The Call of the Moon

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The Call of the Moon Page 11

by Kristy Breckenridge

  Fenrir shook his head, and laughed again. But his laugh faltered as his head instinctively went up to the sky. It was dark enough to shift. The pull of the moon was fierce tonight.

  “It’s time.” Roy said.

  “Let’s do this!” Sam exclaimed, obviously excited about shifting tonight. Sam was always enthusiastic about it, because his mate back home didn’t allow him to shift whenever he felt like it.

  One by one they ventured off into the woods. They often did not shift right in the same exact location with the other, because if one shifted too soon than the other, the other might attack. And it was because once shifted, their actions were uncontrollable. The moon had that power over each and every one of them.

  Everybody back home would be enjoying this moon tonight, but it would be elsewhere, spread out, because of Fenrir’s sudden shift just six nights ago.

  Once he found a good spot, he allowed the beast to come over, by dropping onto all fours. Five minutes later, he raised upright, onto feet that stood at the tips, and legs that were bent awkwardly backwards. Black fur spread all over his body, and his vision could be seen clearly because of his good eye sight in the night. Instantly, the sound of an animal caught his hearing, and by the scent that wafted into the air, it was a rabbit. At that very second, he headed straight for it.


  It had been three hours. Three hours since Fenrir had left to do god knows what, with the rest of the group. Three hours, and she still did not get over the fact that he had kissed her and even mentioned his deep desires for her. Any girl would be fawning over that, including Faye. It was stuff that she was not used to. Never, in her life, would she ever thought she’d have been in a situation like that. Truth be told, she thought no guy was interested in her. Hell, she even thought that Fenrir hated her friggen guts.

  Yet he kissed her. Yet he spoke something naughty into her ear, that just so desperately wanted to hear it, and she loved every single second of it. But it bothered her so much that it came and went so quickly. But there was no doubt, that Faye was overly excited to be able to see him again - like he said he would. So overly excited that she didn’t know what to do with herself. Read a book? That was her initial plan, but she was so distracted with her thoughts, that reading a book just would not do. Sleep? Hell no, because what if she missed her chance with Fenrir?

  She did, however, go back into her bedroom like she had thought to do. But every other minute it seemed she was glancing out her window, waiting impatiently, as if Fenrir and the men would suddenly show up. She wondered what was apparently taking them so long? Fenrir said he wouldn’t be too long, right?

  But it was the moment that thunder could be heard booming within the atmosphere, that she remembered. There was supposed to be a storm. A storm, that meant, Fenrir would be coming back soon.

  The excitement just grew that much more inside her. It didn’t take long - after a few more rolls of thunder, rain began pouring down. It could be anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour before they returned, and she didn’t want to seem so…desperate for Fenrir’s return.

  She wondered what this night would bring. New promises? Or new empty promises? With Fenrir’s mood swings, she would think the latter was more promising than anything else, but she refused to believe that. She refused to think that. In fact, she wasn’t even sure what he planned to talk to her about, but secretly, she hoped for more than just a chat.

  She even wanted to plan for it.

  Jumping up out of her bed, she went to her suitcase of clothes. She didn’t bring much attire that screamed sexy, but she did bring her favorite night gown. It was light pink, went half way down her legs and was made out of cotton, with a silk lining. It was also sort of cute, with white ruffles around the squared neck line - if you’d even call it a neckline, because it was somewhat loose, and went just above her bust line. It was entirely tank top, and comfortable. That was why she loved it.

  Would he think of her too desperate if she wore this?

  Without thought, she tore her clothes off that she had worn that day, and replaced them with the night gown. Her clothes, she quickly tossed into a bag, that she had specifically brought for laundry. Now that she was in the night gown, there was really no turning back, but just to be on the safe side and not appear as desperate, she turned the little lamp off beside the bed, before crawling into the bed itself.

  There was absolutely nothing sexy and romantic about this at all, if you really thought about it. The bed was a little too small and pushed into a corner. There were bags of clothes, suitcases, and the like, piled up messily at the end of the bed. The bed itself wasn’t the best in terms of comfort. Not to mention it squeaked.

  God…She thought. It squeaks.

  It was at that very moment that she so wished nobody else was there with them.

  Laying down on her back, she sighed hopelessly. Maybe she was getting all worked up over nothing. Maybe Fenrir would have another one of his mood swings and not go along with his word at all. Maybe he wouldn’t come and talk to her. Maybe he would request her to come into the living room to talk instead, thus making her change all over again. Maybe he would go and hide out for another couple of days….

  Get over yourself, Faye. Stop being a worry-wart.

  Rolling onto her side, she let out a helpless sigh, and allowed her eyes to close. Maybe this wasn’t a good night. Maybe this just wasn’t the night to be worrying about such things. Maybe she should just go to bed and get some sleep.

  But right as she closed her eyes, she heard the bedroom door hinges whine softly. Immediately, her eyes shot open, and even in the dark she knew who was standing there. His dark silhouette stood there in her door frame, his arms at his sides, and he appeared to be…shirtless? Oh how she desperately wanted to see! Quickly, she sat up, and went to reach for the lamp, sitting beside her.

  “Don’t.” He spoke softly, and took another step into the bedroom. She did just that, and sat there in the dark, leaning on the hand that she was going to use to turn on the light. “Not yet.” As he came further into the room, his gaze lifted. Now she could see his eyes. They were….gorgeous. Especially in the darkness of the bedroom. The only hint of light, was what came in through her bedroom window. But even that was dim, because the clouds had rolled over the moon. The occasional lightening bolt made him more visible to her. But those eyes…those eyes were like liquid fire, brimming, almost as if you were peering down, straight into a volcano. It was a different shade than she had been used to, when his eyes would flash on her. This was deeper, where else, all of the other times, they were a pale golden flame. This was almost red, with hints of gold swirling within them. Even where she sat, it was that intense, and could easily be seen.

  He also appeared to be wet. Soaked actually. As if he’d just spent a good amount of time out in the rain. “Are you cold?” She asked curiously, now bringing her bare legs out from under the blanket. Her feet pressed into the old carpet, and she finally came to a standing position right before the bed.

  With a shake of his head, he smirked. “Not at all.”

  “Okay.” She muttered softly, and nervously shuffled from bare foot to bare foot. “Where did you guys go?”

  He was silent for just a moment, but then he answered her. His voice was low, and not the typical Fenrir that she was used to hearing. There was a different shade of low, when it came to that tone of voice he used. “It’s the full moon.”


  So that meant he and the others shifted.

  It was at that moment, that she heard a slight pop. It almost sounded like someone had popped a shoulder, and it made her shiver. “But, if it’s a full moon, aren’t you supposed to be…a werewolf?”


  “Then why aren’t you?”

  “Because the weather is keeping that from happening.”

  Okay. So she got it. The clouds covered the moon so badly, that it wasn’t allowing him to shift properly.

  Another pop sounded in the
room. “What is that?”

  He took another slow step forward. “I’m still…transitioning.”

  Oh shit…She thought. “Is that why you didn’t want me to turn on the light?”

  Truth be told, she saw nothing strange about him. But maybe it wasn’t just the surface that he was concerned about. “You would find me disgusting right now. In a few minutes, I should be back to normal. It’s a long process when you force yourself to shift back, so quickly after you’d already shifted.”

  “Why would I find it disgusting?” This time, she took the step forward, basically saying loud and clear I wanna see!

  Another sound could be heard, but it wasn’t necessarily a pop this time. It almost sounded a lot like something underwater vigorously moving. Even she could figure, that sounded absolutely nasty, and even made her stop dead in her tracks for a moment. But once the sound subsided, she carefully stepped forward.

  Now she stood very close to him. Craning her neck, she looked up into his eyes. So beautiful. Those eyes could be a personal night light, if he laid right there next to her, in that bed. “I love your eyes.” She admitted, and honestly, she didn’t even care this time. Not a single blush touched her cheeks at how open and forward she was. Reaching out, her finger tips brushed along his cheek bone, right beneath his right eye.

  A rumble sounded deep within his chest, and it made her lightly gasp. Her reaction caused a smile to spread on his face. The sound that he had made was very noticeable, and definitely not human-like. And the look on her face was of bewilderment and amazement. “He likes you.” He spoke.

  “Who?” She asked.

  “The wolf.” Turning his head just a little bit, he leaned into her touch, and it pulled at the tender strings of her heart.

  “You talk as if you are two different beings.”

  “We are.”

  Now that his face was more firmly into her hand, she could feel a strange sensation in his face. His cheek bone was much more chiseled than she could recall from usual. Now she understood why he didn’t want her to see. He probably had some differences still on the surfaces, after having shifted.

  But, in a way, she didn’t care. She just loved this moment. How sweet he was. How he wasn’t angry with her, just by being in her presence. He didn’t seem to recoil when she was near, and he definitely was not hiding.

  He seemed pleasantly pleased right now.

  “Do you know…what he feels?”

  Those gorgeous hues closed, and he nodded against her hand. “Oh yes.” His voice was gruff with a hint of…lust? He turned his head even more, and brought his nose to her wrist. He inhaled her scent again, just like before. And there was just something so…erotic about that. So pleasing. So…fascinating to her.

  Her thumb brushed over his cheek bone, right under his eye. “What does he feel?”

  “You.” Another pleased rumble. “He likes your touch. Your smell.” As if proving a point, he inhaled another deep breath of her scent. “He wants more.” His eyes opened, and they shifted to her - the same gorgeous tone as before. “I want more.” She felt his hand reach for the front of her night gown, right along her stomach, and he gripped it. Powerfully. So powerful, she could feel how tight her gown had become around her hips because of it.

  He wanted more of her touch? Was that what he was asking for? If so, she did just that. Her hand left his face, and now rested ever so softly over his chest. All she could hear was the thunder, the rain beating at the bedroom window, and the occasional deep rumble that Fenrir would make. It was almost as if his beast threatened to unleash itself again. Her other hand followed suit, resting against the spot over his heart. She could feel the heavy thud it produced.

  Suddenly, he leaned in and brushed his lips against her own. That rumbling sound became more and more familiar, and more louder. She wondered if it would ever go away, and in a way she hoped it would not. She also wondered if it was just a moon thing, because any other time, he didn’t make such a noticeable sound.

  Her hands slid further up along his shoulders, and her arms finally wound around his neck. Her fingers touched the soaking wet ends of his hair, playing with it, memorizing it. Enjoy the silky touch, before finally diving her hands deep. Her fingers touched his scalp and she could have sworn she heard him moan because of it.

  His kiss became more intense and passionate. They moved hungrily over her own, and his hands had slid around her night gown, and rested firmly against her lower back. She could feel his nails through the thin material of her night gown, and it felt…so damn good.

  Wait. He had nails?

  They were long, instead of short cut, and she could have sworn she heard the material rip slightly.

  Oh yes, she heard it right. Because his nails must have went through, since she could now feel them against her bare skin.

  Those sexy lips of his trailed down over her chin and jaw line, and they latched at the tender hollow spot of her neck. Suddenly she was grateful that he was holding her, and that her own arms were around his neck, or else her knees would buckle and she’d be face first in the floor. She was already feeling weak, and her head was spinning by the simple actions he delivered to her.

  But were they so simple?

  Maybe to someone else. Not to her, for she had never even been in a situation like this one before.

  “Lie down for me, Faye.” She heard him speak, in the midst of all the thoughts floating around in her head.

  Oh she desperately wanted to lay down. But in that very moment, she suddenly felt….nervous.

  Damn it all to hell, she had never done something like this before. Did he know?

  Of course he didn’t. How would he know if she didn’t tell him already. Maybe they wouldn’t go as far as she was picturing. She’d often heard of horror stories of women losing their virginity, and the guy being so badly upset over her not telling him.

  As if being a virgin was really a bad thing.

  “Faye.” He growled into her neck. As he spoke, his voice vibrated against her tender skin. “If you don’t lay down, I’m going to put you right here on the floor.” His fingers gripped at her night gown again.

  Finally, she parted ways with him, but only for a moment, and brought herself to the bed. She did as he wanted her to do, and slowly laid back against the mattress. He was there in a split second, and he brought his body to hover over her own. Both hands rested at either side of her head, as he held himself up over her. When she thought he’d kiss her, she was absolutely wrong. At least not her lips, that is. No, his head dipped, and he found the line of her collarbone.

  Who would have thought that a bone felt so damn good when it was practically worshiped by a pair of lips? It felt so good, that a moan now escaped from her lips. Her head tilted to the side, and her eyes closed. Faye couldn’t stop the spinning sensation in her head, from being oh so erotically close to this man. A man who also just so happened to be a wolf.

  Her wolf.

  Was it even safe to say that? No. She didn’t think so anyway, because he still belonged to someone else. Shit. She thought. He was engaged to be married, and here she was, romping around with him in the blankets.

  Or soon to be romping…

  Bad thing was, she almost didn’t seem to care because technically, by the laws of the weres, he was hers, and she was his.

  And at that very moment, she wanted nothing more than just that…

  Fenrir’s teeth gripped at fabric of her night gown, that hid her precious jewels. With one yank, she heard another ripping sound, as the fabric was now…very obviously destroyed.

  My favorite night gown!

  He did not seem to care. It seemed as if he was only after one thing. And damn it, she loved every second of it. His body dipped just a little bit lower, but not yet touching her, so that his lips could find what he sought. They wrapped firmly around a pert pebble, and sucked it into his mouth.

  A cry of pleasure escaped from Faye’s lips, as she could not help herself. His lips sucked
her nipple into his mouth firmly. It was almost painful, yet the pleasure seriously over rode that one. It was a mix of sensations that had her whimpering and moaning in pleasure. Even when his tongue had lashed out, and whipped over her now sensitive nipple.

  Before she knew it, his rough hand had slid down her body, and cupped over her most private possession, through her panties. There were no nails now. From what she could tell, Fenrir was back to normal. Even the strange sounds had disappeared as well.

  His hand pressed firmly, and his middle finger touched that spot that made her ache with need, and her hips lift instinctively to have even more. The slightest movement of his finger was made there, as he slid it up and down. She was so sensitive, that she even jerked from the feeling of his hand being there. “Oh so wet.” she heard him mutter against her breast. His teeth found her nipple this time, and now he tugged.


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