Link Maxwell: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 3)

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Link Maxwell: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 3) Page 10

by C. E. Wilson

  “Yes, we already have it. It’s just too hard to move with working all week. So, it’s going to have to be on the weekend. I can’t wait. George will have his own bedroom now and not have to sleep on the couch.”

  “You should do what Cade and Bradley did for Mike. They let him decorate his own room, and Cade said now it looks like Spiderman threw up in there. Spiderman is all over the room. I haven’t been there to see it yet but can’t wait.”

  “That’s a good idea, Dad. Maybe then he’ll understand that he belongs there with us. I haven’t shown him around the house yet. I wanted to wait until we are ready to move into it. That way, he won’t be in such a hurry to get in there with the pool.”

  ‘I’m sure glad we put in the pool. I guess we should have done that before you boys moved out. Cade fusses at me all the time about waiting until everyone moved out to put it in. I enjoy it, and so does Mom when she isn’t shopping for Mike. At least now, she can shop for both her grandsons.”

  “Speaking of your grandson, I need to get him home and a bath so he can go to bed. He has school in the morning, and I don’t want him tired. I’ll talk to you later, Dad. Thanks for getting us this money. We’ll put it to good use.”

  George nodded and smiled at his oldest son. Link left the office and collected Alex and George, and they left. The stopped at the ice cream parlor and got ice cream, then went home. George took his bath and put on his pajamas. Link had his bed made up on the couch, and George got in, and Link tucked him in then kissed him on the forehead. Alex was next and kissed his forehead as well. It didn’t take long for George to go to sleep.

  Alex and Link went into the kitchen, and Alex made a pot of coffee. They sat down at the table to talk about the move and all. Alex asked, “What did your dad want? I mean, if you don’t want to tell me then it’s fine. I’m just curious what it was.”

  “You’re about to be my husband, so there is no reason for you not to know. He had me sign a paper and gave me this.” Link pulled out the check from his pocket and handed it to Alex. He looked at the check and gasped. Link laughed. “Exactly my response when he handed it to me.”

  “Oh, my Link, what are you going to do with this much money?”

  “Some of it is going into George’s college fund, and then I think we need to both contribute to his fund each month so he will have enough to go to college and not have to work. I’d like to do as my dad did for me and get him an apartment off-campus, so he doesn’t have to be in a dorm room and all the racket.”

  “I agree totally with that. What about the rest of it?”

  “I thought we would put it in a savings account for the house and taxes for it. I know they are going to be high and we need the money to pay for them. Dad suggested we do what Cade and Bradley did with Mike, and that is to let George decorate his own room. Dad said Cade told him that it looked like Spiderman threw up in Mike’s room.” Link laughed.

  Alex chuckled. “I think that is a good idea. He will feel more at home with things he picked out himself. It broke my heart when he started crying at dinner, thinking we were going to beat him since he was now our son. It really gutted me. How can people do that to a child?”

  “I don’t know, but Martha said that they would be gone for a long time. She said she threw the book at them so any and all charges she could put on them she did. I hope they do get a lot of prison time and have the inmates to beat them up daily.”

  “I agree with that. I have to go get my shower and go to bed. I have an early appointment in the morning with a friend of Sam’s. Hopefully, another client.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to get my shower after you do, so I can go to bed too. I have school in the morning, as well.”

  Alex went to get his shower, and Link made a pot of coffee ready for in the morning to turn on, and they could have fresh coffee then. Alex wasn’t gone long when he came back to the kitchen to kiss Link goodnight. He was wearing some sleep pants that were low on his hips and no shirt. Link looked at him and swallowed hard. “Alex, we decided to wait until we were married to have sex. You come out here looking so hot, and now I’m going to suffer all night long.”

  Alex laughed and shook his head. He walked up to Link and put his arms around him and gave him a very passionate kiss. Link deepened the kiss and then pulled back to look at Alex. Alex gave him another quick kiss and then turned and went to his bedroom. Link took a deep breath and went to get a cold shower.

  Chapter 16

  When Link woke up the next morning, Alex was already gone, but he left a fresh pot of coffee for Link. He went into the kitchen and made breakfast for him and George. It was scrambled eggs and toast. He sipped his coffee while he cooked. It wasn’t long before George came in and wrapped his arms around Link’s waist. He gave him a quick hug before he went and sat down at the table. Link got a glass of orange juice for him and set it in front of him.

  Link put the eggs on plates and the toast and set a plate in front of George and one for him. He got another cup of coffee and sat down across from George. He started to eat and noticed that George was almost done with his plate. “George, do you want some more? I have time to make you some.”

  “No thanks, Link um, I mean Dad. I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, son. It’ll take time to get used to this. I know that so I won’t get angry at all. Just remember that I love you.”

  “I will, and I love you and my other dad. Where is he?”

  “He had an early appointment this morning. A new client.”

  “Is he going to come home drunk?”

  “No, Alex doesn’t drink, and neither do I. You don’t have to worry about either one of us getting drunk and hitting on you, son. We would never do that. Now eat up so we can get dressed for school. This weekend we move to the new house, and you’ll have your own bedroom. Dad and I are going to let you decorate it with whatever you want.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, my brother’s son did his room in Spiderman, and you can do your room in whatever you like. It can be an action hero or just something you like, say horses or dogs.”

  “Can we get a real dog?”

  “Do you think it would be fair for the dog if we had to leave him at home all the time while we are at school and Dad is at work? He would get really lonesome by himself.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Maybe when you get too old to teach, we could get a dog. I really like dogs, and I have never got to keep one. A friend gave me a puppy once, and when I got home with-it, Fred killed it because he said it would need food, and we couldn’t afford it. I don’t want to see Fred again or Amy. They aren’t my mom and dad, anymore are they?”

  “No, they aren’t anything to you now. They signed the papers to say that they didn’t want you anymore. The good side of that is that Dad and I got to sign the papers and made you our son.”

  “That’s a good side. I still get scared, though. I don’t think you’ll hit me, but I still get worried.”

  “I can understand it will take time for you to trust us not to hurt you. I promise that we never will. We love you too much to hurt you. When you get a little older, we are going to get you a sister so you can have someone to play with. How would that be?”

  “Can I get a brother instead of a sister? I don’t like girls that much.”

  Link laughed. “Dad and I decided we wanted a boy and a girl. We can talk to Dad and see if he wants another boy instead of a girl, but I don’t know.”

  They finished their breakfast and then got dressed. George was anxious to get to school so he could tell his friends that he had two dads now instead of a mean mom and dad. They would be so happy for him. He knew he was relieved that he hadn’t been hit on in almost two weeks. That was a record for him.

  They got to school and went to the principal’s office to find out what they would need to do to change George’s last name. The secretary said all they needed was his new birth certificate. Link nodded, and they went to his classr
oom. George sat in his seat. “Do I call you Dad here or Mr. Maxwell?”

  “At school, call me Mr. Maxwell. Everywhere else, I am Dad.”

  “I can do that.”

  Link smiled at his son. “I know you can. You’re a good boy. I’m so happy to have you as my son.”

  The rest of the children filed into the classroom and took their seats. Link started classes, and before he knew it, it was lunchtime. He got George, and they went together to the cafeteria to eat. When they got to the cashier, she turned up her nose and said, “You spend a lot of time with this boy. What are you doing to him?”

  “Right now, I’m going to feed him. He’s my son. I just adopted him now how much for both lunches.”

  “I thought you were gay. That’s what I was told. They aren’t going to let a gay man adopt a boy child.”

  “I just want to pay for our lunches now will you please tell me what I owe. I don’t want to go to the principal about you, but I will if I have to.”

  She gave Link a total, so he paid for it, and they went and sat down at a table and started to eat. George looked like he wanted to ask something but was afraid to. Link noticed the look on his face and smiled. “What do you want to ask? You are free to ask anything you want to George.”

  “What did that lady mean when she said you were gay. I don’t know what that means.”

  “It means that I would rather marry Dad, then I would a woman. It’s just a way of saying that I’m a homosexual.”

  “When I grow up, do you expect me to marry a man?”

  “No, I expect you to marry the person you love. Be it a woman or a man. Just because Dad and I are gay, that doesn’t mean you have to be.”

  George scrunched up his nose. “I don’t like girls, Dad. They are drama. That’s what my real dad said that girls are all drama.”

  “Wait until your older, son, and see how you like girls. Boys never like girls until they are teenagers. You still have a way to go to get there.”

  They finished their lunch and got up to take their trays to the window. Link glanced at the woman that took the money, and she was glaring at him. He didn’t understand what her problem was, but he wasn’t going to worry about it.

  When school let out for the day, Link, and George went home. Alex was already there cooking. George ran into Alex, and he picked him up and hugged him. He kissed him on the forehead before putting him down. “How was school today, little man?”

  “It was good. I have to call Dad, Mr. Maxwell, while we are at school, but I can call him Dad everywhere else.”

  “That’s right, you’re in your Dad’s class. The other kids would think that he lets you do things and not get into trouble if they know he’s your Dad.”

  “The lunchroom lady called Dad a bad name, and she was mad at Dad. He didn’t do anything to her; just wanted to pay for our lunch is all.”

  Alex jerked his head toward Link. “What’s he talking about, babe?”

  “She didn’t like the fact that we adopted George and said I was gay. George, that isn’t a bad name. It’s acceptable to say we’re gay.”

  “She didn’t say it, nice, Dad. She said it mean like.”

  “Yes, I agree with you, but we aren’t going to spoil our time with Dad talking about mean people. I would rather talk about something nice.”

  “I want to talk to Dad Alex. It gets confusing to say Dad to both of you, so would it be all right if I called you Daddy instead of Dad? That way, I can know who I’m talking to, and you can both know too.”

  Alex grinned. “Sure, George, you can call me Daddy. I think that is an excellent idea.”

  “Well, Dad and I need to talk to you about this girl thing. We want another boy, not a girl. Girls are all drama.”

  Alex chuckled. “Well, Dad and I’ll talk about that later. We aren’t going to get another child for a while, so we’ll see.”

  They were talking to Alex while he cooked. “Dad said that we can’t get a puppy because we have to be gone all the time, and he doesn’t want it to get lonely. What do you think, Daddy? Can we get a puppy if you're going to be at home all the time?”

  “I just got done early today George since I had a very early appointment. It isn’t going to be like this every day.”

  The dinner was made, so Alex made everyone a plate and sat down at the table. Link had gotten the table set and coffee for him and Alex and juice for George. They had just started to eat when there was a knock on the door. Link stood up and went to the door. He opened it expecting his brother or the social worker, but it was Darlene.

  Link rolled his eyes. “What do you want now, Darlene? I’m not going to date you. I thought I made that perfectly clear. I don’t appreciate you getting me fired. That was just gossip you were trying to hurt me with. Yes, I’m gay, but that’s none of your business.”

  “I came to offer myself to be your wife. I heard that you adopted a little boy, and he’s going to need a mother, and I’m just the one to be his mother.”

  “I’m not going to marry you, Darlene. I’m going to marry Alex. How many times do I have to tell you that? I don’t want you. I want Alex. He’s the perfect one to be George’s daddy. He’ll be just fine without a mom.”

  “If you don’t agree to marry me, then you’re going to regret this. I’ll tell everyone that you and Alex are molesting this boy, and you can just go to jail, and I’ll get the boy anyway.”

  “Darlene, you are so sick. You can’t say things like that. I swear if you do that, I’ll make sure that you go to a mental hospital. You’re not right to come up with something like that.”

  Darlene glared at Link and turned and went down the steps and got to her car. She pointed at Link and said, “You just wait and see what will happen to you and that idiot that you say you’re going to marry. You are the sick one, Link.”

  Link stepped back into the house and locked the door behind him. He shook his head and stood in the hallway for a moment to pull himself together. He didn’t want to let George see him so upset. He wondered if she would make good on her threat. He could prove that it was a lie. All they had to do was talk to George, and he could tell him that nothing like that was going on.

  He walked back into the kitchen with a fake smile on. Alex looked at him and knew there was something wrong. His smiled didn’t reach his eyes. He glanced at George, and he was eating his food and not paying attention to them. Alex looked back at Link and arched one of his eyebrows. Link gave a slight shake of his head and mouthed the word later. Alex glanced back at George and gave a sharp nod. He looked back at Link, and he gave a small nod.

  Now Alex was getting upset because he thought they had changed their mind about adopting him. Link sat down at the table and started to eat, but he had lost his appetite. He wanted to talk to Alex about this but not in front of George. He didn’t want to subject George to any of Darlene’s crazy words. The rest of the meal was eaten in silence. Link and Alex both lost in their heads. George was concentrating on his food. He loved to eat his Daddy’s cooking. He was a good cook.

  They had a reasonably ordinary evening until it was time for George to get his bath and go to bed. Link wanted to make sure he was in bed and asleep before he told Alex about Darlene’s threat. Alex lost it. He started crying and told Link, “We don’t even molest each other, so how can she say that we molested our son?”

  Link chuckled. “No, we don’t even molest each other, and we sure as hell don’t molest our son. I think all Martha has to do is talk to George. He can tell her that we have not touched him like that. I just hate that she’s making him go through this. It’s not fair to him.”

  They went to bed to try and get some sleep. They were talking in Link’s bedroom with the door shut so that they didn’t wake George up. Alex kissed Link and went to get his shower and go to bed. When Link heard the shower shut off, he went into his bathroom and took a shower and went to bed.

  Chapter 17

  The next day at school, Link expected to be called to the offi
ce to talk to someone about the child molestation, but it never happened. Maybe Darlene was just making empty threats. He sure hoped so. He didn’t want George to have to go through any more nightmares. Link was feeling better as the day progressed. He felt free when he took George to the truck to head home. When he got there, though, his stomach fell through his feet.

  Martha was sitting there in her car, waiting on him. He got out of the truck and walked over to her car. He said, “Good afternoon Martha. Have you come to check on George?”

  “Not exactly. I think by the look on your face that you already know why I’m here, so let’s go inside and talk about it.”

  Link nodded and got George out of the truck, and George saw Martha and started to cry. She squatted down in front of George. “Why are you crying, sweetie?”

  “I don’t want to go back there. I want to stay with my Dad and Daddy. Please, Miss Martha, don’t take me back to that house. I don’t get beat here. They treat me so good.”

  “Honey, I’m not here to take you anywhere. I just need to talk to you and your Dad. I promise you are going to stay here for now, and we’ll see if you’re going to stay here or at another person’s house after that.”

  George grabbed Link’s hand, and they walked inside. It was only a few minutes later that Alex walked in and got some coffee made for them. Martha said, “I take it, one of you know, Darlene Redmond?”

  Link said, “I dated her a few times in high school, and Alex met her when we were at the movies. She came by last night and told me she was offering to marry me so that George could have a mother and a father. I told her no, I was going to marry Alex. She said she would report us both for molesting George if I didn’t agree to marry her. Martha, I’m not going to be blackmailed into marrying someone I don’t want to be with.”

  “Link, can you and Alex go into one of the bedrooms and shut the door, so I can talk to George alone?”


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