The Hometown Hoax (The Hoax Series)

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The Hometown Hoax (The Hoax Series) Page 12

by Heather Thurmeier

  “Mary was supposed to join us but I guess she had to do something with James.”

  “I noticed you both came back from hiking so you obviously started getting along better. I was worried she might toss you off the cliff if you kept annoying her.”

  “We got along great.” That sounded way too enthusiastic. He might have hooked up with Tessa, but that didn’t mean he wanted to tell his buddy about it yet. “Well, better than before. I think she’s finally over the accident and hating me.”

  “Sounds like a lot of effort for little pay off. That isn’t an easy hike.”

  “Have you seen the view from up there? That alone was worth the trip.”

  “What else was worth the trip? Time with Tessa?”

  Logan shrugged. He might not want to share all the details with Travis, and he had promised to keep Tessa’s secret about her fake Dick in the city, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t admit to enjoying the view of more than nature up on the mountain. “That part was good too.”

  Travis cast his line. “I always thought you’d hit it off with her. I was surprised to see you butting heads, but I guess I shouldn’t have been since that’s the way Tessa communicates with everyone. It’s like she’s always on edge and defensive. I wish she’d chill out.”

  A prickle of annoyance took root. “Maybe if she didn’t have you guys always on her case she’d be able to.”

  Travis shot him a look that was both amused and confused. “You need a tampon to go with that mood swing?”

  Logan took a long gulp of his beer finishing it off. “Sorry,” he finally said as he grabbed a fresh one from the cooler. “Tessa mentioned how much the family wants her to move back and how she wants to try things on her own in the city for awhile. I guess I’m kind of on her side.”

  “Did she bitch about us the whole time?”

  “No. And I wouldn’t say she bitched about it either. We just talked.”

  “Sounds like you did too much talking, in my opinion.”

  Logan thought about their time together on the mountain—being inside Tessa, her nails raking down his back, having her call out his name while he pounded balls deep into her heat. “We didn’t talk the whole time.”

  “What else is there to do? Bird watching?”

  “Skinny dipping.”

  Travis turned, a huge smile on his face. “Are you telling me you saw my sister-in-law swimming naked?”

  “We were simply sharing a water source to cool off. And no, I didn’t see her swimming naked.”

  When I saw her naked, she was about to have her way with me on the blanket, not swimming. Totally different question than Travis asked, so therefore, not a lie.

  “Sounds like a missed opportunity, if you ask me.”

  “No one’s asking you anything, and it wasn’t a missed opportunity. It was gentlemanly. Not all of us are looking to get laid all the time.”

  Though I did. And it was awesome.

  “Most of us are.” Travis laughed. “Well, whatever you did or didn’t do, I’m glad you’re hitting it off with Tessa. She needs someone to keep her in line, and I always thought you’d be a good fit for her.”

  “You remember she has a boyfriend, right?” He swallowed his annoyance at having to keep her lie. He didn’t want to pretend there was a guy she cared about, who got to sleep with her on a regular basis. The thought of someone taking up the role of her boyfriend irritated him. “I’m not here to date her.”

  “No, no…of course you aren’t, but I’ve known both of you for so long, I’ve always imagined you guys getting along.”

  “You make it sound like we’re meant to be together, like you’re setting us up or something.”

  Travis downed the rest of his beer and looked out to the water. It wasn’t like his friend to be evasive.

  “This isn’t a set up, is it?” Logan asked.

  Travis opened his mouth to speak and the glint in his eyes triggered suspicion inside Logan. Before his friend could confirm or deny the question, Martha walked up and interrupted them.

  “Hi, boys.”

  “Martha,” they both said in unison.

  “Listen, I know I mentioned it briefly before, but everyone here takes a turn cooking. Tomorrow morning you and Tessa are on breakfast duty. She’s already agreed to it so I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I’m sure I can find something to whip up. Although, I might need my blender from my apartment.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. Tessa’s going into town to get the things she needs so you can go with her. I think she’s heading out in a few minutes.”

  Logan reeled in his hook and set the rod on the dock. “I’ll catch up with you later to finish this conversation.”

  “Better go get Tessa before you miss her.”

  The words were simple enough, but Logan couldn’t help but feel his friend had meant to say them with a double meaning.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Logan lounged back against the passenger seat while Tessa drove the winding road into town. They only had an hour for the trip before they’d be late for dinner, but since town was only ten minutes from their campsite, he didn’t think they’d have to rush too much.

  “So what are our breakfast plans for tomorrow?” he asked. “I’m not much of a cook, but I can scramble some eggs. And of course I’ll make my famous green smoothies.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “With what?”

  “The green smoothies. My family won’t drink those. They might eat green vegetables, but they certainly won’t drink them.” She sounded so matter-of-fact about it that it annoyed him.

  “Why wouldn’t they? They’re delicious and filled with stuff that’s good for you.”

  “And kale.”

  He scoffed. “I don’t have to put kale in. I could use spinach instead.”

  She giggled. “’Cause that would be so much better?”

  “Yes, it would. It has less bitterness and is still healthy.”

  “I’ll take your word for it, but you should take my word and believe me when I tell you not to waste your money buying lots of smoothie supplies. My family will eat my breakfast, not your healthy drink.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked. If he could convince them to taste it, he knew they would love them. “I bet someone in the Cutter family drinks my green beast smoothie.”

  “You’re on. Get ready to lose.”

  “What’re you making anyway?”

  “Crepes with strawberries, bananas, and a hazelnut chocolate spread.”

  His mouth watered. It sounded decadent. Way more luxurious and extravagant than he usually ate for breakfast. And imagining Tessa licking chocolate sauce from her lips was almost enough to make him hard again. He couldn’t wait to devour her culinary masterpiece. But he also couldn’t admit that, not when she gave him a hard time about his smoothie, which now knowing the other breakfast options would never be the top choice by her family. She’d made a smart bet. He was definitely the long shot in this breakfast duel.

  “Sounds delicious. And fattening.”

  She narrowed her eyes but didn’t take them off the road to glare at him. “The fruit is healthy.”

  “Everything else isn’t.”

  “Well, you don’t have to have any. Of course, once you smell my crepes you’ll be begging for a taste.”

  He’d beg for another taste of her. The way she constantly stood her ground turned him on. “You want me to beg for a taste?” he asked, his voice low. He squeezed her thigh. “I thoroughly enjoyed the taste I had of you earlier. Tonight I’d happily beg for more, if that’s what it takes to get you again.”

  A deep pink hue bloomed on the apples of her cheeks. “That was a one time thing. I thought you understood that I can’t let my family find out what happened between us or they’ll know I don’t have a guy back in the city.”

  “I wasn’t planning on inviting them back to the cabin. Of course, you may need to be a little quieter this time around. You�
��ll have to bite a pillow or something while I do that thing with my tongue that you liked so much.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m sure it won’t happen again. I’m not giving them any more reason to pressure me into staying.”

  He slid his hand up her thigh until he couldn’t go any further, then gently pressed his fingers against her, making a circular motion. She gasped and her knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. “Still don’t remember?”

  “Stop it,” she said, removing his hand from her body. Her voice was stern but she smiled despite the words. She wanted him too, even if she didn’t want to admit it. “I’m driving. One accident this week is enough.”

  Tessa slowed the truck as they drove into town. They turned onto Main Street and he peered out the windows at the small buildings passing by. “For such a small town, I still haven’t learned where everything is.”

  “You’ll figure it out soon enough. It’s not like you can get lost.” She pulled into May’s Grocery and found a parking spot. Tessa glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “We better hurry. She closes up at about five thirty.”

  That gave them ten minutes to get their shopping done. “What happens when you need something later?” He hadn’t run into that situation yet, but it was only a matter of time until he ran out of toilet paper or some other necessity after May’s store closed for the day.

  “Then you hope the gas station on the highway has what you need. The drugstore down the block stays open until ten most nights.”

  “Good to know there’s options,” he said, pulling open the door to the grocery store and held it open for Tessa. His hand naturally went to her lower back as she passed.

  “Barely. One of the things I love about the city is I can get anything I need at any time, day or night.”

  “I’ll give you that. The city never sleeps.”

  “Sometimes this place feels like it’s in a coma.”

  They went their separate ways inside the store and quickly grabbed the supplies they needed for breakfast. When they got back out to the truck, Tessa opened the cooler her dad kept in the back and placed the food inside on top of a fresh few bags of ice they’d also bought.

  “I need to run down to the drug store for a few things. You need anything?” she asked.

  He did need something…well, wanted something. He’d hoped to find a set of oil pastels for Tessa as a small gift. He’d once seen this artist who did all their work with them and the pictures were some of the most beautiful he’d ever seen. He already thought her work was fantastic and could only imagine what they might look like with the new medium.

  “I have another stop I want to make. I’ll meet you back here in a few minutes.”

  She nodded and wandered off toward the drugstore while he turned and headed in the opposite direction to the hobby shop. The aisles were filled with wood working projects, sewing supplies, paints and every other hobby he could imagine. And yet every aisle he checked seemed to be lacking the one thing he wanted.

  At the back of the store a guy who looked about his age was sanding a length of wood. By the look of the attention to detail the guy was giving it, it would be a beautiful picture frame when it was finished.

  “Can I help you?” the guy asked, looking up from his work.

  “If you could point me in the right direction to find the oil pastels, that would be great.”

  “This way,” he said, coming into the main store. Logan followed behind wondering where he’d missed them since he’d looked everywhere. “You one of the artists who like to hang out at Granite Knolls Lake?”

  He shook his head. “They’re a gift. I’m not an artist.”

  “Oh? What brings you to town then?”

  “I’m Logan Ridley, the new gym teacher. I’m filling in while the other one is on maternity leave. But I’d like to stay longer if I can. It seems like a nice town.”

  “Nice to meet you. Zack Maxwell,” he said, shaking Logan’s proffered hand. “You like baseball? Football?”

  “I’m more of a hockey fan myself, but I don’t mind watching the others too. You?”

  “I watch them all. Hey, if you’re around, a couple of guys and me get together at the bar to watch the games on the big screen. You want to join us next week?”

  Logan nodded. He needed to make friends with more than the Cutter family if he wanted to settle in. “Sounds good.”

  “Great.” Zack smiled and pointed to a spot on the shelf Logan must have walked by twice. “Here’s what we got for pastels. Not a huge selection, but I don’t get much demand for them. If you find something you like, Cheryl will ring you in at the front. If there’s something you want me to order in specifically, let me know.”

  “Thanks. For the supplies and the invite. I’ll see you next week.”

  As Zack wandered away, Logan surveyed the oil pastels options. Selecting one with a good variety of colors that included a convenient case, he made his purchase and walked back to meet Tessa at the truck. When he didn’t see her there, he pulled down the back tailgate and jumped up to sit on the truck bed and people watch while he waited. Only there were no people out on the street to watch. Not quite the crowd hurrying down Fifth Avenue he was used to, but he didn’t mind the quiet either.

  Tessa peered self-consciously at the boxes of blues and purples and blacks in front of her and glanced down the aisle to make sure no one was watching. Why had she even stopped here? It wasn’t like she needed any of these anyway. They’d simply caught her eye. It wasn’t as if she was actually contemplating buying any of them.

  Extra large? Ouch.

  Extra small? Definitely not.

  Lubricated? Did anyone want it dry?

  Nope. Not happening!

  She did not need to buy condoms. Sure, every girl should have a few handy, just in case. But she’d already had her “just in case” moment with Logan and she wasn’t planning on having another anytime soon.

  She wandered the rows of cosmetics deciding if she needed a new lipstick or if she wanted one to impress Logan, which was stupid because she was purposefully trying not to lead him on. She didn’t want to be involved with him. Well, not again, at least.

  The first time, this morning—Was it only this morning?—felt like so long ago she was already craving him again. But not so long ago that she’d forgotten the touch of his hands on her body, or his tongue on her skin, or…

  Nope. Moving on. Think of something else.

  Lip balm. She’d get that instead. It was practical and didn’t mean that she was hoping to attract his attention.

  Or tinted lip balm.

  That was even better. Everyone could use a hint of color, but it was still practical. Sure. She put the item in her basket along with the travel-sized hand lotion, hair clips, and tissue, then found herself wandering past the row of brightly colored boxes again.

  Twelve pack.

  Twenty-four pack.

  Sixty-four pack? Wow. Someone gets a lot or plans to. You will not buy these. You will not have sex with Logan again.

  Her cheeks burned as she scurried away from the embarrassing boxes and down another row, grabbing items at random and putting them in her basket. Her mind was too foggy with indecision to think clearly. She couldn’t let herself give in and sleep with Logan again. The first time had been too good. She already liked him way more than she wanted to. She couldn’t handle falling for him totally, and buying condoms was definitely agreeing to be with him again, which would lead to her falling even harder for him.

  So no. She couldn’t buy condoms. She wouldn’t.

  Tessa stopped at the end of the aisle, the boxes in question taunting her. She’d come in here to get lotion because the sun was making her skin dry, and she already had some in her basket. She didn’t actually need to purchase anything else. And yet, those boxes called to her, begged her to grab one.

  It’s important to be prepared…

  They last a long time…

  I’ll need t
hem in the city when I eventually meet someone else I want to start a relationship with. So, okay then. She wandered closer. Chewing her lip, she read the packages again.

  Ribbed? Eww. Why?

  Ultra thin? Don’t I want ultra thick for ultra safety?

  “Glow in the dark? What the hell? Who’s buying these things?” she whispered to herself.

  “Need any help?” a voice asked beside her.

  Her head whipped to the side so quickly the muscle pinched. “Nope. I was looking for this!” She spun around to put the condoms behind her and reached blindly for whatever was on the opposite shelf and grabbed a container. “Here it is.”

  She held it up triumphantly with a smile. Daniel Parker was smiling back at her. She’d had a crush on him in tenth grade. He’d never even given her the time of day. And now he’d caught her looking at condoms. Great.

  “Tessa? Hey. I didn’t know you were in town,” Daniel said.

  “Yep, back for the week. Heading out again in a couple of days.”

  A voice came over the intercom speaker. “Daniel to the pharmacy for customer assistance.”

  “I guess I have to run. Maybe I’ll see you around. Let me know if you need any instruction on how to use that. It’s what I’m here for.”

  “Will do! Bye!” she called overly cheerfully as he hurried away.

  Looking down at the container, her head spun as if she’d been hit with a two-by-four. Vaginal itch cream. Great. Exactly the rumor she needed floating around town.

  Shoving it onto the shelf, she spun back around and grabbed the first box of condoms she found—large, lubricated, and not glow in the dark. Good enough. With cheeks glowing so hot with embarrassment she could probably spark a match with them, she walked straight for the checkout. The sooner she was out of here, the better.

  She sighed with relief when she saw the person at the register was some younger kid she didn’t know. The last thing she needed was to run into anyone while buying condoms. As if itch cream was any better.

  “Did you find everything you were looking for?” the checkout girl asked.

  “Yes.” She fished out her debit card and was ready to swipe it at the first chance she got when her gaze felt to the items currently being rung through from her basket.


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