Full Moon Dangers (Full Moon Werewolves Book 1)

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Full Moon Dangers (Full Moon Werewolves Book 1) Page 1

by Lia Violet

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Full Moon Dangers

  About Lia Violet

  Other Stories by Ginger Leone & Lia Violet

  Full Moon Dangers

  By Lia Violet


  Copyright 2019 Lia Violet

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used for review purposes.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/ or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The stories in this book are intended for mature, adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language. All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older and participate in consensual sex.

  Full Moon Dangers

  By Lia Violet

  “You’re the one I’ve been waiting for…” The man’s voice in her ear made Victoria shiver with desire. His lips slid down her neck before giving her a light bite where her neck met her shoulder.

  “Can’t you feel it?”

  She was feeling everything, everywhere. Every trail of his fingers and mouth moved her toward what she knew would be an incredible joining.

  “Hurry.” Was that her husky whisper? In the moonlight she could see dark hair and the muscles of his bare chest and shoulders, but not his face. She was beyond caring. She needed him and this.

  The man covered her body with his own long length, parting her legs. “So lovely. I’ve dreamed of this too, you know.”

  “What?” That didn’t make sense, but she was beyond caring as he joined his body to hers, filling her completely. She cried out at the wonderful feeling before he leaned down and covered her mouth with his. She raked his back with her nails as he began to move within her.

  His lips seared over her nipples, lighting up every nerve as he moved from one to the other, kissing and sucking. “I knew it would be like this. I want to taste every part of you, but now tonight.” The man reared back, his hands stroking over her breasts and torso before one hand moved down to her most sensitive place, where they were joined.

  “What do you mean?” She was breathing hard, but some part of her brain couldn’t keep up with what was happening. But at that moment her body didn’t care as she felt the waves of pleasure move throughout her. It felt incredible, like nothing she’d experienced before.

  He moved with her, through her orgasm and into his, thrusting deeply and holding himself within her. “Tori, you’re mine.” The eyes she couldn’t make out clearly glittered as they both enjoyed the intimate connection. She could hear a buzzing, thinking that could be her heart recovering from the intense pleasure she’d never experienced before.

  After another few kisses, he slid out of her. He climbed off the bed, stroking her cheek with his hand. “I have to leave now.”

  “Why?” She watched as he shifted into a wolf, her heart beating rapidly.

  The wolf padded to her window, glancing back at her before jumping out into the moonlit night.

  The phone moved off the nightstand and hit the floor as it buzzed again. She groped for the phone on the floor.

  It was Adrian, her assistant. “Victoria. There’s been a break in at the studio. Didn’t you get a call from the security company? The police want to talk to you.”

  “I’ll be right there.” She sat up on her bed, the last vestiges of the dream dissipating. Victoria had dated shifters before, and she used to be on a television show about them, but she’d never had erotic dreams like this.

  Details from the intense vision were already disappearing as she thought about the situation she had to deal with now, but her body remembered that it was a sexy dream. She went to her dresser to grab some clothes, and paused as the cool air hit her skin.

  She nearly tripped over the silky top and shorts she slept in and froze in place, her hand reaching for the light switch. She blinked but her eyes confirmed that her pajamas – the ones she’d fallen asleep in the night before - were on the floor and she was naked.

  “You’re Victoria Sweeney, aren’t you?” The young detective smiled at Victoria as he made another note on his phone.

  She looked at him across the ransacked office of her acting studio. “I am.”

  “From that TV show, Full Moon, right? I binge watched that a few weeks ago with my girlfriend because I’m working at the Fest this weekend. Is there any way I could take a picture with you?”

  “Rex!” Detective Morrison, a woman about Victoria’s age, growled at her young partner. “Seriously, Detective Rodriguez? Get her statement.”

  “I can do both,” Victoria said, smiling easily. She was used to being asked for pictures and autographs, but for many years she was nearly unrecognizable except to her students and families from her acting school. She leaned in to the detective, feeling his hard muscled arm go around her shoulders as they posed for the selfie. When was the last time I went on a date? she thought, thinking about her naughty dream again. She bit her lip to keep from laughing when Detective Morrison got in the picture with them.

  “I loved Full Moon too, though I watched it when it was first on.” The woman cracked a small smile. “You kept those guys in line. It was fun to watch that.”

  Starting from age 12, Victoria starred in a werewolf fantasy as the youngest of five siblings. “They were fun to work with.”

  “Okay. Do you think a fan or a stalker did this?” Rex was looking at the big cuts in the surface of her desk, and at the smashed printer next to it. “Someone was angry. What’s missing?”

  “I had my laptop with me, but I don’t think there was anything else of value here. Most people pay with debit or checks for the acting classes, and we deposited before closing last night.” Her gaze caught on a bookshelf, where she thought a couple missing spaces stood out among the mess, but it was too hard to be sure. She wasn’t neat at the best of times, and she’d been busy making sure the school would run smoothly while she attended the fan festival. “I think maybe some pictures were over there, and they weren’t autographed or anything. Why would someone steal those?”

  “Ms. Sweeney. Could you come out here, please?” Detective Morrison was talking with another police officer in the hallway.

  “Yes, of course.” She felt herself swallow convulsively, wondering what she would find next.

  In the hallway leading to the staff kitchen, Victoria could see the smashed glass case that formerly held things from her time on Full Moon.

  “They left your Emmy.” Detective Morrison waved to what was left of the glass cabinet, as the other officer took pictures.

  “Yes.” Victoria was one of the youngest actresses to win one ever, for her role in the show. It was the same year Evan won one posthumously for his role. His Emmy was in the case next to hers, but now it wasn’t.

  “You got one at the same time as that other actor, Evan Morehouse, right? That was the actor who died of the drug overdose.” Rex looked at her as he came out from the office.

  Her eyes didn’t move from the pile of things on the floor. Maybe it was there. Maybe she just didn’t see it. She leaned forward wanting to look for it, but Detective Morrison put a hand on her arm. “What’s missing?”

  “Evan’s Emmy It was next to mine. His is really valuable, because he will never have another of course.” She swallowed again, this time to forestall tears. “But who would take it? It’s not like they could sell it?”

/>   “So it could be a fan or a stalker?” Detective Rodriguez asked again. “Has anyone been leaving you messages?”

  “Not really, but — “

  “Yes.” Adrian, the assistant director of the acting school, walked up and introduced himself to both detectives. “You had Mr. Simms leave you all those messages, remember?” Adrian looked at the case and gasped. “Evan’s Emmy! It’s gone?”

  “Who is Mr. Simms?” After a nod from his supervisor, Detective Rodriguez led Adrian back into the main part of the studio.

  “A parent of one of our students. He blames us for his daughter not getting professional parts beyond a few commercials. He’s all talk.” She shrugged as her eyes kept raking over the remains of the case. “Lots of dramatic people come through here, Detective. Very few people even care that I was once on a show. I teach now. This is Ville de Cougar, not Hollywood. The show may have been filmed here, but nothing much is filmed here these days when green screens and tech can transport sets to anywhere.”

  “Sir, Detective Rodriguez will get your statement.” Detective Morrison waved Victoria to the door. “You and I are going to try and pull something off the security tapes.”

  “I understand you continue to stay in touch with the department about Evan’s death.” The Detective said as she and Victoria sat by the security monitor. “Do you think this could be related?”

  Victoria held her gaze. “I’m sure the department told you I’m crazy. But some things didn’t make sense about his death. Some things in his trailer were wiped clean of fingerprints.”

  “I’ve seen the file.” Detective Morrison paused, as if weighing her words. “I don’t think it’s crazy to want answers when someone you care about dies.”

  “Thank you.” Victoria moved to start the recording from the studio’s security feed. “I haven’t even called in a few months. Maybe I should let it go. But none of it made sense. The Evan I knew wouldn’t have killed himself.”

  A few minutes later, Detective Morrison was losing her patience as they watched the footage. “Why wouldn’t you have your office or that hallway on camera?”

  “It’s my office. Nothing happens in there. The back hall camera captures enough of it so no one could be alone with a kid in there.”

  They looked at the film. A person in a wolf mask with ears was wreaking havoc in her office at three in the morning. At one point, he turned and looked at the camera before heading to the hallway.

  “Right there,” The Detective stopped the recording. “He looked right at the camera. He or she is taunting you. I need some tech guys to come here.” They could see a corner of the case as the person started smashing it. A hand took the Emmy, shaking the glass off, and disappeared from view.

  “It really is stolen.” She still couldn’t believe it.

  “Would you say that was the most valuable thing you had on site here?” Detective Morrison was watching her now.

  “Maybe. I had a signed picture of the cast in that case, too. It had Evan’s signature, so it was valuable. But yes, it probably was the most valuable thing. It was the most valuable thing to me, certainly.” This time she felt tears spill from her eyes.

  “I’m sorry. We will do our best to keep this quiet, as the press may draw crazy theories.”

  “You mean they might think this was related to his death? I doubt it could be worse than the way they hounded me after Even died.” Victoria stood up. She couldn’t think about those days after his death again.

  Detective Morrison stood up, and gave Victoria a quick, awkward hug. “We will keep in touch.”

  “I am on my way to the conference at the W downtown for the weekend. Adrian can help you, and you can call me if you need anything.” Victoria handed the Detective her phone so she’d have her number.

  “The Full Moon Fest. Sold out, right? Lots of cops will be getting overtime down there this weekend, still think no one cares about that show?”

  Victoria shrugged. “It was a lifetime ago.”

  The Detective Rodriguez handed Victoria her card. “Let me know if you think of anything. Anything at all.”

  Two hours later, Victoria tried to stretch her neck and back in the makeup chair.

  “Stay still. You remember how this goes.” Maddie, the makeup artist and costume designer who worked on the original show, was adding the eye makeup Victoria remembered as half-shift, for close-up scenes of her starting to change.

  “Why are we in makeup for this panel again?” Then she sighed. “You know I love you. But I don’t miss this. I can’t even remember the last time I got made up with regular makeup.”

  “I can tell, honey.” Maddie airbrushed lines in her face. “I barely need to add lines; you have so many already. Don’t you have a facial regime?”

  “I do, but I ignore it if I’m not working.”

  Gary Sandler walked in. Victoria smiled at the man who played her oldest brother in the mirror. “You manage to look good in this. I look — well, old, with excellent makeup and disguise.”

  Everyone laughed. But Victoria wasn’t kidding. Gary wore the black tight jeans and leather jacket he’d worn often on set, with claw rips across one arm. Under the distinctive jacket he wore the dark shirt and pants they all wore on the show for action scenes, with light reflective piping on the edges. His hazel eyes still held her attention under the black wolf wig and ears he was wearing.

  “Never old, Tory.”

  Victoria’s heart picked up its pace at the nickname. Only Gary and Evan called her that. As a teen, on her first real acting gig, Gary had seemed so sexy and talented to her. And he was. He continued to be a box office draw, and had an Academy Award nomination. They exchanged texts and Instagram posts on the anniversary of Evan’s death, and sometimes on birthdays, but she hadn’t been in a room with him for at least a few years.

  “I feel old.” She started to stand, and Gary reached out a hand to help her up. When they touched, she had a flashback to when she’d kissed him in his trailer one night when he was helping her with her lines. He was twenty-four to her seventeen then, and was very suave about the entire thing, while she just wanted to crawl under her own trailer. When she’d run back to her trailer, she’d kissed Evan, who she found outside, and he was more responsive.

  Evan was her first lover and they dated for years, trying hard to keep that chemistry off the set where they were supposed to be siblings.

  “We can get you a trainer, Vicki.” Hunter Gladson stood in the doorway. He and Aaron Presley were the twins that made up the final two siblings of the TV family. “For the movie. When Gary signs, that is.”

  “You haven’t signed?” She noticed he was still holding her hand.

  He dropped it, and put his hands in his pockets. “My agent thinks I’m overcommitted.” He shrugged. “I didn’t realize you’d signed.”

  “Of course she signed. She’s bored to death teaching.”

  “That is not true.” She punched Hunter in the gut, realizing he had rock hard abs. She sighed. “But I obviously will need a trainer.”

  She’d signed in a weak moment after Evan’s mom Rosalind called her, telling her she’d heard about the movie. “It will keep him alive, Victoria, give him more fame. Plus Elise wants to be in it.”

  Victoria found Evan’s body and had to make the call to his mother after the police arrived. She’d been surprised that he combined pot, alcohol and the Adderall he’d started taking to help him focus while acting. He was lying next to a dab pen filled with twice the usual concentration of THC, which had been wiped clean of fingerprints.

  The four acting siblings held an intervention for him about the pot months before his death, and he went to an outpatient rehab. But he seemed to be slipping again in the weeks before he died, drinking and being violently moody with her. She’d been ready to break up with him, and they’d argued the day before his death. The guilt stayed with her as she tried to support Evan’s mother and new baby sister after his death.

  None of her fellow actors o
r Evan’s mother knew that she called the police every few months about his case. While the intense media after his death hounded her, asking questions about what she knew of his suicide, she quietly kept pursuing her own questions, asking if the police found his phone, or knew exactly what was in the dab pen.

  “The gang’s all here.” Aaron pushed Hunter out of the way to hug Victoria, being careful of their makeup. “It’s standing room only out there. We just have to answer the questions Paul sent us, right?”

  Paul was their director, for the first three seasons. Victoria was surprised he agreed to do this as he usually had no contact with any of them, and rarely spoke about the show at all. Evan’s death was hard on all of them, but especially the director who’d mentored Evan, helped him develop his comedic talent.

  “I guess.” Victoria glanced at her watch, a large device with dials that was a prop from the show.

  “I can’t believe you kept that,” Gary said. “Is that the actual one I gave you for your birthday on the show?”

  “Of course. I pulled it out of the safe for this.”

  They could hear the crowd chanting from the hallway as the assistant near the stage motioned to them. “You’ll all be announced individually.”

  “Thank God,” Hunter said. “I was afraid they’d want us to do a formation. We wouldn’t want to break Gary’s back. He’s old.”

  Elbowing and pushing ensued, reminding her of the days on set and Victoria stepped to the side, happy she was called first.

  She waved and smiled to the crowd as she headed to her marked chair. Most of this crowd had dressed in cosplay for their show or for the spinoff or cartoon their show had spawned. She was startled to see someone dressed in the same costume as the actors as she took her seat and Gary was called. The person even had wolf makeup, so she didn’t get a good look at them.

  “What’s wrong?” Gary whispered as he slid into the seat next to her.

  She shook her head. It had just been too long since she’d done anything live like this. She was jumpy in a way she hadn’t been since the year after Evan’s death.


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