Ditto Ditto

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Ditto Ditto Page 17

by R. J. Ross

  “Shadows,” I say, something nudging a thought in my mind. “Shadowman goes through shadows.”

  “His files say as long as there’s even a hint of a shadow on it, he can go through a surface–I looked him up once. They trapped him once in a room with lights coming from all directions, but he busted one of the lights. It explains the name, right?” Trent says, looking a bit confused at my tangent. “Why?”

  “Leave that trail of thought for another time,” Nico calls over his shoulder, making me nod and blush slightly. So he’s thought of it, himself? “Ginger, I swear we’re going to find both Kunnins and your boys, but you’ve been through a lot and you know what’s going on--things we don’t know. So, please, trust the Hall. Saving people is what we do.”

  She nods hesitantly. “Mr. Will has a grandson named Wes Will,” she starts out.

  “Let’s get you to the Hall before we start talking,” Nico says, picking her up in a princess hold. I see her cheeks turn bright red at that move and want to tell her that it’s not him flirting with her. I don’t have time, because Trent scoops me up in the same way.

  “What about Skystep?” I ask him. He hesitates, turning to the still woozy looking woman.

  “Ma’am,” he says, walking over. “If you’d like, I can take you to the Hall--”

  “I’m a super villain,” she says, her eyes focusing sharply on him. “I refuse.” She pushes herself to her feet and steps onto the air, racing away before he can protest.

  “Problem solved,” Nico says as we take off.


  The speech had been nice and short on his behalf. “My daughter is now going to Cape High. She is doing very well, and I expect her to become one of our future heroes in a very short amount of time.” The audience had been thrilled, because he was one of the South Branch golden boys, and they hadn’t realized he even had a child before this. Century had taken over and Voltdrain had spied on the com, hearing what happened to the kids.

  Now he’s overseeing the search of the house where they’d found Skystep. He knows this house, he thinks with a dark expression. This is the house that Jimmi’s ex-boyfriend lived in. It’s enough to make a good Catholic man desire to curse, he admits silently.

  “Voltdrain, we’ve found something,” one of the black suits calls over to him. The hole in the floor was the first thing to attract their attention, and several of the suits had spread out through the underground hospital, searching for any traces of where the people had gone.

  “I am coming,” Voltdrain says, heading over to the pair of black suits staring into a box. Inside are several long tubes that glow with a familiar energy. Voltdrain picks one up, ignoring the worried looks of the suits. “I see,” he says, not telling them he knows exactly what these are. “What sort of thing would allow you to carry a long stick like this?” he asks the female of the pair.

  “A bo? A stick?”

  “A cane, perhaps?” he offers, wrapping his hand around the stick and draining the all-too familiar energy out of it. He reaches his hand into the box, draining all of them even as they protest.

  “Those are evidence, Voltdrain--”

  “We don’t know how the people who were here managed to--”

  “No, I know exactly how,” Voltdrain says. “It is not the energy that is of interest--take the tubes into the lab and have them studied.” He turns, looking around the room. “Has anyone found the two boys?” he demands.

  “No, but we’ve found their clothing,” another suit calls. “They were here recently.”

  “Sir, there’s the set up for another hospital bed back here,” someone calls from another room. “It looks like there were actually two people being kept on machines.”

  “Are the beds here?” he asks.

  “No, they seem to have taken them.”

  “The devices used to keep the people alive, are they still here?”

  “We assume everything but the oxygen tanks, sir.”

  “How difficult is it to get those things?”

  “Not that difficult, but we’ll watch the companies that sell them.”

  “Good,” Voltdrain says. “Is there anything else?”

  “I’ve found a lab,” a female suit calls from the back. “It looks like someone was doing some chemistry, and apparently creating weapons of some sort.”

  “Pack it all up and bring it in,” Voltdrain says. “Take it to our lab. And someone get all the information they can on this ‘Mr. Will’ whose name was on the lease.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Voltdrain goes silent, his hand still feeling slightly warm due to draining his own daughter’s stored energy. This, he thinks as he looks around, was going on right under his nose.

  It makes him feel sick to his stomach.


  “Voltdrain is on it,” Century says as we reach the South Branch Hall. He looks a bit irritated. “Mastermental has already called. He’s looking for all of you to be back in your own sector as soon as possible. This is South Branch business.”

  “I agree completely,” Nico says as he puts Ginger down. “We’ll leave you to it, then. Liberty, DJ, time to go.”

  “But what about--” I start out.

  “Voltdrain is on it,” Nico repeats. “He’s a much better hero than I’ll ever be. Ma’am, if anyone can find your sons, it’s him,” he tells Ginger. She nods, but I can tell she doesn’t want to agree. It’s hard to say no, though, to a guy that can fly without a plane. I slip out of Trent’s hold and walk over, still feeling a bit light headed.

  “We’ll find your boys,” I tell her, looking her straight in the eyes. “We’re the good guys.” I wait until she nods before heading over to Century and tugging on his arm so he leans over. “Skystep got a shot of something--I think it was a super sedative. She left, but she shouldn’t be left alone, can you send someone to check on her?” I whisper.

  “Yeah, I’ll do that,” he says, looking at me seriously. His hand comes up, touching my hair. “Are you happy in the Central Hall?” he asks.

  I give him a broad grin. “Very happy.”

  “Good--you know, I should have--”

  “It turned out good in the end,” I interrupt. “Did the sisters get their abilities back, though?”

  “Yeah, not that they do anything with them,” he mutters. “You’re welcome to come back anytime,” he adds.

  I nod, knowing I have no plans on doing that. I’m leaving South Branch alone as much as possible--for the rest of my life. I’ve got a new life, this one needs to be left in the past… except…

  “Before we go, can I… can I visit the memorial?” I ask Trent and Nico. Nico nods. “Century, can you take me to my parent’s memorial?” I ask him. He nods, a serious expression on his face.

  “It’s this way,” he says as he leads me into the main part of the building. There are no graves for heroes lost during duty in the South Branch, instead there is a hall of memorials, where small areas are dedicated to the fallen heroes. Pictures, newspaper articles, uniforms, anything they can find on the hero is tastefully placed for mourners to visit. My parents have theirs side by side, or so I’ve been told. I never had the strength to come before.

  Now, though, I do. We pull to a stop in front of their memorials and Century drops a hand on my shoulder. “I’ll give you some alone time,” he says before leaving.

  I’m exhausted, I think as I sit down in front of the memorials. It’s cold tiled ground, probably dirty, but I don’t care. “Mom? Dad?” I say, looking at their pictures. “Hi. I know you’re… well, anyway, I just…” I hesitate, trying not to feel guilty about what I’m about to say. “You guys, um, don’t mind if I start calling other people that, right? I know that you’re always going to be my parents, even if you’re in Heaven right now and I’m not just yet, but I… I’ve got this foster mom, see? She’s amazing. She… really loves me. And I’ve got Taurus--Dad, I know you were a fan of his, right? Well he wants to be my… um… well, dad. I just don’t want you to think I’ve
forgotten about you two or anything, I don’t know how I could, you know? I love you. But I just thought if I had your permission… I could have another family.”

  There’s no answer. I didn’t expect one, obviously, but it would be nice to have a clear-cut yes or no, right?

  “They wouldn’t mind.”

  I jerk, turning and looking over as Century steps back into the hall. “I didn’t mean to spy, but…” he shrugs and walks over to me, crouching down beside me. “Your parents want you to be happy, I swear that,” he says, offering me his hand. “They were good people and they loved you,” he tells me as he pulls me to my feet. “And if you’ve got the chance to have happiness, they would say exactly what I’m saying. I was hoping that the Behts would provide that new family long before this.”

  “Mastermental said he would… um… put them on a dirty job,” I admit, blushing.

  “I did it before he had to cut through the tape,” he says. “I’ve done you wrong, Emily, and I’ve done your parents wrong as well. Is there something, anything I can do to make it up to you?”

  I hesitate, giving him a crooked smile. “Take care of Skystep,” I say, wondering at the fact that all the fear and hatred I had harbored is gone so simply. “I don’t think she’s quite sane,” I admit.

  “Completely insane,” he agrees with a slight smile, “but I’ll do what I can.”

  “She needs a better place to live,” I add.

  “As good as done.”

  “And find Ginger’s sons. I promised her we would.”

  “I’ve got my very best man on it,” he says.

  “And let any of your kids come to Cape High if they need or want to,” I tell him. What? I’m not about to let him get off easy! He OFFERED! “Jimmi’s doing really well at the school.”

  “That has something to do with their parents, as well, you know,” he points out. “Now… should I give you some more time, or are you ready? Kid Liberty is looking a bit impatient out there.”

  “I’m done,” I admit.

  “So what, exactly, is your relationship with Kid Liberty?” he asks as we start walking back to the others.

  “He’s my boyfriend,” I say, proudly.

  “Boyfriend? Aren’t you too young for that sort of thing?” he demands. “And with a boy already in the public eye--I’m not sure--”

  “He’s a good boyfriend,” I tell him. “No, he’s a super boyfriend,” I say with a grin as I see Trent watching us. “He learned how to fly for me.”


  The sight of a plane with the letters HTV painted on the side almost surprises me, I think as we land on the roof of the airport. “I have to say,” Century comments to Nico, “the girl brings in several big names, doesn’t she?” He watches as two massive black men step out of the plane, looking straight at us. Taurus heads over to us, stopping and holding out his arms for me. I don’t even glance at Trent, who carried me here, I just jump.

  “Dad insisted,” he says, hugging me tightly. “But by the time we got the plane gassed up and ready, we heard you were already done.”

  I wrap my arms around him as tightly as I can, my feet at least a foot and a half off of the ground. It’s sort of awesome to be hugged like this, I’m not going to lie. “I want to go home, Dad,” I tell him. I feel him jerk at that title.

  “What happened?” he asks.

  “A lot of stuff--but I forgave Skystep… and I went to visit my parents,” I whisper. “It… it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” I pull back, suddenly worried. “Does Liz know I’m here?”

  “No, but she’s going to as soon as we get home,” he says sternly. “You’re going to tell her everything, got it?”

  “Yeah, I know,” I say, chewing on my bottom lip. I look over as Trent and Nico land beside me and Century lands in front of Andre. They know each other?

  “It’s an honor to have you in my territory,” Century says, holding out a hand.

  “That’s not what you say when I show up,” Nico drawls.

  “I’m afraid I’m strictly Central,” Andre admits. “I’ve been working with your branch of HTV for a while, though. You’ve got a good team down here.”

  “I agree,” Century says. “Is there a reason for this visit?”

  “We’ve come to collect my kid,” Taurus says, letting me down. There’s a sharp look on his face as Century looks at him in surprise. Century looks at me, as if confirming what Taurus just claimed.

  “To be,” I admit, leaning into Taurus’s side. “As soon as we can get Liz to commit.”

  “You had my other girl earlier,” Taurus says. “I’d appreciate you giving us more of a warning before you try to get either of them next time.”

  “Life Light’s my sister,” I clarify.

  “I see. I’ll do what I can,” Century says. He looks at me, holding out a hand. “I still…” he starts out slowly, a mournful look in his eyes, “wish things had worked out differently.”

  “I… don’t,” I say finally. “I mean, the end results--I’m happy now. There are things I would change, sure, but… I’m going to be okay. I’m loved.” I look at all of the Central Hall supers that surround us, smiling slightly. “Can we go home now?” I ask, looking over at Andre.

  “Absolutely,” he says.


  The flight home was spent leaning against Trent’s shoulder, our fingers entwined as Taurus and Andre sat across from us, telling stories from Taurus’s childhood. He played football for all of a season before he had to quit--people were starting to question his abilities. Trent really got into that conversation, leaving me to listen silently.

  Now we’re getting off of the plane. I pull to a stop as I see a familiar white haired woman waiting in front of us. A hint of dread chases down my spine, especially when I see Falconess and Aubrey standing next to Liz. I am SO grounded, I think with a sigh.

  “You are SO grounded,” Liz says, her hands on her hips. “No teleporting for the next ten years, young lady!”

  “Now, Liz,” Taurus says, heading over to her, “ten years is a bit too long--plus she’s going to have a debut soon.”

  “And YOU!” Liz says, turning on him and poking him in the chest. “You were already heading down there before I heard a single word!”

  “Well, you’re on house arrest, honey--”

  “Don’t ‘honey’ me,” she says, poking him in the chest again. He’s got both hands up and his most innocent expression. “I should have been the first person you called, house arrest or not!”

  “I didn’t want you finding out,” I admit, heading straight for her and hugging her tightly. “I didn’t want you breaking house arrest and getting tossed into the Cape Cells!”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t have been tossed into those,” she says, waving it off with a snort. “I’d have gotten a slap on the wrist and stuck with some ridiculous duty Double M knows I hate--I’ve already got to do the next parade that comes up. I hate parades.”

  “It’s okay, though,” I say, taking advantage of her distraction. “We have more important things to talk about--and I really want to go home. I have a sleepover planned, you know?”

  “You’re still going to do the sleepover?” Aubrey asks. “CAN you do that when you’re grounded?”

  “Absolutely not!” Liz says.

  “Adanna made cookies, though!” I say.

  “Oh… well… she makes great cookies, doesn’t she?” Liz says thoughtfully.

  “Before that, let’s go home,” Nico says, a dark look on his face. “Unfortunately I need to call our old man.”

  “What?” Liz yelps, looking shocked. “What for?”

  “Because Kunnins is alive after all. If he finds out from someone other than me, we’re going to have trouble.”

  “But that means he’ll come back!” Liz complains. “I don’t want him back--and I DEFINITELY don’t want to meet Tatiana! Do you know how big of a gasket she’ll blow when she finds out about me?”

  “Nah, she’ll like you just fine,”
Nico says. “It’s Father that’ll get the gasket blowing up on him.”

  “Oh… you sure?” she asks.

  “Worth a try if it gets him in trouble!” Nico says shamelessly. Liz just stares at him.

  “Don’t worry,” Taurus tells Liz, “I’ve got your back.”

  Liz looks at him, letting out a sigh. “You had better--you’ve got a LOT to make up for after today.”

  I grab her hand, looking up at her seriously. “Liz--Mom?” I say.

  “Yeah?” she asks, looking startled.

  “I’m sorry I lost control of Repeat and teleported across country,” I tell her. “I seriously didn’t mean to. I’ve got no plans on going back to Texas--like, ever. But you shouldn’t be mad at Taurus--he brought me back.”

  She just looks at me before letting out a heavy sigh. “Okay, fine. Now come on, we’ve got one of the black suit vans in the parking lot. If I get caught flying, who knows what sort of punishment Double M will slap on me.”

  “You know, I bet you can go out if you get a wig or something and act like a norm,” I say casually. “Maybe on a date?”

  “You want to go on a date with me?” she asks, looking all sorts of excited. “We can go out to dinner and then a movie--Aubrey, you can come with us!”

  “I meant with Taurus,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “How about we all go?” Taurus asks, draping an arm over Aubrey’s shoulders. She grins up at him.

  “You did promise to come to dinner with me sometime,” Andre says from behind us. “I wouldn’t mind a movie, as well.”

  “Let’s do it!” I say.

  “Now?” Liz asks.

  “Now,” everyone agrees.


  “I’m afraid it will be this way until we find your hijos, Señora Hanks,” Voltdrain says as Ginger steps into a small house that isn’t her own. “You will be under constant supervision--but it is for your own safety. I do not wish you to feel pressured, so--”


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