Dangerous Curves

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Dangerous Curves Page 21

by Kristina Wright

  “Then let’s do it.”

  Sam looked at Jake, hearing the hard-edged determination in his voice. “What are you thinking?”

  His grin was predatory. “I’m thinking we’re going into the lion’s den. And I’m ready to hunt big game.”

  “I hope this works.”

  Jake only nodded. He hoped to hell it worked, too. If this was a trap, he wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure Joe could get them out of it. “We’ll be all right,” he said, voicing a confidence he didn’t feel.

  They’d left for the airport at one and Jake had checked on the incoming Trans Global flight. They sat in short-term parking, waiting for the two o’clock flight to arrive from D.C. Joe Lafferty was in another car beside them while a second car with two FBI agents was parked at the airport exit.

  Jake couldn’t shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap. He trusted Joe, but if Levy didn’t play his hand, Jake would have to turn himself in. And he was willing to bet he wouldn’t survive the night in jail. If BOCTA didn’t get him, Montegna would. Only time would tell. And judging by the dashboard clock, time was running out.

  They left the car at Joe’s signal. “I’ll be right here. Don’t take him too far and don’t try any heroics. Just get him to talk.”

  Jake nodded as he took Sam’s arm. “Remember the plan?”

  Nerves on edge, Sam only nodded as they found the Trans Global gate. “Got it.” She plucked nervously at her shirt. “This thing is uncomfortable.”

  The “thing” she was referring to was a wiretap Joe had made her wear. He would be able to hear every word of their conversation.

  Jake winked. “Hang in there. I’ll be happy to remove it personally when we’re through.” He grinned for her benefit but she didn’t return the smile.

  “Let’s just get this over with.”

  They didn’t have long to wait. A short, balding man came barreling out of the gate. When he spotted them, his eyes narrowed.

  “Where to?”

  “We’ve got a car outside.”

  Levy had the features of a mild-mannered librarian, but Jake wasn’t fooled. He held their lives in his hands. They had to make sure he talked.

  Jake maneuvered so that Levy was between them as they crossed the parking lot. Levy didn’t seem to notice Joe as he drove past them and stopped just before the airport exit.

  “I’m sure you have a lot of questions,” Levy said, as he climbed into the front seat beside Jake.

  “You could say that,” Sam said as she got into the back seat

  Jake gave her a reassuring look. She was strung so tight he was afraid she’d break in half. He needed to keep his cop instincts alert. And in order to do that, he needed her to relax so he wouldn’t be thinking about her.

  Sam gave him a tight smile. “You seem to know everything about me. How?”

  “Since you made it your business to stick your nose into issues that concern me,” Levy said, eyeing the packet of pictures Jake placed on the dashboard.

  Jake played his first cared. “You mean the pictures of Montegna.”

  Levy swore under his breath. “Yeah.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a roll of antacids. He pinched one off and popped it in his mouth.

  Jake slid the pictures over to Levy. “Here. Keep them.”

  Levy nearly smiled. Then Sam added, “We’ve made copies. If anything happens to us, those pictures will turn up again. Along with my signed and notarized statement attesting to what’s happened to me.”

  “That wasn’t very smart.” Levy scowled, thumbing through the pictures.

  “We’re not concerned with being smart,” Jake said. “We’re more interested in staying alive. Now why don’t you fix this mess you’ve dragged Sam into and let us get on with our lives.”

  “It’s not that easy. You don’t know what’s at stake.”

  Sam’s voice was controlled and even. “What is this all about?”

  Levy looked at Jake. “You know Montegna’s record.” It was a statement, not a question. “He’s not someone to screw with.”

  “Last I heard, Montegna was dead,” Jake answered dryly. He checked his rearview mirror. Joe was two cars behind them. The other agents were in the lane next to them.

  “That’s the way he wanted it. He wouldn’t cooperate unless we could set it up for him to disappear.”

  “Why?” Sam asked, leaning over the seat and closer to Levy. Jake suspected she was trying to guarantee that Joe heard every word.

  “Montegna is the key to the largest conspiracy this country’s ever seen.”

  The hair on the back of Jake’s neck stood up. “Don’t tell me, let me guess. This has something to do with UFOs.”

  Levy ignored him and turned his attention to Sam. “Your pictures threatened to destroy BOCTA’s investigation.”

  “How?” Sam asked.

  “Montegna has enough evidence to bring down officials at every level of government From the local beat cop to border patrol to the powers that be in D.C. We’re this close—” he held his pudgy fingers up “—to busting them all.”

  Jake glanced at him. “For what?”

  “You name it.” Levy shrugged, sitting back in his chair. “Drugs, guns, mercenary armies. Organized prostitution, gambling, money laundering, illegal government contributions—the works.”

  “What does that have to do with me?” Sam asked.

  Levy went on as if she hadn’t spoken. “There are enough crooked officials in his records to fill a prison. And I’m going to bring every last one of ‘em down.” He sighed. “But Montegna’s cooperation came at a price.”

  Jake exchanged glances with Sam. “What price?”

  “His freedom.”

  “You faked his death and intend to let him get off,” Jake said.

  Levy nodded. “We needed time. He had ten years’ worth of information that had to be sorted, examined, verified.” Levy smacked the pictures for emphasis. “The cartel tried to have him assassinated twice in the first month we had him in custody. He never would have survived to stand trial. We made it look like one of the attempts succeeded.”

  “So it was a setup,” Sam said almost to herself.

  “I knew it wasn’t a good idea to take him to the courthouse. But he had one more deposition to give and wanted one last chance to thumb his nose at the system before he left the country. He’d been undercover for a year and I made sure no one knew anything.” He turned and glared at Sam. “Then you and your damned camera showed up and threatened to ruin everything I’d worked for.”

  The pieces were starting to click into place for Jake. “Who arranged for Sam’s stay at the hospital?”

  For the first time since they’d picked him up, Levy looked uncomfortable. “That was a mistake.”

  “Who put her there?” Jake demanded.

  “I did.”

  Chapter 19

  “You bastard.” Sam clenched her fists in her lap. “How could you do that to me?”

  “I did what I thought was necessary.”

  Jake reached across and grabbed Levy by his tie. “If I were you. I’d explain that comment in a hurry. I think I’d really enjoy making a bloody mess of your face.”

  Sweat beaded across Levy’s brow and his features didn’t relax until Jake released him. He turned to look at Sam. “I told you, that was a mistake. I only intended to get you out of the way for a little while. Montegna wanted blood. You were as good as dead on the street.”

  Sam willed the man to look her in the eye, to see what he’d done to her. “I was as good as dead in that hospital. Why did you leave me there?”

  “We use it as a safe house for witnesses. You were an unknown commodity. We had to keep you under control.” Levy waved his hand in the air. “I couldn’t get you out I had a dead agent on our hands and everyone asking questions.”

  “Montegna killed the federal agent?” Jake asked.

  “No, Montegna has a couple of very loyal men that split with the cartel when he was bro
ught in. I sent Moreno over to your hotel to clear up this mess but Montegna didn’t trust me,” Levy said. “He sent one of his men over to take care of you. Moreno had orders to get you the hell out of there.”

  “If that’s supposed to make me feel better, it doesn’t,” Sam said.

  Levy shrugged. “You weren’t supposed to get involved. But Montegna’s boy had his orders. He killed Moreno.”

  “Why didn’t he kill me?” Sam asked quietly.

  “Montegna wanted the film. He was convinced I was trying to double-cross him. His boy was supposed to bring you to Montegna but I guess he couldn’t get you out of the hotel without witnesses.” Levy ran a hand over his perspiring forehead. “Montegna was livid.”

  “So you locked me up at that hospital for my own protection?”

  “Exactly. When Montegna learned you’d escaped, he sent his men after you again.” Levy pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Manning was supposed to keep an eye on you, make sure Montegna’s boys didn’t get too close.”

  “Problem was, he got too close to us,” Jake said.

  “You screwed up when you took out Manning.”

  “At least he’s alive,” Jake repeated. “That’s more than I can say for Moreno or Greg Tilton.”

  “Montegna’s a loose cannon, unpredictable,” Levy said, his voice losing some of its power. “I’ve had men watching him around the clock for a year now. But we’re almost finished with him.”

  “It was Montegna’s goons who killed the people at the diner,” Jake said.

  “What a bloodbath.” Levy thumbed another antacid out of the roll and popped it into his mouth

  “A friend of mine died there.” Sam could feel the tension radiating from Jake—so potent it must be in every fiber of his body. He clenched the steering wheel tighter. “And you framed me for that bloodbath,” he growled.

  “I’m sorry about Tilton, but it couldn’t be helped. If I’d fingered Montegna, he wouldn’t have trusted me. He’s not someone I want to make an enemy of.” Levy edged closer to the door. “I needed a fall guy.”

  “What you’re saying is that you’re willing to do anything to keep your little pigeon happy,” Jake said, making a U-turn back toward the airport.

  Sam felt the wire against her chest and hoped Joe would have enough information to use against Levy “How did Montegna find us at the diner?”

  “Montegna’s smart. Too smart. As soon as the call came in that the woman was missing, Montegna knew. He may be dead to the world, but his men still use his connections. When Cavanaugh called Tilton at the police station, Montegna’s men had no problem tracking you.”

  “And you’ve been after us ever since.” Jake’s voice was hard, cold.

  “It’s for your own protection. I have to do whatever it takes to keep this operation running. You were a hassle I didn’t need. In the great scheme of things, you’re expendable.”

  Sam pressed her hands against her knees to keep them from shaking. “If we’re expendable, why haven’t you killed us yet?”

  “I don’t want you dead, I just want you out of the way until this is over.”

  “And then what? You’ll clear my name, give Sam back her life?”

  “You don’t get it, do you?” Levy pounded his fist on the dashboard. “This is bigger than either of you. I tried to keep you out of it, but you’ve made that impossible.”

  “Well, we’re out of it now,” Jake said. “I think the press might be interested in hearing what’s going on behind closed doors.”

  “You aren’t going to the press. You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “You’ve kept me prisoner long enough, Mr. Levy,” Sam said.

  “Montegna is after you. He’ll hunt you down like animals unless you let me help you. I can put you into the Witness Protection Program,” Levy said. “You’ll have new names, new identities Montegna won’t be able to touch you. Believe me, it’s a far more generous offer than the one you’re likely to get from him.”

  Jake turned back into the airport parking lot. Sam didn’t dare look over her shoulder, but she hoped Joe was right behind them.

  “Take your generous offer and shove it.”

  Levy glared at Jake. “Maybe you shouldn’t be making decisions for the lady.”

  “I’ll take my chances with Montegna,” Sam said. “At least I know what to expect from him.”

  Jake had pulled up to the curb, but Levy didn’t seem to notice. His face flushed angrily as he turned to look at Sam. “You’re going to trust this washed-up cop over me? The only difference between him and Montegna is that Montegna knows better than to bite the hand that feeds him.”

  “Watch it, Levy. Or I’ll show you just what I’m capable of,” Jake warned.

  Levy tucked the pictures into his jacket pocket. “Fine. It’s your funeral.” He got out of the car just as Joe Lafferty walked up.

  “George Levy, you’re under arrest.”

  Sam and Jake got out of the car.

  “What the hell is this all about?”

  “It’s about abuse of power and corruption,” Jake said.

  Joe handcuffed Levy. “We heard every word, Levy. Your little game is over.”

  “You can’t touch me.” Levy shook his head slowly. “But there’s something you should know before you celebrate.”

  “What?” Sam asked, her skin crawling as he looked at her, his eyes small and evil.

  “Montegna managed to slip by us last night. He’s out of my control.” He smiled. “And he’s after you.”

  Sam didn’t think about it. She simply did what she’d wanted to do since Levy had gotten into the car. She pulled back her fist and slugged him.

  Joe waved the other two agents off and grinned. “Well, that was fun.”

  “Thanks for your help, Joe.” Jake shook his hand. “Am I off the hook?”

  Joe nodded. “We’ll want you for questioning. But I think we have enough proof to clear you.” He frowned. “But I don’t like the idea of you two out on your own. Montegna is crafty. He’ll find you.”

  “What should we do?” Sam asked, rubbing her fingers over her sore knuckles It had felt good to hit Levy, but her hand was starting to swell.

  “I’d like to put you into protective custody.” At Jake’s protest, Joe held up his hands. “Just for a couple of days, until we can flush Montegna out.”

  “I can take care of myself,” Jake said.

  “You’re not a cop anymore, Jake. Let us do our job.”

  “It makes sense, Jake,” Sam added. She knew he didn’t want to be held captive, even for his own protection. She felt the same way. But this time it was different. This time, it was her decision.

  Jake nodded. “All right. Just for a couple of days. But we have to go back to Sherry’s to get our stuff. And my dog.”

  “Fine. Meet me back at my office. I’ll give Sherry a call and let her know what’s going on.”

  Joe left them and they got into the car. Once they were coasting down the highway toward Sherry’s house, Sam unbuttoned her blouse and removed the wire, wincing as the tape pulled away from her skin.

  “Where’d you learn to throw a punch like that?”

  Sam managed a grin. “Boxing class.”


  “Yeah. Self-defense for a single woman in New York.”

  Jake shook his head. “You never fail to amaze me.”

  “Thanks ” The warm glow of his praise washed over her. The words I love you were on her lips, but she held back. They were so close to being out of this. Soon enough, they’d part ways. Would her confession make any difference?

  “Are you sure you want to go along with this protectivecustody idea?”

  Sam shrugged. “What choice do we have?

  “We’ve done all right for ourselves so far. I trust Joe, but he’s still FBI. There’re no guarantees they’ll be able to do any better a job of protecting us from Montegna than we can. But if Montegna is out there, we nee
d to get out of Dodge.”

  Sam knew what he was thinking. Montegna wouldn’t discriminate when it came to seeking his revenge. Levy might tell Montegna where to find them. Sherry and Emily would be in his path if he got this far. She shivered. Whatever happened to her, she wasn’t going to risk anyone else’s life.

  “I trust you more than I trust Joe,” Sam said finally. “I’ll go along with whatever you want to do.”

  “All right.”

  They drove into Sherry’s neighborhood, the streets empty this early in the afternoon. The car coasted to a stop in front of the house. Jake shut off the engine and turned to her. She didn’t like what she saw in his eyes.

  “What?” she asked, not at all sure she wanted to hear the answer.

  “I want you to leave the country.”

  “Us, you mean,” she said stubbornly.

  He shook his head. “No.” When she turned her head, he reached over and took her hands. He pulled her around to face him. “Listen to me, Sam. It’s the best way. It’s the only way to protect you.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll stay here and work with Joe. We’ll catch Montegna and you’ll be safe.”

  Sam pulled away from him, angry and hurt. “You said we’d stick together.”

  “That was before I knew the score. You’ll be safer out of the country.”

  “Even if I wanted to leave, which I don’t, how would I? I don’t have a passport or any identification, for that matter. I don’t have a dime to my name,” she argued.

  “I can get Brian or Mac to fly you to the islands. I have contacts who can forge your credentials. You can go anywhere in the world.” He paused until she looked over at him.

  “No, Jake! I’m not leaving you behind to get killed.”

  “Please, Sam—”

  “Don’t ask this of me,” she interrupted. “I don’t want to lose you. We’ve come too far. I—I care about you.”

  She’d been ready to say she loved him, but the words stuck in her throat. She didn’t know why he couldn’t see it in her eyes. Last night she’d vowed she wouldn’t tell him until after this was over, if then. But the thought of leaving him to the mercy of Montegna forced the truth to the surface.


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