the Diz," he stated with no preliminary statements, "come into my office."

  The Mayor’s actual office was drastically different than the waiting room where the secretary spent her time relaying calls and typing reports. It was filled with shelves covered with small trinkets and plaques from various awards. The Mayor’s desk was made of mahogany and there was a small table in the corner also made of mahogany with four chairs around it. The Mayor considered the pair for a few moments.

  "You can't expect us to pay for all of that," Diz insisted as he rested his elbows on the table.

  "Pay for what?" the Mayor asked.

  "The damages to the city," Diz explained. "I know it happened while we were fighting different creatures, but it wasn't our fault."

  "Please keep your elbows off the table, Mr. the Diz, and that isn't why I asked you here," the Mayor explained. "I have a special request for you."

  "What exactly are you asking?" Karis inquired as she brushed a locket of hair behind her ear.

  "I've had concerns and complaints about the possibility of vigilantism in the city," the Mayor explained. "So far there haven’t been many problems on that front, but I need to do something positive to help discourage citizens from taking the law into their own hands. You can see my dilemma."

  "It could be a severe problem," Diz agreed. "At least we've got powers to give us a chance, but it would get dangerous if random, normal people tried to fight crime."

  "That is where I think that we can help each other," the Mayor said as he stood and started pacing. “What would you two say if I offered you a job?"

  "That depends on the job," Karis hesitated.

  "We did just lose our jobs due to an accident during our latest battle," Diz added.

  "How would you two feel about the city of New York putting you on the payroll?" the Mayor said as he continued pacing. "We would provide you with housing and a generous salary. You would just have to continue doing what you are already doing."

  "How does that benefit the city?" Karis asked.

  "We would be able to promote you as more than just super heroes," the Mayor replied as he stopped and turned towards the duo. "You would be employees of the city, and not just freelance citizens."

  "So we would be on call for the city?" Diz wondered.

  "In a manner of speaking," the Mayor explained. "You would also be responsible for an advertizing campaign run by the city to discourage vigilantes."

  "We wouldn't have to use cornball catchphrases, would we?" Diz asked after running behind the Mayor.

  "Not unless you felt it was appropriate," the Mayor replied stifling his
impulse to jump in surprise. "I suspect you will also have concerns about secret identities."

  "In a manner of speaking," Karis commented, "but I think we can find a way to work around that. Will people know where we would be living?"

  "That is a question that still needs to be answered," the Mayor related as he sat back down at the table. "I think that the fewer people that know those specifics the better off we will be."

  "We already have enough trouble with fans and the like," Diz complained, "without people knowing where to find us."

  "Then we will keep the list of people that know how to find you to a minimum," the Mayor assured. "Do you have any other questions?"

  "What if there is a problem some place outside of the city?" Karis asked. "Say France."

  "I am sure we can manage without you if a major emergency or threat arises in another part of the world," the Mayor chuckled. "It's not like we didn’t manage before you two arrived in our fair city."

  "I think that answers all of my questions," Karis stated. "What about you, Diz?"

  "Just one more," Diz added. "Can you assure us that we will have privacy where we will be living?"

  "The city won't be spying on you, if that's what you mean," the Mayor responded. "Beyond that, I can't make any promises."

  "Can we have some time to think about this?" Karis asked the Mayor.

  "Of course," he answered, "but I would like to make this official as soon as possible."

  Karis got up from her chair and both of them headed for the door. Karis assured the Mayor that they would only be gone for a few minutes as she grabbed Diz' hand and disappeared from sight.

  * * *

  Diz carried Karis to their secret spot in the field with the old tree and then they switched back to Cacy and Gavin.

  "So what do you think?" Cacy asked.

  "It sounds like the perfect solution to our problems," Gavin replied. "We could save the world and not have to bust tables anymore."

  "I think you're right," Cacy agreed. "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page as Cacy and Gavin not just as Karis and the Diz."

  "That was a good idea," Gavin agreed. "My thoughts seem to be a bit different when I'm in your body."

  "Me too," Cacy confirmed. "It's not much, but there's definitely a difference."

  "We'll have to figure that out and everything else about our powers some day," Gavin insisted.

  "I'll put it at the top of the priority list right after we figure out what is going on with Mornigan," Cacy joked. "You do realize that we'll probably have to spend more time as Karis and Diz if we agree to this."

  "The thought did cross my mind," Gavin answered with a shrug, "but we can make a difference with this arrangement."

  "So then we're agreed?" Cacy inquired.

  "Agreed," Gavin said as he grabbed Cacy's hand and they switched back to Karis and the Diz.

  Moments later they were back at the Mayor's office.

  "We would be proud to work with the city of New York," Diz announced as they came to a halt.

  "I'm glad to hear that," the Mayor replied with a large grin. "My secretary has already started making arrangements, so talk with her. She has my authorization to do whatever needs to be done."

  Karis and Diz walked out of the office and talked with the secretary to make the arrangements for their upcoming change of status.

  Chapter 26

  Gavin looked around his new living space. The city had done a fine job of making the rooms comfortable. Each of their rooms had Queen-sized beds and a private bathroom. There was a walk-in closet in the room, and a desk that was bigger than anything he had had in his life. The city had also provided Karis with a makeup counter with an assortment of supplies. Inside the closet was a variety of outfits that were in Cacy's sizes, Gavin assumed. The bed spreads were also in purples and greens, but pastels rather than the bolder colors than he wore when he was Karis.

  "Look at this room," Cacy declared as she entered the room. "I think they missed the mark on both of our accommodations."

  "How bad is yours?" Gavin asked.

  "Almost solid black," she laughed. "Even the walls were painted that way. It's hard to tell where the wall ends and the floors begin."

  "You should check out this closet," Gavin suggested. "I'm not sure how you'll feel about the options."

  "My closet is just jeans and t-shirts," Cacy explained. "I guess they didn't want to commit too much without knowing you better. After all, Diz does just run around in black."

  "So how do we work this?" Gavin asked. "I suppose we can switch rooms."

  "We can worry about that later," Cacy suggested as she slipped off her long coat to reveal Karis’ costume underneath. "We have that press conference with the Mayor soon."

  "That's right," Gavin remembered. "This situation is going to get complicated isn't it?"

  "Is there anything in our lives right now that isn't complicated?" Cacy wondered.

  "I supposed not," Gavin agreed. "I guess I’d better get ready for this conference."

  * * *

  The Mayor's office has scheduled this press conference on Labor Day, but has been extremely quiet about the reason for this meeting. We will discover soon what all the secrecy is all about, but for now we can only guess what the Mayor is planning for our great city. Looking around the room, you can see that press from around the world has arrived for a message that the Mayor's office assured would surprise the city and the world. Here comes the Mayor now.

  "Ladies and gentlemen of the press, we have found ourselves in strange days, and the city of New York needs to make some changes that will ensure the future safety of our fair city. In the last week, we have been threatened by an enlarged Komodo dragon, and a giant robot. These are new complications for a dangerous new time, and we feel that we need an innovative response.

  "Our fair city has been fortunate to rely on the services of the heroes known as Karis and the Diz. The Mayor's office has extended an invitation to these two young heroes to serve as a special protection force for the city. This is in part to preserve our national landmarks, but also to protect our citizens from the dangers of this new and unpredictable world."

  There you have the words of our Mayor explaining the role that he anticipates for these heroes that have risked life and limb for our city. This reporter expects that this will be a beneficial situation for everyone. Karis is coming to the stage now

  "Citizens of New York City, we are not natives of your fair city, but we are glad to be here now. Perhaps there are troubles in the world, but that is nothing new. Remember that we will be looking out for your safety and benefit. We won't be able to be everywhere or solve every problem but we will do our best."

  Her comments are followed by the Diz:

  "As Karis already explained, we are here to help, but I want to remind everyone that we aren't just people. We have been given special powers that help us when we deal with problems. We would discourage anyone that wants to take the law into their own hands. Call for help if there is something wrong. Otherwise you might get hurt or possibly killed. No one wants that."

  This message is scheduled to be part of a series of warnings from the Mayor's office and in an ad campaign that has been circulating around the city. This reporter would echo the suggestion that all citizens avoid confrontations that may put them at risk. Contact the authorities when in need.

  Officer Karl Jones of the New York City police force had this to say in response to the Mayor's announcement:

  "You couldn't ask for a better pair of heroes to stand with this city. They have shown their courage and creativity in dealing with so many situations, and I know they’ll do their best for all of us.

  * * *

  Karis turned off the television and plopped down on the couch.

  "Well, I guess we're a hit.”

  "I suppose so," Diz replied as he sat down next to her.

  "So how do we celebrate?" she asked.

  "I'm not sure what we should do,"
Diz muttered with a yawn. "What would be appropriate in a situation like this?"

  "We could go beat up something," she suggested. "We haven't had much activity lately."

  "The Mayor asked us not to get involved with city business unless they asked for help," Diz grumbled.

  "You could always play more solitaire," Karis laughed.

  "No thank you," Diz complained. "You know that how many games of Free Cell I've played. That's a problem with super speed-I play so fast that I've played every possible combination of cards this week."

  "Don't forget about that deck that caught on fire," Karis joked.

  "It was just the ace of diamonds," Diz defended. "It’s not as easy to play at super speed as you might think."

  "I know the Mayor wants us to keep a low profile," Karis said as she stood up, "but I need to get out of this apartment for a while."

  "Shall we go as Karis and the Diz, or should we change first?" Diz wondered.

  "I've been in this body for four days straight," Karis complained, "I've almost forgotten what it means to be a man."

  "Poor baby," Diz chided. "I guess we can switch, but just because I'll be a red head in a little bit doesn't mean we aren't keeping a low profile."

  "Since when did the Diz become the level headed one?" Karis mused.

  "I'm not sure," Diz answered scratching his head, "but I feel like we need to be careful about who knows our secrets."

  "Maybe we've already told too many people," Karis suggested.

  "You don't trust Officer Jones?" Diz asked.

  "There's just been something strange going on with people on the news" Karis reminded him.

  "Maybe we need to go check on Karl, and see how he's doing," Diz suggested after he had run to his room and changed into his uniform.

  "It couldn't hurt," Karis agreed as she moved to get changed. "Do you know where we can find him?"

  "Not really," Diz replied, "but I’m sure I can find him without too much trouble."


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