The Call of the Moon

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The Call of the Moon Page 8

by Kristy Breckenridge

  The thought of Fenrir’s kiss, came to mind. The kiss that he had given her, just an entire day ago when he had shown up at her door step. It was hard to realize that more than twelve hours had gone by since then, and that she had spent that long with the trio. But all she could think of, was the kiss, and how he gave her so much passion, in the simplest form that night, yet now he treated her as if she were a disease.

  Fenrir had shown up in her window, as he walked around with his hands buried in his pockets. One of his hands pulled out his phone, and he dialed a number before bringing it up to his ear.

  Stepping away from the window with a defeated sigh, she looked around the room. She found her bag, and rummaged through it, finding the book that she had left unread.

  Heading towards the main room, where the living room was located, she took a seat on the couch, and got herself comfortable. This was as close to comfort as she would get, with a book in her hand.


  “You should know, that Lothos is actually…worried.” Eric spoke over the phone. So his dad actually did care. “He’s wanting to know why you suddenly left, with Sam and…Roy?”

  “Yeah I know. I haven’t really been saying much about it.” Fenrir sighed heavily and looked up at the sky. He was lucky to even get signal out in these sticks. It was already bad enough back at home. “Remember that night, at the club, when I was having that problem?” He looked over his shoulder to make sure nobody was around. “Well. I turned out to be right, and we found someone out in Argentina that may be able to help us.” Another heavy sigh fell from his lips. He was obviously stressed. “Someone who can fix this and make it stop.”

  “Oh man. So you guys aren’t even in the US anymore?”

  Fenrir shook his head, now moving some gravel with the toe of his boot. “No. And hey, Eric. You can’t say anything to Reina about this. Not a word. Because when I come back home…everything will hopefully be back to normal.”

  “Hopefully?” Eric said. “I wont say a word, but…if she comes to me wondering why she hasn’t seen you in a week….I can’t say I wont give her word.”

  “Say anything….But don’t tell her about her.”

  There was silence.

  “Just tell her that I will be back before the wedding.” And with that, he hung up the phone, feeling a sudden sense of guilt. He did not like putting his best friend on the spot, because he knew how hot headed Reina could get.

  He took the next couple of hours going around the property. He was taking a good look, finding out what spots were perfect for shifting, because no doubt, in four days, they would all be doing just that.

  When he headed back inside, he caught the sight of the girl sitting on the couch. He’d caught her name, eventually on their trip their. Faye. A beautiful name for such a beautiful girl, no doubt. She was beautiful, despite the circumstances, he could not deny that.

  That familiar pulling sensation gripped him all over again. He was drawn to her, like a moth to a light. He wanted to talk to her - to be around her. More than anything. He wanted to feel the comfort of her arms…and fuck, did he want to touch her. Just the thought of it, made him arouse in a spot he shouldn’t be feeling such ways about someone other than his fiance. Yet he could not even care. Surely, talking to her couldn’t do much harm could it?

  Despite that she is human, you dip-shit.

  Yet, because of what she was to him, he did not even care that she was human…yet at the same time, he did. The conflict was absolutely terrible. But still, he couldn’t help himself from walking over to the couch. “What are you reading?” He asked.

  When she looked up, she seemed to be nervous. Quickly her book closed shut, and she put it under her arm. Just seeing how nervous she was, with her pink blush rising to her cheeks, and nervously pushing her hair behind her ears…even the glasses that were resting along the bridge of her nose - all of this made her absolutely gorgeous in his eyes. Normally he’d go for a woman who was all about fashion, make up and…well…sex appeal. Just like his fiance. Yet this woman, who someone might deem as sort of plain and ordinary, turned him on like nothing else.

  “Uh. Nothing. Just…a book I was hoping to finish.”

  “By all means, don’t mind me.” Coming around, he finally took a spot on the opposite end of the couch from her. “What’s it about?”

  Again, she blushed. Why did he feel like she was reading some kind of mushy romance novel? It actually made him smile.

  “You wouldn’t be…interested.” She laughed nervously, and brought both of her hands in her lap, but then one finally came up under her arm, and she hesitantly pulled the book back out. He could not see the cover from where he sat, because she blatantly made it so that he could not. He just knew…just knew that there had to be some half naked dude on that cover.

  “Try me.” He simply said, and watched her with curiosity. And with that, she carefully outstretched her arm, giving him permission to take the book from her hand, and he did just that. Sure enough, there was a half naked dude, but behind him was a full blown moon - and not from his ass. The moon hung big and bright on that cover, and the title A moon for a Wolf instantly struck him.

  “It’s just a stupid romance novel.” She said.

  Flipping it over, he skimmed along the back. This wasn’t just any stupid romance novel, it was one specifically about wolves. “You…like reading this stuff?” He finally asked, taking a glance over at her direction before peering back down at the paper back book. The cover itself was glossed over to make it appear prettier.

  “I like novels based around supernatural, yes.” She said, and opened her hand again, waiting for him to give it back. “But, wolves specifically.”

  He looked over at her then. The expression on his face was one of complete interest. But the big question of why kept looming over inside his head. “Why?” He finally asked, and placed the light book into the palm of her hand.

  “I don’t really know.” She shook her head. “For a while it were vampires. But I found that I just liked the wolves better.” Shrugging lightly, she opened the page where her bookmark was located. “I sort of feel like they are more misunderstood. They aren’t used as often as vampires, so I like that too.” She continued rambling on, and despite that, he actually…enjoyed what she was having to say. Probably a little too much. “I also like how wild they are.” She finally laughed, and shook her head. Another blush touched her pretty cheeks. “I know that they aren’t real, but, it’s nice to have a fantasy or two.”

  You have no idea.

  Wait what? A fantasy?

  He blinked at that.

  “My friend, Lily, she often gives me crap of my choice of books that I read.” Faye laughed nervously, and even brought her hand up to gently rub away at the blush that collected along her cheeks. As if that would actually do the job for her.

  “I think one should be able to be happy with what they are interested in.” Fenrir spoke truthfully. He then brought himself to the edge of the couch, clasping his hands together and leaning over his legs. “Faye. I just hope you know, that I’m going to fix all of this.” He looked over at her then. “I’m going to make all of this better.” He was eyeing her in a way, that spoke for miles, in a silent manner, but he wanted her to know completely. “I promise you. I will make this stop, and then you can go back home, and you will never hear from me, or my people ever again.”

  She looked confused, and pursed her lips. Her book slowly closed and fell into her lap, as she stared off into the room somewhere. “I honestly don’t even know what is going on. And I don’t understand it.”

  “And you wont know.”

  She shot a quick surprised look over at him. “I was told that I would get the 411, basically, when we got settled in.”

  He shook his head this time. Honestly, he did not want her to know. It would be too much for her. And then, how would he ever live with himself, knowing that his kind was in all kinds of danger if she ran her mouth? “I can’t let you kno
w. It’s not possible for you to-” His voice trailed off, because he didn’t know how he was to explain it.

  “-Understand?” She finished his sentence, and then sighed frustrating. “I think I’ve already seen enough weird things to know, that this is not normal. I’m pretty sure being dragged across the globe, and seeing…things…will make my knowledge of this much easier.”

  She did have a damn good point.

  Looking over at her, he was silent for a very long moment. He simply stared at her. At her face, her lips, her cute little nose. He studied every fine detail of her face, and he didn’t even know why. Maybe he was just trying to pass the time, to figure out what to say, but maybe…she was just that damn perfect to him.

  What the hell was he thinking, sitting here talking to her? He just couldn’t get himself to stop, because he was drawn to her. It’s because of the bond…Nothing more. “And what did you see?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she looked down at her book that was now in her lap. He could tell just by looking at her, that she was uncomfortable with the subject, but he did not care. He pressed it more.

  “What did you see, Faye?”

  “I saw your eyes.” She never did look over at him when she spoke. “I think, I saw your eyes. I know I saw them.”

  “And what did they do?”

  That was when she looked over at him, deep within his hues. The simple action, made his heart speed up uncontrollably. “They flickered. Like flames.” He would listen intently while she continued on. “Two instances. One at the club, and then at my home.”

  “Did it scare you?” He finally asked.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “No?” Why did he not believe her?

  “No.” There was another single moment of silence, but then she continued. “Ever since that night though…I don’t know, I just -” She looked back down at her book in her lap, and fiddled nervously with the upper corner. He could feel the nervousness practically radiating off of her. “There is something about you. Something strange and unknown. And I can’t put my finger on it.” She shook her head, as if she were trying to figure it all out. “It’s like-” But she did not finish, and instead she frustratingly groaned.

  Fenrir took that moment to slide closer to her. It surprised him, because he was extra close to her. “Tell me. Please.”

  “It’s like…Almost like an obsession really.” She looked up, straight ahead at somewhere within the room, as if she was trying her hardest not to look at him. “I’ve never thought of someone like I think of you.” She spoke truthfully. “And it’s been constant. Like, I can’t…stop.” Pausing for just a moment, she looked over at him finally. “And I know it has to do with this rash.”

  “Do you?”

  She nodded her head. “I think I’ve read enough romance novels to realize that this is some kind of…weird connection.”

  He let out a gentle sigh, and was about to say something when he heard the front door open. Bags could be heard as each one of them came in and headed straight for the kitchen.


  Faye felt like the biggest idiot ever when she finally admitted to him what all she had been feeling since the night she had crossed paths with him. Technically, they didn’t cross paths that night, but they did see one another, and she knew now, that something must have triggered.

  Finally, she stood up and headed down the hall. She needed to disappear for a little while. When she went into the bedroom that she would be using for the time being, she rummaged through her bag again, and found her phone. It had a seven percent battery life on it, which was enough, surely, to make a quick phone call. However, there was not a single ounce of signal in this house.

  Scoffing lightly, she came back out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her, and back through the living room. The men were all too busy putting away food items, and Fen had even chipped in to do so. So she made her way outside, and with her phone up in the air, she managed to find a good spot, a good twenty feet from the house. She only hoped that her phone call wasn’t so choppy because of the bad coverage out there. Not to mention, she knew that her bill would sky rocket because of being in a different country, or did it really work that way? To be honest, she had no real idea of that.

  Picking the first name in her contacts list, she dialed it.

  “Faye?!” Lily picked up, and she grimaced at how loud her best friend. “Are you alright? Noct and I have been trying to call you over and over and it’s not like you to not pick up, like right away.”

  “I know. I know…I’m alright, I’m just-” Faye looked around her, not wanting to disturb the men. She really needed to make this phone call. “I’m out of town for a bit.” Another glance at the trees. “Really, out of town.”

  “Where? Who did you see?”

  She shook her head, as if her friend could actually see that. “It was sort of a family emergency.” She lied. It was the first time ever she’d actually blatantly lied to her best friend like that. “Tell Noct, I will be back soon so that I can work.”

  “How soon is soon?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe a week? I hope not that long.”

  “A week?! Geez, this is so not like yo-”

  Faye felt her phone being completely snatched from her ear. With a quick glance, she noticed it was Roy. With a swing of his arm, her phone went flying and crashed to the ground some place not too far, but not too close. But it was close enough, that she saw it had shattered into very many non-fixable pieces.

  “What the hell?!” Faye hollered out, and her eyes were wide with hurt and anger. “That was my phone, you jerk!”

  “You aren’t even supposed to be using that damn thing!” Roy hollered out just as angry. His voice carried on for miles, because that was when the other two came out with bewilderment.

  “What’s going on?” Fenrir asked, as he looked between the two. It was almost as if he were astonished that she and Roy got into a “big one”.

  “He broke my fucking phone!” She was seething with anger as she looked at him. Hell, she could growl in anger with how upset she was about this. Faye wasn’t made out of money, and she really had to make ends meet just to live day to day, and she knew she could not just go and purchase a brand new phone.

  “She could be contacting people, ratting us-”

  Faye had enough, and was close enough to swing. Her fist met his face and a crunch could be heard. She’d barely even heard Sam tell her don’t. But she hit, and immediately let out a sharp wail. It was then that she registered, that it was not his face that made that crunching sound, but that it was her hand.

  She cradled it protectively to her stomach, while bending over in pain. Looking up, she noticed a strange overwhelming sense of anger coming off of Roy. “Faye. Get back.” Sam spoke, but she continued watching Roy nonetheless. Something was happening to him. Something big. Did Sam really think that Roy was of danger to her? What would Roy do? Would he strike her?

  It’d also just occurred to her that she’d just hit someone for the first time in her entire life.

  “Get back Faye. Now.” This time it was Fenrir, and he had come up behind her, bringing his hands under her arms, and walking her back.

  “Get her back to the house.” Sam said, and she watched how Sam came up to Roy. Roy’s eyes were vibrant and like fire - just like Fen’s had been. He breathed heavily, and she could have sworn she heard a rattling sensation coming from him, almost as if he were growling? But it was when she heard a very sickening crackle and pop coming from him, that she realized that despite their strange glowing eyes, they were far from normal.

  While being forced to be dragged backwards, she watched Roy holler out in pain, as he dropped to the ground. “Faye. Let’s go!” Fenrir grunted, as he finally arrived at the front door. He practically shoved her inside, and she caught a glimpse of Roy, or it used to be Roy. One second he was man and now…he was beast?

  Hair spread out over his entire being. He had lifted onto his hands
, while his lower half was still to the ground. “Faye. I want you to get away from the door. Understand me?!” But she’d barely cared or heard what Fenrir had tried to say to her. Before Fenrir could close the door, she caught a glimpse of the beast, as it had lifted it’s gaze and stared at her.

  The door closed shut, and she heard a blood curdling howl. There was a long pause of silence, and she slowly walked to the door. All she could hear was the sound of her own frightened breathing, as she headed for it. Her movements were slow and careful, but once she made it to the door, her eye was brought to the peep hole.


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