Overflow: The Carpino Series

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Overflow: The Carpino Series Page 15

by Asher, Brynne

Jude, obviously heeds my warning, because he rasps back against my lips, “No, baby. I want to watch you.”



  Not caring at this point that I have no control over my own body, in fact needing it so badly, I grasp on to him as I feel it come over me. Pushing my head back while moaning, I come long and hard. Letting my orgasm wash over me, I realize Jude’s very talented hand is gone and he’s up, knees to the bed pulling off my shorts and panties. I look up to see him reach behind his shoulder blades to yank his shirt off from behind, toss it and then his hands go to the button on his jeans. Barely recovered from Jude’s talented fingers, he leans back over me and with his lips on mine, as asks me, “Baby, are you on the pill?”

  “What?” still trying to get my wits about me.

  “Birth control, Gabby,” he repeats. “You on the pill?”

  “Yes,” I whisper back and as soon as I do, I feel his whole demeanor change as he slows his movements.

  He lifts his hand to brush my cheek and his middle finger traces my lips ever so slowly. I look up at him, his eyes are burning but he’s not looking into mine, he’s following his fingers tracing slowly down my heated body, over my breasts, rounding my nipples, feather light down my belly, straight between my legs where he slowly starts to play with me again. His eyes come back up to me, not heated this time but full of reverence. My breath hitches and his face comes down close to mine.

  “Gabby are you sure I’m not going to hurt your ribs?” he says softly.

  His hand is still between my legs so I’m getting all breathy again and finding myself a little impatient, I say, “Jude, if you ask me that again, we’re going have to have a talk.” To make my meaning clear, I lift my hips up for more contact and look into his eyes saying, “And I do not want to talk right now.”

  He gives me a grin. His hand stops playing with me and slides down my leg to hitch my knee pulling it up high. I do the same with my other one then I feel the tip of him between my legs. As he looks into my eyes, he slides slowly inside me. It feels so full and so good. Perfect. A perfection that I’ve never felt before. A perfection so perfect that I doubt anything could ever come close to this. Ever.

  I lift my hips for more contact but he moves slowly in and out of me. “Jude, please,” it’s embarrassing, but I’m begging for him to move faster or harder, I need more.

  “Hang on, baby, I want to feel you,” he rasps as I feel his lips on my ear.

  I don’t know how it can happen again so soon, but I feel it coming over me again. As I start to breathe hard, I feel Jude’s hand come in between us and presses his thumb at the perfect spot and he starts to move faster, harder. This one is quick but intense and even better with Jude moving inside me now, fast and hard. Some remote part of my brain realizes he’s now breathing harder, holding himself up on his forearms so he doesn’t hurt my ribs and I pull my legs up as far as I can up his sides and I can feel him plant himself deep inside me once, again, again and the fourth time he plants himself deep and stays there. He balances on one forearm as the other tucks under my back and he falls to the side pulling me over, him on his back and me on top, but still connected. He presses into me while pulling me down onto him one more time making me shiver, feeling it from where I am still sensitive from my now second Jude induced orgasm.

  We both lay here, me naked, my knees still hitched high against his sides, snuggled on top of him and I realize he still has his jeans on. There’s something about that feels sexy and intimate. I snuggle in, trying to get as close to him as I can with my face buried in his neck and he’s back to lightly stroking my back from my neck to my ass, over and over.

  “Sugar,” he turns his head slightly so his lips are in my ear again. “Are you ok? Did I hurt your ribs?”

  “Seriously, Jude,” I say without moving my head, I’m too relaxed. “How about this, if you hurt me, I’ll give you a code word. It’ll be ‘ouch’.”

  His hands stop immediately on my ass and his fingertips grip me lightly. Still hard, he presses his hips up into me and I gasp as he says, “You’re gonna be a smart ass when I’m still inside you, babe? For the first time, too?”

  Still not moving a muscle, I reply, “Only if you keep asking me that.”

  At my words, he knifes up at the waist, pulling me out of my post-first-time-sex-with-Jude-induced-coma, yanks my legs around, so I’m sitting astride him, doing all this while he’s still inside me. He puts one hand in my hair to hold my head to him and one to my ass holding me tightly impaled on top of him. With his melty eyes looking intensely into mine, he says, “Tell me you get me, Gabby. Tell me you get that this is where I want to be. Not just here,” he pulls me down on his still hard shaft, “but everywhere in your life. Tell me you get it now.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck and into his hair, I whisper, “I get you, Jude.” I’m so close to him, I can tell he smiles big but I can only see it in his eyes.

  “Thank you for trusting me Gabby,” he says softly and kisses me. “Do you want to go clean up?” he asks and I give him a small nod. “Okay. I’ll go pick up the kitchen, you go do your thing, but do not get dressed,” he bosses.

  “What?” Now I’m back to breathy and shocked.

  “Come back to bed, but do not get dressed. I’m not done with you yet. I’ve been sleeping next to your soft sweet self for what seems like a year and I’m not close to having my fill, sugar. I’ve got plans for you.”


  “Yep,” he says, tipping his lips. Then with a whole new look in his eyes, he whispers, “I want a taste of you, baby. After what we just shared, I can’t go another day without it.” My eyes get big and feel myself spasm around him, still hard inside me. I can tell he felt it too because his eyes flare and he kisses me deep. His head barely pulls back and he gives me a soft swat on my ass and says, “Go clean up, Gabby. Now.”

  Wow. Super excited about his plans, I look into his melty eyes and with what feels like a naughty smile, I say, “Okay.”

  He lifts me at my waist helping me up and I realize after the fact that if my ribs hurt, everything else he did to me felt so good, I didn’t even notice. Smiling at him over my shoulder feeling a tad self-conscious, I skip off to the bathroom to clean myself up and secretively grab a robe while he cleans the kitchen. Jude will just have to deal with it!


  “I’m so sorry I haven’t been over to see you yet, it’s been over a week. I’m a terrible friend.”

  It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m still under house arrest, but regardless of having to stay home, I’ve stayed really busy. Workers have been in and out of my house for the last four days installing new baseboards, painting and my new carpet was installed yesterday. I wouldn’t have had time to work with my clients even if I was allowed out of the house. I’ve been busy cleaning up after workers, organizing closets, moving stuff from room to room and basically getting the bottom half of my house back in order. I’m really lucky to get all of this done so quickly, but since I work with these contractors feeding them lots of business, they’ve fit me in and I can’t say I’m not grateful. The basement has been one thing, but getting used to Jude being a part of my daily life is another. Not that it’s been a hard adjustment to have him here every night, it’s actually wonderful. In fact, I’m getting so used to it that I forget to worry about it being taken away from me and guarding myself from the potential loss. Even though the past two weeks have been insane, it hasn’t escaped me that all the happy amongst the crazy feels great and I’m getting so used to the happy that I’m losing the barriers I’ve built to protect myself over the last almost four years. And I know it has everything to do with Jude.

  But Jude is at work today, I’m thinking he has some new lead on Trevor. He’s really vague with me when he’s giving me information about the whole Trevor search, but I’ve been so busy with my basement, I haven’t been too much of a pain about it. However, now that my basement is practically finished and mostly in order, I pl
an on being hell on wheels this week to get back to my normal routine. It’s been over a week since Trevor attacked and threatened me. I’ve been cooperative for Jude and my family’s sake, not to mention I was recuperating and busy with my basement. But now I’m feeling great, I’m even been back to running on the treadmill the last couple of days and barely feel my ribs at all. So everyone had better watch out, I’m not planning on being so cooperative with their demands this week!

  Tony came over to hang out with me while Jude went to work this afternoon, but he is now getting high on paint fumes in the basement watching football since Leigh made a surprise visit. Even though the three of us were tight in high school, Tony gave Leigh a warm smile, but excused himself quickly. I guess Tony would rather breathe paint fumes than listen to girl talk.

  “Leigh, please don’t worry. You called about half a million times, I’m just glad you’re feeling better. That must have been some dreadful stomach flu to throw you off for so many days. You are feeling better, right? You still look a little peaked,” I say, worried about my friend. Leigh is striking, taller than me, five foot nine with super longs legs. She’s got a great slender figure, much thinner than me but unlike me who has to run and eat salads to maintain my body, Leigh can eat like a linebacker but always looks like a supermodel with small curves that fit her perfectly. Her light blond hair is long, past her bra strap with lots of layers for a flippy easy going style, but it always looks great even if she lets it air dry. She has high cheekbones, a petite nose, with flawless fair skin that doesn’t need makeup. But today her normally glowing complexion looks pale, her normally bright green eyes look lifeless and drab. "Seriously, Leigh, are you sure it's not anything more than the stomach flu?"

  Her lifeless eyes look down and to the side and she quietly says, "No, I'm good," and looks back up to me. "I've just been so worried about you. I cannot believe everything you've gone through with Trevor. Everyone always knew he was a creep, but this is crazy. Has Megan tried to call you anymore?"

  Leigh, Megan and I went to high school together, but Leigh and I have known one another since the third grade. "Yeah, she's called and left a ton of messages, which I haven’t returned because I told everyone I wouldn’t talk to her. I guess Lilly called and reamed her ass after Trevor got to me. Lilly said at first she denied it was Trevor and called me a liar, but has since figured out that it's true. I mean, she doesn't even know where he is and their accounts are frozen. I do feel sorry for her. I really doubt she knew Trevor was trafficking guns for cartel members, you know?"

  Leigh laughs a little grunt. "Well, who knows, but my guess? She didn’t see the signs because she didn't want to. She was enjoying living her high life too much to see what was right in front of her face."

  "Enough about Megan,” I say. This is getting depressing and I don’t feel like talking about her. “What else is going on with you? You still volunteering"

  "Yeah, I'm still at the hospital a couple days a week and at the food bank every once in a while when they need someone to fill in. Preston doesn’t like me volunteering there, but he doesn’t mind a couple days at the hospital and you know I like being there with the patients. I get to see people I used to work with from time to time.”

  Preston Briggs is an Executive Vice President of a software development company. They met at the hospital where Leigh was working when he was there for a business meeting. He makes a ton of money so about a year after they were married, he told her he didn’t want her working anymore. Leigh was an ICU nurse and loved her job at the hospital. He’s ten years older than Leigh and a pretentious ass. Preston was as nice as he had to be before they got married, but since then has become a cold, controlling husband to Leigh and I hate that for her. She’s never had a good man in her life. Her dad was a deadbeat, leaving Leigh, her mom and sister high and dry before I met her in the third grade. Although it was surprising to me she chose as she did for a husband, she’s changed over the last four years becoming a mere ghost of herself. Preston doesn’t let her get together with her friends, work at a job she loves or even be who she is. But she’s my friend and I have to support her choices. That’s what good girlies do for one another. “I’m glad you still get to be at the hospital, Leigh. I know you love it there.”

  She gazes over my shoulder out my back windows and says, “Yeah.” Pulling in some air, she puts an almost real smile on her face and says, “But I want to know about you. Reagan tells me about this man in your life, I want to know all about him. It’s been a long time for you, Gabby. Is this a good thing?”

  I can’t help the feeling that passes through me as I think of Jude, feeling the smile on my face. I say softly, “Yeah, it’s a good thing.”

  “Well she told me all about him. Other than him being hot, like really hot with a great voice, she says he’s from Colorado. Does he still have family there?” she asks.

  I think back to a couple nights ago when Jude took me to dinner. We were on our way back to my house when he says, “Babe, I’ve gotta make a stop, get some stuff for tomorrow, do you mind?”

  “Sure, where are we going?”

  “I’m just going to swing by my condo, grab a jacket and some more clothes.”

  I sit up almost at attention, “I’m going to get to see your condo?” I ask, enthusiastically.

  He grins over at me at and says, “Sugar, don’t get excited. There’s not much to see.”

  “I don’t care! I get to see where you live! We haven’t exactly had a normal start to…well…whatever it is that we have. Plus, I’ve been locked up like a hermit crab and I haven’t seen your home! I’m so excited!” I say, bouncing in my seat.

  “Gabby, it’s not a home, it’s a condo. And not a great one at that. There’s no need to get all worked up about it.”

  “Whatever, Jude. You can’t stop me from being happy!”

  Shaking his head, realizing he isn’t going to convince me this is not the monumental occasion it is, he makes one more turn into a parking lot that houses a row of not great condos. Hmm, he really wasn’t kidding. He throws his truck in park and looking over at me, says, “I told you.”

  I grin at him, turn to my door and as I’m getting out I yell, “Let’s get moving, I want to see inside!”

  I run around to meet him at the hood of his truck. Seeing as he isn’t going to be able to rain on my parade, he rolls his eyes, takes my hand and pulls me to the door of the condo on the end. He opens the rickety screen door sticking a key in the handle, swings open the door and reaches in to flip on some lights before he puts a hand to my back pushing me in.

  Hmm, again.

  It is very plain.

  I haven’t given a lot of thought as to what Jude’s home is like since he’s always in my home and I like him there. He has a newish sofa, one of those sofas that you only buy for comfort and not because it’s pretty, at all, if you know what I mean. Sitting next to it is an old-ish recliner in dark brown, again, made for comfort rather than design. Both of these pieces are strategically placed for maximum viewing capacity of a too-large-for-the-space flat screen television that sits on an old coffee table pushed against the interior wall. Through the TV-slash-comfort-room, I see the kitchen and off to the left was a tiny hall that probably houses a bathroom. To the right, as you came in the front door is a narrow set of stairs going up. “Sit down, babe. I’ll grab my stuff and we’ll get going,” he bosses.

  My eyebrows go up and I exclaim, “Are you kidding me? No way, I want to see it all!” I move around him to head up the stairs without an invitation. I hear Jude letting out a big sigh making his way up behind me.

  I get to the top and turn left to find three doors. Feeling like I’m on a treasure hunt, the treasures being glimpses into Jude’s condo life, I head into one and flip on the light. It’s a small room with a boat load of boxes in it. Some of the boxes are open with stuff strewn on the floor around them, apparently he was looking for something and when he found it left the rest of the stuff where it fell. I walk into
the room further and lean over to pick up a famed picture. In it is a way younger Jude with another Jude-like person but even younger. I look up and him and ask, “Who’s this?”

  “My brother,” he answers simply.

  “Your brother?” I look down at the picture while keeping on, “How many siblings do you have?”

  “Just Breck.”

  “Breck?” I ask, looking for more clarification on anything and everything.

  “Brecken, my brother. He’s three years younger than me.”

  “Does he live in Colorado?”

  “Yeah, he’s outside of the Springs. He’s married, has a son.”

  “Really? Uncle Jude?” I grin big at him as he keeps shaking his head at me. “You’re closed tight, Jude Ortiz, why do I not know this?”

  He comes close to me, takes the frame, lightly tosses it on the dingy carpet and takes my hand pulling me out of the room. “What do you want to know, Gabby?” he asks as he pulls me out and turns off the light, heading into another door. Flipping on the light, there is a queen size bed, super messy with sheets, pillows and blankets scattered everywhere, an old nightstand, dresser and more boxes stacked up along the walls.

  Well, now I have to know everything. This man who is living at my house and I’m having a lot of sex with is a closed book, sealed tight. Not wanting to look desperate for information, I try my best to pull a Jude and change the subject, “You know you really can’t give me shit about my garage anymore. How long have you lived here? You should really finish unpacking.”

  "Sugar, I signed a one year lease and you can tell this isn't a place I want to be for longer than a year. There was no reason to settle any more than I needed to," he says as he digs through drawers, stuffing things into a gym bag.

  I start walking around the room looking at stuff strewn everywhere and ask, "Are your parents still in Denver?"

  "My dad's still there. My parents divorced when I was in high school, my mom remarried about 10 years ago. She and her husband live in Sedona now."


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