Overflow: The Carpino Series

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Overflow: The Carpino Series Page 17

by Asher, Brynne

  With that, the door opens a foot and an ATF agent sticks his head in and gives the warning, “Plane will be landing any minute,” then slams the door.

  Since Megan and her kids have been neutralized, I leave the room with Mac following me. With our vests on and guns drawn, we walk to the wall beside the windows and see the plane circling for landing. It’s a small jet, it can’t hold more than six to seven passengers. We watch them land, taxi up to the small terminal to refuel. The plane door swings open and a man dressed in black walks down the steps, straight to the doors of the terminal. This has to be the pilot, there were only three people on the plane from information recorded at Cherry Capital Airport and this isn’t Harper or his second in command. He enters the terminal, agents go directly to him, identify themselves and he’s clearly shocked. Turning slightly to glance back at his plane he starts to realize what is going on and follows the agent into another room immediately. The rest of the terminal attendants and workers have been removed in case shit goes down.

  Then we wait. A few minutes pass by and nothing happens. I hear Mac next to me mutter, “Fuck. We’re gonna have to flush them out. That bastard isn’t willing to get off the damn plane to find his wife and kids.”

  I turn to look at our supervisor, give him a chin lift and he shakes his head in resignation, puts his police radio to his mouth and calls for SWAT to come in. A minute later, a large black armored truck with OPD SWAT written across the side pulls up on the tarmac right next to the plane. It strategically parks so officers can exit on the opposite side and use the truck for cover. In full SWAT gear, the officers file out and one is talking into a speaker, demanding they exit the plane. Another minute goes by, another verbal warning comes over the speaker.

  Nothing. I see three SWAT move in wearing helmets, holding shields and have long guns aimed at the door of the plane. One reaches out, tosses a tear gas canister into the plane and the officers retreat to their original positions. Smoke starts to seep out the door and through the haze, we see movement. Harper’s second in command stumbles out first, coughing and sputtering, looking for clean air. Two SWAT officers rush in, each grabbing an arm, wrenching his forearms up his back, move him to the front of the plane and out of the way for the remaining officers to get to Harper.

  More movement at the door and Harper comes out, tripping down the stairs with a gun in his hand. The arm with the gun is down to his side, pointed to the ground and his other hand over his face trying, but unsuccessfully, shielding himself from the teargas. He doesn’t get a chance to train his gun on anyone as he loses his footing and falls down the stairs, the gun falling from his hand and landing on the ground a couple feet from where he drops. A SWAT officer steps up to kick the gun away. Not waiting another moment, I burst out of the terminal door and remotely hear Mac on my heels yelling for me to stop. Taking my last long strides to get to the jackass who put his hands on what is mine, I bypass the SWAT officer and put my boot into Trevor’s gut and he rolls over making a muted “humph” sound.

  “How does that feel, motherfucker! Huh? It doesn’t feel so good, does it?” I ask as I bring a knee down hard to his back, roughly pulling his arms around as I reach for the cuffs in my vest.

  “Ortiz, enough,” I hear Mac warn me.

  Not feeling like heeding any warning, I get him cuffed, stand up but bend over, grab him by his wrists and his silly ass hair yanking him to his feet, turn to slam him face first into the hood of the armored truck. And because I can’t help it, I pull him up a couple inches, slam him down again before I lean over and bite out in his ear, “If you ever get near Gabrielle Carpino again, I will rip you a-fucking-part piece by filthy piece and kill you with my bare hands. Do you understand me, you asshole? You had better heed my warning fuckwad, because I will make sure you will not enjoy it one bit,” I say throwing his words back at him.

  I give him another slam into the hood of the truck as I feel strong hands on my biceps pulling me back and hear Mac say, “That’s it, Oritz. We won’t be able to cover you for any more.”

  I yank my arms away, take about ten long strides, stop, close my eyes and breathe deep trying to get ahold of myself. I attempt to get all thoughts of Gabby at the hands of that asshole out of my head. Clearing my mind, thinking of Gabby in the shower with me this morning, healed, full of life, I open my eyes and turn to see they have Harper in a marked unit. They’ll transport him to the Omaha PD to process him and get him ready to face charges. But this time, his charges will include assault and battery.

  Getting my act together so we can get on with it, I’m anxious to get back to Gabby to give her the good news she can freely do her part to support the economy again. Feeling my lips barely tip up, I head back in the terminal to get shit done so I can go home.

  Chapter 13 - Shoes

  “I still can’t believe it.”

  I mean, really. I am in shock that Megan has been arrested and is awaiting bail for conspiracy to gun distribution as well as aiding and abetting a felon. Trevor is being held without bail, an obvious flight risk. His case is going in front of a judge and he will be formally charged tomorrow. Busy from all the action this morning, Jude didn’t get to my house until well after seven thirty. Tony was with me and no one had eaten yet so we headed to Granite City because they are brewing their seasonal Octoberfest Beer. Octoberfest is one of the best parts about fall and my favorite beer. We just got our drinks and are sitting in a back booth in the bar area. Jude pushed me in first, following me in and proceeded to tuck me into his side with Tony sitting across from us.

  “That bitch is out of her mind. She’s totally driven by money and greed, Gabby, you’re just too nice to see it in her. Her jackass of a husband drug her into this, but she’s getting what she deserves by going along with it,” Tony lays it out.

  Jude, who gives me a squeeze and I look up at him, agrees with Tony but does it a little more gently, “He’s right, babe. I know she’s your friend, but you didn’t see her interrogated. That woman has the nerve of steel, but she finally broke and started spilling quick when she realized she needed to do what she can to save her own ass. She knew about the gun trafficking business and even where Harper stashed some of his cash. She’s not in as much heat as her husband, but she’s an accessory to many federal crimes. She needs to start being smart and cooperate or be prepared to do some time, losing her kids in the process.”

  “But they got the kids back to their grandparents, right?” I ask, concerned about her little hoodlums.

  “Yeah, they came immediately, the kids were only with the Omaha PD for a bit, but once their drama queen mother was taken away, they started to settle down,” Jude said, as he was shaking his head and preparing to take another drink of his beer.

  The waiter came for our orders and I leaned back into Jude’s side, deciding I need to enjoy my Octoberfest and forget about Megan for tonight. Although, secretively, I can’t wait to call Lilly, Leigh and Regan to give them the scoop tomorrow! I also decide to focus on my life getting back to normal again. The thought of this makes me smile, so I share with my dinner companions, “You know what this means, right? It means I’m a free woman! I can come and go, shop at will and catch up with my life! It might suck to be Megan but it’s a good day to be Gabby!”

  Tony grins at me as I hear Jude chuckle, feeling him lean in to kiss the side of my head rasping, “Yeah, Gabby. Looks like you’re free to do as you please again.”

  “Well it’s just in time. I’ve got the Children’s Home charity gig I need to decorate for this weekend,” I explain.

  It is at this moment about one thousand, seven hundred and forty four things crash together in my head.

  There’s no threat against me. Does that mean Jude will go back to his condo? He’s here with me now, but still, nothing is defined for us. He’s made it clear he’s interested in me and wants to see where this could lead, but what’s the next step? My life has been upside down crazy and I’m not sure how Jude is going to fit into my normal everyday
life when I’m not being beat up, threatened or my house is being broken into. Will he want to back off and slow down now that things are normal? What if he’s one of those guys that needs alone time and I’ve been a burden?

  My face must look as upsetting as my thoughts because Jude gives me a little shake and says, “Gabby, what’s wrong?”

  Trying to put on a happy face, I say, “Nothing, sorry, just started thinking about all I have to do for this even this weekend.” Not really knowing how to explain myself, I start to babble on, “Lilly works in advertising, but volunteers to put together this fund raiser event every year and she roped me into decorating.”

  “You sure you’re okay Gabba?” Tony presses, knowing me well.

  I pull my beer up to my mouth and mumble, “Fine, just behind on everything.”

  I see Tony give a look to Jude and then back to me but keeps on with, “I’m just glad I don’t have to dress up this year. Last year’s sucked. How Casino Night turned into formal attire, I have no idea. I’m all up for a Country and Western BBQ and since the practice buys the table, I can’t complain.”

  Trying to concentrate on Tony and not Jude, I press on, “Who are you bringing this year? And if you bring that bimbo Shayla again, I might throw up on your cowboy boots. Honestly, where you meet these women is beyond me,” I say rolling my eyes. Tony has no desire to settle down, which drives my aunt and uncle crazy. He might bring a woman to social events such as this charity gig, but never brings anyone to a family gathering.

  “No, Gabby, Shayla was fun for a while, but I got tired of having to explain everything to her. Not the sharpest knife,” he winces. “I haven’t decided who to bring yet,” smiling big now, “I have a plethora of choices!”

  “Gross,” I mutter.

  Luckily we were saved by our food and the waiter starts plopping down our dinners, “Here we are. Bruschetta Salad, Adult Bock Mac and Cheese and a Bleu Peppercorn Burger. Let me know if you need anything.”

  I look over and Jude is grinning at my salad, so I ask, “What? This salad isn’t about the salad, Jude. It’s about the bread! Look at this, six enormous slices of garlicy, buttery and cheesy crostini!”

  As Jude takes a big bite of his burger, he doesn’t even say anything, he just shakes his head. As I dig into my bread and salad, I listen to Jude and Tony talk football. I find myself start to worry about what’s going to happen now that Trevor Harper isn’t on the loose. During the past three and a half weeks, I’ve felt a lot of things, but not the loneliness that I’ve become used to. I like Jude being with me, in my house and although I’ve hated being locked up, I love having him around. Now I wonder if I should have guarded myself more, not let myself become accustomed to him and enjoy the easy feeling he gives me.

  As I’m thinking, letting the fear seep in and feeling like I’m might overflow with the loneliness again, I hear, “Sugar.” I’m pulled from my thoughts as Jude looks down at me. “You haven’t eaten much, you sure you’re okay?”

  “No, there’s just a lot to think about, with Megan and all. Stuff I’m behind on, you know,” I stammer out. “I’m full, I ate most of the bread. I think I’m carbed up, I’m sure I’ll have to run two extra miles tomorrow.”

  “I’m outta here,” Tony says as he throws some bills on the table for his dinner. “I’ve got an early meeting, I need to hit it.”

  “Bye, Tone. Thanks for coming over today,” I say, and Jude gives him a head lift.

  “See ya both this weekend,” Tony says and I get stiff, wondering what my weekend will bring with Jude as Tony leaves.

  “Gabby, you ready?” Jude asks as he’s signing his credit card payment I didn’t even know he made.

  “Yeah,” I say. Jude gets up and takes my hand pulling me after him as we make our way to his truck.

  Back at my house, I let Mia in, turn around and Jude is standing at the island finishing a work call that I can tell is about Trevor. “Sounds good, I’ll see you at the courthouse at nine. We’re meeting the US Attorney and Harper’s hearing is at ten. Gotcha, later,” he disconnects. Setting his phone down on the island, he turns fully to me and crosses his arms across his chest. “All right, Gabby. What’s goin on?”

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “Don’t try and bullshit me. You turned funny at dinner, and I’m not talking about your cute funny,” he says looking a little pissed.

  Trying to stall, I ask, “You think I’m cute?” I don’t need to ask this, I know he thinks I’m cute. He’s told me plenty of times over the last few weeks.

  Now glaring at me looking more than a little pissed, he gives me a warning, “Gabrielle.”

  I take in a visible breath and let it out. Jude’s dark chocolate eyes are on me but they aren’t very melty at the moment. I haven’t known him long, but I do know that he’s losing his patience. I’ve got to let him off the hook. If he wants to be unleashed, he’ll take it or if I’m lucky he’ll want to stay, but it’s time I give him the option.

  I start with, “It’s just that the last few weeks have been crazy, Trevor’s behind bars now and isn’t a threat anymore.” I look him in the eyes and keep on, “We haven’t defined what this is with us, so I don’t want you to feel obligated to be here all the time because we’ve become what we’ve become. I know you said you wanted to see how good this could be and I do, too. But you must have a life you want to get back to, friends, schedules…you know. I won’t go psycho on you or anything, you never made me any promises. I’ll understand,” I say, finishing so quietly I can barely hear it myself, but I can hear my heart beating out of my chest. Finding this moment scarier than anything I’ve experienced in the last few weeks, all I can do is just stand here and watch him stare down at me. Another few beats go by and nothing. I’m not sure if it’s possible for me to lull Jude into a Gabby coma, so I’m not sure what’s happening here. Taking a chance, I whisper, “Jude?”

  That’s when he moves. Dropping his arms, taking long strides toward me I barely get a foot backwards before he’s in front of me, his left hand grabbing my right one as he bends while giving my arm a tug. He puts a shoulder to my waist and I’m up, flung over his back in no time with his other arm tight around my thighs.

  I let out a scream and yell, “Jude! Put me down!” Of course he doesn’t put me down, but he does start moving to my bedroom. “Put me down, now!” I demand again.

  “Shut it, Gabby,” he barks back at me, smacking my ass lightly at the same time, making me gasp. Making the turn to my room, he gives me a little bounce off his shoulder and I end up being tossed on my bed.

  “What are you doing?” I yell, trying to find my equilibrium again.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he says almost through gritted teeth, fists to the bed leaning over me as I prop myself up on my elbows as best I can.

  Finding myself pissed as well, I snap back with, “Nothing is wrong with me, but I should ask what’s wrong with you!”

  “What did you think, Gabby? What’s working in that fucked up head of yours, huh? Did you think I was going to stay long enough for you to let me fuck you, take what I want and leave you high and dry? Is that what you think of me?”

  Doing my best to hold my own and not move an inch, I whisper, “I don’t know what to think of anything, Jude.”

  “Well, I’ve lost my patience with this, but I’ll enlighten you again and again if I have to. Yeah, I was here to make sure you were safe, but I was here because I wanted to be. I’m fucking happy as hell things have gotten where they are between us, but I gotta tell you babe, I’m getting tired of explaining myself, so I’ll be as straight forward as I can and I’ll ask you to pay attention this time. I’ve got a shit condo with my stuff in it, but even before I moved here, I haven’t had a home in a long fucking time. The last few weeks, I’ve felt settled in a way I can’t remember feeling because it’s been so long since I’ve felt it. You’ve got a sweet house, Gabby, but I could care less about your house. It’s only has to do with you, coming he
re to you, eating a meal with you, going to bed with you, waking up with you, but really just fucking being with you. Now, I shouldn’t be so presumptuous to think that you are feeling the same way, but just letting you know sugar, you’re giving off those same vibes. I have no desire to pack my shit up and get back to what I had before this, I don’t even want to remember what my life was like the day before I patted your sweet ass down,” he pauses to take in a breath. “So now you know. It’s your turn, Gabrielle. What in the fuck do you want?”

  I close my eyes and turn my head to the side. My heart is hammering away and I feel the tears threatening again, I hate them and everything they remind me of even though these are tears of relief. They start to seep through my eyes and fall over my cheeks as I open my eyes to look back to Jude. His eyes aren’t piercing anymore, they’re softer, moving over my face. I lift my arms putting one hand to his face and wrapping the other around his neck as I close the space between us and press my lips against his and leave them there. “I’m sorry,” I whisper against his lips.

  He grabs me at the back of my head and lower back, picks me up, putting a knee to the bed he turns to sit and I’m straddling him, sitting in his lap. He stuffs my face in his neck and pulls me as close as he can. My breath hitches and he starts to rub my back while putting his hand in my hair and for some reason that makes me cry even harder. “I’m sorry,” I repeat through my sobs. “I just…I just didn’t know. I’m just sss-sso scared you might want to lll-leave. Damn it! I hh-hate crying!” I say through my sobs. Shaking my head and lifting up a bit to look at him, I go on, “You’ve been nothing but perfect with me, even when you’re bossy. The last few weeks have been so good, I’m just scared,” I ramble on. Through the still flowing tears, I let it all out, “I’ve just been alone for so long, I’m afraid to hang on to anything. I was just trying to let you off the hook with me if you wanted it. It would be hard enough for you to leave now, but if I hold onto you and it gets even better, I don’t know what I’ll do if it’s ripped away from me. I’m so screwed up, I’m sorry!” I say shoving my face back into his neck because now I can’t look at him out of embarrassment.


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