Link Maxwell: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 3)

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Link Maxwell: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 3) Page 8

by C. E. Wilson

  “Come in, Mr. Maxwell. George, what did you do now?”

  George shrugged his shoulders and looked at the floor. Link looked down at him and shook his head. “George took Jacob’s lunch money, and when I loaned Jacob money for his lunch, George took it as well. I brought him here, but on the way, he said not to call his parents because they didn’t care. Only hit him like he got at home. He told me to look under his shirt, and I did, and I want to show you what this poor child is going through, and I need you to call the police.”

  He turned George around and lifted his shirt. Ms. Billings gasped and picked up her phone. She told a girl in the office to go take over the fourth-grade class, and the teacher would be there in a little while. Just to have them look over their books while he was away. She hung up and called the police. There was a car not far, so he was there in a few minutes. When the officer came into the office, he looked at George and shook his head. “What has he done this time?”

  Ms. Billings said, “It’s not what he has done; it’s what his parents have done. Mr. Maxwell shows the officer.”

  Link stood George up and pulled his shirt up. The officer had a horrified look on his face. “What the hell happened to him. His parents did this?”

  Link nodded. “That’s what he says. I don’t think he could do it himself, so I tend to believe him.”

  The officer pulled out his cell phone. “Martha, can you come to Southside Elementary. We have an emergency, and you need to be here.” He stood listening and said, “Yes, that’s fine. We are in the principal’s office.”

  He hung up and said, “Social Services will be here in a few minutes. She lives here in the neighborhood, so she won’t be long.”

  Maybe ten minutes later, a well-dressed woman stepped into the principal’s office. She looked at George and frowned. “Why is George an emergency?”

  Link lifted his shirt, and she gasped. “What have you done to this child?”

  Link said, “I didn’t do anything to him. His parents did. That’s what he said anyway.”

  She sat down and pulled George over to her and lifted his shirt in the front. There were large half-healed bruises on his chest and stomach. “George, don’t lie to me. Who did this to you?”

  “My mom beat me in the back with an electric cord, and my chest and stomach are from my dad kicking me after he beat me down on the floor. It’s nothing new. I get this all the time at home.”

  “You won’t get it again. I can promise you that. I just have to find a place for you to stay, but I’ll do that by the end of the day.” Link didn’t know why he did it, but he said, “He can stay with me for a while, and I’ll help him the best I can.”

  The woman looked up at Link. “Who are you?”

  “I’m his teacher. I can take care of him until you decide what you want to do with him. I do have to tell you that I am gay if that makes a difference.”

  “Are you after little boys?”

  “No, of course, not. I have a boyfriend, and if I need anything, he is always there. We plan on getting married in a little while.”

  “Then I don’t have a problem with you taking him. At least I know he’ll get to school. I’ll come to your house this evening and check on him if you don’t mind.”

  Link nodded and gave her his address. He took George back to the classroom. On the way, he told him that he would never hit him, but he had to straighten his act out. He would never be hit again. George looked up at Link with suspicion written all over his little face. It gutted Link to see George like that. He was only ten years old. Link stopped right before his room and got down on his knees and hugged George. He hugged him gently but still saw George wince. He stood up and asked if he had any clothes with him. George shook his head. “I won’t be able to get the school supplies, either Mr. Maxwell. My parents won’t get me anything. That’s why I took the money from Jacob so I could get them.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll go out to dinner tonight and then go shopping so I can get you some clothes and your school supplies.” Link still had the money his dad gave him since his dad was paying for everything, and the house was already stocked with food and everything else they would need.

  Link finished the rest of the day, and after he got all his children picked up or on the bus, he got George, and they went to his truck. George climbed in and buckled his seat belt. Link pulled out his phone. “Hey, baby. Where are you?”

  “I just pulled into the house. Are you off school?”

  “Yes, we are just leaving. We’ll swing by the house and pick you up. We’re going out to dinner and then shopping. I’ll talk to you in a few minutes. I love you.”

  Alex was running through the conversation in his head. Yes, Link said we. “I love you too, babe. Who are we?”

  Link hung up before Alex could ask him. He would just have to wait and see who we are.

  Link pulled into the driveway, and Alex noticed a little boy sitting in the passenger seat. Alex furrowed his brows and walked up to the truck, and the boy scooted over beside Link. Alex asked, “Who do we have here?”

  “Alex, meet George. George, this is my boyfriend Alex. George is going to stay with us for a while.”

  Alex’s head snapped over to Link and Link shook his head slightly. Alex nodded and said, “Welcome to our house George.”

  George looked up at Alex, and he saw the pain in the child’s eyes. “Thank you, Mr. Maxwell.”

  “Just call me Alex. You have to call Link, Mr. Maxwell at school, but at home he is Link. Do you like being in his class?”

  “Yeah, it’s all right. I don’t like school much, but it’s ok, I guess.”

  “At least you have a good teacher this year. Link is very dedicated to teaching, so you’re going to learn a lot this year.”

  “Are you a teacher too?”

  “No, I’m a business manager. I take care of people’s money and their businesses. I make sure that no one is hurting their business, and then I recommend different businesses for them to buy, so they make a lot of money.”

  “You get paid to do that?”

  “Yes, I get paid very nicely for doing that.”

  “Why are you, Mr. Maxwell’s boyfriend? Shouldn’t you both have girlfriends? I mean, that’s the way it’s supposed to be, isn’t it?”

  “Some men like women and some men like men. Some women like women. It is different for every person. It just depends on who they like the most.”

  “So, you like Mr. Maxwell?”

  “I love Mr. Maxwell. He loves me just as much.”

  “So, does that mean if I stay with you, I have to say I like boys. I only like my friends, but I don’t want them as boyfriends.”

  “Not every boy likes other boys like that. Most boys do like girls. You don’t have to say anything about liking boys.”

  “Good because it’ll be nice staying somewhere that I don’t get beat all the time. You don’t beat on kids, do you?”

  “No, absolutely not. We don’t believe in spanking. If you’re bad, then you have to either sit in the corner or go to your room. Right now, we only have two bedrooms, so I’m not sure where Link is going to have you sleep. I sleep in one bedroom, and he sleeps in the other room. We’ll be moving soon, and then you can have your own room while you stay with us.”

  “That lady isn’t going to send me back to my mom and dad, is she? I’ll get beat for sure since I told somebody. I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, but I hurt all the time from the beatings.”

  Link looked down at George. “Don’t worry, George. I’ll make sure you never go back there again. I’ll go to court and get custody of you before I let her send you back home.”

  “They won’t even know I’m gone until they want me to take out the trash or do the dishes or clean up their messes. Then they won’t look for me.”

  Link felt the sting of unshed tears in his eyes for this little boy that has had a horrible life so far. It’s a wonder he has even made it to ten years old.

  Chapter 13

  It took a week for George’s parents to figure out that he was missing. The caseworker wanted to wait since George was safe before the police investigated them. They called the police and told them that George never came home from school that day. The officer called Martha and told her. She had them send an officer to go with her so he could arrest them for child abuse.

  Martha walked up on the porch with the officer. She knocked on the door, and George’s mother opened the door. They went inside, and the place was filthy. The woman told Martha and the officer that George didn’t come home from school that day. Martha took a deep breath and said, “Your son has not been here for a week. He has been in foster care and doing very well. You beat that child and put terrible bruises on his back, and the bruises on his chest from his father kicking him is still ugly.”

  Amy, (George’s mother) said, “George was here just this morning. I got up and got him ready for school. I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. I don’t hit my son.”

  Martha got really angry. “Where is your husband?”

  “He is still in bed. He doesn’t feel good today.”

  Martha told the officer to go get him. The officer walked into Fred’s bedroom and yanked him out of bed. He made him put on a pair of pants and pushed him out to the living room. Martha asked, “Where is George?”

  “I have no idea and don’t care to know. I haven’t seen him, but that isn’t unusual because he hides from me.”

  Martha shook her head. She looked at the officer and nodded, and he cuffed both of them and took them out and put them into his patrol car. He drove them to the station, and Martha followed them.

  The officer took them into booking, and Martha did the paperwork for the charges. She gave them as many as she possibly could. She also drew up the papers that gave up their parental rights. She signed the documents and would present them to the couple to sign. The way they treated George, she was sure they would sign them. They would hope to get out of trouble if they didn’t have rights to the child. She would tell them after they signed the papers that it wouldn’t make a difference.

  Martha put in her report that they were guilty of child abuse, child endangerment, battery on a minor under the age of twelve, and neglect. That should put them away for a while. She sent the pictures of his injuries to her email from her phone and printed them up for the district attorney. That would be proof enough. She also had the officers report to say that they didn’t know the child was missing for a week. Now she just had to decide what to do with George.

  She turned in the paperwork to the detective and then went back to her office to figure out what to do with George. She left her office and went to their house and packed up what little clothes he had at home, and she would take them to him that evening. She looked around his room and noticed that for only being ten years old, he had no toys at all to play with. She decided to search the house to see if he even had any food in the house. She went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, and it was filled with beer but no food at all. She checked the cupboards and found alcohol but no food. She checked the small pantry, and there was a box of cereal in it, but it was empty.

  Martha left the house and went back to jail to get them to sign their rights away. She met with both of them, and they gladly signed the papers. His mother said, “I guess since we don’t have a son now that we can leave, right?”

  “Signing your rights away does not mean you didn’t beat him. So, no, you can’t leave; you’ll be going to prison. You can’t treat a child the way you did George. You don’t even have any food in the house, so how was he supposed to eat?”

  Amy just shrugged her shoulders. “Not my problem now, is it?”

  Fred signed the papers and seemed to be almost relieved that he didn’t have to deal with George anymore.

  Martha took the papers and went back to her office. She looked through her list of foster homes, and all were at capacity. She shook her head. She decided to call some of the ones that had adopted before, so she called John Willis. “John, this is Martha from social services. I was wondering if you would be interested in adopting again. I have a ten-year-old boy that needs a home. I don’t even have a foster home to put him in.”

  “No, we decided that we have enough to raise with Jacob and Gabriella. Did you try Clayton’s brother Bradley? I know they just got a boy, and I think they want a girl next, but maybe they would adopt him.”

  “No, I’ll call them right now. She called Cade and asked, “Would you consider a ten-year-old boy? He just came available to adopt today. I don’t have a foster home to put him in. I really need to find him a place to go to.”

  “I’m sorry, Martha, but Bradley and I want a girl next to round out the house. I think maybe my brother will be wanting a boy soon. He isn’t married yet, but I don’t think that will be too long. They are practically living together now.”

  “Who is your brother, and what is his number?”

  “Lincoln Maxwell, and his number is 534-9926.”

  “Are you talking about the teacher?”

  “Yes, he teaches fourth grade at Southside Elementary.”

  “That’s where the boy is staying now. Have you met George yet?”

  “No, I haven’t been over there in a couple of weeks. We have been so busy with work and getting Mike that we haven’t seen Link and Alex. They are going to move down the street from us this weekend.”

  “You think they would be interested in adopting George?”

  “I’m not sure, Martha. You can call him and ask him. He just might. I know they were planning on it when they got married. Just call him and see.”

  “I have to go over there when he gets home from school anyway. I have George’s clothes. I went by his parent’s house and gathered his things and need to take them by. Do you think his boyfriend will be there too?”

  “Yeah, I would think so. Alex stays there almost every night, but he sleeps in the spare bedroom. I’m not sure where George is sleeping, but I know Link, and I can promise you that he isn’t sleeping with either of them. Probably on the couch until they get moved. The house they are moving into is five bedrooms.”

  “I’m not worried about it. I trust Lincoln. He’s one of the good guys.”

  “Yeah, he is. He’s been a good brother, and I know he’ll be an awesome father.”

  “I just hope he wants to be a father now. I don’t know what I’ll do with George if he doesn’t.”

  “I’m sure if he doesn’t want to adopt now, that he’ll let George stay with him until you can figure something else out. He isn’t going to refuse; I can promise you that.”

  “How is Mike doing?”

  “He’s doing great. Bradley and I have been teaching him how to swim. He’s doing good. We let him decorate his bedroom himself, and it now looks like Spiderman threw up in his room.”

  Martha laughed. “I take it that’s his favorite hero?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s a Spiderman fan. He has all his movies and toys.”

  “Sounds like he has you and Bradley wrapped around his little finger.”

  “He does but also my parents and Bradley’s parents. Both of our mothers get together and go shopping at least once a week. This is my parent’s first grandchild, so naturally, he’s their whole world.”

  “Well, maybe by this evening, they will have another one. George has been in a lot of trouble, but from what I have seen about his parents, it’s no wonder. A week after he had been with Link, they finally reported him missing. They didn’t notice until just today.”

  “He doesn’t need to go back to them. If by chance, Link doesn’t want to adopt him or let him stay, bring him here, and he can stay until you find him a home. We have plenty of room.”

  “Thanks, Cade. I’ll call you this evening if Link doesn't let him stay, but I think he will.”

  Martha hung up and started filling out adoption papers for George just in case Lincoln would adopt him. She would get a judge to sign them in the mornin
g. She wanted him to have a good home as soon as possible. He was a good kid, just a victim of his circumstances. It was who he was born to that was his problem.

  At four o’clock, Martha called Link’s cell phone. He answered on the first ring. Martha said, “Link, I wondered if I could come over when you get home and talk with you and Alex. I have something important to discuss with you.”

  “Sure, does Alex need to be there too? He doesn’t usually get home until around five.”

  “Yes, I need to speak with both of you. Preferably with George not there. Is there someone that can watch him for say about twenty minutes? I’ll be there at five since that’s when Alex will be there.”

  “I’ll call my mom and see if she will keep George for about an hour. I know if she or my dad is home, he can stay there. If not, I’ll drive him over to Cade’s, and he can play with Cade’s son.”

  “Yeah, either way, that’ll be fine. I just really need to talk to you guys today. It’s essential. I also have George’s clothes, but it isn’t much. They aren’t very good clothes.”

  “He has a new wardrobe so he can use those to play in when we get moved. Alex and I took him shopping the day we got him, and now he has plenty.”

  “Ok, Link, I’ll see you then.”

  They hung up, and Link called his mom. “Mom, are you at home?”

  “Yes, son. I just got here. What’s up?”

  “I wanted to see if you would watch George for me until about six. His caseworker wants to talk to Alex and me about something, but she didn’t say what.”

  “Yes, bring him by. I would love to get to know him. Are you and Alex going to adopt him?”

  “I don’t think so, Mom. He has parents. She probably wants him to stay with us for a while longer. I wish we could adopt him, but I don’t think he’ll be available. I’ll be there in a few minutes, then Alex and I’ll be there at about six to pick him up.”

  “We’ll have dinner ready about that time, so the three of you make sure you stay for dinner.”


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