The Call of the Moon

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by Kristy Breckenridge

  The Call of the Moon

  Kristy Breckenridge


  Mind blowing sex, confessions of love, wedding bells, and finding out that you are pregnant - all in the span of a week - was pretty damn typical in a romance novel. “If only this sort of thing could actually happen…”

  Faye Reynolds slowly closed the book she had been reading after finally finishing the last chapter. She had been working on it for the past six hours, secretly wishing, secretly hoping, that someday she would be in that heroin’s shoes. Faye desperately wished that she was the gorgeous, perfect, blonde heroin, who immediately captured the attention of the gorgeous blue eyed man, that she’d so randomly ran into.

  Okay, so Fay wasn’t ugly. Standing at merely five foot, she was incredibly petite, but somehow managed to have a decent tiny frame. Although, she wished she was more filled out in certain areas, she could still look relatively decent in particular types of clothing. She was definitely not blonde by a long shot, but a fiery red head that often had to be contained by a lot of conditioner, a braid or bun, and loads of hairspray. Often, she hated going to salons for trims because they usually made the thickness of her hair a total scene. Sometime s, in a good way, and sometimes in a bad way, and this just so happened to be why her hair flowed so long, down right above her backside.

  Her hair did have one good aspect though - it was incredibly luscious and soft. Despite the fact that she wasn’t all that thrilled about her hair, it was the one thing she often got compliments on.

  A week though, sounded good to her - without the baby part because how is that even possible? Sighing hopelessly, Faye delivered a defeated look down at her book. It was the same look she always presented when finishing a good romance novel. She never wanted it to end, because it was a single moment when she could submerse herself into a world that was far more interesting than her painstakingly natural-born life.

  If anyone was so boring, Fay Reynolds really hit the top of the nail with that one. A typical night was spent reading, not going out and partying. A typical day involved meddling around in her pajamas, and studying for the next big test. College, at the moment, was her biggest aspect in life. And just so happened to be the most stressful. She did have one interesting aspect of her life, and that was her best friend.

  Okay, so interesting wasn’t even the word for it. It sort of was, but it was more like, weird, or extraordinary. Faye’s best friend Lily, wore more vibrant colors, and not in a barbie fashionable sort of way. Sure, Lily was fashionable, but she had a big reason why. You see, this crazy best friend presumed herself as a witch, and her clothes seemed to math her vibrant imagination.

  Definitely weird and extraordinary. And this weird and extraordinary woman was on her way over to Faye’s house this very instant, because this particular night was a special one. In three short hours, it would no longer be Faye’s birthday. At-least not for another three hundred and sixty-five days from now.

  After pondering over how amazing that book was, yet sad that it ended so abruptly, a knock finally sounded on her front door. Taking her book, she quickly slid it under her pillow. Truth be told, Lily often teased her about her choice of books she read. And there was only one reason why. Faye was single.

  Faye was so incredibly single that she would not even know how to act in front of a guy, or even a date for that matter. There have been quite a few awkward encounters in her life time. Truth be told, the thought of a date made Faye shutter. She could turn that into a disaster so fast like a spark to a piece of sun-crisped wood…

  Quickly, she made her way to the front door and opened it. Lily stood on her dark front porch, still in her work attire. Both Lily and Faye worked as coffee barrista at Noct’s Mudslide - just a typical small coffee shop with a very nice and comforting atmosphere. It was also warm, and very near the college campus, making it an ideal spot of relaxation for overly-stressed students. Faye’s boss had graced her the night off, specifically for her birthday.

  “You’re in your pajamas?” Lily asked with a blink. Faye’s living room light illuminated just enough for her to see Lily’s confused expression. “C’mon girl, you need your party gear on.”

  Party gear?

  “My what?” Fay asked with wide eyes - her own expression now matching her best friends.

  Suddenly, Lily shoved herself over the threshold, with numerous bags in her hands, and one hanging off her shoulder. There was so much gift wrap, that there was just no telling what was inside those gift bags. They were huge nonetheless. “Look-” Lily was coming around the couch to settle all those bags on the cushions. “Today was your birthday, and it’s still going to be your birthday for a while, so I figured we’d go out tonight instead of you reading yourself to death.”

  Faye blushed beet red by her friends comment. She was caught, but she was not going down that easily. “I was not re-”

  “Lose the act, Faye.” She pointed towards Faye with a funny grin, however, the way the woman pointed, was as if she had caught something new. “You are wearing your reading glasses.”

  Okay, Faye was definitely going down now. She sighed in defeat. “You know, I am allowed to sit at home, on my night off, and read a book.”

  Lily had a response. “Yeah but you are allowed to have a life too, you know.” She usually backfired with a response to everything. She was not really one to let things go so easily. “Not one that involves a fantasy - bug bad wolf, sweeping some gal off her feet at first meeting.”

  Fay looked at Lily, completely dumbfounded, and swallowed hard. She tried to play as if she did not just hear what her friend said. “Huh?” Her voice croaked, and to be honest, her face was seemingly red. She could feel the heat radiating.

  Looking down, Fay snatched up an object and had a toothy grin appear on her face. It didn’t take long to register, that Fay was now staring straight at the hunk of a man, on the cover of the book, that she had previously been reading. Or better yet, a wolf-man.

  A seriously hot one too.

  “Oh come on. Seriously”? Fay was getting real annoyed of this nonsense. “At-least I know that they are not real.” This time, Fay snatched the book from Lily’s hand, and haughtily made her way over to her alphabetically-ordered book shelf, and shoved the material into the tiny empty slot, where her book had once remained.

  Faye could hear a faint laugh coming from Lily’s lips. The woman just absolutely, without a doubt, loved teasing Faye. “Are you sure about that?”

  Faye couldn’t help but roll her eyes, as she turned to stare at her best friend with a dull look. “Of course they aren’t real, just like witches, warlocks and crystal balls are not real.”

  “Of course crystal balls are real.”

  “Lily -” Faye brought her hand up over her forehead, and gently rubbed out the tension, she then pulled her glasses from her eyes and situated them atop her head. “you know what I mean. Does it ever occur to you, that maybe I just like being alone? Or that maybe I just enjoy reading a book and letting my imagination slip occasionally? But you…” She motioned at her best friends attire. “ you take it very seriously, what you are interested in.”

  Lily looked down at her attire because she knew it was what Faye was talking about. Possibly. But the woman was still a bit clueless on the subject. “What is that supposed to mean?” With both of her hands on her hips, she was now in a sort of defense mode. “I thought you liked my clothes.”

  “It’s not that. It’s the fact that…” Faye sighed hopelessly. The last thing she wanted was to have this sort of conversation on her birthday, but damn it, she was getting sick and tired of this happening. “Lily. You come into my home and start picking on me about reading or not having a life. Yet you really honestly
believe you are this witch - who honestly, I’ve never had any luck with the countless magic spells yet - I mean…I’m surprised YOU aren’t the one fantasizing over werewolves.” Faye pointed behind her, making a point at the book she had just put away.

  Lily was quiet for a moment. Not even a gape, for there was absolutely no expression on this girl’s face. But there was a hint, of what could possibly be hurt. That though, quickly went away, and a grin splayed on her face. She even chuckled. “Now why would I want to fantasize over some dude who can shift into this big hairy thing? I mean…have you smelled a wet dog before?”

  Faye couldn’t help but laugh. She’d been defeated once again, by Lily Smith.

  “I mean seriously!” Lily went on, while chuckling. “You would never be able to go dancing in the rain with that man. And…definitely no hot and steamy showers.” The woman playfully wiggled her eye brows, but then made a Pee-yu expression with her hand waving dramatically over her nose.

  Defeated. Absolutely defeated.

  The woman was a natural.

  “So. We ARE going out tonight.”

  Faye whined in an annoyed way. “Really? Lily, it’s almost ten.”


  Lily was already digging around in a bag. “And, I have classes tomorrow morning?”

  Lily scoffed, and stood abruptly. “Shoot. I forgot all about that.” Faye thought she had won this argument, but that quickly subsided when her friend spoke again. “Looks like you’re just going to have sacrifice a little tonight.”

  “Lily, really? I have classes at nine. I need my sleep?”

  Her best friend shook her head. “This is a once a year thing, and you’re going to do it.”

  Without further adieu, Fay came over to the couch, and slumped, in a defeated way, down onto it. With a heavy breath, she looked over at the bags. “So where are we going?”

  “To that new club outside of town.”

  Suddenly, Faye’s eyes widened with horror and she jumped up as if lightening had just hit at her feet. “No no no no, Lily. NO.”

  “Oh yes yes yes yes, Faye.” Reaching into another bag, she looked up at Faye. “And that is why I picked you up this.” She pulled out a piece of cloth, badly folded in the palm of her hand.

  Faye had no idea what it was, and raised a brow. The cloth was almost a burgundy color, and looked rather soft. “What is it?”

  “What is it?” She chuckled, and unraveled it. Oh no, Faye thought. “It’s a dress.” And it was a short one at that.

  Faye shook her head repeatedly. “No.” She swallowed very hard this time. “Why can’t we just do something here? Maybe invite some people over, and I can wear the dress then?”

  “No and no, Faye.” Lily brought the dress up to Faye’s figure, trying to see for herself how it would look. “I think it’ll look great. I also bought you a little jacket to go over it. Oh! And some heels.”


  “Hells, I mean…” Faye cleared her throat nervously. “Heels?”

  Lily raised a brow. “Did you just cuss? You never cuss.” She had a shocked expression on her face.

  Faye completely ignored her statement. “I don’t even know how to walk in heels, Lily. I’d just fall and break something.”

  “Well pump up baby-cakes, because you are wearing them. Or else, the dress wouldn’t look as good.” Her hand came up, and one finger stretched out. “And no. No flats. These take some good pumps.” Reaching back into the bag, she pulled out matching colored pumps. “I got em on sale.”

  Oh yippy, Faye thought. The clothes were suddenly shoved into Faye’s arms and so were the heels, but careful enough not to snag the material with them.

  “Now hurry the hell up, or I will make you wear this thong with it.”

  And that was exactly all it took to get Faye moving her butt to her bedroom.


  “Man, it’s crazy to believe that in two weeks, you are being mated.”

  Fenrir Roth looked up from buttoning down his shirt, at one of his brothers who just could not find another place to go for the time being. He was always up in his big brothers business. “Do you really have to use that term?” Moving passed him, Fenrir went into the small bathroom, that was conjoined by their two rooms. “You know I’m not mated until somehow my mate found me.” He could still talk because it was so close.

  “Yeah but…Dad said you’d given up on that. So I guess this is as close as it’ll get huh?”

  Fenrir looked over at his brother, who was only two years shy of his age. “Yeah, I suppose that’s what it is.” Grabbing his brush, he could hear vehicle doors slamming, and some hooting and hollering. “Sounds like the boys are here.”

  And sure enough they were. Fenrir was just brushing his shaggy brown hair, down into a low pony tail - It was either that, or combing it back in a slick way, but he had just recently ran out of gel - before the guys came running up the stairs. Fenrir’s family home was right outside of town, and all of them shared it. His older brother, Sam, was already mated, and starting on a little pack of his own - despite that he will always be part of this pack.

  “You ready to go, bro?” They were all planning to go to Bad Moon Rising - the new somewhat small club that his father owned. Sam stood there in the doorway, waiting for an answer. “Everybody’s ready downstairs. Reina is with her girlfriends tonight…just so you know. So she wont be coming by wondering where the hell we went.” Sam was good about that, always making sure everything was just right.

  Reina was part of another pack. A pack whom initially hated Fenrir and his family. But this wedding between Fenrir and Reina were to help form an alliance with that pack, because it was said that another pack will be coming into town. Who knew that Jenks Oklahoma would be the hot spot for supernatural creatures? It wasn’t just that though. Fenrir initially loved Reina, very much. Their time together allowed their relationship to grow, and he very much felt that Reina would be the perfect one - despite the fact that she was a bit hot headed at times.

  “Yeah, we definitely don’t want her finding out that we’re going to a club. Or else, she will want to know what girl you danced with.” Max, his little brother spoke aloud with a slight chuckle.

  Reaching out, Fenrir annoyingly, but lovingly ruffled his brother’s hair. “Hey, I’m an adult. I’m twenty-eight years old, so I think I’m mature enough to say no to a few girls.” Shaking his head, he grabbed his leather jacket, and slid it on. He looked relatively casual in just a black buttoned up long sleeved shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. He didn’t shave though, but it was definitely something on the list for the wedding. Reina wasn’t too keen on a somewhat shaggy face, despite the fact that she had a very hairy animal on full moons. Same goes for himself…

  “Alright let’s go!” Turning, Sam leaned over the staircase railing and shouted down to the first floor. “We’re going! Get the car started!”


  “Stop fidgeting. You look fine.” Lily spoke, while sliding out of her little red Honda. It definitely was not new, but the girl took real good care of it.

  Fay had been pulling up the top of her dress, because of the very noticeable v-cut. It was one of the areas, that Fay wished she hadn’t filled out so much. It was the annoying, constantly having to fix them, boobs. It was the equivalence of life nuisance. “It is too low!” Fay whispered. Each time she tugged the dress up more over her breasts, the dress would hike up more towards her hips. The thing was very friggen tight, and uncomfortable. However, truth be told, she’d never noticed the curves before putting this dress on. The heels though, made her walk funny.

  “That’s how it’s supposed to be. You are bound to get some guys attention in there looking like that.”

  “Of course. Who wouldn’t. What man doesn’t like boobs?”


  Fay scoffed and rolled her eyes. She decided to leave her purse in her car, but take her I.D with her. She was nervous. She absolutely never had a reason to sh
ow her I.D. She was not a smoker, so buying cigarettes was not a concern, and she had never stepped foot in a liquor store before…”What if they think I’m too young?” Faye asked in a horrified manner.

  Lily gave a dull stare over the top of her car, and motioned towards the I.D in Faye’s hand. “You’re 22. Now think about that for a little bit.” Her friend looked down in her side mirror to make sure her make up was on point. In one of those gift bags from earlier, Lily had managed to stuff an outfit or two for herself, because the woman was never really sure what she’d wear….and it was definitely a weird outfit on top of that.

  Okay…not totally weird. Not as weird as what she normally wore. But she did look like she was going to a funeral instead of a club. “How do I look?” She asked curiously.

  Fay wrinkled her nose. “The hat is too much.” Who wore a hat, let alone one with a feather in it, to a dance club?


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